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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 38

*                                   per_in_ler_id to delete_enrollment.
*   05 Nov 1998  Hugh Dang  115.9   Change call to get_parameters.
*   01 Dec 1998  Hugh Dang  115.10  Remove p_mode_cd check.
*   02 Dec 1998  Hugh Dang  115.11  Change logic how to handle report/log,
*                                   and common procedures/Function into
*                                   ben_batch_utils package.
*   11 Dec 1998  S Tee      115.12  Added the per_in_ler_id to process
*                                   common enrollment result procedure.
*   20-Dec-1998  Hdang      115.13  Added audit_log to turn audit log report
*                                   on and off.
*   22-Dec-1998  Hdang      115.14  Turn Audit log report on.
*   28-Dec-1998  Jlamoureux 115.15  Removed dflt_enrt_dt, enrt_typ_cycl_cd,
*                                   enrt_perd_strt_dt, and enrt_perd_end_dt
*                                   from c_dflt_mn_epe cursor.  These columns
*                                   have moved to pil_elctbl_chc_popl.
*   28-Dec-1998  Hdang      115.16  Add Prtt_enrt_rslt_id in batch_rate tbl.
*   29-Dec-1998  Hdang      115.17  Call ini_proc_info from process.
*   01-Jan-1999  Stee       115.18  Changed post enrollment to pass a process
*                                   code.
*   12-Jan-1999  Hdang      115.19  Added commit to force report info got
*                                   commit.
*   03-Feb-1999  Hdang      115.20  Add logic to default comp obj procedure to
*                                   handle mandatory flag.
*   22-Feb-1999  Hdang      115.21  Chagne p_effective_date data type from date
*                                   to varchar2
*   22-Feb-1999  Hdang      115.22  Change multitrhead p_eefective_date.
*   03-MAr-1999  Stee       115.23  Removed dbms_output.put_line.
*   22-MAR-1999  TMathers   115.27  CHanged -MON- to /MM/
*   05-Apr-1999  mhoyes     115.28 - Un-datetrack of per_in_ler_f changes.
*   10-May-1999  jcarpent   115.29  Check ('VOIDD','BCKDT') for pil stt cd
*   20-JUL-1999  Gperry     115.30  genutils -> benutils package rename.
*   12-Aug-1999  lmcdonal   115.31  Start support for enterable cvg amounts.
*                                   To complete, need task 280 to be done
*                                   (changes to benelinf).
*   25-Aug-1999  Gperry     115.32  Added ben_env_object call to multithread.
*   25-AUG-1999  Gperry     115.33  Leapfrog of 115.30 with ben_env_object fix.
*   25-AUG-1999  Gperry     115.34  Leapfrog of 115.32 with ben_env_object fix.
*   14-SEP-1999  shdas      115.35  added bnft_val to election_information
*   06-Oct-1999  tguy       115.36  added call to dt_fndate
*   19-Oct-1999  maagrawa   115.37  Call to write_table_and_file changed to
*                                   log the messages in the log file.
*   10-Nov-1999  jcarpent   115.38  Switched order of post_enrollment and
*                                   post_results calls so that pil is not
*                                   closed too soon.
*   14-Dec-1999  jcarpent   115.39  Moved close enrollment to end of process.
*   28-Dec-1999  stee       115.40  Added per_in_ler_id to multi_rows_edit
*                                   call and removed delete enrollment as it
*                                   will be deleted in the multi_rows_edit
*                                   logic and dependents will be recycled
*                                   properly.
*   01-Feb-2000  gperry     115.41  Fixed WWBUG 1176104. Multithreading not
*                                   working.
*   10-Feb-2000  jcarpent   115.42  Bleeding benefits fixed.  bnft vars set
*                                   null within default loop.
*   04-Apr-2000  gperry     115.43  Fixed WWBUG 1217194.
*   11-Apr-2000  mmogel     115.45  Added tokens to messages to make them
*                                   more meaningful to the user
*   18-May-2000  gperry     115.46  No persons selected errors silently now.
*                                   WWBUG 1097159
*   18-May-2000  gperry     115.47  Initial performance fixes.
*   19-May-2000  gperry     115.48  Removed ben_timing stuff.
*   30-May-2000  gperry     115.49  More performance tuning.
*   29-Jun-2000  shdas      115.50  Added call to reinstate_dpnt
*   23-jan-2001  jcarpent   115.51  Bug 1609055. Set ler info when c_pel
*                                   returns no rows.
*   01-Jul-2001  kmahendr   115.52  Unrestricted changes
*   13-Jul-2001  ikasire    115.53  Bug 1834566 changed the cursor c_rt
*                                   where clause to remove
*                                   ecr.prtt_rt_val_id is null condition.
*   18-dec-2001  tjesumic   115.54  cwb changes
*   20-dec-2001  ikasire    115.55  added dbdrv lines
*   30-Apr-2002  kmahendr   115.56  Added write calls to capture error messages.
*   08-Jun-02    pabodla    115.57  Do not select the contingent worker
*                                   assignment when assignment data is
*                                   fetched.
*   14-Nov-02    vsethi     115.58  Bug 2370264 In Default_Comp_obj changed exception
*                                   handling for forms (p_batch_flag is false)
*   19-dec-02    pabodla    115.59  NOCOPY Changes
    03-Jan-03    tjesumic   115.60  after the enhncemnt # 2685018 cryfwd_elig_dpnt_cd value is
                                    concated with result id from where the dpnt carry forwarded ,
                                    this fix  will seprate the code from result id
*   05-Mar-03    hnarayan   115.62  Bug 2828045 - In c_person cursor of Process,
*				    uncommented BG id check and added check
*				    to exclude PILs of type COMP and ABS. Also fixed
*				    p_ler_id parameter check condition in the query.
*   07-Mar-03    tjesumic   115.63  2944657 whne the enrollment is closed from LE form
*                                   min max restriction is nat validated.  the enrollment can be
*                                   made without enrolling in a plan, Min reqment of the plan is 1 though
*                                   this is fixed by calling ben_proc_common_enrt_rslt.set_elcn_made_or_asnd_dt
*                                   before multi_rows_edit
*   15-MAY-03    glingapp   115.64  2961251 Passed the pl_id parameter in
*				    ben_proc_common_enrt_rslt.set_elcn_made_or_asnd_dt.
*   16-Sep-03    kmahendr   115.65  GSP changes
*   22-Sep-03    mmudigon   115.66  Bug 3121395. Changes to c_rt cursor
*   6-oct-03     nhunur     115.67  made changes to exception handling in default_comp_obj procedure.
*   16-Oct-03    tjesumic   115.68  l_prev_enrt_rslt_id resintialized
*   30-Oct-03    ikasire    115.69  Bug 3192923 OVERRIDE thru date needs to be handled
*   13-sep-04    vvprabhu   115.70  Bug 3876613 Procedure Default_Comp_obj_w added
*   05-nov-04    vvprabhu   115.71  Bug 3978573 parameter p_called_from_ss added to
*                                   Default_Comp_obj to pypass multi_row_edit when called from SSBEN.
*   03-Dec-04    ikasire    115.72  Bug 4046914
*   10-Jan-05    lakrish    115.73  3989075, call dt_fndate.change_ses_date to insert a row into
*                                   fnd_sessions while running default enrt process from SS
*   26-Jan-05    ikasire    115.74  BUG 4064635 CF Suspended Interim Changes
*   26-May-05    vborkar    115.75  Bug 4387247 : In wrapper method exception
*                                   handlers changes made to avoid null errors
*                                   on SS pages
*   01-Jun-05    vborkar    115.76  Bug 4387247 : Modifications to take care of
*                                   application exceptions.
*   22-Jun-05    vvprabhu   115.77  Bug 4421813 ben_env_obj.init added to default_comp_obj
*                                   in cases where it is called from self-service.
*   20-Jul-05    ikasire    115.78  Bug 4463836 passing the p_called_from_ss to multi_row_edit call
*   26-Oct-05    bmanyam    115.79  4684991 - Use lf_evt_ocrd_dt instead of p_effective_date
*                                   when checking for overide-thru-date
*   13-Dec-05    vborkar    115.80  Bug 4695708 : Made changes to Default_Comp_obj
*                                   and Default_Comp_obj_w exception handlers
*                                   so that error messages are correctly shown
*                                   in SS.
*   11-Apr-06    swjain    115.82   Bug 4951065 - Updated cursor c_dflt_mn_epe_mndtry
*                                   in procedure Default_Comp_obj
*   03-May-06    abparekh  115.83   Bug 5158204 - use minimum (enrt perd start date, defaults assnd date )
*                                                 for default enrollment date
*   14-Sep-06    abparekh  115.84   Bug 5407755 - Modified fix of version 115.83
*                          115.85                 use NVL(defaults assnd date, enrt perd end date)
*                                                 for close enrollment date
*   16-Nov-06    vvprabhu  115.86   Bug 5664300 - added p_called_frm_ss parameter to
*                          115.87                 process_post_results
*   30-Nov-06    rtagarra  115.88   Bug 5662220 - Added check so that when there is no condition for a person
*				      in person_selection_rule then skip the person.
*   22-Jan-07    kmahendr  115.89   Bug#5768880 - changed cursor c_pel to filter
                                    out unrestricted pels
*   27-apr-07    nhunur    115.90   changed incorrect join condition introduced above

*   24-May-07    sjilla    115.91   Bug 6027345 - Additional more specific Exception hadler used.
*   06-aug-07    swjain    115.92   Bug 6319484 - Updated cursor c_dflt_mn_epe
*   09-Aug-07    vvprabhu  115.93  Bug 5857493 - added g_audit_flag to
*                                   control person selection rule error logging
*   12-jun-08    bachakra  115.97   Bug 7166971 - added clause in c_pel to apply defaults
                                    for those programs whose default assigned date is less
				    than effective date. Also removed the fix for 6992857
				    as that is not the expected functioanlity.
*   28-Jul-09    velvanop  115.99   Fidelity Enhancement Bug No: 8716679
*                                  The enhancement request is to reinstate elections from an intervening event
*                                  with a life event that is backed out and reprocessed. The objective is to allow
*                                  customers to have the ability to determine whether elections made for
*                                  intervening events should be brought forward for a backed out life events.
*   18-Jan-11    stee      115.98  Bug 10377891 - added enrt_mthd_cd check to
*                                  c_dflt_mn_epe.
*   11-Jul-11    velvanop  115.99  Bug 12688164  - Multi row edit validation in default enrollment process should happen after
*                                  the enrollments of backed out LE are reinstated. If no enrollments are
*                                  reinstated multi row edit should be called after applying the defaults
*   30-Apr-12    amnaraya  120.17.12010000.10 Bug: Default elections has to be made on the Enrollment period start
*                                             date and not on the effective date. Reference bug 7623319.
* 28-Jan-13 amnaraya 120.17.12010000.11 Enh 16043887: When the Beneficiaries are carry forwared and the
* Exclude Participant flag is set, show a note.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Global cursor and variables declaration
g_package             varchar2(80) := 'Ben_manage_default_Enrt';
Line: 220

    Select ecd.dpnt_person_id, ecd.cvg_strt_dt, ecd.cvg_thru_dt
      From ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f ecd,
           ben_per_in_ler pil
     Where ecd.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not NULL
       and ecd.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
       and ecd.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and p_effective_date between
             ecd.effective_start_date and ecd.effective_end_date
       and pil.per_in_ler_id=ecd.per_in_ler_id
       --and pil.business_group_id=ecd.business_group_id
       and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') ;
Line: 280

      insert into ben_batch_rate_info
Line: 311

          insert into ben_batch_dpnt_info
Line: 443

   Select ran.range_id
     From ben_batch_ranges ran
    Where ran.range_status_cd = 'U'
      And rownum < 2
      For update of ran.range_status_cd
Line: 453

    Select ben.person_id
      From ben_person_actions ben
     Where ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id
       And ben.action_status_cd <> 'P'
       And ben.person_action_id between
              l_start_person_action_id and l_end_person_action_id
     Order by ben.person_action_id
Line: 465

    Select *
      From ben_benefit_actions ben
     Where ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id
Line: 524

          ,p_person_selection_rule_id => l_parm.person_selection_rl
          ,p_person_type_id           => l_parm.person_type_id
          ,p_ler_id                   => l_parm.ler_id
          ,p_organization_id          => l_parm.organization_id
          ,p_benfts_grp_id            => l_parm.benfts_grp_id
          ,p_location_id              => l_parm.location_id
          ,p_legal_entity_id          => l_parm.legal_entity_id
          ,p_payroll_id               => l_parm.payroll_id
          ,p_audit_log                => l_parm.audit_log_flag
Line: 557

      update ben_batch_ranges ran set ran.range_status_cd = 'P'
         where ran.range_id = l_range_id;
Line: 565

Line: 655

    Select -- to_char(process_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') process_date
           fnd_date.date_to_canonical(process_date) process_date
      From ben_benefit_actions ben
     Where ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
Line: 746

                 ,p_person_selection_rule_id in  number   default null
                 ,p_ler_id                   in  number   default null
                 ,p_organization_id          in  number   default null
                 ,p_benfts_grp_id            in  number   default null
                 ,p_location_id              in  number   default null
                 ,p_legal_entity_id          in  number   default null
                 ,p_payroll_id               in  number   default null
                 ,p_debug_messages           in  varchar2 default 'N'
                 ,p_audit_log                in  varchar2 default 'N') is
  -- local variable declaration.
  l_effective_date         date;
Line: 789

    select pil.person_id
    from   ben_per_in_ler pil
      pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id		-- 2828045
    and    pil.per_in_ler_id in
           (select pel.per_in_ler_id
            from   ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
            where  pel.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id
            and    pel.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
            and    pel.dflt_enrt_dt  <=  l_effective_date
	    and    pel.dflt_asnd_dt is NULL
            and    pel.ELCNS_MADE_DT is NULL)
    and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
    and    (p_person_id is NULL or pil.person_id = p_person_id)
    -- and    (p_ler_id is NULL or pil.per_in_ler_id = p_ler_id) -- 2828045
    and    (p_ler_id is NULL or pil.ler_id = p_ler_id)
    and    exists (select null 					-- 2828045
		   from ben_ler_f ler
		   where ler.ler_id = pil.ler_id
		   and   ler.typ_cd not in ('COMP','ABS','GSP')
		   and   l_effective_date
			 between ler.effective_start_date
			 and     ler.effective_end_date
    and    (p_person_type_id is null
            or exists (select null
                       from   per_person_type_usages ptu
                       where  ptu.person_id = pil.person_id
                       and    ptu.person_type_id = p_person_type_id))
    -- Bug : 2170794 Commented the code below and added the new clauses .
/*  and    ((p_location_id is null
             and p_organization_id is null
             and p_legal_entity_id is null
             and p_payroll_id is null)
            or exists (select null
                       from   per_all_assignments_f asg
                       where  nvl(asg.location_id,hr_api.g_number) =
                       and    nvl(asg.organization_id,hr_api.g_number) =
                       and    nvl(asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id,hr_api.g_number) =
                       and    nvl(asg.payroll_id, hr_api.g_number)=
                       and    asg.person_id = pil.person_id
                       and    asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
                       and    asg.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id
                       and    l_effective_date
                              between asg.effective_start_date
                              and     asg.effective_end_date))
    and    ((p_location_id is null )
            or exists (select null
                       from   per_all_assignments_f asg
                       where  asg.location_id = p_location_id
                       and    asg.person_id = pil.person_id
                       and    asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
                       and    asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
                       and    asg.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id
                       and    l_effective_date
                              between asg.effective_start_date and  asg.effective_end_date))
    and    (( p_organization_id is null )
            or exists (select null
                       from   hr_organization_units org,
                              per_all_assignments_f asg
                       where  asg.organization_id = org.organization_id
                       and    org.organization_id = p_organization_id
                       and    l_effective_date
                              between org.date_from and nvl(org.date_to,l_effective_date )
                       and    asg.person_id = pil.person_id
                       and    asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
                       and    asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
                       and    asg.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id
                       and    l_effective_date
                              between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date))
    and    (( p_legal_entity_id is null )
            or exists (select null
                       from hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc,
                            per_all_assignments_f asg
                       where asg.person_id = pil.person_id
                       and   asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
                       and asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
                       and asg.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id
                       and l_effective_date
                           between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
                       and asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsc.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                       and hsc.segment1 = to_char(p_legal_entity_id)))
    and    (( p_payroll_id is null)
            or exists (select null
                       from   pay_payrolls_f pay,
                              per_all_assignments_f asg
                       where  asg.person_id = pil.person_id
                       and   asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
                       and    asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
                       and    asg.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id
                       and    l_effective_date
                              between asg.effective_start_date  and  asg.effective_end_date
                       and    pay.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
                       and    pay.payroll_id = asg.payroll_id
                       and    l_effective_date
                              between pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date ))
-- Bug : 2170794
    and    (p_benfts_grp_id is null
            or exists (select null
                       from   ben_benfts_grp bng,
                              per_all_people_f ppf
                       where  bng.benfts_grp_id = p_benfts_grp_id
                       And    bng.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id
                       And    ppf.person_id = pil.person_id
                       And    ppf.benefit_group_id = bng.benfts_grp_id
                       And    l_effective_date
                              between ppf.effective_start_date
                              and     ppf.effective_end_date));
Line: 962

      ,p_comp_selection_rl      => NULL
      ,p_person_selection_rl    => p_person_selection_rule_id
      ,p_ler_id                 => p_ler_id
      ,p_organization_id        => p_organization_id
      ,p_benfts_grp_id          => p_benfts_grp_id
      ,p_location_id            => p_location_id
      ,p_pstl_zip_rng_id        => NULL
      ,p_rptg_grp_id            => NULL
      ,p_pl_typ_id              => NULL
      ,p_opt_id                 => NULL
      ,p_eligy_prfl_id          => NULL
      ,p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id        => NULL
      ,p_legal_entity_id        => p_legal_entity_id
      ,p_payroll_id             => p_payroll_id
      ,p_audit_log_flag         => p_audit_log
      ,p_debug_messages_flag    => p_debug_messages
      ,p_object_version_number  => l_object_version_number
      ,p_effective_date         => l_effective_date
      ,p_request_id             => fnd_global.conc_request_id
      ,p_program_application_id => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
      ,p_program_id             => fnd_global.conc_program_id
      ,p_program_update_date    => sysdate);
Line: 1001

        if p_person_selection_rule_id is not null then
          l_actn := 'Calling Ben_batch_utils.person_selection_rule...';
Line: 1005

               (p_person_id               => l_person_id_out
               ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
               ,p_person_selection_rule_id=> p_person_selection_rule_id
               ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date);
Line: 1040

          select ben_person_actions_s.nextval
          into   l_person_action_id(l_num_rows)
          from   sys.dual;
Line: 1055

              insert into ben_person_actions
Line: 1074

            select ben_batch_ranges_s.nextval
            into   l_range_id
            from   sys.dual;
Line: 1083

            insert into ben_batch_ranges
Line: 1102

Line: 1103

Line: 1121

      insert into ben_person_actions
Line: 1140

      select ben_batch_ranges_s.nextval
      into   l_range_id
      from   sys.dual;
Line: 1147

      insert into ben_batch_ranges
Line: 1166

Line: 1167

Line: 1231

      ,p_person_selection_rule_id => p_person_selection_rule_id
      ,p_person_type_id           => p_person_type_id
      ,p_ler_id                   => p_ler_id
      ,p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
      ,p_benfts_grp_id            => p_benfts_grp_id
      ,p_location_id              => p_location_id
      ,p_legal_entity_id          => p_legal_entity_id
      ,p_payroll_id               => p_payroll_id
      ,p_audit_log                => p_audit_log);
Line: 1242

        '<< No Person got selected with above selection criteria >>' );
Line: 1265

                             ,p_person_selected   => l_num_persons
                             ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id);
Line: 1281

                                  ,p_person_selected   => l_num_persons
                                  ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id);
Line: 1297

                                  ,p_person_selected   => l_num_persons
                                  ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id);
Line: 1330

          ,'DEF' actn_cd
          ,'N' Suspended
      From ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
     Where epe.Auto_enrt_flag = 'N'
       and epe.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
       and epe.Business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and (epe.elctbl_flag = 'Y' or epe.mndtry_flag = 'Y')
       and (p_pgm_id is NULL or epe.pgm_id = p_pgm_id)
       and (p_pl_nip_id is null
             or (p_pl_nip_id = epe.pl_id and epe.pgm_id is NULL) )
       /* Modified the condition for  Enhancement Bug :8716679. Defaulting the explicit elections
       will only be called if p_reinstate_dflts_flag = 'Y' or else normal defaulting logic will work.*/
       and ( (p_reinstate_dflts_flag = 'N' and (epe.dflt_flag = 'Y' or  epe.crntly_enrd_flag = 'Y') ) or
             (p_reinstate_dflts_flag = 'Y' and epe.crntly_enrd_flag = 'Y' and prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not null
	        and 'Y' = ( select 'Y' from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
	                where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
			and pen.per_in_ler_id = p_prev_per_in_ler_id
			and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
			and pen.enrt_mthd_cd = 'E'
			and pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
                        and not exists
                         (select 'Y' from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen2
                           where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pen2.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
                                 and pen2.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
                                 and pen2.per_in_ler_id = p_prev_per_in_ler_id) )
	     )               )
       /* End of change for  Enhancement Bug :8716679    */
       and not exists (select null from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
             where pen.per_in_ler_id = epe.per_in_ler_id
             -- Bug 6319484 Instead of checking for same pen_id,
             -- check if not already enrolled in same plan
 	       and nvl(pen.pgm_id,hr_api.g_number) = nvl(epe.pgm_id,hr_api.g_number)
               -- bug 10377891.  If there are multiple options for a plan and one is
               -- a rollover that was automatically enrolled.
               and (pen.pl_id = epe.pl_id
               and   pen.enrt_mthd_cd <> 'A') -- bug 10377891
             --  and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
               and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL
               and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
               and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt   = hr_api.g_eot )
     order by epe.pgm_id, epe.pl_id;
Line: 1391

    select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id||'Y' from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
	                where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_pen_id
			and pen.per_in_ler_id = l_prev_pil_id
			and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
			and pen.enrt_mthd_cd = 'E'
			and pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
                        and not exists
                         (select 'Y' from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen2
                           where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pen2.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id
                                 and pen2.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
                                 and pen2.per_in_ler_id = l_prev_pil_id);
Line: 1405

          ,'DEF' actn_cd
          ,'N' Suspended
      From ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
     Where epe.dflt_flag = 'N'
       and epe.crntly_enrd_flag = 'N'
       and epe.mndtry_flag = 'Y'
       and epe.Auto_enrt_flag = 'N'
       and epe.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
       and epe.Business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and nvl(epe.pgm_id,hr_api.g_number) = nvl(c_pgm_id, hr_api.g_number)
       and epe.pl_id  = c_pl_id
       and comp_lvl_cd = 'OIPL';                -- Bug 4951065
Line: 1435

    Select prtt_enrt_rslt_id
      From ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
      Where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = lc_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
        and p_effective_date between
              effective_start_date and effective_end_date
        and prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL
        and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
Line: 1458

    Select ecr.enrt_rt_id
          ,nvl(ecr.val,ecr.dflt_val) default_val
      From ben_enrt_rt ecr
     Where ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = v_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
       and ecr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and ecr.entr_val_at_enrt_flag = 'Y'
    --   and ecr.prtt_rt_val_id is null   -- ikasire bug 1834655
    Select ecr.enrt_rt_id
          ,nvl(ecr.val,ecr.dflt_val) default_val
     From ben_enrt_rt ecr
         ,ben_enrt_bnft enb
    Where enb.enrt_bnft_id = ecr.enrt_bnft_id
      and ecr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and enb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = v_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
      and ecr.entr_val_at_enrt_flag = 'Y'
 --      and ecr.prtt_rt_val_id is null     --  ikasire bug 1834655
Line: 1481

    Select enrt_bnft_id, val, dflt_val, entr_val_at_enrt_flag,cvg_mlt_cd
      From ben_enrt_bnft
     Where elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
       and dflt_flag = 'Y'
Line: 1491

    SELECT  pel.enrt_perd_strt_dt
    FROM    ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
          , ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
    WHERE   pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = epe.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id
    AND     epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = v_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
Line: 1502

   SELECT  pl.bnf_exl_participant_flag
   FROM    ben_pl_f pl
   WHERE   pl.pl_id = l_pl_id
   AND     p_effective_date
   BETWEEN pl.effective_start_date
   AND     pl.effective_end_date;
Line: 1511

   SELECT  1
   FROM    ben_pl_bnf_f
   WHERE   prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_pen_id
   AND     bnf_person_id = p_person_id
   AND     p_effective_date
   BETWEEN effective_start_date
   AND     effective_end_date;
Line: 1650

        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 1654

      l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_insert;
Line: 1823

      if l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_insert and l_cryfwd_elig_dpnt_cd = 'CFRRWP' then

                            (p_pgm_id               => l_epe(i).pgm_id,
                             p_pl_id                => l_epe(i).pl_id,
                             p_oipl_id              => l_epe(i).oipl_id,
                             p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id,
                             p_person_id            => p_person_id,
                             p_per_in_ler_id        => p_per_in_ler_id,
                             p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_epe(i).elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
                             p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_epe(i).dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_cd,
                             p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_epe(i).dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl,
                             p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_epe(i).enrt_cvg_strt_dt,
                             p_effective_date         => p_effective_date,
                             p_prev_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => l_prev_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
Line: 2018

    Select a.PER_IN_LER_ID
      From Ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl a
          ,ben_per_in_ler b
          ,ben_ler_f ler
       --and a.business_group_id = b.business_group_id
       and a.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and a.per_in_ler_id = b.per_in_ler_id
       and a.dflt_enrt_dt  <=  p_effective_date -- 7166971
       and b.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
       and a.ELCNS_MADE_DT  is NULL
       and ler.ler_id = b.ler_id
       and ler.typ_cd not in ('SCHEDDU')     -- bug5768880
       and p_effective_date between ler.effective_start_date
           and ler.effective_End_date
       and b.person_id = p_person_id ;
Line: 2043

    Select b.PER_IN_LER_ID
      From ben_per_in_ler b,
           ben_ler_f ler
     Where b.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
       and b.person_id = p_person_id
       and b.ler_id = ler.ler_id
       and ler.typ_cd not in ('COMP','GSP')
       and p_effective_date between
           ler.effective_start_date and
Line: 2177

    l_actn := 'Calling ben_person_actions_api.update_person_actions...';
Line: 2179

    update ben_person_actions
    set    action_status_cd = 'P'
    where  person_action_id = p_person_action_id;
Line: 2223

        (p_person_action_id      => p_person_action_id
        ,p_action_status_cd      => 'E'
        ,p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date