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2 /* $Header: WSHDDVLS.pls 120.5.12020000.2 2013/03/14 15:57:05 suppal ship $ */
5 TYPE MinMaxInRecType is RECORD (
6      api_version_number       NUMBER DEFAULT 1.0,
7      source_code              WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.SOURCE_CODE%TYPE, -- mandatory parameter
8      line_id                  NUMBER, -- source_line_id
9      source_header_id         NUMBER, -- Bug 2181132 new field
10      source_line_set_id       NUMBER,
11      ship_tolerance_above     NUMBER,
12      ship_tolerance_below     NUMBER,
13      action_flag              VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'P',
14      lock_flag                VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'N',
15      quantity_uom             VARCHAR2(3),
16      quantity_uom2            VARCHAR2(3)
17      );
19 TYPE MinMaxOutRecType is RECORD (
20      quantity_uom             VARCHAR2(3),
21      min_remaining_quantity   NUMBER,
22      max_remaining_quantity   NUMBER,
23      quantity2_uom            VARCHAR2(3),
24      min_remaining_quantity2  NUMBER,
25      max_remaining_quantity2  NUMBER
26      );
28 TYPE MinMaxInOutRecType is RECORD (
29      dummy_quantity           NUMBER
30      );
32 -- Bug 2181132
33 -- change p_out_attributes to x_out_attributes
34 PROCEDURE Get_Min_Max_Tolerance_Quantity
35                 ( p_in_attributes           IN     MinMaxInRecType,
36                   x_out_attributes          OUT NOCOPY     MinMaxOutRecType,
37                   p_inout_attributes        IN OUT NOCOPY  MinMaxInOutRecType,
38                   x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
39                   x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
40                   x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
41                 );
44 -- Procedure:   check_unassign_from_delivery .
45 -- Parameters:  p_detailrows
46 --              x_return_status
47 -- Description: This procedure checks if the list of delivery details
48 --              can be unassigned from the delivery they are unassigned to.
50 PROCEDURE check_unassign_from_delivery(
51   p_detail_rows   IN  wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
52   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) ;
54 --
55 --  Function:    serial_num_ctl_req
56 --  Parameters:  p_inventory_item_id
57 --               p_org_id
58 --  Description: This function returns a boolean value to
59 --               indicate if the inventory item in that org is
60 --               requires a serial number or not
61 --
64 FUNCTION serial_num_ctl_req(p_inventory_item_id number, p_org_id number) return BOOLEAN;
66 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 --
68 -- FUNCTION:        Trx_ID
69 -- Parameters:      p_mode, p_source_line_id, p_source_document_type_id
70 -- Returns:         number
71 -- Trx_ID:          It reurns the trx_id depending on the given mode, source
72 --                  line id and source_document_type_id
73 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 FUNCTION trx_id(
76     p_mode varchar2,
77     p_source_line_id number,
78     p_source_document_type_id number) return number;
80 -- 2467416
81 PROCEDURE purge_crd_chk_tab;
83 --
84 --  Procedure:   Check_Shipped_Quantity
85 --  Parameters:  p_ship_above_tolerance number,
86 --               p_requested_quantity number,
87 --               p_picked_quantity    number,
88 --               p_shipped_quantity number,
89 --               p_cycle_count_quantity number,
90 --               p_fulfill_base varchar2, --muom
91 --               x_return_status       OUT VARCHAR2
92 --  Description: This procedure validates the entered shipped quantity
94 PROCEDURE check_shipped_quantity(
95     p_ship_above_tolerance IN  number,
96     p_requested_quantity   IN  number,
97     p_picked_quantity      IN  NUMBER,
98     p_shipped_quantity     IN  number,
99     p_cycle_count_quantity IN  number,
100     -- muom
101     p_fulfill_base         IN  varchar2,
102     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
104 --
105 --  Procedure:   Check_Cycle_Count_Quantity
106 --  Parameters:  p_ship_above_tolerance number,
107 --               p_requested_quantity number,
108 --               p_picked_quantity    number,
109 --               p_shipped_quantity number,
110 --               p_cycle_count_quantity number,
111 --               p_fulfill_base varchar2, --muom
112 --               x_return_status       OUT VARCHAR2
113 --  Description: This procedure validates the entered cycle count quantity
115 PROCEDURE check_cycle_count_quantity(
116     p_ship_above_tolerance IN  number,
117     p_requested_quantity   IN  number,
118     p_picked_quantity      IN  NUMBER,
119     p_shipped_quantity     IN  number,
120     p_cycle_count_quantity IN  number,
121     -- muom
122     p_fulfill_base         IN  varchar2,
123     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
125 /*   Validates and returns the quantity in this manner (the caller does not need
126   to adjust the result):
127   This routine checks to make sure that the input quantity precision does
128   not exceed the decimal precision. Max Precision is: 10 digits before the
129   decimall point and 9 digits after the decimal point.
130   The routine also makes sure that if the item is serial number controlled,
131   the the quantity in primary UOM is an integer number.
132   The routine also makes sure that if the item's indivisible_flag is set
133   to yes, then the item quantity is an integer in the primary UOM
134   The routine also checks if the profile, INV:DETECT TRUNCATION, is set
135   to yes, the item quantity in primary UOM also obeys max precision and that
136   it is not zero.
137   The procedure retruns a correct output quantity in the transaction UOM,
138   returns the primary quantity and returns a status of success, failure, or
139   warning */
140 PROCEDURE check_decimal_quantity(
141   p_item_id number,
142   p_organization_id number,
143   p_input_quantity number,
144   p_uom_code varchar2,
145   x_output_quantity out NOCOPY  number,
146   x_return_status  out NOCOPY  varchar2 ,
147   p_top_model_line_id  number default NULL,
148   p_max_decimal_digits IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL );
149      -- Bug 1890220 : Added p_top_model_line_id at the end so that it works even if its called
150      -- without the parameter
152 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 --
154 -- Procedure:   check_assign_del_multi
155 -- Parameters:    p_detail_rows
156 --                  x_del_params
157 --        x_return_status
158 -- Description:     Checks for if it is ok to group delivery details
159 --                  together for assign to a single delivery. The procedure
160 --                  returns an error and sets appropriate messages if any
161 --                  assignment cannot happen. If assignment is possible then
162 --                  it returns a table of delivery matching parameters.
163 --
164 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 PROCEDURE check_assign_del_multi(
167   p_detail_rows   IN  wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
168   x_del_params    OUT NOCOPY  wsh_delivery_autocreate.grp_attr_rec_type,
169   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
172 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
173 --
174 -- Procedure:   check_credit_holds
175 -- Parameters:    p_detail_id
176 --                  p_activity_type - 'PICK','PACK','SHIP'
177 --                  p_source_line_id - optional
178 --                  p_source_header_id - optional
179 --                  p_init_flag - 'Y' initializes the table of bad header ids
180 --        x_return_status
181 -- Description:     Checks if there are any credit checks or holds on a line.
182 --                  Returns a status of FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if no such
183 --                  checks or holds exist
184 --
185 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 PROCEDURE check_credit_holds(
188   p_detail_id     IN  NUMBER,
189   p_activity_type IN  VARCHAR2,
190   p_source_line_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
191   p_source_header_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
192         p_source_code      IN  VARCHAR2,
193   p_init_flag     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
194   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
197 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 --
199 -- Procedure:   check_quantity_to_pick
200 -- Parameters:    p_order_line_id,   - order line being picked
201 --                      p_quantity_to_pick - quantity to transact that
202 --                                           will be checked
203 --                      x_allowed_flag - 'Y' = allowed, 'N' = not allowed
204 --                      x_max_quantity_allowed - maximum quantity
205 --                                               that can be picked
206 --                      x_avail_req_quantity - req quantity not yet staged
207 --      x_return_status
208 -- Description:     Checks if the quantity to pick is within overshipment
209 --                      tolerance, based on the quantities requested and
210 --                      staged and assignments to deliveries or containers.
211 --                      Also returns the maximum quantity allowed to pick.
212 -- -- History    :      HW OPM added x_max_quantity2_allowed and x_avail_req_quantity and p_quantity2_to_pick
213 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 PROCEDURE check_quantity_to_pick(
216         p_order_line_id          IN  NUMBER,
217         p_quantity_to_pick       IN  NUMBER,
218         p_quantity2_to_pick      IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
219         x_allowed_flag           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
220         x_max_quantity_allowed   OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
221         x_max_quantity2_allowed  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
222   x_avail_req_quantity     OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
223   x_avail_req_quantity2    OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
224   x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
225 --
226 -- overloaded check_quantity_to_pick since INV patch G is not
227 -- dependant on WSH patch G.
228 --
230 PROCEDURE check_quantity_to_pick(
231         p_order_line_id          IN  NUMBER,
232         p_quantity_to_pick       IN  NUMBER,
233         x_allowed_flag           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
234         x_max_quantity_allowed   OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
235         x_avail_req_quantity     OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
236         x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
238 --
239 -- Procedure:           check_zero_req_confirm
240 -- Parameters:          p_delivery_id      - delivery being confirmed
241 --                      x_return_status
242 -- Description:         Ensure that delivery details with zero requested
243 --                      quantities will not be alone after Ship Confirm.
244 --
246 PROCEDURE check_zero_req_confirm(
247         p_delivery_id          IN  NUMBER,
248         x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
252 --
253 --  Procedure:    Get_Disabled_List
254 --
255 --  Parameters:   p_detail_id -- ID for delivery detail
256 --            p_delivery_id -- delivery the delivery is assigned to
257 --                p_list_type -- 'FORM', will return list of form field names
258 --                          'TABLE', will return list of table column names
259 --                x_return_status  -- return status for execution of this API
260 --                x_msg_count
261 --                x_msg_data
262 --
263 PROCEDURE Get_Disabled_List(
264   p_delivery_detail_id             IN   NUMBER
265 , p_delivery_id               IN    NUMBER
266 , p_list_type                           IN   VARCHAR2
267 , x_return_status                  OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
268 , x_disabled_list                  OUT NOCOPY   WSH_UTIL_CORE.column_tab_type
269 , x_msg_count                           OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
270 , x_msg_data                            OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
271 , p_caller IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL --public api changes
272 );
274 --Harmonizing Project
275 TYPE DetailActionsRec  IS RECORD(
276 released_status    wsh_delivery_details.released_status%TYPE,
277 container_flag     wsh_delivery_details.container_flag%TYPE,
278 source_code        wsh_delivery_details.source_code%TYPE,
279 caller          VARCHAR2(100),
280 action_not_allowed      VARCHAR2(100),
281 org_type        VARCHAR2(30),
282 message_name    VARCHAR2(2000),
283 line_direction  VARCHAR2(30),
284 ship_from_location_id NUMBER,   -- J-IB-NPARIKH
285 otm_enabled WSH_SHIPPING_PARAMETERS.otm_enabled%TYPE  -- OTM R12 - org specificBug#5399341
286 );
287 -- A Column called message_name has been added to the record
288 -- "DetailActionsRec" so that we can set the exact message
289 -- for each record as to why an action is not valid.
290 -- The message_name will contain the message short name
291 -- and appended with its respective tokens with
292 -- "-" as a separator between the message name and the
293 -- tokens and a "," seperator between each of
294 -- the tokens.
296 TYPE DetailActionsTabType IS TABLE of  DetailActionsRec  INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
298 TYPE detail_rec_type IS RECORD
299   (delivery_detail_id    NUMBER,
300    organization_id       NUMBER,
301    released_status       VARCHAR2(32000),
302    container_flag        VARCHAR2(32000),
303    source_code           VARCHAR2(32000),
304    lpn_id                NUMBER,
305    line_direction        VARCHAR2(30),
306    ship_from_location_id NUMBER,  -- J-IB-NPARIKH
307    move_order_line_id    WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.MOVE_ORDER_LINE_ID%TYPE, -- R12, X-dock project
308    otm_enabled           WSH_SHIPPING_PARAMETERS.otm_enabled%TYPE,   -- OTM R12 - org specific.Bug#5399341
309    client_id             NUMBER     -- LSP PROJECT :
310 );
312 TYPE detail_rec_tab_type IS TABLE OF detail_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
314 TYPE ValidateQuantityAttrRecType IS RECORD
315       (
316       delivery_detail_id     NUMBER,
317       requested_quantity     NUMBER,
318       requested_quantity2    NUMBER,
319       picked_quantity        NUMBER,
320       picked_quantity2       NUMBER,
321       shipped_quantity       NUMBER,
322       shipped_quantity2      NUMBER,
323       cycle_count_quantity   NUMBER,
324       cycle_count_quantity2  NUMBER,
325       requested_quantity_uom VARCHAR2(3),
326       requested_quantity_uom2 VARCHAR2(3),
327       ship_tolerance_above   NUMBER,
328       inventory_item_id      NUMBER,
329       organization_id        NUMBER,
330       serial_quantity        NUMBER,
331       inv_ser_control_code   VARCHAR2(1),
332       serial_number          VARCHAR2(30),
333       transaction_temp_id    NUMBER,
334       top_model_line_id      NUMBER,
335 -- for Load tender add fields
336       net_weight             NUMBER,
337       gross_weight           NUMBER,
338       volume                 NUMBER,
339       weight_uom_code        VARCHAR2(3),
340       volume_uom_code        VARCHAR2(3),
341 -- end of Load tender add fields
342       unmark_serial_server   VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'Y',
343       unmark_serial_form     VARCHAR2(1)
344 -- HW OPMCONV - Removed process_flag
345       );
347 PROCEDURE Is_Action_Enabled(
348                 p_del_detail_rec_tab    IN      detail_rec_tab_type,
349                 p_action                IN      VARCHAR2,
350                 p_caller                IN      VARCHAR2,
351                 p_deliveryid                IN      NUMBER DEFAULT null,
352                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
353                 x_valid_ids             OUT NOCOPY      wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
354                 x_error_ids             OUT NOCOPY      wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
355                 x_valid_index_tab       OUT NOCOPY      wsh_util_core.id_tab_type );
357 --
358 -- Overloaded procedure
359 --
360 PROCEDURE Get_Disabled_List  (
361   p_delivery_detail_rec   IN  WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type
362 , p_delivery_id           IN  NUMBER
363 , p_in_rec		  IN  WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.detailInRecType
364 , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
365 , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
366 , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
367 , x_delivery_detail_rec   OUT NOCOPY WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type
368 );
370 PROCEDURE Init_Detail_Actions_Tbl (
371   p_action                   IN                VARCHAR2
372 , x_detail_actions_tab       OUT  NOCOPY             DetailActionsTabType
373 , x_return_status            OUT  NOCOPY             VARCHAR2
374 );
376 Procedure Validate_Shipped_CC_Quantity
377     (
378     p_flag          IN       VARCHAR2,
379     x_det_rec       IN OUT NOCOPY  ValidateQuantityAttrRecType,
380     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
381     x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
382     x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
383     );
385 --Harmonizing Project
387 -- HW Harmonization project for OPM
388 Procedure Validate_Shipped_CC_Quantity2
389     (
390     p_flag          IN       VARCHAR2,
391     x_det_rec       IN OUT NOCOPY  ValidateQuantityAttrRecType,
392     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
393     x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
394     x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
395     );
397 --for Load Tender Project
398 /*
399 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
400    PROCEDURE  : Compare_Detail_Attributes
401    PARAMETERS : p_old_table - Table of old records
402                 p_new_table - Table of new records
403                 p_entity - entity name -DELIVERY_DETAIL
404                 p_action_code - action code for each action
405                 p_phase - 1 for Before the action is performed, 2 for after.
406                 p_caller - where is this API being called from
407                 x_changed_id - Table of Changed ids
408                 x_return_status - Return Status
409   DESCRIPTION : This procedure compares the attributes for each entity.
410                 For Delivery Detail,attributes are - weight/volume,quantity,
411                 delivery,parent_delivery_detail
412                 Added for Load Tender Project
413 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 */
415 PROCEDURE compare_detail_attributes
416   (p_old_table     IN wsh_interface.deliverydetailtab,
417    p_new_table     IN wsh_interface.deliverydetailtab,
418    p_action_code   IN VARCHAR2,
419    p_phase         IN NUMBER,
420    p_caller        IN VARCHAR2,
421    x_changed_id_tab OUT NOCOPY wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
422    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
423    );
425 --End for Load Tender Project
428 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
429 -- Procedure:   validate_secondary_quantity
430 -- Parameters:
431 --
432 -- Description:
433 --  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
434 -- HW OPMCONV - Added p_caller parameter
435 PROCEDURE validate_secondary_quantity
436             (
437                p_delivery_detail_id  IN              NUMBER,
438                x_quantity            IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
439                x_quantity2           IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
440                p_caller              IN              VARCHAR2,
441                x_return_status       OUT    NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
442                x_msg_count           OUT    NOCOPY   NUMBER,
443                x_msg_data            OUT    NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
444             );
446 -- HW OPMCONV - Added new function to check if line
447 /*
448 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
449    FUNCTION   : is_split_allowed
450    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id
451                 p_organization_id    - organization id
452                 p_inventory_item_id  - inventory item id
453                 p_released_status    - released status for this wdd line
455   DESCRIPTION : This function checks if delivery detail line
456                 is eligible for a split
457                 e.g if delivery detail has an item that is lot
458                 indivisible and it's staged, split actions will not be permitted
459 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
460 */
461 FUNCTION is_split_allowed(
462            p_delivery_detail_id  IN  NUMBER,
463            p_organization_id     IN  NUMBER,
464            p_inventory_item_id   IN  NUMBER,
465            p_released_status     IN  VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
466 /*
467 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
468    FUNCTION   : is_cycle_count_allowed
469    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id
470                 p_organization_id    - organization id
471                 p_inventory_item_id  - inventory item id
472                 p_released_status    - released status for this wdd line
473                 p_picked_qty         - total allocated qty for this wdd line
474                 p_cycle_qty          - qty to be cycle counted
476   DESCRIPTION : This function checks if delivery detail line
477                 is eligible for a cycle count.
478                 e.g if delivery detail has an item that is lot
479                 indivisible and it's staged, only picked qty cycle count is allowed
480 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
481 */
482 FUNCTION is_cycle_count_allowed(
483            p_delivery_detail_id  IN  NUMBER,
484            p_organization_id     IN  NUMBER,
485            p_inventory_item_id   IN  NUMBER,
486            p_released_status     IN  VARCHAR2,
487            p_picked_qty          IN  NUMBER,
488            p_cycle_qty           IN  NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;