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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

        select delivery_id
	    into printer_id
	    from fnd_cp_ipp_printers
	    where ipp_printer_name = printer_name;
Line: 80

         select count(*)
	     into cnt
	     from fnd_cp_ipp_printers
	     where delivery_id = printer_id;
Line: 118

        select delivery_id
	    into server_id
	    from fnd_cp_ipp_printers
	    where ipp_printer_name = server_name;
Line: 147

         select count(*)
	     into cnt
	     from fnd_cp_ipp_printers
	     where delivery_id = server_id
	     and support_fax = 'Y';
Line: 293

         select count(*)
	     into cnt
	     from fnd_cp_delivery_commands
	     where delivery_id = custom_id;
Line: 316

        select delivery_id
	    into custom_id
	    from fnd_cp_delivery_options
	    where delivery_name = custom_name;
Line: 374

          select DELIVERY_SERVICE || to_char(FND_CP_DELIVERY_OPTIONS_S.nextval)
            into svc_key
            from dual;
Line: 425

           SELECT distinct upper(iso_language)
             INTO iso_lang
             FROM fnd_languages l
            WHERE upper(l.nls_language) = upper(nls_lang);
Line: 432

           SELECT distinct upper(iso_territory)
             INTO iso_terry
             FROM fnd_languages l
            WHERE upper(l.nls_territory) = upper(nls_terry);
Line: 438

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO dummy
           FROM xdo_lobs
          WHERE lob_code = upper(conc_prog_name)
            AND application_short_name = upper(prog_app_name)
            AND lob_type = upper(lob_of_type)
            AND upper(language) = decode(language, '00', '00', decode(iso_lang,   null, upper(language), iso_lang))
            AND upper(territory) = decode(territory, '00', '00', decode(iso_terry, null, upper(territory), iso_terry));
Line: 469

         SELECT a.application_short_name, p.concurrent_program_name,
                r.nls_language, r.nls_territory
           INTO prog_app_name, conc_prog_name,
                nls_lang, nls_terry
           FROM fnd_concurrent_requests r, fnd_concurrent_programs p,
                fnd_application a
          WHERE r.program_application_id = p.application_id
            AND r.concurrent_program_id = p.concurrent_program_id
            AND p.application_id = a.application_id
            AND r.request_id = reqid;
Line: 495

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO dummy
          FROM fnd_conc_pp_actions pp,
                fnd_concurrent_requests cr
          WHERE pp.concurrent_request_id = reqid
            AND pp.argument1= delivery_type
            AND pp.concurrent_request_id = cr.request_id
            AND action_type in (7,8);
Line: 508

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO dummy
           FROM fnd_run_req_pp_actions rr
          WHERE rr.parent_request_id = reqid
            AND rr.argument1= delivery_type
            AND action_type in (7,8);
Line: 549

         select publisher_return_results, action_type, argument1
           from FND_CONC_PP_ACTIONS
          where concurrent_request_id = reqid
            and action_type >= 6
       order by action_type, argument1;