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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

 |      2. If invoice is selected for payment, return FALSE
 |      3. If invoice is already cancelled, return FALSE
 |      4. If invoice is credited invoice, return FALSE
 |      5. If invoices have been applied against this invoice, return FALSE
 |      6. If invoice is matched to Finally Closed PO's, return FALSE
 |      7. If project related invoices have pending adjustments, return FALSE
 |      8. If cancelling will cause qty_billed or amount_billed to less
 |         than 0, return FALSE
 |      9. If none of above, invoice is cancellable return Ture
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change
  Function Is_Invoice_Cancellable(
               P_invoice_id        IN NUMBER,
               P_error_code           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,   /* Bug 5300712 */
               P_debug_info        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
               P_calling_sequence  IN            VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

    CURSOR verify_no_pay_batch IS
    SELECT checkrun_id
      FROM ap_payment_schedules
     WHERE invoice_id = P_invoice_id
Line: 64

   SELECT count(*)
   FROM ap_invoice_distributions AID,
          po_distributions_ap_v POD,
	  po_line_locations PLL,
	  po_lines PL,
          ap_invoices AIV
    WHERE POD.po_distribution_id = AID.po_distribution_id
      AND POD.line_location_id = PLL.line_location_id
      AND PLL.po_line_id = PL.po_line_id
      AND AIV.invoice_id=AID.invoice_id
      AND NVL(AID.reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
      AND AID.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
       -- Bug 5590826. For amount related decode
      AND AID.line_type_lookup_code IN ('ITEM', 'ACCRUAL', 'IPV')
   HAVING (DECODE(AIV.invoice_type_lookup_code,'PREPAYMENT',
             SUM(NVL(POD.quantity_financed, 0)),SUM(NVL(POD.quantity_billed, 0))
	   ) -
                             'PRICE_CORRECTION', 0,
                             'AMOUNT_CORRECTION', 0,
                             'ITEM_TO_SERVICE_PO', 0,
                             'ITEM_TO_SERVICE_RECEIPT', 0,
                              nvl( AID.quantity_invoiced, 0 ) +
                              nvl( AID.corrected_quantity,0 )
			     ) *
	               po_uom_s.po_uom_convert(AID.matched_uom_lookup_code,         --bug5844328
					   PL.item_id), 15)
	        ) < 0
           OR DECODE(AIV.invoice_type_lookup_code,'PREPAYMENT',
              SUM(NVL(POD.amount_financed, 0)),SUM(NVL(POD.amount_billed, 0))) -
              SUM(NVL(AID.amount, 0)) < 0 )
    GROUP BY AIV.invoice_type_lookup_code,AID.po_distribution_id;
Line: 101

    SELECT accounting_date
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions AID
     WHERE AID.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
       AND NVL(AID.reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 140

    /* bug 4942638. Move the next select here */
    l_debug_info := 'Get the org_id for the invoice';
Line: 143

    SELECT org_id
    INTO   l_org_id
    FROM   ap_invoices_all
    WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 187

    /* SELECT   count(*)
      INTO   l_payment_count
      FROM   ap_invoice_payments P,ap_payment_schedules PS
     WHERE   P.invoice_id=PS.invoice_id
       AND   P.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
       AND   PS.payment_status_flag <> 'N'
       AND   nvl(P.reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
       AND   P.amount is not NULL
       AND   exists ( select 'non void check'
                      from ap_checks A
                      where A.check_id = P.check_id
                        and void_date is null);*/--Bug 6135172
Line: 200

	INTO   l_payment_count
	FROM ap_invoice_payments P
	WHERE P.invoice_id            = P_invoice_id
	AND NVL(P.reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
	AND P.amount                 IS NOT NULL
		(SELECT 'non void check'
		  FROM ap_checks A
		  WHERE A.check_id = P.check_id
		  AND void_date   IS NULL
Line: 220

     |  Step 2. If invoice is selected for payment, return FALSE       |

    l_debug_info := 'Check if invoice is selected for payment';
Line: 256

    SELECT count(*)
    INTO   l_cancel_count
    FROM   ap_invoices
    WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id
    AND    cancelled_date IS NOT NULL;
Line: 310

    /* bug 4942638. Move the next select for l_org_id at the begining */



          SELECT 'N'
          INTO l_allow_cancel
          FROM ap_invoice_distributions AID,
               po_distributions PD,
               po_line_locations pll
          WHERE aid.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
          --AND aid.final_match_flag in ('N','Y')  For Bug 3489536
          AND aid.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id
          AND pll.line_location_id = pd.line_location_id
          AND decode(pll.final_match_flag, 'Y', 'D', aid.final_match_flag) in ('N','Y') --Bug 3489536
          AND pll.closed_code = 'FINALLY CLOSED'
          AND rownum = 1;
Line: 338

          SELECT count(distinct pll.line_location_id)
          INTO l_final_closed_shipment_count
          FROM ap_invoice_distributions aid,
               po_line_locations pll,
               po_distributions pd
          WHERE aid.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
          AND aid.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id
          AND pd.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
          --AND aid.final_match_flag = 'D' For bug 3489536
          AND decode(pll.final_match_flag, 'Y', 'D', aid.final_match_flag) = 'D' --Bug 3489536
          AND pll.closed_code = 'FINALLY CLOSED';
Line: 377

    SELECT count(*)
    INTO   l_final_close_count
    FROM   ap_invoice_lines AIL,
           po_line_locations_ALL PL
    WHERE  AIL.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
    AND    AIL.po_line_location_id = PL.line_location_id
    AND    AIL.org_id = PL.org_id
    AND    PL.closed_code = 'FINALLY CLOSED';
Line: 400

    /* SELECT count(*)
    INTO   l_project_related_count
    FROM   ap_invoices AI
    WHERE  AI.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
    AND    (AI.project_id is not null OR
            exists (select 'X'
                    from   ap_invoice_distributions AIL
                    where  AIL.invoice_id = AI.invoice_id
                    and    project_id is not null) OR
            exists (select 'X'
                    from   ap_invoice_distributions AID
                    where  AID.invoice_id = AI.invoice_id
                    and    project_id is not null));
Line: 453

   SELECT NVL(purch_encumbrance_flag,'N')
   INTO   l_enc_enabled
   FROM   financials_system_params_all
   WHERE  NVL(org_id, -99) = NVL(l_org_id, -99);
Line: 462

          select 'Y'
          into   l_po_not_approved
          from   po_headers POH,
                 po_distributions POD,
                 ap_invoice_distributions AID,
                 ap_invoices AI
          where  AI.invoice_id = AID.invoice_id
          and    AI.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
          and    AID.po_distribution_id = POD.po_distribution_id
          and    POD.po_header_id = POH.po_header_id
          and    POH.approved_flag <> 'Y'
          and    rownum = 1;
Line: 535

 |          f. update Line level Cancelled information
 |      6. Zero out the Invoice
 |      7. Run AutoApproval for this invoice
 |      8. check posting holds remain on this canncelled invoice
 |          a. if NOT exist - complete the cancellation by updating header
 |             level information set return value to TRUE
 |          b. if exist - no update, set the return valuse to FALSE, NO
 |             DATA rollback.
 |      9. Commit Data
 |      10. Populate the out parameters.
 |      1. bug2328225 case of Matching a special charge only invoice to
 |         receipt so we check if the quantity invoiced is not null too
 |      2. Events Project
 |         We no longer need to prevent the cancellation of an invoice
 |         just because the accounting of related payments has not been
 |         created. Therefore, bug fixes 902110 and 2237152 are removed.
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change

  FUNCTION Ap_Cancel_Single_Invoice(
               P_invoice_id                 IN  NUMBER,
               P_last_updated_by            IN  NUMBER,
               P_last_update_login          IN  NUMBER,
               P_accounting_date            IN  DATE,
               P_message_name               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
               P_invoice_amount             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
               P_base_amount                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
               P_temp_cancelled_amount      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
               P_cancelled_by               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
               P_cancelled_amount           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
               P_cancelled_date             OUT NOCOPY DATE,
               P_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE,
               P_original_prepayment_amount OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
               P_pay_curr_invoice_amount    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
	       P_Token			    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
               P_calling_sequence           IN  VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

    CURSOR Invoice_Lines_cur IS
    SELECT *
     FROM ap_invoice_lines
    WHERE invoice_id = P_invoice_id
      AND (NVL(discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
           AND NVL(cancelled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y') -- Bug 6669048
  ORDER BY line_type_lookup_code;
Line: 587

    SELECT AH.hold_lookup_code
    WHERE AH.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
        AND AH.hold_lookup_code = AHC.hold_lookup_code
        AND AH.release_lookup_code IS NULL
        AND AH.hold_lookup_code IN ('TAX AMOUNT RANGE','TAX VARIANCE');
Line: 599

    SELECT Reg_Application_ID
    FROM   AP_Invoices_All AI,
           AP_Product_Registrations APR
    WHERE  AI.Invoice_ID = P_Invoice_ID
    AND    AI.Application_ID = APR.Reg_Application_ID
    AND    APR.Registration_Event_Type = 'INVOICE_CANCELLED';
Line: 607

    Select *
    FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
    WHERE  aid.invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 694

    SELECT TRUNC( NVL( MAX( AID.accounting_date ) , P_accounting_date ) )
      INTO l_max_inv_dist_acc_date
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions AID
     WHERE AID.invoice_id             = P_invoice_id
       AND AID.awt_invoice_payment_id IS NULL ;
Line: 700

    SELECT TRUNC( NVL( MAX( AIP.accounting_date ) , P_accounting_date ) )
      INTO l_max_pmt_acc_date
      FROM ap_invoice_payments AIP
     WHERE AIP.invoice_id = P_invoice_id ;
Line: 705

    SELECT org_id
      INTO l_org_id
      FROM ap_invoices
     WHERE invoice_id = P_invoice_id ;
Line: 744

    SELECT count(*)
    INTO   l_count
    FROM   ap_invoice_distributions
    WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id
    AND    NVL(awt_flag,'N') = 'A'  --bug 9702328
    AND    NVL(reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 758

Line: 778

    UPDATE    ap_payment_schedules
    SET       gross_amount         = 0
              ,amount_remaining    = 0
              ,payment_status_flag = 'N'
              ,hold_flag           = 'N'
              ,last_updated_by     = P_last_updated_by
              ,last_update_date    = sysdate
	          ,inv_curr_gross_amount =0 --Bug5446999
    WHERE     invoice_id = P_invoice_id;
Line: 796

     |  Step 4a. Delete all unprocessed bc events and update the        |
	 |          encumbered flag to 'R' 								   |

    --Start of bug 8733916

                         (p_invoice_id       => p_invoice_id,
                          p_calling_sequence => l_curr_calling_sequence);
Line: 806

     UPDATE ap_invoice_distributions aid
        SET aid.encumbered_flag = 'R'
      WHERE aid.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
        AND nvl(aid.match_status_flag,'N') <> 'A'
        AND nvl(aid.encumbered_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
        AND aid.parent_reversal_id is null
        AND aid.line_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('REC_TAX','NONREC_TAX','TRV','TERV','TIPV')
        AND nvl(aid.reversal_flag,'N')<>'Y'
                      FROM financials_system_params_all fsp
                     WHERE fsp.org_id = aid.org_id
                       AND nvl(fsp.purch_encumbrance_flag, 'N') = 'Y');
Line: 838

    SELECT invoice_type_lookup_code,
    INTO   l_invoice_type_lookup_code,
    FROM ap_invoices
    WHERE invoice_id =p_invoice_id;
Line: 892

                               P_last_updated_by   => p_last_updated_by,
                               P_last_update_login => p_last_update_login,
                               P_error_code        => l_error_code,
			       P_Token		   => l_token,
                               P_calling_sequence  => l_curr_calling_sequence);
Line: 908

Line: 928

       SELECT count(*)
       INTO   l_tax_lines_count
       FROM   ap_invoice_lines
       WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
       AND    line_type_lookup_code = 'TAX'
       AND    NVL(cancelled_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
       AND rownum =1;
Line: 938

        SELECT count(*)
       INTO l_self_assess_tax_count
       FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all asat,
            zx_rec_nrec_dist zx_dist
       WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id
        AND asat.detail_tax_dist_id = zx_dist.rec_nrec_tax_dist_id
        AND zx_dist.self_assessed_flag = 'Y'
        AND nvl(zx_dist.reverse_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
        AND line_type_lookup_code IN ('REC_TAX', 'NONREC_TAX')
        AND rownum =1;
Line: 952

        SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_tax_dist_count
        FROM zx_rec_nrec_dist zx_dist,
             ap_invoice_distributions ap_dist
        WHERE ap_dist.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
        AND ap_dist.detail_tax_dist_id = zx_dist.rec_nrec_tax_dist_id
        AND nvl(zx_dist.reverse_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
        AND nvl(zx_dist.inclusive_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
        AND ap_dist.line_type_lookup_code IN ('REC_TAX', 'NONREC_TAX')
        AND rownum =1;  */
Line: 964

        SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_tax_lines_count
        FROM zx_lines_summary zls
        WHERE zls.trx_id = p_invoice_id
          and zls.application_id = 200
          and zls.entity_code = 'AP_INVOICES'
	  and zls.event_class_code In ('STANDARD INVOICES',
                                       'PREPAYMENT INVOICES',
                                       'EXPENSE REPORTS')
          and NVL(zls.reporting_only_flag, 'N') = 'N'
          and nvl(zls.cancel_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
          and  rownum =1;
Line: 985

      UPDATE ap_invoice_lines
      SET    cancelled_flag = 'Y'
      WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id
      AND    NVL(discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y';
Line: 1029

    For I in(select invoice_distribution_id
     from ap_invoice_distributions aid1
     where aid1.invoice_id=P_invoice_id
     and aid1.parent_reversal_id is  null --original dist
     --for original dists there is no reversal dist created
     and ( not exists (select 1 from ap_invoice_distributions aid2
     where aid1.invoice_id=aid2.invoice_id
     and aid2.invoice_id=P_invoice_id
     and aid2.invoice_line_number=aid1.invoice_line_number
     and aid2.parent_reversal_id =aid1.invoice_distribution_id)
     --the reversal dist does not reverse the amount correctly
     or  exists (select 1 from ap_invoice_distributions aid2
     where aid1.invoice_id=aid2.invoice_id
     and aid2.invoice_id=P_invoice_id
     and aid2.invoice_line_number=aid1.invoice_line_number
     and aid2.parent_reversal_id =aid1.invoice_distribution_id
     and -1 * aid2.amount <> aid1.amount)))

       prob_dist_list := prob_dist_list||','||i.invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 1076

      UPDATE ap_invoices
      SET    invoice_amount = 0
             ,base_amount = 0
             ,temp_cancelled_amount = DECODE(temp_cancelled_amount, NULL,
                                            DECODE(invoice_amount, 0,
             ,pay_curr_invoice_amount = 0
             ,last_updated_by = P_last_updated_by
             ,last_update_date = sysdate
      WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id;
Line: 1092

      UPDATE ap_invoice_lines
      SET    cancelled_flag = 'Y'
      WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id
      AND    NVL(discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y';
Line: 1171

        SELECT count(*)
          INTO l_holds_count
          FROM ap_holds       AH
               ,ap_hold_codes AHC
         WHERE AH.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
           AND AH.hold_lookup_code = AHC.hold_lookup_code
           AND AH.release_lookup_code IS NULL
           AND AHC.postable_flag = 'N';
Line: 1191

     |            2. Update the invoice header information             |
     |            3. Release all the holds                             |
     |            4. set return value to TRUE - indicate success       |
        l_debug_info := 'Check if invoice has any tax holds';
Line: 1197

        SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_tax_holds_count
        FROM ap_holds       AH
            ,ap_hold_codes AHC
        WHERE AH.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
        AND AH.hold_lookup_code = AHC.hold_lookup_code
        AND AH.release_lookup_code IS NULL
        AND AH.hold_lookup_code IN ('TAX AMOUNT RANGE','TAX VARIANCE');
Line: 1237

      SELECT COUNT(invoice_distribution_id)
      INTO l_cancel_dist_exists
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions
      WHERE invoice_id=p_invoice_id
      AND cancellation_flag='Y'
      AND rownum=1;
Line: 1261

        UPDATE ap_invoices
        SET    cancelled_by      = P_last_updated_by
               ,cancelled_amount = temp_cancelled_amount
               ,cancelled_date   = sysdate
               ,last_updated_by  = P_last_updated_by
               ,last_update_date = sysdate
        WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id;
Line: 1270

	  INTO l_unsuccessful_cancel
	  FROM ap_invoice_distributions     AID,
	       financials_system_params_all FSP
	 WHERE AID.invoice_id      = P_invoice_id
	   AND FSP.org_id          = AID.org_id
           AND FSP.set_of_books_id = AID.set_of_books_id
           AND ( ( NVL( FSP.purch_encumbrance_flag, 'N' ) = 'Y'
	           AND NVL( AID.match_status_flag, 'N' ) <> 'A'
		 OR ( NVL( FSP.purch_encumbrance_flag, 'N' ) = 'N'
		      AND NVL( AID.match_status_flag, 'N' ) NOT IN ( 'A', 'T' )
	   AND ROWNUM = 1 ;
Line: 1287

	   SELECT invoice_num
	     INTO P_Token
	     FROM ap_invoices
            WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id ;
Line: 1304

        FOR c_wf_status IN ( SELECT hold_id
                             FROM   ap_holds
                             WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
                             AND    release_lookup_code IS NULL
                             AND    wf_status IN ( 'STARTED', 'NEGOTIATE' )
           AP_WORKFLOW_PKG.abort_holds_workflow( c_wf_status.hold_id ) ;
Line: 1315

        UPDATE ap_holds
        SET    release_lookup_code  = 'APPROVED'
               ,release_reason      = ( SELECT description
                                          FROM ap_hold_codes
                                         WHERE hold_lookup_code = 'APPROVED')
               ,last_update_date    = SYSDATE
               ,last_updated_by     = P_last_updated_by
               ,last_update_login   = P_last_update_login
        WHERE  invoice_id           = P_invoice_id
        AND  release_lookup_code IS NULL ;
Line: 1415

      SELECT invoice_amount
        INTO P_invoice_amount
        FROM ap_invoices
       WHERE invoice_id = P_invoice_id;
Line: 1460

          ||' P_last_updated_by = '   || P_last_updated_by
          ||' P_last_update_login = ' || P_last_update_login
          ||' P_accounting_date = '   || P_accounting_date);
Line: 1486

 |      2. invoices that are selected for payment,
 |      3. invoices that are already cancelled
 |      4. invoices (prepayments) that have been used by other invoices
 |      5. invoices that are matched to Finally Closed PO's)
 |      6. invoices which were paid originally by check but whose payment
 |         was removed prior to the voiding of the check i.e. through an
 |         invoice adjustment are left unaffected.
 |      1. AutoApproval is run for each invoice.  If the invoice has posting
 |         holds, it is zeroed out by reversing all invoice distributions and
 |         PO matching, but the invoice is not cancelled.
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change

  PROCEDURE Ap_Cancel_Invoices(
                P_check_id          IN  NUMBER,
                P_last_updated_by   IN  NUMBER,
                P_last_update_login IN  NUMBER,
                P_accounting_date   IN  DATE,
                P_num_cancelled     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                P_num_not_cancelled OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                P_calling_sequence  IN  VARCHAR2)
    l_num_cancelled              NUMBER := 0;
Line: 1527

    l_last_update_date           DATE;
Line: 1534

     |  Declare cursor to select all invoices associated with the      |
     |  payment given by P_check_id and ensuring that the invoice was  |
     |  effectively being paid by the check i.e. the invoice payment   |
     |  wasn't already reversed.                                       |

    --bug 5182311 Modified the cursor to ignore already cancelled invoices
    -- Bug 8257752. Commented out the reversal_flag condition.

    CURSOR invoices_cursor IS
    SELECT DISTINCT aip.invoice_id
    FROM   ap_invoice_payments aip,ap_invoices ai
    WHERE  aip.check_id = P_check_id
    --AND    nvl(aip.reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
    AND    ai.invoice_id=aip.invoice_id
    AND    ai.cancelled_date is null;
Line: 1574

    SELECT ai.gl_date
    INTO   l_invoice_gl_date
    FROM   ap_invoices ai
    WHERE  ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id_list(i); */
Line: 1582

                       P_accounting_date,        -- Bug 9497953 l_invoice_gl_date, --P_accounting_date,-- bug 6883407
Line: 1606

Line: 1619

          ||' P_last_updated_by = '   || P_last_updated_by
          ||' P_last_update_login = ' || P_last_update_login
          ||' P_accounting_date = '   || P_accounting_date);
Line: 1657

  SELECT Reg_Application_ID,
  FROM   AP_Product_Registrations
  WHERE  Reg_Application_ID = P_Application_ID
  AND    Registration_Event_Type = P_Event_Type;