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APPS.PO_LOG SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 117

  locked", "validations completed", "document updated". EVENT-level
  messages should surround all COMMITs, SAVEPOINTS, and ROLLBACKs.


  An EXCEPTION-level message should be logged any time an "exception"
  occurs in the code. In PL/SQL, such a message should be logged at
  the beginning of every (EXCEPTION) WHEN xxx THEN block unless the
  exception is expected as part of the normal code flow, such as
  NO_DATA_FOUND queries that are expected. If the PL/SQL exception is
  expected, it should have a STATEMENT-level log message at the
  beginning of the block instead of an EXCEPTION-level message.

  EXCEPTION-level messages should also be recorded if the code
  encounters a condition that was not expected from a programming
  perspective. This may include the default section of a switch
  statement or the ELSE clause of a series of IF-ELSE IF
  conditions. Furthermore, an EXCEPTION-level message should be logged
  by any code that silently recovers from an unexpected
  condition. Examples of this include fixing API parameters, like
  setting the parameter to 'N' if it was NULL, or turning null into
  the empty String "" to make code more robust.

  EXCEPTION-level messages can be monitored and used to improve an
  application's performance and robustness.



Debug logging notes
(from Oracle Applications Logging Framework Guide, 8/21/03):

In some rare circumstances, for example, if you are debugging an
issue, you may need to manually initialize the PL/SQL layer logging
for the current session. From the SQL*Prompt, you could do this by

FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(fnd_user_id, fnd_resp_id, fnd_appl_id);
Line: 235

select module,message_text,timestamp, log_sequence
from fnd_log_messages
where log_sequence
      (  select max(log_sequence)
         from fnd_log_messages
         where module = 'po.plsql.SBULL.TEST.BEGIN'
      (  select max(log_sequence)
         from fnd_log_messages
         where module = 'po.plsql.SBULL.TEST.END'
order by log_sequence
Line: 1019

  SELECT rowid
  BULK COLLECT INTO l_rowid_tbl
  WHERE key = p_key
Line: 1046

update_po_log_tbl po_tbl_number;
Line: 1049

Line: 1051

SELECT psgt.key
BULK COLLECT INTO update_po_log_tbl
FROM po_session_gt psgt
WHERE psgt.index_char1=p_record_identifier ;
Line: 1057

FOR i in 1..update_po_log_tbl.COUNT LOOP
stmt_session_gt( p_module_base  => p_module_base,
                 p_position     => p_position ,
                 p_key          => update_po_log_tbl(i));
Line: 1165

   ,  tab.data_type
   ,  l_data_type_tbl
      ALL_TAB_COLUMNS tab,
      ALL_SYNONYMS syn
   WHERE tab.TABLE_NAME = syn.table_name
   AND tab.owner=syn.owner
   AND tab.owner = l_table_owner
    AND syn.synonym_name=  l_table_name
   ORDER BY tab.column_id
Line: 1186

      OPEN l_rowid_csr FOR 'SELECT rowid FROM '||l_table_name ;
Line: 1244

            l_sql := 'SELECT SUBSTR(' || l_sql || ',1,3900)'
                  ||' FROM ' || l_table_name
                  ||' WHERE rowid = :b_rowid';