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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 59

    l_select_csr         INTEGER;
Line: 81

    select a.tag_id, a.tag_type_code, a.value
        from iem_tag_keys a, iem_account_tag_keys b
        where a.tag_key_id = b.tag_key_id and b.email_account_id = p_account_id;
Line: 166

              l_select_csr := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
Line: 167

              DBMS_SQL.PARSE(l_select_csr, l_temp_value, DBMS_SQL.native);
Line: 168

              DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(l_select_csr, 1, l_query_result, 256);
Line: 169

              l_dummy := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(l_select_csr);
Line: 172

                IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(l_select_csr) = 0 THEN
      	             l_temp := null;
Line: 175

                    DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(l_select_csr, 1, l_query_result);
Line: 179

                    IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(l_select_csr) <> 0 THEN
                        if l_log_enabled  then
                            logMessage := '[ERROR (too many rows selected) when execute query for keyId: '||v_tags.tag_id ||']';
Line: 190

Line: 199

Line: 424

    IEM_ENCRYPT_TAGS_PVT.update_item_on_mess_id (
                 p_api_version_number  => P_Api_Version_Number,
 		  	     p_init_msg_list       => FND_API.G_FALSE,
		    	 p_commit              => P_Commit,
            	 p_encrypted_id        => p_encrypted_id,
                 p_message_id          => p_message_id,
                 x_return_status       => l_return_status,
  		  	     x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
	  	  	     x_msg_data            => x_msg_data
Line: 568

    iem_encrypted_tag_dtls a
    a.encrypted_id = p_encrypted_id;
Line: 621

        select token into l_token_out from iem_encrypted_tags where encrypted_id = l_encrypt_num;
Line: 633

     select message_id into l_mess_id from iem_encrypted_tags where encrypted_id = l_encrypt_num;
Line: 683

    SELECT  agent_id, interaction_id
	   INTO  l_agent_id, l_interaction_id
	   FROM iem_encrypted_tags
	   WHERE encrypted_id = l_encrypt_num;
Line: 859

    iem_encrypted_tag_dtls a, iem_encrypted_tags b
    a.encrypted_id=b.encrypted_id and b.message_id = p_msg_id;
Line: 897

    SELECT  agent_id, interaction_id, encrypted_id, token
	INTO  l_agent_id, l_interaction_id, l_encrypted_id, l_token
	FROM iem_encrypted_tags
	WHERE message_Id = p_message_id;
Line: 1000

    select count(*) into l_asso_count from iem_agents where resource_id=p_agent_id and email_account_id=p_email_acct_id;
Line: 1005

    select count(*) into l_role_count from jtf_rs_role_relations a, jtf_rs_roles_vl b
    where a.role_resource_id=p_agent_id and a.role_id=b.role_id
        and b.role_type_code='ICENTER'
        and a.delete_flag='N'
        and a.START_DATE_ACTIVE< sysdate and ( a.END_DATE_ACTIVE>sysdate or a.END_DATE_ACTIVE is null);
Line: 1014

     select count(*) into l_grp_count from jtf_rs_group_members a, JTF_RS_GROUPS_B b, JTF_RS_GROUP_USAGES c
     where a.group_id = b.group_id
            and a.resource_id = p_agent_id
            and a.delete_flag = 'N'
            and b.START_DATE_ACTIVE< sysdate
            and ( b.END_DATE_ACTIVE>sysdate or b.END_DATE_ACTIVE is null)
            and b.group_id = c.group_id
            and c.usage = 'CALL';
Line: 1027

    select count(a.user_id) into l_user_resp from jtf_rs_resource_extns a ,
        fnd_user_resp_groups b, fnd_user c, fnd_responsibility resp
        where a.resource_id = p_agent_id
        and a.START_DATE_ACTIVE< sysdate and ( a.END_DATE_ACTIVE>sysdate or a.END_DATE_ACTIVE is null)
        and a.user_id=b.user_id
        and b.START_DATE< sysdate and ( b.END_DATE>sysdate or b.END_DATE is null)
--        and ( b.responsibility_id = 23720 or b.responsibility_id = 23107 )
        and ( b.responsibility_id = resp.responsibility_id and resp.application_id=680)
        and ( resp.responsibility_key = 'EMAIL_CENTER_SUPERVISOR' or resp.responsibility_key='IEM_SA_AGENT')
        and b.user_id = c.user_id
        and c.START_DATE< sysdate and ( c.END_DATE>sysdate or c.END_DATE is null);