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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

   INSERT INTO po_interface_errors
     FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
     WHERE rti.group_id = p_group_id;
Line: 57

   UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
      SET processing_status_code = 'COMPLETED',
          transaction_status_code = 'ERROR'
    WHERE group_id  = p_group_id;
Line: 107

	SELECT wlh.parent_lpn_id
	     , wlh.inventory_item_id
	     , wlh.revision
	     , wlh.lot_number
	     , wlh.serial_number
	     , wlh.quantity
	     , wlh.uom_code
	     , wlh.organization_id
             , wlh.source_name
	  FROM wms_lpn_histories wlh
	  WHERE wlh.source_header_id = p_group_id;
Line: 162

           UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
              SET lpn_context = 7
            WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 173

           UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
           SET    lpn_context = 6,
                  organization_id = l_organization_id
           WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 178

           UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
           SET    organization_id = l_organization_id
           WHERE  parent_lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 182

           UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
           SET    current_organization_id = l_organization_id,
                  group_mark_id = null,
                  current_subinventory_code = null,
                  current_locator_id = null
           WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 253

	 SELECT from_organization_id
	   , receipt_source_code
	   , source_document_code
	   INTO l_from_organization_id
	   , l_receipt_source_code
	   , l_source_document_code
	   FROM rcv_transactions_interface
	   WHERE group_id = p_group_id
	   AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 272

	     UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
	     SET current_status = Nvl(previous_status, current_status)
	     , group_mark_id = -1
	     , previous_status = NULL
	     WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
	     AND serial_number = l_serial_number
	     AND current_organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 288

	        SELECT serial_number_control_code
	          INTO l_serial_control_at_from_org
	          FROM mtl_system_items
	          WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
	          AND organization_id = l_from_organization_id;
Line: 294

	        -- delete if it is a newly created dynamic serial
	        DELETE mtl_serial_numbers
	          WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
	          AND serial_number = l_serial_number
	          AND current_organization_id = l_organization_id
	          AND previous_status IS NULL;
Line: 304

	     UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
	       SET current_status = Nvl(previous_status, current_status)
	       , group_mark_id = -1 -- This line and next line for Bug#2368323
	       , current_organization_id = Decode(previous_status, NULL,
						       1, current_organization_id,
						       6, current_organization_id,
						       Nvl (l_from_organization_id,current_organization_id)),
	       , previous_status = NULL
	       WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
	       AND serial_number = l_serial_number
	       AND current_organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 333

      print_debug('rcv_txn_clean_up 40: delete MO Lines RTI ',4);
Line: 337

   DELETE mtl_txn_request_lines
     WHERE line_id IN
     (SELECT line_id
      FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
      , mtl_txn_request_lines mol
      WHERE rti.group_id = p_group_id
      AND mol.txn_source_id = rti.interface_transaction_id
      AND mol.organization_id = rti.to_organization_id
      AND mol.inventory_item_id = rti.item_id);
Line: 420

		   INTO l_txn_mode_code
		   FROM dual
		   WHERE exists (SELECT 1
				 FROM  rcv_transactions_interface
				 WHERE interface_transaction_id = p_group_id
				 AND   processing_mode_code = 'ONLINE');
Line: 446

	      FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
				, transaction_type
				, mmtt_temp_id
				, processing_mode_code
				, parent_transaction_id
				, item_id
				, lpn_id
				, item_revision
				, item_description
				, to_organization_id
				FROM rcv_transactions_interface
				WHERE interface_transaction_id =
		   IF (l_rti_rec.processing_mode_code <> 'ONLINE') THEN
		      IF l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
			 --Call Cleanup Op Instance
			   (x_return_status => x_return_status
			    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
			    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
			    ,x_error_code => l_error_code
			    ,p_source_task_id => l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id
			    ,p_activity_type_id => 1);
Line: 473

		   --update mol and msn

		   --In R12, the line between MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID and RT.TRANSACTION_ID
		   --is removed.  So when unmarking the wme_process_flag here,
		   --we cannot join on MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID.  Instead, we make
		   --use of rti.mmtt_temp_id if present.  If not, we can only
		   --update all MOL for the given org/item combination
		   IF (l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE line_id = (SELECT move_order_line_id
					 FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
					 WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id);
Line: 487

		      UPDATE  mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET   wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND   lpn_id = l_rti_rec.lpn_id
			AND   wms_process_flag = 2;
Line: 493

		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
			AND Nvl(revision,'#$!') = Nvl(l_rti_rec.item_revision,'#$!')
			AND wms_process_flag = 2;
Line: 503

		      print_debug('Number of MOL updated: '||SQL%rowcount,4);
Line: 519

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					  last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 537

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 558

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
                       last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 575

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 595

		END LOOP; --FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
Line: 597

	      FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
				, transaction_type
				, mmtt_temp_id
				, processing_mode_code
				, parent_transaction_id
				, item_id
				, to_organization_id
				, lpn_id
				, item_description
				, item_revision
				FROM rcv_transactions_interface
				WHERE lpn_group_id =
		   IF (l_rti_rec.processing_mode_code <> 'ONLINE') THEN
		      IF l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
			 --Call Cleanup Op Instance
			   (x_return_status => x_return_status
			    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
			    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
			    ,x_error_code => l_error_code
			    ,p_source_task_id => l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id
			    ,p_activity_type_id => 1);
Line: 624

		   --update mol and msn

		   --In R12, the line between MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID and RT.TRANSACTION_ID
		   --is removed.  So when unmarking the wme_process_flag here,
		   --we cannot join on MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID.  Instead, we make
		   --use of rti.mmtt_temp_id if present.  If not, we can only
		   --update all MOL for the given org/item combination
		   IF (l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE line_id = (SELECT move_order_line_id
					 FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
					 WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id);
Line: 638

		      UPDATE  mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET   wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND   lpn_id = l_rti_rec.lpn_id
			AND   wms_process_flag = 2;
Line: 644

		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
			AND wms_process_flag = 2
			AND Nvl(revision,'#$!') = Nvl(l_rti_rec.item_revision,'#$!');
Line: 654

		      print_debug('Number of MOL updated: '||SQL%rowcount,4);
Line: 671

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL

                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 690

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 715

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 732

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 751

		END LOOP; --FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
Line: 753

	      FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
				, transaction_type
				, mmtt_temp_id
				, processing_mode_code
				, parent_transaction_id
				, item_id
				, to_organization_id
				, lpn_id
				, item_description
				, item_revision
				FROM rcv_transactions_interface
				WHERE header_interface_id = p_group_id)
		   IF (l_rti_rec.processing_mode_code <> 'ONLINE') THEN
		      IF l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
			 --Call Cleanup Op Instance
			   (x_return_status => x_return_status
			    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
			    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
			    ,x_error_code => l_error_code
			    ,p_source_task_id => l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id
			    ,p_activity_type_id => 1);
Line: 779

		   --update mol and msn

		   --In R12, the line between MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID and RT.TRANSACTION_ID
		   --is removed.  So when unmarking the wme_process_flag here,
		   --we cannot join on MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID.  Instead, we make
		   --use of rti.mmtt_temp_id if present.  If not, we can only
		   --update all MOL for the given org/item combination
		   IF (l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE line_id = (SELECT move_order_line_id
					 FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
					 WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id);
Line: 793

		      UPDATE  mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET   wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND   lpn_id = l_rti_rec.lpn_id
			AND   wms_process_flag = 2;
Line: 799

		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
			AND wms_process_flag = 2
			AND Nvl(revision,'#$!') = Nvl(l_rti_rec.item_revision,'#$!');
Line: 809

		      print_debug('Number of MOL updated: '||SQL%rowcount,4);
Line: 825

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL

                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 844

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 869

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 886

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 904

		END LOOP; --FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
Line: 907

	      FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
				, transaction_type
				, mmtt_temp_id
				, processing_mode_code
				, parent_transaction_id
				, item_id
				, to_organization_id
				, lpn_group_id
				, lpn_id
				, item_description
				, item_revision
				FROM rcv_transactions_interface
				WHERE group_id =
		   IF (l_rti_rec.processing_mode_code <> 'ONLINE') THEN
		      IF l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
			 --Call Cleanup Op Instance
			   (x_return_status => x_return_status
			    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
			    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
			    ,x_error_code => l_error_code
			    ,p_source_task_id => l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id
			    ,p_activity_type_id => 1);
Line: 935

		   --update mol and msn

		   --In R12, the line between MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID and RT.TRANSACTION_ID
		   --is removed.  So when unmarking the wme_process_flag here,
		   --we cannot join on MOL.TXN_SOURCE_ID.  Instead, we make
		   --use of rti.mmtt_temp_id if present.  If not, we can only
		   --update all MOL for the given org/item combination
		   IF (l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE line_id = (SELECT move_order_line_id
					 FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
					 WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_rti_rec.mmtt_temp_id);
Line: 949

		      UPDATE  mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET   wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND   lpn_id = l_rti_rec.lpn_id
			AND   wms_process_flag = 2;
Line: 955

		      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
			SET wms_process_flag = 1
			WHERE organization_id = l_rti_rec.to_organization_id
			AND inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
			AND wms_process_flag = 2
			AND Nvl(revision,'#$!') = Nvl(l_rti_rec.item_revision,'#$!');
Line: 965

		      print_debug('Number of MOL updated: '||SQL%rowcount,4);
Line: 981

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 999

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      current_status = (CASE WHEN Nvl(previous_status,-1) < 0 THEN current_status ELSE previous_status END),
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 1024

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where  msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                        from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                        mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
                                        where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                        and msni.product_code = 'RCV'
                                        and msni.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                        and msn1.serial_number between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
                                        and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msni.fm_serial_number)
                                        and length(msni.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msni.to_serial_number,msni.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 1041

                  update /*+ ROWID */ mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  set group_mark_id = NULL,
                      line_mark_id = NULL,
					   last_update_date = sysdate,
					  last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                      lot_line_mark_id = NULL
                  where msn.ROWID in ( select msn1.ROWID
                                       from mtl_serial_numbers msn1 ,
                                       mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                       where msn1.inventory_item_id = l_rti_rec.item_id
                                       and msnt.product_code = 'RCV'
                                       and msnt.product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id
                                       and msn1.serial_number between msnt.fm_serial_number and msnt.to_serial_number
                                       and length(msn1.serial_number) = length(msnt.fm_serial_number)
                                       and length(msnt.fm_serial_number) = length(nvl(msnt.to_serial_number,msnt.fm_serial_number)));
Line: 1071

                      DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_interface
                       WHERE product_code = 'RCV'
                         AND product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id;
Line: 1075

                      DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                       WHERE product_code = 'RCV'
                         AND product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id;
Line: 1079

                      DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_interface
                       WHERE product_code = 'RCV'
                         AND product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id;
Line: 1083

                      DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                       WHERE product_code = 'RCV'
                         AND product_transaction_id = l_rti_rec.interface_transaction_id;
Line: 1090

                         DELETE FROM wms_lpn_interface
                          WHERE source_group_id = l_rti_rec.lpn_group_id;
Line: 1097

 	       END LOOP; --FOR l_rti_rec IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
Line: 1103

		 SELECT transaction_type
		   INTO l_transaction_type
		   FROM rcv_transactions
		   WHERE lpn_group_id = p_group_id
		   AND   transaction_date >= (Sysdate - 1) --BUG 3444137: RT
		   --will have INDEX ON transaction_date AND lpn_group_id
		   AND transaction_type IN ('CORRECT','RETURN TO VENDOR',
		   AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 1113

		 SELECT transaction_type
		   INTO l_transaction_type
		   FROM rcv_transactions
		   WHERE group_id = p_group_id
		   AND transaction_type IN ('CORRECT','RETURN TO VENDOR',
		   AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 1169

	print_debug('Delete records from WLPN with context 6, operation_mode of -99999 and group_id', 4);
Line: 1172

   DELETE FROM wms_lpn_histories
   WHERE  source_header_id = p_group_id
   AND    lpn_context      = 6
   AND    operation_mode   = -99999;
Line: 1223

	SELECT DISTINCT rti.mmtt_temp_id
	  FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
	 WHERE rti.group_id = p_group_id;
Line: 1264

	 SELECT count(Nvl(rti.mobile_txn, 'N'))
	 INTO l_mobile_txn_count
         FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
	 WHERE rti.group_id = p_group_id
         AND	processing_mode_code = 'ONLINE'
         AND	processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
         AND	transaction_status_code = 'PENDING';
Line: 1337

	      UPDATE wms_lpn_contents
	      SET txn_error_flag = 'Y'
	      WHERE source_header_id = p_group_id;
Line: 1350

	      UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
	      SET lpn_txn_error_flag = 'Y'
			      FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
			      , rcv_transactions_interface rti
			      WHERE msn.last_txn_source_id = p_group_id
			      AND rti.group_id = p_group_id
			      AND rti.item_id = msn.inventory_item_id);
Line: 1382

	  -- Delete/Clear mtl_serial_numbers_temp rows
	  -- Delete/Clear mtl_transaction_lots_temp rows
	  -- If the Transaction Fails

	  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
		 print_debug('TXN_MOBILE_TIMEOUT_CLEANUP -  cleanup msnt 1',4);
Line: 1391

	  delete from mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
	  where msnt.transaction_temp_id in
	    ( select interface_transaction_id
	      from rcv_transactions_interface
	      where group_id = p_group_id )
Line: 1402

	  delete from mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
	  where msnt.transaction_temp_id in
		( select mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
		  from mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
		  where mtlt.transaction_temp_id in (
						     select interface_transaction_id
						     from rcv_transactions_interface
						     where group_id = p_group_id )
Line: 1416

	  delete from mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
	  where mtlt.transaction_temp_id
			in ( select interface_transaction_id
			     from rcv_transactions_interface
			     where group_id = p_group_id );