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Line 286: from fnd_concurrent_requests

283: begin
284: select logfile_name, logfile_node_name
285: into fname, node
286: from fnd_concurrent_requests
287: where request_id = id;
288: req_id := id;
289: exception
290: when no_data_found then

Line 310: from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt,

306: select fcr.outfile_name, fcr.outfile_node_name, fmt.mime_type,
307: fcr.save_output_flag, fcr.ofile_size, fmt.file_format_code,
308: fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name
309: into fname, node, mtype, save_out, fsize, ffcode, prog_name,appl_name
310: from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt,
311: fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a
312: where fcr.request_id = id
313: and upper(fcr.output_file_type) = upper(fmt.file_format_code)
314: and fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id

Line 325: * 2) NO - Check for output details in fnd_concurrent_requests with REPRINT request id.

321: * 1) YES - case a. whether it is a REPRINT and REPUBLISH - check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs
322: * case b. Only REPRINT
323: * Check whether the parent program supports republish
324: * 1) YES - Check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs which request id as parent request id.
325: * 2) NO - Check for output details in fnd_concurrent_requests with REPRINT request id.
327: * case a. If the program is layout enabled - check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs
328: * case b. Check for the output details in fnd_concurrent_requests as already done in the above sql.
329: */

Line 328: * case b. Check for the output details in fnd_concurrent_requests as already done in the above sql.

324: * 1) YES - Check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs which request id as parent request id.
325: * 2) NO - Check for output details in fnd_concurrent_requests with REPRINT request id.
327: * case a. If the program is layout enabled - check for output details in fnd_conc_req_outputs
328: * case b. Check for the output details in fnd_concurrent_requests as already done in the above sql.
329: */
331: /* Check whether the program is a FNDREPRINT program */
332: if (prog_name = 'FNDREPRINT' and appl_name ='FND') then

Line 356: from fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr

352: begin
353: /* Find the parent program for the REPRINT request */
354: select fcp.concurrent_program_name, a.application_short_name
355: into prog_name, appl_name
356: from fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
357: where fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
358: and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
359: and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
360: and fcr.request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id);

Line 360: and fcr.request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id);

356: from fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application a, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
357: where fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
358: and fcp.application_id = fcr.program_application_id
359: and fcp.application_id = a.application_id
360: and fcr.request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id);
361: exception
362: when no_data_found then
363: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-REQUEST MISSING');
364: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','FND_WEBFILE.GET_URL');

Line 375: where concurrent_request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id)

371: begin
372: select file_type,file_name,file_node_name,file_size, fmt.mime_type
373: into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
374: from fnd_conc_req_outputs RO, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
375: where concurrent_request_id = (select to_number(argument1) from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=id)
376: and RO.file_type = fmt.file_format_code
377: and rownum = 1;
378: exception
379: when no_data_found then

Line 388: from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt

384: else /* Parent program is not layout enabled*/
385: begin
386: select output_file_type, outfile_name, outfile_node_name, ofile_size, fmt.mime_type
387: into ffcode, fname, node, fsize, mtype
388: from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_mime_types_vl fmt
389: where request_id = id
390: and fcr.output_file_type = fmt.file_format_code
391: and rownum = 1;
392: exception

Line 445: from fnd_concurrent_requests r, fnd_concurrent_processes p

441: begin
442: select p.logfile_name, p.node_name, r.controlling_manager,
443: p.concurrent_process_id
444: into fname, node, controlling_mgr, cpid
445: from fnd_concurrent_requests r, fnd_concurrent_processes p
446: where r.request_id = id
447: and r.controlling_manager = p.concurrent_process_id(+);
448: /* The outer join makes sure that we don't say that the request
449: row is missing, when the manager row is missing. We know that

Line 691: ftype fnd_concurrent_requests.output_file_type%TYPE := NULL;

687: allow_enc varchar2(1);
688: fs_prefix varchar2(254) := NULL;
689: nmptr number;
690: svc varchar2(254) := NULL;
691: ftype fnd_concurrent_requests.output_file_type%TYPE := NULL;
694: begin

Line 713: from fnd_concurrent_requests

709: if (req_id <> 0) then
710: begin
711: select upper(output_file_type)
712: into ftype
713: from fnd_concurrent_requests
714: where request_id = req_id;
715: exception
716: when others then
717: null;