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1 PACKAGE BODY gme_insert_step_pvt AS
2 /*  $Header: GMEVINSB.pls 120.6.12010000.1 2008/07/25 10:31:06 appldev ship $ */
3    g_debug               VARCHAR2 (5)  := fnd_profile.VALUE ('AFLOG_LEVEL');
4    g_pkg_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'GME_API_INSERT_STEP';
6    PROCEDURE insert_batch_step (
7       p_gme_batch_header   IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
8      ,p_gme_batch_step     IN              gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
9      ,x_gme_batch_step     OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
10      ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
11    IS
12       CURSOR get_steps_count (v_batchstep_no NUMBER, v_batch_id NUMBER)
13       IS
14          SELECT COUNT (*)
15            FROM gme_batch_steps
16           WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
17             AND batchstep_no = v_batchstep_no
18             AND delete_mark = 0;
20       /* Punit Kumar */
21       /* Susruth D. Bug#4917184 Start */
22       CURSOR get_orgn_code (p_org_id NUMBER)
23       IS
24          SELECT organization_code
25             FROM mtl_parameters
26             WHERE organization_id = p_org_id ;
28       /* Bug#5231180 */
29       CURSOR cur_get_std_factor (v_um_code VARCHAR2)
30       IS
31          SELECT conversion_rate, uom_class
32            FROM mtl_uom_conversions
33           WHERE uom_code = v_um_code
34 	   AND  inventory_item_id = 0;
36       --nsinghi bug#5202811.
37       CURSOR cur_text_code (v_text_code NUMBER) IS
38          SELECT 1
39          FROM   sys.DUAL
40          WHERE  EXISTS ( SELECT 1
41                          FROM   gme_text_header
42                          WHERE  text_code = v_text_code);
44       /* Bug#4917184 End */
45       l_recipe_rout_step          gmd_recipe_fetch_pub.recipe_step_tbl;
46                                                             -- gme_batch_steps
47       l_recipe_rout_act           gmd_recipe_fetch_pub.oprn_act_tbl;
48                                                   -- gme_batch_step_activities
49       l_recipe_rout_resc          gmd_recipe_fetch_pub.oprn_resc_tbl;
50                                                    -- gme_batch_step_resources
51       /* Pawan kumar  bug 2509572 added code for process parameters */
52       l_resc_parameters           gmd_recipe_fetch_pub.recp_resc_proc_param_tbl;
53                                                      -- gme_process_parameters
54       l_recipe_rout_matl          gmd_recipe_fetch_pub.recipe_rout_matl_tbl;
55                                                        -- gme_batch_step_items
56       l_routing_depd              gmd_recipe_fetch_pub.routing_depd_tbl;
57                                                 -- gme_batch_step_dependencies
58       l_message_count             NUMBER;
59       l_message_data              VARCHAR2 (2048);
60       l_return_code               NUMBER;
61       l_return_status             VARCHAR2 (1);
62       l_count                     NUMBER;
63       l_batch_id                  NUMBER;
64       l_batch_step_row            gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
65       l_exists                    NUMBER; --nsinghi bug#5202811
66       --Bug#5231180
67       l_um_type                   mtl_units_of_measure.uom_class%TYPE;
68       l_std_factor                NUMBER;
69       /* Punit Kumar */
70       l_orgn_code                 VARCHAR2 (3);
71       error_inv_status_ins_step   EXCEPTION;
72       error_no_oprn_defined       EXCEPTION;
73       error_gmd_fetch_oprn        EXCEPTION;
74       error_step_qty_lthan_zero   EXCEPTION;
75       error_create_batch_step     EXCEPTION;
76       error_calc_max_capacity     EXCEPTION;
77       batch_step_fetch_error      EXCEPTION;
78       /* Punit Kumar
79            */
80       error_no_organization_id    EXCEPTION;
81       validation_failure          EXCEPTION;
82       batch_step_update_error     EXCEPTION;
83       expected_error              EXCEPTION;
84       invalid_text_code           EXCEPTION; --nsinghi bug#5202811
85       invalid_oprn_effectivity    EXCEPTION;
86    BEGIN
87       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
88          gme_debug.put_line ('Begin Insert_Batch_Step');
89       END IF;
91       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
92       /* Bug 2397077 Use only one batch_id when batch IDs passed in both parameters. */
93       l_batch_id :=
94                   NVL (p_gme_batch_step.batch_id, p_gme_batch_header.batch_id);
96       /* End Bug 2397077 */
97       IF p_gme_batch_step.batchstep_no IS NULL THEN
98          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_STEP_REQD'
99                                     ,'FIELDREQ'
100                                     ,'Batchstep Number');
101          RAISE expected_error;
102       END IF;
104       OPEN get_steps_count (p_gme_batch_step.batchstep_no, l_batch_id);
106       FETCH get_steps_count
107        INTO l_count;
109       CLOSE get_steps_count;
111       IF l_count > 0 THEN
112          /* Bug 2397077 Corrected message from PC_DUPLICATESTEP_NO to PC_DUPLICATESTEPNO*/
113          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('PC_DUPLICATESTEPNO');
114          RAISE expected_error;
115       END IF;
117       /* Bug 2397077 Validate step_release_type passed to program. */
118       IF (p_gme_batch_step.steprelease_type NOT IN (1, 2) ) THEN
119          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_STEPRELEASE');
120          RAISE expected_error;
121       END IF;
123       /* End Bug 2397077 */
124       IF    (p_gme_batch_header.batch_status = 4)
125          OR (p_gme_batch_header.batch_status = -1) THEN
126          -- Closed or cancelled batch not valid for step insert...
127          RAISE error_inv_status_ins_step;
128       END IF;
130       IF p_gme_batch_step.oprn_id IS NULL THEN
131          RAISE error_no_oprn_defined;
132       END IF;
134       /* Punit Kumar */
135       IF p_gme_batch_header.organization_id IS NULL THEN
136          RAISE error_no_organization_id;
137       END IF;
139       /* Punit Kumar */
140       OPEN get_orgn_code (p_gme_batch_header.organization_id);
142       FETCH get_orgn_code
143        INTO l_orgn_code;
145       CLOSE get_orgn_code;
147       /* Pawan kumar  bug 2509572 added code for process parameters */
149       /* Punit Kumar */
150       gmd_fetch_oprn.fetch_oprn
151               (p_api_version                   => 1.0
152               ,p_init_msg_list                 => fnd_api.g_false
153               ,p_oprn_id                       => p_gme_batch_step.oprn_id
154               ,p_orgn_code                     => l_orgn_code
155               ,                           /* p_gme_batch_header.plant_code, */
156                x_return_status                 => l_return_status
157               ,x_msg_count                     => l_message_count
158               ,x_msg_data                      => l_message_data
159               ,x_return_code                   => l_return_code
160               ,x_oprn_act_out                  => l_recipe_rout_act
161               ,x_oprn_resc_rec                 => l_recipe_rout_resc
162               ,x_oprn_resc_proc_param_tbl      => l_resc_parameters);
164       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
165          gme_debug.put_line (   'Inser_Batch_step:fetch_oprn returned:'
166                              || l_return_status
167                              || ' Return Code:'||l_return_code
168                              || ' Error Msg: '
169                              || l_message_data
170                              || ' ERROR:'
171                              || SQLERRM);
172          gme_debug.put_line
173                 (   'Insert_Batch_Step... GMD_FETCH_OPRN.FETCH_OPRN returned '
174                  || l_recipe_rout_act.COUNT
175                  || ' ACTIVITIES');
176          gme_debug.put_line
177                 (   'Insert_Batch_Step... GMD_FETCH_OPRN.FETCH_OPRN returned '
178                  || l_recipe_rout_resc.COUNT
179                  || ' RESOURCES');
181          FOR i IN 1 .. l_recipe_rout_act.COUNT LOOP
182             gme_debug.put_line
183                (   'Insert_Batch_Step... GMD_FETCH_OPRN.FETCH_OPRN returned '
184                 || l_recipe_rout_act (i).oprn_id
185                 || ' operation_id');
186             gme_debug.put_line
187                 (   'Insert_Batch_Step... GMD_FETCH_OPRN.FETCH_OPRN returned '
188                  || l_recipe_rout_act (i).minimum_transfer_qty
189                  || ' minimum_transfer_qty at Activity '||l_recipe_rout_act (i).activity);
190          END LOOP;
191       END IF;
193       IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
194          RAISE error_gmd_fetch_oprn;
195       END IF;
197       IF l_recipe_rout_act.COUNT < 1 THEN
198          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
199             gme_debug.put_line
200                ('Insert_Batch Step - GMD_FETCH_OPRN.FETCH_OPRN returned no activities');
201          END IF;
202          gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_AT_LEAST_ONE_ACTIVITY');
203          RAISE error_gmd_fetch_oprn;
204       END IF;
206       IF l_recipe_rout_resc.COUNT < 1 THEN
207          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
208             gme_debug.put_line
209                ('Insert_Batch Step - GMD_FETCH_OPRN.FETCH_OPRN returned no resources');
210          END IF;
211          gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_AT_LEAST_ONE_RESOURCE');
212          RAISE error_gmd_fetch_oprn;
213       END IF;
215       -- Fill in the recipe_rout_step structure from what was filled in on p_gme_batch_step
216       -- subscript is hard-coded to 1 since this is only inserting 1 batch step....
217       l_recipe_rout_step (1).routingstep_no := p_gme_batch_step.batchstep_no;
218       l_recipe_rout_step (1).oprn_id := p_gme_batch_step.oprn_id;
219       l_recipe_rout_step (1).steprelease_type :=
220                                              p_gme_batch_step.steprelease_type;
222       --Bharati Satpute bug2848936 added to fetch minimum_transfer_qty
223       -- Bug 4773956: Corrected field name to process_qty_uom instead of um
224       -- Also combined both the select statements into one.
225       SELECT minimum_transfer_qty, process_qty_uom
226         INTO l_recipe_rout_step (1).minimum_transfer_qty,
227              l_recipe_rout_step (1).process_qty_uom
228         FROM gmd_operations_b
229        WHERE oprn_id = p_gme_batch_step.oprn_id;
230        --Bug#5231180
231        l_recipe_rout_step (1).capacity_uom := l_recipe_rout_step (1).process_qty_uom;
233       --bharati satpute bug2848936 Added
234       --   l_recipe_rout_step (1). minimum_transfer_qty := p_gme_batch_step.minimum_transfer_qty;
235       IF (p_gme_batch_header.automatic_step_calculation = 1) THEN
236          l_recipe_rout_step (1).step_qty := 0;
237       --NULL;
238       ELSE
239          IF p_gme_batch_step.plan_step_qty < 0 THEN
240             RAISE error_step_qty_lthan_zero;
241          END IF;
242          l_recipe_rout_step (1).step_qty := p_gme_batch_step.plan_step_qty;
243       END IF;
247       /* SELECT process_qty_um
248         INTO l_recipe_rout_step (1).process_qty_uom
249         FROM gmd_operations
250        WHERE oprn_id = p_gme_batch_step.oprn_id;*/
252       calc_max_capacity (p_recipe_rout_resc      => l_recipe_rout_resc
253                         ,p_max_capacity          => l_recipe_rout_step (1).max_capacity
254                         ,p_capacity_uom          => l_recipe_rout_step (1).capacity_uom
255    		        ,x_resource             =>  l_recipe_rout_step (1).resources
256                         ,x_return_status         => l_return_status
257 			,p_step_qty_uom          => l_recipe_rout_step (1).process_qty_uom);
259       IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
260          RAISE error_calc_max_capacity;
261       END IF;
263       /* Pawan kumar  bug 2509572 added code for process parameters */
265       /* Punit Kumar */
266       gme_create_step_pvt.create_batch_steps
267                        (p_recipe_rout_step_tbl      => l_recipe_rout_step
268                        ,p_recipe_rout_act_tbl       => l_recipe_rout_act
269                        ,p_recipe_rout_resc_tbl      => l_recipe_rout_resc
270                        ,p_resc_parameters_tbl       => l_resc_parameters
271                        ,p_recipe_rout_matl_tbl      => l_recipe_rout_matl
272                        ,p_routing_depd_tbl          => l_routing_depd
273                        ,p_gme_batch_header_rec      => p_gme_batch_header
274                        ,p_use_workday_cal           => fnd_api.g_true
275                        ,p_contiguity_override       => fnd_api.g_true
276                        ,x_return_status             => l_return_status
277                        ,p_ignore_qty_below_cap      => fnd_api.g_true
278                        ,p_step_start_date           => p_gme_batch_step.plan_start_date
279                        ,p_step_cmplt_date           => p_gme_batch_step.plan_cmplt_date
280                        ,p_step_due_date             => p_gme_batch_step.due_date);
282       IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
283          RAISE error_create_batch_step;
284       END IF;
286       x_gme_batch_step.batchstep_no := p_gme_batch_step.batchstep_no;
287       x_gme_batch_step.batch_id := l_batch_id;
289       IF NOT (gme_batch_steps_dbl.fetch_row (x_gme_batch_step
290                                             ,x_gme_batch_step) ) THEN
291          RAISE batch_step_fetch_error;
292       END IF;
294      /* Bug#6408612 calculated step plan start and end dates are validated
295          against the operation effectivity start and end dates */
296       IF  NOT gme_common_pvt.check_oprn_effectivity_dates(x_gme_batch_step.oprn_id,
297                                        x_gme_batch_step.plan_start_date,
298                                        x_gme_batch_step.plan_cmplt_date) THEN
299            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
300            RAISE invalid_oprn_effectivity;
301       END IF;
303       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
304          gme_debug.put_line (' Before Validate Flex ');
305       END IF;
307       -- Added following code in order to set the flexfields and the ID fields
308       -- Before calling the validate_flex_fields
309       l_batch_step_row := x_gme_batch_step;
310       l_batch_step_row.attribute_category :=
311                                            p_gme_batch_step.attribute_category;
312       l_batch_step_row.attribute1 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute1;
313       l_batch_step_row.attribute2 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute2;
314       l_batch_step_row.attribute3 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute3;
315       l_batch_step_row.attribute4 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute4;
316       l_batch_step_row.attribute5 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute5;
317       l_batch_step_row.attribute6 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute6;
318       l_batch_step_row.attribute7 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute7;
319       l_batch_step_row.attribute8 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute8;
320       l_batch_step_row.attribute9 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute9;
321       l_batch_step_row.attribute10 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute10;
322       l_batch_step_row.attribute11 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute11;
323       l_batch_step_row.attribute12 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute12;
324       l_batch_step_row.attribute13 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute13;
325       l_batch_step_row.attribute14 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute14;
326       l_batch_step_row.attribute15 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute15;
327       l_batch_step_row.attribute16 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute16;
328       l_batch_step_row.attribute17 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute17;
329       l_batch_step_row.attribute18 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute18;
330       l_batch_step_row.attribute19 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute19;
331       l_batch_step_row.attribute20 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute20;
332       l_batch_step_row.attribute21 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute21;
333       l_batch_step_row.attribute22 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute22;
334       l_batch_step_row.attribute23 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute23;
335       l_batch_step_row.attribute24 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute24;
336       l_batch_step_row.attribute25 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute25;
337       l_batch_step_row.attribute26 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute26;
338       l_batch_step_row.attribute27 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute27;
339       l_batch_step_row.attribute28 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute28;
340       l_batch_step_row.attribute29 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute29;
341       l_batch_step_row.attribute30 := p_gme_batch_step.attribute30;
342       --3556979
343       gme_validate_flex_fld_pvt.validate_flex_batch_step
344                                            (p_batch_step         => l_batch_step_row
345                                            ,x_batch_step         => x_gme_batch_step
346                                            ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
348       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
349          RAISE validation_failure;
350       END IF;
352       --nsinghi bug#5202811 added the code to process edit text.
353       IF p_gme_batch_step.text_code IS NOT NULL THEN
354          OPEN cur_text_code (p_gme_batch_step.text_code);
355          FETCH cur_text_code INTO l_exists;
356          IF cur_text_code%NOTFOUND THEN
357             CLOSE cur_text_code;
358             RAISE invalid_text_code;
359          END IF;
361          CLOSE cur_text_code;
362       END IF;
363       x_gme_batch_step.text_code := p_gme_batch_step.text_code;
365       IF NOT (gme_batch_steps_dbl.update_row (p_batch_step      => x_gme_batch_step) ) THEN
366          RAISE batch_step_update_error;
367       END IF;
369       /* Bug 2397077 Added message to indicate success of program. */
370       gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INSERT_BATCH_STEP_SUCCESS');
372       /* End Bug 2397077 */
373       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
374          gme_debug.put_line ('End Insert_Batch_Step');
375       END IF;
377       WHEN error_inv_status_ins_step THEN
378          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
379             gme_debug.put_line ('insert_step --> invalid batch status');
380          END IF;
382          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
383          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STATUS_INSERT_STEP');
384       WHEN error_no_oprn_defined THEN
385          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
386             gme_debug.put_line ('insert_step --> no oprn passed');
387          END IF;
389          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
390          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_NO_OPRN_DEFINED');
391       WHEN error_gmd_fetch_oprn THEN
392          x_return_status := l_return_status;
393       WHEN error_step_qty_lthan_zero THEN
394          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
395             gme_debug.put_line ('insert_step --> step qty < zero');
396          END IF;
398          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
399          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_STEP_QTY_LTHAN_ZERO');
400       /* Punit Kumar */
401       WHEN error_no_organization_id THEN
402          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
403             gme_debug.put_line ('insert_step --> no ORGANIZATION_ID supplied');
404          END IF;
406          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
407       WHEN error_create_batch_step THEN
408          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
409             gme_debug.put_line
410                               (fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded      => fnd_api.g_false) );
411          END IF;
413          x_return_status := l_return_status;
414       WHEN error_calc_max_capacity THEN
415          x_return_status := l_return_status;
416       WHEN invalid_text_code THEN -- nsinghi bug#5202911
417          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
418          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_TEXT_CODE');
419       WHEN batch_step_fetch_error OR batch_step_update_error THEN
420          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
421             gme_debug.put_line
422                               (fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded      => fnd_api.g_false) );
423          END IF;
425          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
426       WHEN validation_failure THEN
427          NULL;
428       WHEN expected_error OR invalid_oprn_effectivity THEN --Bug#6408612
429          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
431          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
432             gme_debug.put_line (   'GME insert_step API -- when others '
433                                 || SQLERRM);
434          END IF;
436          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
437          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg ('GME_API_INSERT_STEP', 'INSERT_BATCH_STEP');
438    END insert_batch_step;
440    PROCEDURE calc_max_capacity (
441       p_recipe_rout_resc   IN              gmd_recipe_fetch_pub.oprn_resc_tbl
442                                  -- resources that we want the max_capacity of
443      ,p_max_capacity       OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_steps.max_step_capacity%TYPE
444      ,p_capacity_uom       OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_steps.max_step_capacity_um%TYPE
445      ,x_resource           OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_step_resources.resources%TYPE
446      ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
447      ,p_step_qty_uom       IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) --Bug#5231180
448    IS
449       l_max_cap                 cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%TYPE;
450       l_std_cap                 cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%TYPE;
451       l_std_min_of_max_cap      cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%TYPE;
452       l_min_of_max_cap          cr_rsrc_mst.max_capacity%TYPE;
453       l_min_of_max_cap_uom      cr_rsrc_mst.capacity_uom%TYPE;
454       l_cap_uom                 cr_rsrc_mst.capacity_uom%TYPE;
456       --Bug#5231180 changed to mtl_units_of_measure
457       l_min_of_max_um_type      mtl_units_of_measure.uom_class%TYPE; --sy_uoms_mst.um_type%TYPE;
458       l_std_factor              NUMBER;
459       l_um_type                 mtl_units_of_measure.uom_class%TYPE; --sy_uoms_mst.um_type%TYPE;
461       l_first                   BOOLEAN;
462       l_assign                  BOOLEAN;
463       l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)          := 'CALC_MAX_CAPACITY';
465       CURSOR cur_get_rsrc (p_rsrc cr_rsrc_mst.resources%TYPE)
466       IS
467          SELECT max_capacity, capacity_um   --Bug#5231180 changed to capacity um
468            FROM cr_rsrc_mst
469           WHERE resources = p_rsrc
470             AND delete_mark = 0
471             AND capacity_constraint = 1;
473       --Bug#5231180 rewritten the folloiwing cursor to use mtl_uom_conversions table
474       /*CURSOR cur_get_std_factor (v_um_code VARCHAR2)
475       IS
476          SELECT std_factor, um_type
477            FROM sy_uoms_mst
478           WHERE um_code = v_um_code; */
479       CURSOR cur_get_std_factor (v_um_code VARCHAR2)
480       IS
481          SELECT conversion_rate, uom_class
482            FROM mtl_uom_conversions
483           WHERE uom_code = v_um_code
484 	   AND  inventory_item_id = 0;
486       error_rsrc_diff_um_type   EXCEPTION;
487       error_calc_charge_conv    EXCEPTION; --Bug#5231180
488       l_temp_qty                NUMBER;    --Bug#5231180
489    BEGIN
490       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
491          gme_debug.put_line ('Insert_batch_step... BEGIN calc max cap');
492       END IF;
494       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
495       l_first := TRUE;
496       l_assign := FALSE;
497       -- Initialize in case we don't find any rsrcs that are capacity constraining...
498       l_min_of_max_cap := NULL;
499       l_min_of_max_cap_uom := NULL;
500       -- Initialize in case there is an error...
501       p_max_capacity := NULL;
502       p_capacity_uom := NULL;
504       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
505        gme_debug.put_line ('Resource Count: '||p_recipe_rout_resc.COUNT);
506       END IF;
508       FOR i IN 1 .. p_recipe_rout_resc.COUNT LOOP
509          l_max_cap := NULL;
510          l_cap_uom := NULL;
512          OPEN cur_get_rsrc (p_recipe_rout_resc (i).resources);
513          FETCH cur_get_rsrc INTO l_max_cap, l_cap_uom;
514          CLOSE cur_get_rsrc;
516          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
517           gme_debug.put_line ('Max Capacity: '||l_max_cap);
518           gme_debug.put_line ('Resource Capacity UOM: '||l_cap_uom);
519          END IF;
521          -- Did we find something? not deleted and capacity constraining...
522          IF (l_max_cap IS NOT NULL AND l_cap_uom IS NOT NULL) THEN
524 	    OPEN cur_get_std_factor (l_cap_uom);
525             FETCH cur_get_std_factor INTO l_std_factor, l_um_type;
526             CLOSE cur_get_std_factor;
528             -- calculate the capacity in the std UOM for it's UOM type...
529             l_std_cap := l_max_cap * l_std_factor;
531             -- If this is the first to be found, then take it.
532             IF (l_first) THEN
533                l_assign := TRUE;
534                l_first := FALSE;
535             ELSE
536                -- If this is not the first to come through, then the capacity must be less then
537                -- that which we have already stored... we are ensuring that both qty's are in the
538                -- same um type and then comparing the capacity in the STD UOM.
539                IF (l_min_of_max_um_type = l_um_type) THEN
540                   IF l_std_cap < l_std_min_of_max_cap THEN
541                      l_assign := TRUE;
542                   END IF;
543                ELSE
544                   -- can't compare the capacity... this will cause the max cap and cap_UOM to
545                   -- be returned as NULL.
546 		  IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
547                    gme_debug.put_line('GME insert_step API calc_max_cap --> resources in diff UOM types...');
548                   END IF;
549                   --Bug#5231180 used gme_common_pvt to log the message
550 	          gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_RSRC_DIFF_UM_TYPE');
551                   RAISE error_rsrc_diff_um_type;
552                END IF;
553             END IF;
555             IF (l_assign) THEN
556                l_std_min_of_max_cap := l_std_cap;
557                l_min_of_max_cap := l_max_cap;
558                l_min_of_max_cap_uom := l_cap_uom;
559                l_min_of_max_um_type := l_um_type;
560 	       x_resource           := p_recipe_rout_resc(i).resources;
561                l_assign := FALSE;
562             END IF;
563          END IF;
564       END LOOP;
566       /*Bug#5231180 Begin calculate the max step capacity in step qty uom*/
567       IF NVL(l_min_of_max_cap,0) > 0 THEN
568         l_temp_qty :=  inv_convert.inv_um_convert
569                                     (item_id            => 0
570                                     ,PRECISION          => gme_common_pvt.g_precision
571                                     ,from_quantity      => l_min_of_max_cap
572                                     ,from_unit          => l_min_of_max_cap_uom
573                                     ,to_unit            => p_step_qty_uom
574                                     ,from_name          => NULL
575                                     ,to_name            => NULL);
576         IF (l_temp_qty < 0) THEN
577           RAISE error_calc_charge_conv;
578 	ELSE
579           p_max_capacity := l_temp_qty;
580         END IF;
581      END IF;
583      p_capacity_uom := p_step_qty_uom;
584      --Bug#5231180 End
586       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
587          gme_debug.put_line('Max Capcity calculated: '||p_max_capacity);
588          gme_debug.put_line('Capcity UOM : '||p_capacity_uom);
589          gme_debug.put_line ('Insert_batch_step... END calc max cap');
590       END IF;
592       WHEN error_rsrc_diff_um_type OR error_calc_charge_conv THEN
593          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
595          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
596             gme_debug.put_line
597                       (   'GME insert_step API calc_max_cap --> when others '
598                        || SQLERRM);
599          END IF;
601          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
602          --Bug2804440
603          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
604    END calc_max_capacity;
608 END gme_insert_step_pvt;