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Line 36: ro_serial_number csd_repairs.serial_number%type ,

32: transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
33: subinventory rcv_transactions.subinventory%type,
34: locator_id rcv_transactions.locator_id%type,
35: transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%type,
36: ro_serial_number csd_repairs.serial_number%type ,
37: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
38: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
39: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
40: product_transaction_id csd_product_transactions.product_transaction_id%type,

Line 37: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,

33: subinventory rcv_transactions.subinventory%type,
34: locator_id rcv_transactions.locator_id%type,
35: transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%type,
36: ro_serial_number csd_repairs.serial_number%type ,
37: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
38: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
39: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
40: product_transaction_id csd_product_transactions.product_transaction_id%type,
41: repair_line_id csd_product_transactions.repair_line_id%type,

Line 38: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,

34: locator_id rcv_transactions.locator_id%type,
35: transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%type,
36: ro_serial_number csd_repairs.serial_number%type ,
37: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
38: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
39: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
40: product_transaction_id csd_product_transactions.product_transaction_id%type,
41: repair_line_id csd_product_transactions.repair_line_id%type,
42: action_code csd_product_transactions.action_code%type,

Line 39: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,

35: transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%type,
36: ro_serial_number csd_repairs.serial_number%type ,
37: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
38: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
39: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
40: product_transaction_id csd_product_transactions.product_transaction_id%type,
41: repair_line_id csd_product_transactions.repair_line_id%type,
42: action_code csd_product_transactions.action_code%type,
43: action_type csd_product_transactions.action_type%type, --bug#10099900

Line 62: ro_qty csd_repairs.quantity%type,

58: order_line_id csd_product_transactions.ORDER_LINE_ID%type,
59: req_header_id csd_product_transactions.REQ_HEADER_ID%type,
60: req_line_id csd_product_transactions.REPAIR_LINE_ID%type,
61: prod_txn_rcvd_qty csd_product_transactions.quantity_received%type,
62: ro_qty csd_repairs.quantity%type,
63: ro_rcvd_qty csd_repairs.quantity_rcvd%type,
64: inventory_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type,
65: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
66: requisition_number po_requisition_headers_all.segment1%type,

Line 63: ro_rcvd_qty csd_repairs.quantity_rcvd%type,

59: req_header_id csd_product_transactions.REQ_HEADER_ID%type,
60: req_line_id csd_product_transactions.REPAIR_LINE_ID%type,
61: prod_txn_rcvd_qty csd_product_transactions.quantity_received%type,
62: ro_qty csd_repairs.quantity%type,
63: ro_rcvd_qty csd_repairs.quantity_rcvd%type,
64: inventory_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type,
65: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
66: requisition_number po_requisition_headers_all.segment1%type,
67: ordered_quantity oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity%type,

Line 64: inventory_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type,

60: req_line_id csd_product_transactions.REPAIR_LINE_ID%type,
61: prod_txn_rcvd_qty csd_product_transactions.quantity_received%type,
62: ro_qty csd_repairs.quantity%type,
63: ro_rcvd_qty csd_repairs.quantity_rcvd%type,
64: inventory_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type,
65: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
66: requisition_number po_requisition_headers_all.segment1%type,
67: ordered_quantity oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity%type,
68: order_number oe_order_headers_all.order_number%type

Line 65: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,

61: prod_txn_rcvd_qty csd_product_transactions.quantity_received%type,
62: ro_qty csd_repairs.quantity%type,
63: ro_rcvd_qty csd_repairs.quantity_rcvd%type,
64: inventory_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type,
65: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type,
66: requisition_number po_requisition_headers_all.segment1%type,
67: ordered_quantity oe_order_lines_all.ordered_quantity%type,
68: order_number oe_order_headers_all.order_number%type
69: );

Line 90: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,

86: released_status wsh_delivery_details.released_status%type, --bug#14657082 --bug#15859195
87: order_line_number oe_order_lines_all.line_number%type ,
88: date_shipped oe_order_lines_all.actual_shipment_date%type ,
89: line_id oe_order_lines_all.line_id%type , --Bug#6779806
90: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
91: repair_line_id csd_repairs.repair_line_id%type,
92: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type ,
93: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
94: estimate_quantity cs_estimate_details.quantity_required%type ,

Line 91: repair_line_id csd_repairs.repair_line_id%type,

87: order_line_number oe_order_lines_all.line_number%type ,
88: date_shipped oe_order_lines_all.actual_shipment_date%type ,
89: line_id oe_order_lines_all.line_id%type , --Bug#6779806
90: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
91: repair_line_id csd_repairs.repair_line_id%type,
92: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type ,
93: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
94: estimate_quantity cs_estimate_details.quantity_required%type ,
95: prod_txn_serial_num csd_product_transactions.source_serial_number%type ,

Line 92: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type ,

88: date_shipped oe_order_lines_all.actual_shipment_date%type ,
89: line_id oe_order_lines_all.line_id%type , --Bug#6779806
90: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
91: repair_line_id csd_repairs.repair_line_id%type,
92: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type ,
93: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
94: estimate_quantity cs_estimate_details.quantity_required%type ,
95: prod_txn_serial_num csd_product_transactions.source_serial_number%type ,
96: source_instance_id csd_product_transactions.source_instance_id%type,

Line 93: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,

89: line_id oe_order_lines_all.line_id%type , --Bug#6779806
90: repair_number csd_repairs.repair_number%type,
91: repair_line_id csd_repairs.repair_line_id%type,
92: ro_uom csd_repairs.unit_of_measure%type ,
93: ro_item_id csd_repairs.inventory_item_id%type ,
94: estimate_quantity cs_estimate_details.quantity_required%type ,
95: prod_txn_serial_num csd_product_transactions.source_serial_number%type ,
96: source_instance_id csd_product_transactions.source_instance_id%type,
97: product_transaction_id csd_product_transactions.product_transaction_id%type,

Line 142: repair_number CSD_REPAIRS.repair_number%type,

138: repair_line_id CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.repair_line_id%type,
139: allocated_comp_qty CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.quantity_completed%type ,
140: allocated_job_qty CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.quantity%type ,
141: organization_id CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.organization_id%type,
142: repair_number CSD_REPAIRS.repair_number%type,
143: promise_date CSD_REPAIRS.promise_date%type,
144: ro_serial_num CSD_REPAIRS.serial_number%type ,
145: ro_item_id CSD_REPAIRS.inventory_item_id%type ,
146: job_completed_qty WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.quantity_completed%type ,

Line 143: promise_date CSD_REPAIRS.promise_date%type,

139: allocated_comp_qty CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.quantity_completed%type ,
140: allocated_job_qty CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.quantity%type ,
141: organization_id CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.organization_id%type,
142: repair_number CSD_REPAIRS.repair_number%type,
143: promise_date CSD_REPAIRS.promise_date%type,
144: ro_serial_num CSD_REPAIRS.serial_number%type ,
145: ro_item_id CSD_REPAIRS.inventory_item_id%type ,
146: job_completed_qty WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.quantity_completed%type ,
147: job_qty WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.start_quantity%type ,

Line 144: ro_serial_num CSD_REPAIRS.serial_number%type ,

140: allocated_job_qty CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.quantity%type ,
141: organization_id CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.organization_id%type,
142: repair_number CSD_REPAIRS.repair_number%type,
143: promise_date CSD_REPAIRS.promise_date%type,
144: ro_serial_num CSD_REPAIRS.serial_number%type ,
145: ro_item_id CSD_REPAIRS.inventory_item_id%type ,
146: job_completed_qty WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.quantity_completed%type ,
147: job_qty WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.start_quantity%type ,
148: date_completed WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.date_completed%type,

Line 145: ro_item_id CSD_REPAIRS.inventory_item_id%type ,

141: organization_id CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF.organization_id%type,
142: repair_number CSD_REPAIRS.repair_number%type,
143: promise_date CSD_REPAIRS.promise_date%type,
144: ro_serial_num CSD_REPAIRS.serial_number%type ,
145: ro_item_id CSD_REPAIRS.inventory_item_id%type ,
146: job_completed_qty WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.quantity_completed%type ,
147: job_qty WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.start_quantity%type ,
148: date_completed WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.date_completed%type,
149: job_item_id WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS.primary_item_id%type,

Line 751: CSD_REPAIRS cra,

747: wdj.primary_item_id job_item_id,
748: we.wip_entity_name,
749: mtl.serial_number_control_code
750: from CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF crj,
751: CSD_REPAIRS cra,
755: where wdj.wip_entity_id = crj.wip_entity_id

Line 787: CSD_REPAIRS cra,

783: wdj.primary_item_id job_item_id,
784: we.wip_entity_name,
785: mtl.serial_number_control_code
786: from CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF crj,
787: CSD_REPAIRS cra,
791: where wdj.wip_entity_id = crj.wip_entity_id

Line 1078: from csd_repairs cra,

1074: where crh.repair_line_id = crj.repair_line_id
1075: and crj.wip_entity_id = JOB.wip_entity_id
1076: and crh.event_code = 'JC')
1077: and mut.serial_number not in (Select cra.serial_number
1078: from csd_repairs cra,
1079: csd_repair_job_xref crj
1080: where cra.repair_line_id = crj.repair_line_id
1081: and crj.wip_entity_id = JOB.wip_entity_id
1082: and cra.serial_number is not null)

Line 1631: -- Also it updates the quantity_in_wip in the csd_repairs with Job start quantity

1628: -- When Jobs are created from the UI, a record is inserted in csd_repair_job_xref
1629: -- with the job name. Once the WIP Job is created in wip_discrete_jobs
1630: -- then the update program will find the wip_entity_id and update it.
1631: -- Also it updates the quantity_in_wip in the csd_repairs with Job start quantity
1632: --
1633: -- When the WIP Job is submitted from the UI, the record would look as follows:
1635: -- Repair Job Repair Order Allocated Qty Job Name Job Qty Wip_entity_ID

Line 1731: Update csd_repairs

1728: End IF;
1730: -- Updating repair order with the Job allocated qty
1731: Update csd_repairs
1732: set quantity_in_wip = NVL(quantity_in_wip,0) + K.allocated_job_qty,
1733: last_update_date = sysdate,
1734: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1735: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,

Line 2002: csd_repairs_util.auto_update_ro_status(

1999: -- bug#7497790, 12.1 FP, subhat.
2000: -- automatically update RO status when item is received.
2001: -- dont show any error messages. Pass p_validation_level = fnd_api.g_valid_level_full to receive messages.
2002: csd_repairs_util.auto_update_ro_status(
2003: p_api_version => 1,
2004: p_commit => p_commit,
2005: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE, -- swai: bug 12547701 do not clear msg stack
2006: p_repair_line_id => p_repair_line_id,

Line 2206: csd_repairs cra,

2202: ced.order_line_id est_order_line_id,
2203: ced.inventory_item_id prod_txn_item_id
2204: FROM csd_product_transactions cpt,
2205: cs_estimate_details ced,
2206: csd_repairs cra,
2207: rcv_transactions rcvt,
2208: oe_order_headers_all oeh,
2209: oe_order_lines_all oel,
2210: hr_all_organization_units haou

Line 2284: csd_repairs cra,

2280: ced.order_line_id est_order_line_id,
2281: ced.inventory_item_id prod_txn_item_id
2282: FROM csd_product_transactions cpt,
2283: cs_estimate_details ced,
2284: csd_repairs cra,
2285: rcv_transactions rcvt,
2286: oe_order_headers_all oeh,
2287: oe_order_lines_all oel,
2288: hr_all_organization_units haou

Line 2356: csd_repairs cra,

2352: abs(ced.quantity_required) estimate_quantity,
2353: ced.order_line_id est_order_line_id,
2354: ced.inventory_item_id prod_txn_item_id
2355: FROM hr_all_organization_units haou,
2356: csd_repairs cra,
2357: oe_order_headers_all oeh,
2358: oe_order_lines_all oel,
2359: rcv_transactions rcvt,
2360: cs_estimate_details ced,

Line 2404: FROM csd_repairs cra,

2401: --- cursor for Cancelled orders...
2402: CURSOR Cur_Cancelled_repair_lines IS
2404: FROM csd_repairs cra,
2405: cs_estimate_details ced,
2406: csd_product_transactions cpt
2407: WHERE cpt.action_type in ('RMA', 'RMA_THIRD_PTY')
2408: AND cpt.prod_txn_status in ( 'BOOKED', 'SUBMITTED')

Line 2893: -- Update csd_repairs only if the action code is

2889: l_result_quantity := NVL(i.received_quantity,0);
2890: END IF;
2891: Debug('l_result_quantity='||TO_CHAR(l_result_quantity),l_mod_name,1);
2893: -- Update csd_repairs only if the action code is
2894: -- cust_prod or exchange ----bug#10099900
2895: IF (I.action_code in ( 'CUST_PROD','EXCHANGE') and I.action_type in ('RMA')) then
2897: IF I.ro_item_id = I.inventory_item_id THEN

Line 2900: update csd_repairs

2897: IF I.ro_item_id = I.inventory_item_id THEN
2898: -- Update the serial num and instance id if the item on ro
2899: -- is same as prod txn
2900: update csd_repairs
2901: set quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0)+ l_result_quantity,
2902: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
2903: customer_product_id = l_instance_id,
2904: serial_number = l_st_serial_num,

Line 2925: update csd_repairs

2922: ELSE
2923: -- Update the qty if the item on ro
2924: -- is not same as prod txn
2925: update csd_repairs
2926: set quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0)+ l_result_quantity,
2927: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
2928: last_update_date = sysdate,
2929: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

Line 3052: FROM csd_repairs cr, csd_repair_types_b crtb,cs_incidents_all_b cs

3048: SELECT crtb.res_dt_calc_point,crtb.business_process_id,
3049: cs.incident_severity_id,cr.contract_line_id
3050: INTO l_resolve_date_calc_at,l_business_process_id,l_severity_id,
3051: l_contract_line_id
3052: FROM csd_repairs cr, csd_repair_types_b crtb,cs_incidents_all_b cs
3053: WHERE cr.repair_line_id = i.repair_line_id
3054: AND cr.repair_type_id = crtb.repair_type_id
3055: AND cr.incident_id = cs.incident_id;

Line 3060: csd_repairs_util.get_contract_resolve_by_date(

3057: IF l_resolve_date_calc_at = 'RMA_RECEIPT' AND l_contract_line_id IS NOT NULL
3058: THEN
3059: -- get resolve by date
3060: csd_repairs_util.get_contract_resolve_by_date(
3061: p_contract_line_id => l_contract_line_id,
3062: p_bus_proc_id => l_business_process_id,
3063: p_severity_id => l_severity_id,
3064: p_request_date => i.received_date,

Line 3080: UPDATE csd_repairs SET resolve_by_date = x_resolve_by_date

3076: -- we dont need a NVL for x_resolve_by_date or comparision with FND_API.g_miss_date.
3077: -- in case the get_contract_resolve_by_date errors out, it should not corrupt the out
3078: -- variable.
3080: UPDATE csd_repairs SET resolve_by_date = x_resolve_by_date
3081: WHERE repair_line_id = i.repair_line_id;
3082: END IF;
3083: END IF;
3084: END IF;

Line 3305: csd_repairs cra,

3301: prh.segment1 requisition_number,
3302: oel.ordered_quantity,
3303: oeh.order_number
3304: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
3305: csd_repairs cra,
3306: po_requisition_headers_all prh,
3307: oe_order_lines_all oel,
3308: oe_order_headers_all oeh
3309: where cpt.repair_line_id = cra.repair_line_id

Line 3341: csd_repairs cra,

3337: prh.segment1 requisition_number,
3338: oel.ordered_quantity,
3339: oeh.order_number
3340: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
3341: csd_repairs cra,
3342: po_requisition_headers_all prh,
3343: oe_order_lines_all oel,
3344: oe_order_headers_all oeh
3345: where cpt.repair_line_id = cra.repair_line_id

Line 3685: from csd_repairs cra,

3681: from rcv_serial_transactions rcvt
3682: where rcvt.transaction_id = DEL.transaction_id
3683: and rownum = 1
3684: and not exists (Select 'NOT EXIST'
3685: from csd_repairs cra,
3686: csd_product_transactions cpt
3687: where cra.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
3688: and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_IN'
3689: and cpt.order_header_id = ro.order_header_id


3790: Debug('l_rcvd_qty : '||l_rcvd_qty,l_mod_name,1);
3792: -- Update the serial number on repair order
3793: -- with the rcvd serial number
3795: SET SERIAL_NUMBER = l_serial_num,
3796: quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0) + l_rcvd_qty,
3797: customer_product_id = l_instance_id,
3798: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,

Line 4053: from csd_repairs cra,

4049: from rcv_serial_transactions rcvt
4050: where rcvt.transaction_id = DEL.transaction_id
4051: and rownum = 1
4052: and not exists (Select 'NOT EXIST'
4053: from csd_repairs cra,
4054: csd_product_transactions cpt
4055: where cra.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
4056: and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_IN'
4057: and cpt.order_header_id = ro.order_header_id


4158: Debug('l_rcvd_qty : '||l_rcvd_qty,l_mod_name,1);
4160: -- Update the serial number on repair order
4161: -- with the rcvd serial number
4163: SET SERIAL_NUMBER = l_serial_num,
4164: quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0) + l_rcvd_qty,
4165: customer_product_id = l_instance_id,
4166: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,

Line 4330: from csd_repairs cra,

4326: from rcv_serial_transactions rcvt
4327: where rcvt.transaction_id = RCV.transaction_id
4328: and rownum = 1
4329: and not exists (Select 'NOT EXIST'
4330: from csd_repairs cra,
4331: csd_product_transactions cpt
4332: where cra.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
4333: and cpt.order_header_id = ro.order_header_id
4334: and cra.serial_number = rcvt.serial_num);


4433: Debug('l_rcvd_qty'||l_rcvd_qty,l_mod_name,1);
4435: -- Update repair order with the rcvd serial number
4436: -- and the rcvd qty
4438: SET SERIAL_NUMBER = l_serial_num,
4439: quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0) + l_rcvd_qty,
4440: customer_product_id = l_instance_id,
4441: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,

Line 4719: csd_repairs cra,

4715: prh.segment1 requisition_number,
4716: oel.ordered_quantity,
4717: oeh.order_number
4718: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
4719: csd_repairs cra,
4720: po_requisition_headers_all prh,
4721: oe_order_lines_all oel,
4722: oe_order_headers_all oeh
4723: where cpt.repair_line_id = cra.repair_line_id

Line 4755: csd_repairs cra,

4751: prh.segment1 requisition_number,
4752: oel.ordered_quantity,
4753: oeh.order_number
4754: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
4755: csd_repairs cra,
4756: po_requisition_headers_all prh,
4757: oe_order_lines_all oel,
4758: oe_order_headers_all oeh
4759: where cpt.repair_line_id = cra.repair_line_id

Line 5101: from csd_repairs cra,

5097: from rcv_serial_transactions rcvt
5098: where rcvt.transaction_id = DEL.transaction_id
5099: and rownum = 1
5100: and not exists (Select 'NOT EXIST'
5101: from csd_repairs cra,
5102: csd_product_transactions cpt
5103: where cra.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
5104: and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'
5105: and cpt.order_header_id = ro.order_header_id


5211: RO. Move out line should not change the serial and instance number of RO
5212: so commenting the below query
5213: */
5214: /*
5216: SET SERIAL_NUMBER = l_serial_num,
5217: quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0) + l_rcvd_qty,
5218: customer_product_id = l_instance_id,
5219: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,

Line 5474: from csd_repairs cra,

5470: from rcv_serial_transactions rcvt
5471: where rcvt.transaction_id = DEL.transaction_id
5472: and rownum = 1
5473: and not exists (Select 'NOT EXIST'
5474: from csd_repairs cra,
5475: csd_product_transactions cpt
5476: where cra.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
5477: and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'
5478: and cpt.order_header_id = ro.order_header_id


5584: RO. Move out line should not change the serial and instance number of RO
5585: so commenting the below query
5586: */
5587: /*
5589: SET SERIAL_NUMBER = l_serial_num,
5590: quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0) + l_rcvd_qty,
5591: customer_product_id = l_instance_id,
5592: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,

Line 5764: -- from csd_repairs cra,

5760: --This code (condition) should not be here. I am not sure why we are checking
5761: --the serial number in the production transaction table. After commented this
5762: --condition, it worked for the customer.
5763: -- and not exists (Select 'NOT EXIST'
5764: -- from csd_repairs cra,
5765: -- csd_product_transactions cpt
5766: -- where cra.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
5767: -- and cpt.order_header_id = ro.order_header_id
5768: -- and cra.serial_number = rcvt.serial_num);


5872: RO. Move out line should not change the serial and instance number of RO
5873: so commenting the below query
5874: */
5875: /*
5877: SET SERIAL_NUMBER = l_serial_num,
5878: quantity_rcvd = nvl(quantity_rcvd,0) + l_rcvd_qty,
5879: customer_product_id = l_instance_id,
5880: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,

Line 6384: csd_repairs cra,

6380: hao.name org_name
6381: from
6382: csd_product_transactions cpt,
6383: cs_estimate_details ced,
6384: csd_repairs cra,
6385: wsh_delivery_details dd ,
6386: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
6387: --Changed to view from table, bug: 4341784
6388: wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,

Line 6461: csd_repairs cra,

6457: hao.name org_name
6458: from
6459: csd_product_transactions cpt,
6460: cs_estimate_details ced,
6461: csd_repairs cra,
6462: wsh_delivery_details dd ,
6463: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
6464: --Changed to view from table, bug: 4341784
6465: wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,

Line 6546: csd_repairs cra,

6542: hao.name org_name
6543: from
6544: csd_product_transactions cpt,
6545: cs_estimate_details ced,
6546: csd_repairs cra,
6547: wsh_delivery_details dd ,
6548: wsh_serial_numbers dsn,--Added to fix 3801614
6549: --Changed to view from table, bug: 4341784
6550: wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,

Line 6586: FROM csd_repairs cra,

6583: --- cursor for Cancelled orders...
6584: CURSOR Cur_Cancelled_repair_lines IS
6586: FROM csd_repairs cra,
6587: cs_estimate_details ced,
6588: csd_product_transactions cpt
6589: WHERE cpt.action_type in ('SHIP', 'SHIP_THIRD_PTY')
6590: AND cpt.prod_txn_status in ( 'BOOKED', 'SUBMITTED')

Line 6910: update csd_repairs

6907: -- Update repair orders only for the following action codes
6908: IF I.action_code in ( 'CUST_PROD','EXCHANGE','REPLACEMENT') then
6909: -- Updating the repair order with qty
6910: update csd_repairs
6911: set quantity_shipped = nvl(quantity_shipped,0)+l_result_ship_qty,
6912: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
6913: last_update_date = sysdate,
6914: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

Line 8106: Update csd_repairs

8103: IF DEL.released_status in ('C','I') THEN
8105: -- Updating the repair order with shipped_qty
8106: Update csd_repairs
8107: set quantity_shipped = nvl(quantity_shipped,0) + DEL.shipped_quantity,
8108: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
8109: last_update_date = sysdate,
8110: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

Line 8214: csd_repairs cra

8210: cpt.repair_line_id
8211: into l_prod_txn_id,
8212: l_rep_line_id
8213: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
8214: csd_repairs cra
8215: where cpt.order_header_id = DEL.Header_id
8216: and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'
8217: and cpt.action_code = 'USABLES'
8218: and cpt.prod_txn_status in ('BOOKED', 'RELEASED')

Line 8256: Update csd_repairs

8253: END IF;
8255: -- Updating the repair order with shipped_qty
8256: Update csd_repairs
8257: set quantity_shipped = 1,
8258: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
8259: last_update_date = sysdate,
8260: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

Line 8324: csd_repairs cra

8320: cpt.repair_line_id
8321: into l_prod_txn_id,
8322: l_rep_line_id
8323: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
8324: csd_repairs cra
8325: where cpt.repair_line_id = cra.repair_line_id
8326: and cpt.order_header_id = DEL.header_id
8327: and cpt.source_serial_number is null
8328: and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'

Line 8375: Update csd_repairs

8372: END IF;
8374: -- Updating the repair order with shipped_qty
8375: Update csd_repairs
8376: set quantity_shipped = 1,
8377: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
8378: last_update_date = sysdate,
8379: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

Line 8471: csd_repairs cra

8467: cpt.repair_line_id
8468: into l_prod_txn_id,
8469: l_rep_line_id
8470: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
8471: csd_repairs cra
8472: where cpt.repair_line_id = cra.repair_line_id
8473: and cra.supercession_inv_item_id is null
8474: and cpt.source_serial_number is null
8475: and cra.serial_number = UT.serial_number

Line 8512: Update csd_repairs

8509: END IF;
8511: -- Updating the repair order with shipped_qty
8512: Update csd_repairs
8513: set quantity_shipped = 1,
8514: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
8515: last_update_date = sysdate,
8516: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

Line 8580: csd_repairs cra

8576: cpt.repair_line_id
8577: into l_prod_txn_id,
8578: l_rep_line_id
8579: from csd_product_transactions cpt,
8580: csd_repairs cra
8581: where cpt.repair_line_id = cra.repair_line_id
8582: and cpt.order_header_id = DEL.header_id
8583: and cpt.source_serial_number is null
8584: and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'

Line 8631: Update csd_repairs

8628: END IF;
8630: -- Updating the repair order with shipped_qty
8631: Update csd_repairs
8632: set quantity_shipped = 1,
8633: object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
8634: last_update_date = sysdate,
8635: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

Line 9388: ,csd_repairs rep

9384: ,rep.repair_line_id
9385: --,max(hist.repair_history_id) repair_history_id
9386: from csd_repair_tasks_v tsk
9387: ,csd_repair_history hist
9388: ,csd_repairs rep
9389: where rep.repair_line_id = tsk.source_object_id
9390: and tsk.source_object_id = hist.repair_line_id
9391: and tsk.task_id = hist.paramn1
9392: and ( tsk.task_status_id <> hist.paramn5 or tsk.owner_id <> hist.paramn3)


9949: -- If the return status is error then raise
9950: -- the Business Event
9951: IF NOT(l_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
9954: p_return_status => l_return_status,
9955: p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
9956: p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
9957: p_repair_line_id => l_orig_source_id,