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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

  cursor l_sname_csr (p_resid number) is select name from jtf_rs_salesreps where resource_id = p_resid;
Line: 92

         SELECT header_id
           FROM okx_order_lines_v ol
          WHERE ol.id1 = p_order_line_id;
Line: 126

         SELECT chr_id
           FROM okc_k_rel_objs
          WHERE object1_id1 = TO_CHAR (p_order_hdr_id);
Line: 179

          Select object1_id1
          from okc_rules_v
          where rgp_id = (select id from okc_rule_groups_v where cle_id = p_cle_id)
          And  rule_information_category = p_category;
Line: 212

          Select object1_id1
          From   okc_rules_v rul
                ,okc_rule_groups_v rgp
          Where  rul.rgp_id = rgp.id
          And    rule_information_category = p_category
          And    jtot_object1_Code = p_object_Code
          And    rgp.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
          And    rgp.cle_id  Is Null;
Line: 249

   Cursor which selects id i.e gets all covered levels for a given
   Contract line (Warr or ExtWar)from COntract lines.
      CURSOR l_serv_csr
         SELECT ID
           FROM okc_k_lines_v
          WHERE cle_id = p_service_line_id;
Line: 263

         SELECT object1_id1
           FROM okc_k_items_v
          WHERE cle_id = p_line_id AND jtot_object1_code = g_jtf_cusprod;
Line: 313

         SELECT ki.cle_id line_id
           FROM okc_k_items ki
          WHERE ki.dnz_chr_id = p_k_hdr_id
            AND ki.object1_id1 = TO_CHAR (p_object_id)
            AND ki.jtot_object1_code = g_jtf_warr;
Line: 319

              /*Select Kl.id
              From  OKC_K_LINES_B kl
                   ,OKC_K_ITEMS ki
              Where kl.dnz_chr_id = p_K_hdr_Id
              And   kl.lse_id in (14,19)
              And   ki.cle_id = kl.id
              And   ki.object1_id1 = to_char(p_object_id)
              And   ki.jtot_object1_code in (G_JTF_Warr,G_JTF_Extwar)
              And   trunc(p_service_startdate) >= trunc(kl.Start_Date)
              And   trunc(p_service_enddate) <= trunc(kl.end_date)  ;
Line: 332

         SELECT 'x'
           FROM okc_k_lines_b kl, okc_k_items ki
          WHERE ki.cle_id = kl.ID
            AND ki.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_CUSTPROD'
            AND kl.lse_id IN (25, 18)
            AND kl.cle_id = p_line_id
            AND ki.object1_id1 = TO_CHAR (p_object_id);
Line: 399

         SELECT chr_id, renewal_type, po_required_yn, renewal_pricing_type,
                markup_percent, price_list_id1, line_renewal_type,
                link_chr_id, contact_id, site_id, email_id, phone_id, fax_id,
                billing_profile_id   --new parameter added -vigandhi (May29-02)
                ,RENEWAL_APPROVAL_FLAG  --Bug# 5173373
           FROM oks_k_order_details_v
          WHERE order_line_id1 = TO_CHAR (p_order_line_id);
Line: 410

       SELECT Id
             ,OKC_STATUSES_B  CST
          AND CHR.ID = c_CHR_ID;
Line: 460

         SELECT minimum_accountable_unit, PRECISION, extended_precision
           FROM fnd_currencies
          WHERE currency_code = p_currency_code;
Line: 512

      SELECT LENGTH (p_credit_card_num)
        INTO len_credit_card_num
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 518

         SELECT SUBSTR (p_credit_card_num, i, 1)
           INTO l_cc_num_char (i)
           FROM DUAL;
Line: 557

         SELECT chr_id
           FROM okc_k_rel_objs
          WHERE object1_id1 = TO_CHAR (p_order_hdr_id)
            AND jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_ORDERHEAD';
Line: 567

       SELECT /*+ leading (kii)  use_nl (kii rel kl kiw)
                index(kiw okc_k_items_n1) */  'D'
       FROM    Okc_k_items kii
              ,Okc_k_rel_objs rel
              ,Okc_k_lines_b kl
              ,Okc_k_items kiw
       WHERE   rel.object1_id1 = c_order_hdr_id
       AND     rel.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_ORDERHEAD'
       AND     kiw.dnz_chr_id = rel.chr_id
       AND     kiw.object1_id1 = c_warr_item_id
       AND     kiw.jtot_object1_code = G_JTF_WARR
       AND     kl.cle_id = kiw.cle_id
       AND     kl.lse_id IN (18,25)
       AND     kii.cle_id = kl.id
       AND     kii.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_CUSTPROD'
       AND     kii.object1_id1 = c_instance_id
       AND     kii.dnz_chr_id = rel.chr_id;
Line: 754

         SELECT   bic.component_item_id war_item_id
             FROM bom_inventory_components bic     --OKX_INV_COMPONENTS_V bic
            WHERE bic.bill_sequence_id = c_bill_seq_id
              AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 'Component is a Warranty'
                       FROM okx_system_items_v mtl
                      WHERE mtl.id2 = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id
                        AND mtl.id1 = bic.component_item_id
                        AND mtl.vendor_warranty_flag = 'Y')
              AND TRUNC (p_datec) >= TRUNC (bic.effectivity_date)
              AND TRUNC (p_datec) <=
                               NVL (TRUNC (bic.disable_date), TRUNC (p_datec))
         ORDER BY bic.component_item_id;
Line: 770

         SELECT common_bill_sequence_id
           FROM bom_bill_of_materials                --OKX_BILL_OF_MATERIALS_V
          WHERE organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id
            AND assembly_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            AND alternate_bom_designator IS NULL;
Line: 881

         SELECT bic.component_quantity, b.primary_uom_code,
                b.coverage_schedule_id coverage_template_id
           FROM mtl_system_items_b_kfv b,            --okx_system_items_v mtl,
                bom_inventory_components bic        --okx_inv_components_v bic
          WHERE bic.component_item_id = b.inventory_item_id
            AND b.organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id
            AND bic.bill_sequence_id = p_comm_bill_seq_id
            AND bic.component_item_id = p_war_inv_item_id
            AND TRUNC (l_war_date) >= TRUNC (bic.effectivity_date)
            AND TRUNC (l_war_date) <=
                         NVL (TRUNC (bic.disable_date), TRUNC (l_war_date) + 1)
            -- fix bug 2458473
            AND b.vendor_warranty_flag = 'Y'
            AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 994

         SELECT service_starting_delay
           FROM mtl_system_items_b_kfv
          WHERE inventory_item_id = p_prod_item_id
            AND organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id;
Line: 1001

         SELECT DECODE (ol.actual_shipment_date,
                        NULL, 'N',
                       ) shipped_flag
           FROM csi_item_instances csi, oe_order_lines_all ol
          WHERE csi.instance_id = p_customer_product_id
            AND csi.last_oe_order_line_id = ol.line_id;
Line: 1011

        Select bic.component_item_id war_item_id,bic.effectivity_date,bic.disable_date
        Where  bic.bill_sequence_id = C_bill_seq_id
        And    exists
                   Select 'Component is a Warranty'
                   From   OKX_SYSTEM_ITEMS_V mtl
                   Where  mtl.id2 = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id
                   And    mtl.id1 = bic.component_item_id
                   And    mtl.vendor_warranty_flag = 'Y'
          Order by bic.component_item_id;
Line: 1025

        Select   common_bill_sequence_id
        Where    organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id
        And      assembly_item_id = P_prod_item_id
        And      alternate_bom_designator is Null;
Line: 1422

         SELECT oh.order_number,
                               -- Modified for 120 CC Extn Projct
                NULL credit_card_expiration_date, -- OH.CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE
                NULL credit_card_number, -- OH.CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER
                  --Added in R12 by rsu
         FROM   oe_order_headers_all oh
          WHERE oh.header_id = p_hdr_id;
Line: 1458

         SELECT party_id
           FROM hz_cust_accounts
          WHERE cust_account_id = l_cust_id;
Line: 1464

         SELECT ca.cust_account_id
           FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all ca, hz_cust_site_uses_all cs
          WHERE ca.cust_acct_site_id = cs.cust_acct_site_id
            AND cs.site_use_id = l_inv_org_id;
Line: 1481

         SELECT tax_exemption_id id1
           FROM zx_exemptions
          WHERE exempt_certificate_number = p_no
            AND cust_account_id = p_cust_id
            AND exemption_status_code IN ('MANUAL', 'PRIMARY', 'UNAPPROVED');
Line: 1491

         SELECT lv.lookup_code
           FROM fnd_lookup_values lv
            AND security_group_id =
                   fnd_global.lookup_security_group (lv.lookup_type,
            AND lv.lookup_type = 'TAX_CONTROL_FLAG'
            AND lv.lookup_code = p_id2;
Line: 1503

         SELECT ship_to_contact_id
           FROM oe_order_headers_all
          WHERE header_id = p_hdr_id;
Line: 1904

         SELECT ol.org_id,
                -- added in R12 by rsu
         FROM   oe_order_lines_all ol
          WHERE ol.line_id = l_line_id;
Line: 1922

         SELECT t.description NAME,
		b.concatenated_segments description
           FROM mtl_system_items_b_kfv b,
		mtl_system_items_tl t
		b.inventory_item_id = t.inventory_item_id
            AND b.organization_id = t.organization_id
            AND t.LANGUAGE = USERENV ('LANG')
            AND b.inventory_item_id = p_product_item
            AND b.organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id;
Line: 2123

         SELECT ol.inventory_item_id,
                ol.org_id, ol.line_number,
                ol.invoice_to_contact_id, --Bug#1696511
                                          --end bug
                --22-NOV-2005 mchoudha added for PPC
		pricing_quantity_uom, --End PPC
                t.description NAME,
		b.concatenated_segments description,
                Nvl(ol.SERVICE_COV_TEMPLATE_ID,b.coverage_schedule_id) coverage_template_id,   ---Modified for ER 16039680
                ol.tax_exempt_number,               -- Bug#5008188 - vjramali
                ol.tax_code, ol.tax_exempt_flag,      -- End Bug#5008188
                b.contract_item_type_code    ----Added for ER 16039680
           FROM oe_order_lines_all ol,
                mtl_system_items_b_kfv b,
                mtl_system_items_tl t
          WHERE ol.line_id = p_order_line_id
            AND b.inventory_item_id = ol.inventory_item_id
            AND b.inventory_item_id = t.inventory_item_id
            AND b.organization_id = t.organization_id
            AND t.LANGUAGE = USERENV ('LANG')
            AND b.organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id;
Line: 2170

         SELECT actual_shipment_date
           FROM oe_order_lines_all
          WHERE line_id = p_service_line_id;
Line: 2177

         SELECT MAX (ol.end_date)
           FROM okc_k_items_v ot, okc_k_lines_v ol
          WHERE ot.object1_id1 = TO_CHAR (p_cp_id)
            AND ol.ID = ot.cle_id
            AND ol.lse_id = 18;
Line: 2594

         SELECT line_id, inventory_item_id, service_start_date,
                service_end_date, service_reference_line_id
           FROM oe_order_lines_all
          WHERE header_id = p_ord_hdr_id
            AND service_reference_line_id = p_order_line_id
            AND service_reference_type_code IS NOT NULL;
Line: 2710

                   Select  line_id
                   From    OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL
                   Where   not HEADER_ID  = p_ord_hdr_id
                   And     Service_reference_type_code = 'ORDER'
                   And     Service_Reference_line_id = p_order_line_id
                   And     Service_Duration is Not Null;
Line: 2723

         SELECT line_id, service_start_date, service_end_date,
                inventory_item_id, service_reference_line_id
           FROM oe_order_lines_all
          WHERE header_id = p_ord_hdr_id
            AND service_reference_type_code = 'CUSTOMER_PRODUCT'
            AND service_reference_line_id = p_customer_product_id
            AND service_duration IS NOT NULL;
Line: 2850

         SELECT ki.ID, ki.number_of_items, ki.dnz_chr_id, ki.cle_id,
                kl.sts_code, kl.start_date, kl.end_date, kl.lse_id,
                kl.date_terminated, kl.upg_orig_system_ref,
                kl.upg_orig_system_ref_id, kl.price_unit,
                kl.price_negotiated, kl.NAME, kl.item_description,
                kl.line_renewal_type_code, kh.start_date hdr_sdt,
                kh.end_date hdr_edt, kh.sts_code hdr_sts, kh.price_list_id,
                kh.payment_term_id, kh.inv_rule_id, ks.acct_rule_id,
                kh.inv_organization_id, ks.payment_type, ks.inv_trx_type,
                ks.ar_interface_yn, ks.hold_billing, ks.summary_trx_yn,
                kh.authoring_org_id, kh.contract_number, kh.cust_po_number,
                kh.currency_code, kh.conversion_type, kh.conversion_rate,
                kh.conversion_rate_date, kh.conversion_euro_rate,
                kh.scs_code, okl.tax_amount                    -- bug 3736860
                party.object1_id1 party_id
           FROM okc_k_items_v ki,
                okc_k_headers_b kh,
                oks_k_headers_b ks,
                okc_k_lines_v kl,
                oks_k_lines_b okl,
                okc_statuses_v st,
                okc_k_party_roles_b party
          WHERE ki.object1_id1 = p_id
            AND ki.jtot_object1_code = p_code
            AND ki.dnz_chr_id = kh.ID
            AND ks.chr_id(+) = kh.ID                   -- Vigandhi 06-jan-2004
            AND kh.scs_code IN ('WARRANTY', 'SERVICE', 'SUBSCRIPTION')
            -- support to subscription category contracts
            AND ki.cle_id = kl.ID
            AND okl.cle_id(+) = kl.ID
            AND kl.sts_code = st.code
            AND st.ste_code NOT IN ('TERMINATED', 'CANCELLED')
            AND kl.date_terminated IS NULL
            AND kh.template_yn = 'N'
--           And     PARTY.chr_id = KH.Id
            AND party.dnz_chr_id = kh.ID                 -- vigandhi 16-mar-05
            AND party.chr_id IS NOT NULL
            -- Added for performance issue 4223824
            AND party.cle_id IS NULL
            AND party.rle_code IN ('CUSTOMER', 'SUBSCRIBER')
            AND party.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_PARTY';
Line: 2895

         SELECT object1_id1
           FROM okc_k_items_v
          WHERE cle_id = p_cleid
            AND jtot_object1_code IN (g_jtf_warr, g_jtf_extwar, g_jtf_usage);
Line: 2903

         SELECT ol.ID, ol.cle_id, ol.start_date, ol.end_date, ol.NAME,
                ol.item_description, ol.price_negotiated, ol.currency_code,
                ol.line_number, ol.lse_id, ol.inv_rule_id,
                ol.bill_to_site_use_id, ol.ship_to_site_use_id,
--                 ,OL.unit_price
                , ol.sts_code, oh.contract_number_modifier, kl.acct_rule_id,
                kl.tax_code                                      --Bug#4121175
           FROM okc_k_lines_v ol, oks_k_lines_b kl, okc_k_headers_b oh
          WHERE ol.dnz_chr_id = p_hdr_id
            AND oh.ID = ol.dnz_chr_id
            AND kl.cle_id(+) = ol.ID                   -- Vigandhi 06-Jan-2004
            AND oh.scs_code IN ('WARRANTY', 'SERVICE', 'SUBSCRIPTION')
            -- support to subscription category contracts
            AND ol.ID IN (SELECT okl.cle_id
                            FROM okc_k_lines_v okl
                           WHERE okl.ID = p_line_id AND okl.cle_id IS NOT NULL);
Line: 2923

           Select  COVERAGE_SCHEDULE_ID coverage_template_id
           WHere   INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_serv_id;
Line: 2929

         SELECT t.description NAME, b.concatenated_segments description,
                b.coverage_schedule_id coverage_template_id
           FROM mtl_system_items_b_kfv b, mtl_system_items_tl t
          WHERE b.inventory_item_id = t.inventory_item_id
            AND b.organization_id = t.organization_id
            AND t.LANGUAGE = USERENV ('LANG')
            AND b.inventory_item_id = p_serv_id
            AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 2941

         SELECT ctc_id, sales_credit_type_id1, PERCENT, sales_group_id
           FROM oks_k_sales_credits_v
          WHERE cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 2951

         SELECT object1_id1
           FROM okc_k_rel_objs_v
          WHERE cle_id = p_line_id
            AND chr_id = p_hdr_id
            AND jtot_object1_code = p_object_code;
Line: 2959

         SELECT resource_id, GROUP_ID, access_level
           FROM okc_k_accesses_v
          WHERE chr_id = p_hdr_id;
Line: 2966

         SELECT ctc_id, sales_credit_type_id1, PERCENT, sales_group_id
           FROM oks_k_sales_credits_v
          WHERE chr_id = p_chr_id AND cle_id IS NULL;
Line: 3348

         SELECT date_billed_from, date_billed_to, creation_date
           FROM oks_bill_cont_lines_v
          WHERE cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 3358

         SELECT tce_code, quantity
           FROM okc_time_code_units_v
          WHERE uom_code = p_code;
Line: 3572

         SELECT shippable_item_flag, service_starting_delay
           FROM okx_system_items_v
          WHERE id1 = p_prod_item_id
            AND organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id;
Line: 3717

         SELECT csi.last_oe_order_line_id original_order_line_id,
                csi.inventory_item_id, csi.quantity,
                csi.unit_of_measure uom_code, t.description NAME  -- mtl.name
                b.concatenated_segments description         --mtl.description
                b.coverage_schedule_id coverage_template_id
           -- mtl.coverage_template_id
         FROM   csi_item_instances csi,
                mtl_system_items_b_kfv b,
                mtl_system_items_tl t                 --okx_system_items_v mtl
          WHERE csi.instance_id = p_cpid
            AND csi.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id
            AND b.inventory_item_id = t.inventory_item_id
            AND b.organization_id = t.organization_id
            AND t.LANGUAGE = USERENV ('LANG')
            AND b.organization_id = okc_context.get_okc_organization_id;
Line: 3737

         SELECT ol.header_id, oh.transactional_curr_code, oh.cust_po_number,
                oh.invoice_to_contact_id, oh.agreement_id,
                oh.invoicing_rule_id, oh.accounting_rule_id
           FROM oe_order_lines_all ol                  -- OKX_ORDER_LINES_V OL
                oe_order_headers_all oh              -- OKX_ORDER_HEADERS_V OH
          WHERE ol.line_id = p_line_id AND ol.header_id = oh.header_id;
Line: 3884

   PROCEDURE update_timestamp (
      p_counter_group_id     IN              NUMBER,
      p_service_start_date   IN              DATE,
      p_service_line_id      IN              NUMBER,
      x_status               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
      CURSOR c_ctr_timestamp (cp_counter_group_id NUMBER)
         SELECT counter_value_id, counter_id
           FROM okx_counters_v
          WHERE counter_group_id = cp_counter_group_id AND TYPE = 'TIME';
Line: 3992

   END update_timestamp;
Line: 4003

         SELECT salesrep_id, sales_credit_type_id, PERCENT, sales_group_id
           FROM oe_sales_credits
          WHERE line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 4008

                          SELECT DISTINCT grp.group_name, grp.group_id
                          FROM   jtf_rs_group_members mem
                                       ,jtf_rs_groups_vl grp
                                       ,jtf_rs_salesreps srp
                                       ,jtf_rs_group_usages usg
                                       ,jtf_rs_role_relations rrl
                          WHERE  srp.resource_id             = mem.resource_id
                          AND    mem.group_id               = grp.group_id
                          AND    mem.group_id               = usg.group_id
                          AND    usg.usage                     = 'SALES'
                          AND    mem.delete_flag            = 'N'
                          AND    mem.group_member_id  = rrl.role_resource_id
                          AND    rrl.role_resource_type     = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER'
                          AND    rrl.delete_flag                 = 'N'
                          --AND    nvl(rrl.end_date_active,TO_DATE('01/01/4713','MM/DD/RRRR')) >=
                         -- AND    rrl.start_date_active       <=  :NAME_IN('OKS_HEADER_CONTACTS END_DATE ')
                          AND    srp.salesrep_id               = p_salesrep_id
                          AND    srp.org_id                      = okc_context.get_okc_
                        --  AND    :END_DATE  BETWEEN grp.start_date_active AND
                          --              NVL(grp.end_date_active,TO_DATE('01/01/4713','MM/DD/RRRR'))
                          UNION ALL
                          SELECT group_name, group_id
                          FROM    jtf_rs_groups_tl
                          WHERE group_id = -1
                          AND      LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 4086

         SELECT salesrep_id, sales_credit_type_id, PERCENT, sales_group_id
           FROM oe_sales_credits
          WHERE header_id = p_order_hdr_id AND line_id IS NULL;
Line: 4135

   PROCEDURE update_contract_details (
      p_hdr_id                       NUMBER,
      p_order_line_id                NUMBER,
      x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
      CURSOR l_link_csr1
         SELECT NVL (link_ord_line_id1, order_line_id1)
           FROM oks_k_order_details
          WHERE order_line_id1 = TO_CHAR (p_order_line_id);
Line: 4149

         SELECT ID, order_line_id1, object_version_number
           FROM oks_k_order_details
          WHERE link_ord_line_id1 = l_link_ord_id AND chr_id IS NULL;
Line: 4155

         SELECT ID, order_line_id1, object_version_number
           FROM oks_k_order_details
          WHERE order_line_id1 = l_link_ord_id AND chr_id IS NULL;
Line: 4184

                            || '.UPDATE_CONTRACT_DETAILS.ERROR',
                               'l_line_csr1 Not Found for Line Id = '
                            || p_order_line_id
Line: 4214

         oks_cod_pvt.update_row (p_api_version        => 1.0,
                                 p_init_msg_list      => 'T',
                                 x_return_status      => l_return_status,
                                 x_msg_count          => l_msg_count,
                                 x_msg_data           => l_msg_data,
                                 p_codv_tbl           => l_codv_tbl_in,
                                 x_codv_tbl           => l_codv_tbl_out
Line: 4227

                            || '.UPDATE_CONTRACT_DETAILS.External_call.after',
                               'OKS_COD_PVT.update_row(Return Status = '
                            || l_return_status
                            || ')'
Line: 4258

         oks_cod_pvt.update_row (p_api_version        => 1.0,
                                 p_init_msg_list      => 'T',
                                 x_return_status      => l_return_status,
                                 x_msg_count          => l_msg_count,
                                 x_msg_data           => l_msg_data,
                                 p_codv_tbl           => l_codv_tbl_in,
                                 x_codv_tbl           => l_codv_tbl_out
Line: 4271

                            || '.UPDATE_CONTRACT_DETAILS.External_call.after',
                               'OKS_COD_PVT.update_row(Return Status = '
                            || l_return_status
                            || ')'
Line: 4306

                            || '.UPDATE_CONTRACT_DETAILS.UNEXPECTED',
                            'sqlcode = ' || SQLCODE || ', sqlerrm = '
                            || SQLERRM
Line: 4321

         SELECT pricing_context, pricing_attribute1, pricing_attribute2,
                pricing_attribute3, pricing_attribute4, pricing_attribute5,
                pricing_attribute6, pricing_attribute7, pricing_attribute8,
                pricing_attribute9, pricing_attribute10, pricing_attribute11,
                pricing_attribute12, pricing_attribute13,
                pricing_attribute14, pricing_attribute15,
                pricing_attribute16, pricing_attribute17,
                pricing_attribute18, pricing_attribute19,
                pricing_attribute20, pricing_attribute21,
                pricing_attribute22, pricing_attribute23,
                pricing_attribute24, pricing_attribute25,
                pricing_attribute26, pricing_attribute27,
                pricing_attribute28, pricing_attribute29,
                pricing_attribute30, pricing_attribute31,
                pricing_attribute32, pricing_attribute33,
                pricing_attribute34, pricing_attribute35,
                pricing_attribute36, pricing_attribute37,
                pricing_attribute38, pricing_attribute39,
                pricing_attribute40, pricing_attribute41,
                pricing_attribute42, pricing_attribute43,
                pricing_attribute44, pricing_attribute45,
                pricing_attribute46, pricing_attribute47,
                pricing_attribute48, pricing_attribute49,
                pricing_attribute50, pricing_attribute51,
                pricing_attribute52, pricing_attribute53,
                pricing_attribute54, pricing_attribute55,
                pricing_attribute56, pricing_attribute57,
                pricing_attribute58, pricing_attribute59,
                pricing_attribute60, pricing_attribute61,
                pricing_attribute62, pricing_attribute63,
                pricing_attribute64, pricing_attribute65,
                pricing_attribute66, pricing_attribute67,
                pricing_attribute68, pricing_attribute69,
                pricing_attribute70, pricing_attribute71,
                pricing_attribute72, pricing_attribute73,
                pricing_attribute74, pricing_attribute75,
                pricing_attribute76, pricing_attribute77,
                pricing_attribute78, pricing_attribute79,
                pricing_attribute80, pricing_attribute81,
                pricing_attribute82, pricing_attribute83,
                pricing_attribute84, pricing_attribute85,
                pricing_attribute86, pricing_attribute87,
                pricing_attribute88, pricing_attribute89,
                pricing_attribute90, pricing_attribute91,
                pricing_attribute92, pricing_attribute93,
                pricing_attribute94, pricing_attribute95,
                pricing_attribute96, pricing_attribute97,
                pricing_attribute98, pricing_attribute99,
           FROM oe_order_price_attribs_v okx
          WHERE okx.line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 4412

         SELECT pricing_context, pricing_attribute1, pricing_attribute2,
                pricing_attribute3, pricing_attribute4, pricing_attribute5,
                pricing_attribute6, pricing_attribute7, pricing_attribute8,
                pricing_attribute9, pricing_attribute10, pricing_attribute11,
                pricing_attribute12, pricing_attribute13,
                pricing_attribute14, pricing_attribute15,
                pricing_attribute16, pricing_attribute17,
                pricing_attribute18, pricing_attribute19,
                pricing_attribute20, pricing_attribute21,
                pricing_attribute22, pricing_attribute23,
                pricing_attribute24, pricing_attribute25,
                pricing_attribute26, pricing_attribute27,
                pricing_attribute28, pricing_attribute29,
                pricing_attribute30, pricing_attribute31,
                pricing_attribute32, pricing_attribute33,
                pricing_attribute34, pricing_attribute35,
                pricing_attribute36, pricing_attribute37,
                pricing_attribute38, pricing_attribute39,
                pricing_attribute40, pricing_attribute41,
                pricing_attribute42, pricing_attribute43,
                pricing_attribute44, pricing_attribute45,
                pricing_attribute46, pricing_attribute47,
                pricing_attribute48, pricing_attribute49,
                pricing_attribute50, pricing_attribute51,
                pricing_attribute52, pricing_attribute53,
                pricing_attribute54, pricing_attribute55,
                pricing_attribute56, pricing_attribute57,
                pricing_attribute58, pricing_attribute59,
                pricing_attribute60, pricing_attribute61,
                pricing_attribute62, pricing_attribute63,
                pricing_attribute64, pricing_attribute65,
                pricing_attribute66, pricing_attribute67,
                pricing_attribute68, pricing_attribute69,
                pricing_attribute70, pricing_attribute71,
                pricing_attribute72, pricing_attribute73,
                pricing_attribute74, pricing_attribute75,
                pricing_attribute76, pricing_attribute77,
                pricing_attribute78, pricing_attribute79,
                pricing_attribute80, pricing_attribute81,
                pricing_attribute82, pricing_attribute83,
                pricing_attribute84, pricing_attribute85,
                pricing_attribute86, pricing_attribute87,
                pricing_attribute88, pricing_attribute89,
                pricing_attribute90, pricing_attribute91,
                pricing_attribute92, pricing_attribute93,
                pricing_attribute94, pricing_attribute95,
                pricing_attribute96, pricing_attribute97,
                pricing_attribute98, pricing_attribute99,
           FROM okc_price_att_values_v okx
          WHERE okx.cle_id = p_k_line_id;
Line: 4500

         SELECT object1_id1
           FROM okc_k_party_roles_v
          WHERE chr_id = p_chr_id AND rle_code = p_rle_code;
Line: 4527

       Select object1_id1
       From   okc_rules_v rul
             ,okc_rule_groups_v rgp
       Where  rul.rgp_id = rgp.id
       And    rule_information_category = p_category
       And    jtot_object1_Code = p_object_Code
       And    rgp.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
       And   cle_id Is Null;
Line: 4559

         SELECT object1_id1
           FROM okc_rules_v rul, okc_rule_groups_v rgp
          WHERE rul.rgp_id = rgp.ID
            AND rule_information_category = p_category
            AND jtot_object1_code = p_object_code
            AND cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 4590

         SELECT object1_id1
           FROM okc_k_items kit
          WHERE cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 4632

         SELECT PERCENT, ctc_id, sales_credit_type_id1,
                sales_credit_type_id2, sales_group_id
           FROM oks_k_sales_credits_v
          WHERE chr_id = p_header_id AND cle_id IS NULL;
Line: 4656

                                         (p_api_version        => 1.0,
                                          p_init_msg_list      => 'T',
                                          x_return_status      => l_return_status,
                                          x_msg_count          => l_msg_count,
                                          x_msg_data           => l_msg_data,
                                          p_scrv_tbl           => l_scrv_tbl_in,
                                          x_scrv_tbl           => l_scrv_tbl_out
Line: 4672

                   'OKS_SALES_CREDIT_PUB.Insert_Sales_credit(x_return_status = '
                || x_return_status
                || ')'
Line: 4720

         SELECT   application_column_name
             FROM fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
            WHERE application_id = 401 AND id_flex_code = p_code
         ORDER BY segment_num;
Line: 4727

         SELECT concatenated_segment_delimiter
           FROM fnd_id_flex_structures_vl
          WHERE application_id = 401
            AND id_flex_code = p_code
            AND id_flex_structure_code = l_structure_code;
Line: 4736

      l_select_stmt      VARCHAR2 (4000);
Line: 4790

      l_select_stmt :=
            'Select '
         || l_sel_column
         || ' From Mtl_system_items_b
                    Where Inventory_item_id = :d1 And Organization_id = :d2 ';
Line: 4796

      DBMS_SQL.parse (l_cursor_id, l_select_stmt, DBMS_SQL.native);
Line: 4839

         SELECT   application_column_name
             FROM fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
            WHERE application_id = 401 AND id_flex_code = p_code
         ORDER BY segment_num;
Line: 4846

         SELECT concatenated_segment_delimiter
           FROM fnd_id_flex_structures_vl
          WHERE application_id = 401
            AND id_flex_code = p_code
            AND id_flex_structure_code = l_structure_code;
Line: 4855

      l_select_stmt      VARCHAR2 (4000);
Line: 4910

      l_select_stmt :=
            'Select '
         || l_sel_column
         || ' ,Description '
         || ' From Mtl_system_items_b
                    Where Inventory_item_id = :d1 And Organization_id = :d2 ';
Line: 4917

      DBMS_SQL.parse (l_cursor_id, l_select_stmt, DBMS_SQL.native);
Line: 4967

         SELECT source_id
           FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns re, jtf_rs_salesreps sr
          WHERE sr.resource_id = re.resource_id
            AND sr.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
            AND (sr.org_id = p_authorg_id OR p_authorg_id IS NULL);
Line: 4977

         SELECT ppl.employee_number employee_number, ppl.full_name full_name,
                ppl.work_telephone phone, NULL fax,
                LOWER (ppl.email_address) email, job.NAME job_title,
                loc.address_line_1 address1, loc.address_line_2 address2,
                loc.address_line_3 address3, NULL concatenated_address,
                loc.town_or_city city, loc.postal_code postal_code,
                loc.region_2 state, NULL province, NULL county,
                loc.country country, asg.supervisor_id mgr_id,
                emp.full_name mgr_name, ppl.business_group_id org_id,
                org.NAME org_name, ppl.first_name first_name,
                ppl.last_name last_name, ppl.middle_names middle_name,
                LOWER (ppl.attribute26) new_email
           FROM per_all_people_f ppl,
                hr_all_organization_units org,
                per_all_assignments_f asg,
                per_jobs job,
                hr_locations loc,
                per_all_people_f emp
          WHERE ppl.person_id = p_source_id
            AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppl.effective_start_date
                                    AND ppl.effective_end_date
            AND ppl.employee_number IS NOT NULL
            AND ppl.business_group_id = org.organization_id
            AND ppl.person_id = asg.person_id
            AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
            AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
            AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                                    AND asg.effective_end_date
            AND asg.job_id = job.job_id(+)
            AND asg.location_id = loc.location_id(+)
            AND asg.supervisor_id = emp.person_id(+)
            AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN emp.effective_start_date(+) AND emp.effective_end_date(+)
            AND NOT EXISTS (
                   SELECT   pep.person_id
                       FROM per_all_people_f pep, per_all_assignments_f asg1
                      WHERE pep.person_id = ppl.person_id
                        AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN pep.effective_start_date
                                                AND pep.effective_end_date
                        AND pep.employee_number IS NOT NULL
                        AND pep.person_id = asg1.person_id
                        AND asg1.primary_flag = 'Y'
                        AND asg1.assignment_type = 'E'
                        AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN asg1.effective_start_date
                                                AND asg1.effective_end_date
                   GROUP BY pep.person_id
                     HAVING COUNT (pep.person_id) > 1);
Line: 5028

         SELECT phone_number
           FROM per_phones
          WHERE parent_id = p_source_id
            AND phone_type = p_phone_type
            AND parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
            AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN date_from AND NVL (date_to, SYSDATE);
Line: 5057

         SELECT vc.object1_id1, kh.authoring_org_id
           FROM okc_k_headers_b kh, okc_k_party_roles_b pr, okc_contacts vc
          WHERE kh.ID = p_contract_id
            AND pr.chr_id = p_contract_id
            AND vc.dnz_chr_id = p_contract_id
            AND vc.cpl_id = pr.ID
            AND pr.rle_code = 'VENDOR'
            AND vc.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_SALEPERS'
            AND vc.ID =
                   oks_extwar_util_pvt.active_salesrep (kh.ID,
Line: 5243

         SELECT   kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code, kh.ID contract_id,
                  NVL (rul.est_rev_percent, 0) PERCENT, st.ste_code
             FROM okc_k_headers_b kh,
                  okc_statuses_b st,
                  oks_k_headers_b rul,
                  (SELECT     included_chr_id
                         FROM okc_k_grpings
                   START WITH cgp_parent_id = p_contract_group
                   CONNECT BY cgp_parent_id = PRIOR included_cgp_id) grp
            WHERE kh.authoring_org_id = p_orgid
              AND kh.scs_code IN ('SERVICE', 'WARRANTY')
              AND kh.sts_code = st.code
              AND st.ste_code = 'ENTERED'
              AND rul.chr_id(+) = kh.ID
              AND kh.ID = grp.included_chr_id
              AND rul.est_rev_date >= p_forfdate
              AND rul.est_rev_date <= p_fortdate
              AND kh.currency_code = p_curr
         ORDER BY kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code;
Line: 5266

         SELECT   kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code, kh.ID contract_id,
                  NVL (rul.est_rev_percent, 0) PERCENT, st.ste_code
             FROM okc_k_headers_b kh,
                  okc_statuses_b st,
                  oks_k_headers_b rul,
                  (SELECT     included_chr_id
                         FROM okc_k_grpings
                   START WITH cgp_parent_id = p_contract_group
                   CONNECT BY cgp_parent_id = PRIOR included_cgp_id) grp
            WHERE kh.scs_code IN ('SERVICE', 'WARRANTY')
              AND kh.sts_code = st.code
              AND st.ste_code = 'ENTERED'
              AND rul.chr_id(+) = kh.ID
              AND kh.ID = grp.included_chr_id
              AND rul.est_rev_date >= p_forfdate
              AND rul.est_rev_date <= p_fortdate
              AND kh.currency_code = p_curr
         ORDER BY kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code;
Line: 5288

         SELECT   kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code, kh.ID contract_id,
                  NVL (rul.est_rev_percent, 0) PERCENT, st.ste_code
             FROM okc_k_headers_b kh,
                  okc_statuses_b st,
                  oks_k_headers_b rul,
                  (SELECT     included_chr_id
                         FROM okc_k_grpings
                   START WITH cgp_parent_id = p_contract_group
                   CONNECT BY cgp_parent_id = PRIOR included_cgp_id) grp
            WHERE kh.authoring_org_id = p_orgid
              AND kh.scs_code IN ('SERVICE', 'WARRANTY')
              AND kh.sts_code = st.code
              AND st.ste_code = 'ENTERED'
              AND rul.chr_id(+) = kh.ID
              AND kh.ID = grp.included_chr_id
              AND rul.est_rev_date >= p_forfdate
              AND rul.est_rev_date <= p_fortdate
         ORDER BY kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code;
Line: 5310

         SELECT   kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code, kh.ID contract_id,
                  NVL (rul.est_rev_percent, 0) PERCENT, st.ste_code
             FROM okc_k_headers_b kh,
                  okc_statuses_b st,
                  oks_k_headers_b rul,
                  (SELECT     included_chr_id
                         FROM okc_k_grpings
                   START WITH cgp_parent_id = p_contract_group
                   CONNECT BY cgp_parent_id = PRIOR included_cgp_id) grp
            WHERE kh.scs_code IN ('SERVICE', 'WARRANTY')
              AND kh.sts_code = st.code
              AND st.ste_code = 'ENTERED'
              AND rul.chr_id(+) = kh.ID
              AND kh.ID = grp.included_chr_id
              AND rul.est_rev_date >= p_forfdate
              AND rul.est_rev_date <= p_fortdate
         ORDER BY kh.currency_code, kh.sts_code;
Line: 5331

         SELECT SUM (price_negotiated)
           FROM okc_k_lines_b kl
          WHERE kl.dnz_chr_id = p_kid
            AND kl.lse_id IN (25, 7, 9, 10, 8, 35, 11)
            AND kl.price_negotiated BETWEEN 0 AND 90999999
         HAVING SUM (price_negotiated) BETWEEN NVL (p_min, 0)
                                           AND NVL (p_max, 99999999999999999);
Line: 5354

         SELECT NVL (SUM (  (  kl.price_negotiated
                             / CEIL (DECODE (SIGN (end_date - start_date),
                                             0, 1,
                                             (MONTHS_BETWEEN (kl.end_date,
                          * CEIL (DECODE (SIGN (p_regz_date - kl.start_date),
                                          0, 1,
                                          MONTHS_BETWEEN (p_regz_date,
           FROM okc_k_lines_b kl
          WHERE kl.dnz_chr_id = p_kid
            AND kl.lse_id IN (25, 7, 9, 10, 8, 35, 11)
            AND kl.price_negotiated BETWEEN 0 AND 90999999
            AND kl.start_date <= p_regz_date;
Line: 5382

         SELECT ven.object1_id1, ven.ID, cust.object1_id1
           FROM okc_k_party_roles_b ven, okc_k_party_roles_b cust
          WHERE ven.dnz_chr_id = cust.dnz_chr_id
            AND ven.dnz_chr_id = l_chr_id
            AND ven.cle_id IS NULL
            AND ven.rle_code = 'VENDOR'
            AND cust.dnz_chr_id = l_chr_id
            AND cust.cle_id IS NULL
            AND cust.rle_code = 'CUSTOMER';
Line: 5394

         SELECT 'Y'
           FROM okc_contacts con
          WHERE con.cpl_id = l_cpl_id
            AND con.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_SALEPERS'
            AND con.cro_code IN ('SUP_SALES', 'SALESPERSON')
            AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (con.start_date, SYSDATE - 1)
                                    AND NVL (con.end_date, SYSDATE);
Line: 5446

      DELETE FROM oks_status_forecast
            WHERE conc_request_id = p_conc_request_id;
Line: 5522

            INSERT INTO oks_status_forecast
                        (conc_request_id, run_flag, run_time, status_type,
                         status_code, number_of_contracts, contract_value,
                         rev_rec_value, forecast_value,
                         booking_forecast, currency
                 VALUES (p_conc_request_id, 1, SYSDATE, l_ste_prev,
                         l_status_prev, l_number_k, l_kh_amount,
                         l_revrec_amount, l_forecast_amount,
                         l_booking_forecast, l_curncy_prev
Line: 5617

      INSERT INTO oks_status_forecast
                  (conc_request_id, run_flag, run_time, status_type,
                   status_code, number_of_contracts, contract_value,
                   rev_rec_value, forecast_value, booking_forecast,
           VALUES (p_conc_request_id, 1, SYSDATE, l_ste_curr,     --'ENTERED',
                   l_status_curr, l_number_k, l_kh_amount,
                   l_revrec_amount, l_forecast_amount, l_booking_forecast,
Line: 5654

         SELECT   con1.ID
             FROM okc_contacts con1, jtf_rs_salesreps salesrep
            WHERE con1.dnz_chr_id = p_contract_id
              AND jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_SALEPERS'
              AND con1.cpl_id = p_party_id
              AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (con1.start_date, SYSDATE - 1)
                                      AND NVL (con1.end_date, SYSDATE)
              AND NVL (con1.start_date, TO_DATE (1, 'J')) IN (
                     SELECT MAX (NVL (con2.start_date, TO_DATE (1, 'J')))
                       FROM okc_contacts con2
                      WHERE con2.dnz_chr_id = p_contract_id
                        AND jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_SALEPERS'
                        AND con2.cpl_id = p_party_id
                        AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (con2.start_date,
                                                         SYSDATE - 1
                                                AND NVL (con2.end_date,
              AND salesrep.salesrep_id = TO_NUMBER (con1.object1_id1)
              AND salesrep.org_id = p_org_id
         ORDER BY con1.creation_date DESC, salesrep.NAME ASC;
Line: 5704

         SELECT TRUNC (MAX (date_billed_to))
           FROM oks_bill_cont_lines
          WHERE cle_id IN (
                    SELECT ID
                      FROM okc_k_lines_b
                     WHERE dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
                           AND lse_id IN (1, 12, 14, 19));
Line: 5714

         SELECT TRUNC (MAX (date_billed_to))
           FROM oks_bill_cont_lines
          WHERE cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 5720

         SELECT TRUNC (MAX (date_billed_to))
           FROM oks_bill_sub_lines
          WHERE cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 5813

            okc_api.set_message (g_app_name, 'OKS_BA_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED');