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Line 166: -- UPDATE pa_cost_distribution_lines_all statement:

164: --
165: -- 20-MAY-2003 jwhite For r11i.PA.L Burdening Enhancements, modified the
166: -- UPDATE pa_cost_distribution_lines_all statement:
167: --
168: -- Code like the following:
169: -- AND cdl.line_type = 'R'
170: -- was replaced with the following:

Line 197: UPDATE pa_cost_distribution_lines_all SET

193: tot_recs_processed := 0;
195: LOOP
197: UPDATE pa_cost_distribution_lines_all SET
198: resource_accumulated_flag = 'N'
199: WHERE project_id = x_start_project_id AND
200: (line_type = 'R' OR line_type = 'I') AND
201: resource_accumulated_flag <> 'N' AND

Line 2771: /* Bug# 10371758 - quantity from pa_cost_distribution_lines_all is selected as

2768: /* Bug# 1770772 - Breaking the cursor into two and call/open it conditionally based on x_mode parameter
2769: to eliminate the decode on resource_accumulated_Flag and hence use index usage
2770: */
2771: /* Bug# 10371758 - quantity from pa_cost_distribution_lines_all is selected as
2772: NVL(cdl.quantity,0) for 'I' lines also.This is modified as
2773: DECODE( DECODE(et.unit_of_measure, NULL, ei.unit_of_measure, et.unit_of_measure),'HOURS',
2774: DECODE(line_type, 'I', 0, NVL(cdl.quantity,0)),0) quantity.
2775: And also billable quantity is modified as

Line 2816: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl

2812: FROM
2813: pa_expenditures_all pe,
2814: pa_expenditure_types et,
2815: pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
2816: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
2817: WHERE
2818: cdl.project_id = x_start_project_id -- BETWEEN x_start_project_id AND x_end_project_id
2819: AND cdl.line_type = x_cdl_line_type
2820: AND cdl.resource_accumulated_flag = 'N'

Line 2832: /* Bug# 10371758 - quantity from pa_cost_distribution_lines_all is selected as

2828: NVL(x_system_linkage_function,ei.system_linkage_function)
2829: AND TRUNC(cdl.pa_date) BETWEEN x_start_pa_date AND x_end_pa_date;
2832: /* Bug# 10371758 - quantity from pa_cost_distribution_lines_all is selected as
2833: NVL(cdl.quantity,0) for 'I' lines also.This is modified as
2834: DECODE( DECODE(et.unit_of_measure, NULL, ei.unit_of_measure, et.unit_of_measure),'HOURS',
2835: DECODE(line_type, 'I', 0, NVL(cdl.quantity,0)),0) quantity.
2836: And also billable quantity is modified as

Line 2876: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl

2872: FROM
2873: pa_expenditures_all pe,
2874: pa_expenditure_types et,
2875: pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
2876: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
2877: WHERE
2878: -- cdl.project_id BETWEEN x_start_project_id AND x_end_project_id -- Modified for bug 3736097
2879: cdl.project_id = x_start_project_id
2880: AND cdl.line_type = x_cdl_line_type

Line 2907: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl,

2903: gl_date_period_map g,
2904: pa_expenditures_all pe,
2905: pa_expenditure_types et,
2906: pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
2907: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl,
2908: pa_implementations pi,
2909: gl_sets_of_books sob
2910: WHERE
2911: -- cdl.project_id BETWEEN x_start_project_id AND x_end_project_id -- Modified for bug 3736097

Line 3086: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all

3083: --- Update the CDL.Resource_accumulated_flag = 'Y' Now
3084: /*
3085: UPDATE
3086: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all
3087: SET
3088: resource_accumulated_flag = 'Y'
3089: WHERE
3090: ROWID = cdlrec.cdlrowid;

Line 3127: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all

3123: x_err_code);
3125: FORALL i in 1 .. cdlrowid_tb1.COUNT
3126: UPDATE
3127: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all
3128: SET
3129: resource_accumulated_flag = 'Y'
3130: WHERE
3131: ROWID = cdlrowid_tb1(i);