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Line 146: if(p_application_id <> ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId) then

142: --
143: Begin
144: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,10);
145: --
146: if(p_application_id <> ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId) then
147: open csr_application;
148: fetch csr_application into l_key;
149: if(csr_application%notfound) then
150: fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'AME_400474_INV_APPLICATION_ID');

Line 255: and application_id = ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId;

251: cursor csr_var_name(p_var_name varchar2) is
252: select 'Y'
253: from ame_config_vars
254: where variable_name = p_var_name
255: and application_id = ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId;
256: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package || 'CHK_VARIABLE_NAME';
257: l_key varchar2(1);
258: --
259: Begin

Line 725: if(p_application_id <> ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId) then

721: (p_check_column1 => 'AME_CONFIG_VARS.APPLICATION_ID')) then
722: --
723: -- Check if the varible name is already defined for the application.
724: --
725: if(p_application_id <> ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId) then
726: --
727: -- Check if a non-overridable config variable has been overridden.
728: --
729: if p_variable_name in ('distributedEnvironment'