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1 Package Body pqh_bpl_bus as
2 /* $Header: pqbplrhi.pkb 115.9 2003/04/11 11:44:23 mvankada noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33) := '  pqh_bpl_bus.';  -- Global package name
9 --
10 -- The following two global variables are only to be
11 -- used by the return_legislation_code function.
12 --
13 g_legislation_code            varchar2(150)  default null;
14 g_pool_id                     number         default null;
15 --
16 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 --  |----------------------< set_security_group_id >--------------------------|
18 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 --
20 Procedure set_security_group_id
21   (p_pool_id                              in number
22   ,p_associated_column1                   in varchar2 default null
23   ) is
24   --
25   -- Declare cursor
26   --
27   cursor csr_sec_grp is
28     select pbg.security_group_id
29       from per_business_groups pbg
30          , pqh_budget_pools bpl
31      where bpl.pool_id = p_pool_id
32        and pbg.business_group_id = bpl.business_group_id;
33   --
34   -- Declare local variables
35   --
36   l_security_group_id number;
37   l_proc              varchar2(72)  :=  g_package||'set_security_group_id';
38   --
39 begin
40   --
41   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
42   --
43   -- Ensure that all the mandatory parameter are not null
44   --
45   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
46     (p_api_name           => l_proc
47     ,p_argument           => 'pool_id'
48     ,p_argument_value     => p_pool_id
49     );
50   --
51   open csr_sec_grp;
52   fetch csr_sec_grp into l_security_group_id;
53   --
54   if csr_sec_grp%notfound then
55      --
56      close csr_sec_grp;
57      --
58      -- The primary key is invalid therefore we must error
59      --
60      fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');
61      hr_multi_message.add
62        (p_associated_column1
63         => nvl(p_associated_column1,'POOL_ID')
64        );
65      --
66   else
67     close csr_sec_grp;
68     --
69     -- Set the security_group_id in CLIENT_INFO
70     --
71     hr_api.set_security_group_id
72       (p_security_group_id => l_security_group_id
73       );
74   end if;
75   --
76   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 20);
77   --
78 end set_security_group_id;
79 --
80 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 --  |---------------------< return_legislation_code >-------------------------|
82 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 --
84 Function return_legislation_code
85   (p_pool_id                              in     number
86   )
87   Return Varchar2 Is
88   --
89   -- Declare cursor
90   --
91   cursor csr_leg_code is
92     select pbg.legislation_code
93       from per_business_groups pbg
94          , pqh_budget_pools bpl
95      where bpl.pool_id = p_pool_id
96        and pbg.business_group_id (+) = bpl.business_group_id;
97   --
98   -- Declare local variables
99   --
100   l_legislation_code  varchar2(150);
101   l_proc              varchar2(72)  :=  g_package||'return_legislation_code';
102   --
103 Begin
104   --
105   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
106   --
107   -- Ensure that all the mandatory parameter are not null
108   --
109   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
110     (p_api_name           => l_proc
111     ,p_argument           => 'pool_id'
112     ,p_argument_value     => p_pool_id
113     );
114   --
115   if ( nvl(pqh_bpl_bus.g_pool_id, hr_api.g_number)
116        = p_pool_id) then
117     --
118     -- The legislation code has already been found with a previous
119     -- call to this function. Just return the value in the global
120     -- variable.
121     --
122     l_legislation_code := pqh_bpl_bus.g_legislation_code;
123     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
124   else
125     --
126     -- The ID is different to the last call to this function
127     -- or this is the first call to this function.
128     --
129     open csr_leg_code;
130     fetch csr_leg_code into l_legislation_code;
131     --
132     if csr_leg_code%notfound then
133       --
134       -- The primary key is invalid therefore we must error
135       --
136       close csr_leg_code;
137       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');
138       fnd_message.raise_error;
139     end if;
140     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
141     --
142     -- Set the global variables so the values are
143     -- available for the next call to this function.
144     --
145     close csr_leg_code;
146     pqh_bpl_bus.g_pool_id                     := p_pool_id;
147     pqh_bpl_bus.g_legislation_code  := l_legislation_code;
148   end if;
149   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 40);
150   return l_legislation_code;
151 end return_legislation_code;
152 --
153 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 -- |-----------------------< chk_non_updateable_args >------------------------|
155 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 -- {Start Of Comments}
157 --
158 -- Description:
159 --   This procedure is used to ensure that non updateable attributes have
160 --   not been updated. If an attribute has been updated an error is generated.
161 --
162 -- Pre Conditions:
163 --   g_old_rec has been populated with details of the values currently in
164 --   the database.
165 --
166 -- In Arguments:
167 --   p_rec has been populated with the updated values the user would like the
168 --   record set to.
169 --
170 -- Post Success:
171 --   Processing continues if all the non updateable attributes have not
172 --   changed.
173 --
174 -- Post Failure:
175 --   An application error is raised if any of the non updatable attributes
176 --   have been altered.
177 --
178 -- {End Of Comments}
179 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
181   (p_effective_date               in date
182   ,p_rec in pqh_bpl_shd.g_rec_type
183   ) IS
184 --
185   l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'chk_non_updateable_args';
186 --
187 Begin
188   --
189   -- Only proceed with the validation if a row exists for the current
190   -- record in the HR Schema.
191   --
192   IF NOT pqh_bpl_shd.api_updating
193       (p_pool_id                           => p_rec.pool_id
194       ,p_object_version_number             => p_rec.object_version_number
195       ) THEN
196      fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
197      fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE ', l_proc);
198      fnd_message.set_token('STEP ', '5');
199      fnd_message.raise_error;
200   END IF;
201 End chk_non_updateable_args;
202 --
203 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 -- |------< chk_pool_id >------|
205 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 --
207 -- Description
208 --   This procedure is used to check that the primary key for the table
209 --   is created properly. It should be null on insert and
210 --   should not be able to be updated.
211 --
212 -- Pre Conditions
213 --   None.
214 --
215 -- In Parameters
216 --   pool_id PK of record being inserted or updated.
217 --   object_version_number Object version number of record being
218 --                         inserted or updated.
219 --
220 -- Post Success
221 --   Processing continues
222 --
223 -- Post Failure
224 --   Errors handled by the procedure
225 --
226 -- Access Status
227 --   Internal table handler use only.
228 --
229 Procedure chk_pool_id(p_pool_id                in number,
230                       p_object_version_number       in number) is
231   --
232   l_proc         varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_pool_id';
233   l_api_updating boolean;
234   --
235 Begin
236   --
237   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
238   --
239   l_api_updating := pqh_bpl_shd.api_updating
240     (p_pool_id                => p_pool_id,
241      p_object_version_number       => p_object_version_number);
242   --
243   if (l_api_updating
244      and nvl(p_pool_id,hr_api.g_number)
245      <>  pqh_bpl_shd.g_old_rec.pool_id) then
246     --
247     -- raise error as PK has changed
248     --
249     pqh_bpl_shd.constraint_error('PQH_BUDGET_POOLS_PK');
250     --
251   elsif not l_api_updating then
252     --
253     -- check if PK is null
254     --
255     if p_pool_id is not null then
256       --
257       -- raise error as PK is not null
258       --
259       pqh_bpl_shd.constraint_error('PQH_BUDGET_POOLS_PK');
260       --
261     end if;
262     --
263   end if;
264   --
265   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
266   --
267 End chk_pool_id;
268 --
269 --
270 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
271 -- |------< chk_budget_version_id >------|
272 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
273 --
274 -- Description
275 --   This procedure checks that a referenced foreign key actually exists
276 --   in the referenced table.
277 --
278 -- Pre-Conditions
279 --   None.
280 --
281 -- In Parameters
282 --   p_pool_id PK
283 --   p_budget_version_id ID of FK column
284 --   p_object_version_number object version number
285 --
286 -- Post Success
287 --   Processing continues
288 --
289 -- Post Failure
290 --   Error raised.
291 --
292 -- Access Status
293 --   Internal table handler use only.
294 --
295 Procedure chk_budget_version_id
296                            (p_pool_id               in number,
297                             p_budget_version_id     in number,
298                             p_object_version_number in number) is
299 --
300   l_proc         varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_budget_version_id';
301   l_api_updating boolean;
302   l_dummy        varchar2(1);
303   l_budgeted_entity_cd pqh_budgets.budgeted_entity_cd%type;
304 --
305 cursor c1 is
306     select a.budgeted_entity_cd
307     from   pqh_budgets a
308     where  a.budget_id = (Select budget_id
309                          From pqh_budget_versions bvr
310                          where bvr.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id);
311   --
312 Begin
313   --
314   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,5);
315   --
316   l_api_updating := pqh_bpl_shd.api_updating
317      (p_pool_id            => p_pool_id,
318       p_object_version_number   => p_object_version_number);
319   --
320   if (l_api_updating
321      and nvl(p_budget_version_id,hr_api.g_number)
322      <> nvl(pqh_bpl_shd.g_old_rec.budget_version_id,hr_api.g_number)
323      or not l_api_updating) then
324     --
325     -- check if budget_version_id value exists in pqh_budgets table
326     --
327     open c1;
328       --
329       fetch c1 into l_budgeted_entity_cd;
330       if c1%notfound then
331         --
332         close c1;
333         --
334         -- raise error as FK does not relate to PK in pqh_budgets
335         -- table.
336         --
337         pqh_bpl_shd.constraint_error('PQH_BUDGET_POOLS_FK1');
338         --
339       end if;
340       --
341     close c1;
342 /*kgowripe
343     As per the latest reallocation functionality, reallocation can be performed for
344     all budget entities (except OPEN budgets). so this check is no longer required.
345     Instead we need to check that budgeted entity is not OPEN.
347     --
348     -- Check if the budget is budgeted for a position
349     --
350     If l_budgeted_entity_cd <> 'POSITION' then
351       --
352       -- raise error as budgeted entity is not a position
353       --
354       hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_NOT_A_POSITION_BUDGET');
355       hr_utility.raise_error;
356       --
357     End if;
358     --
359 kgowripe */
360     --
361     -- Check if the budget is not budgeted for OPEN
362     --
363     If l_budgeted_entity_cd = 'OPEN' then
364       --
365       -- raise error as budgeted entity is OPEN
366       --
367       hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_OPEN_BUDGET');
368       hr_utility.raise_error;
369       --
370     End if;
371       --
372   end if;
373   --
374   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc,10);
375   --
376 End chk_budget_version_id;
377 --
378 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
379 -- |------< chk_budget_unit_id >------|
380 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
381 --
382 -- Description
383 --   This procedure is used to check that the lookup value is valid.
384 --
385 -- Pre Conditions
386 --   None.
387 --
388 -- In Parameters
389 --   pool_id PK of record being inserted or updated.
390 --   budget_unit_id Value of lookup code.
391 --   effective_date effective date
392 --   object_version_number Object version number of record being
393 --                         inserted or updated.
394 --
395 -- Post Success
396 --   Processing continues
397 --
398 -- Post Failure
399 --   Error handled by procedure
400 --
401 -- Access Status
402 --   Internal table handler use only.
403 --
404 Procedure chk_budget_unit_id(p_pool_id                in number,
405                              p_budget_version_id      in varchar2,
406                             p_budget_unit_id              in number,
407                             p_effective_date              in date,
408                             p_object_version_number       in number) is
409   --
410   l_proc         varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_budget_unit_id';
411   l_api_updating boolean;
412   l_dummy        varchar2(1);
413   --
414   -- Check if this is a valid shared type
415   --
416   Cursor c1 is
417    Select null
418      from per_shared_types pst
419     where pst.shared_type_id = p_budget_unit_id
420       AND  lookup_type = 'BUDGET_MEASUREMENT_TYPE';
421   --
422   -- Check if the budget unit id belongs to the budget.
423   --
424   Cursor c2 is
425      Select null
426       from pqh_budgets bgt
427       Where bgt.budget_id = (Select budget_id
428                                From pqh_budget_versions bvr
429                               Where bvr.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id)
430      and (bgt.budget_unit1_id = p_budget_unit_id or
431           bgt.budget_unit2_id = p_budget_unit_id or
432           bgt.budget_unit3_id = p_budget_unit_id );
433 Begin
434   --
435   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
436   --
437   l_api_updating := pqh_bpl_shd.api_updating
438     (p_pool_id                => p_pool_id,
439      p_object_version_number  => p_object_version_number);
440   --
441   if (l_api_updating
442       and p_budget_unit_id
443       <> nvl(pqh_bpl_shd.g_old_rec.budget_unit_id,hr_api.g_number)
444       or not l_api_updating) then
445     --
446     -- check if value of budget_unit falls within per shared types
447     --
448     Open c1;
449     --
450     Fetch c1 into l_dummy;
451     --
452     If c1%notfound then
453        --
454        Close c1;
455        hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_INVALID_BUDGET_UOM');
456        hr_utility.raise_error;
457        --
458     End if;
459     --
460     Close c1;
461     --
462     --
463     Open c2;
464     --
465     Fetch c2 into l_dummy;
466     --
467     If c2%notfound then
468        --
469        -- Raise error if the budget unit cd does not exist for the budget
470        --
471        Close c2;
472        hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_INVALID_BUDGET_UNIT');
473        hr_utility.raise_error;
474        --
475     End if;
476     --
477     Close c2;
478     --
479   end if;
480   --
481   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc,10);
482   --
483 end chk_budget_unit_id;
484 --
486 --
487 --   Check if any transactions/details exist for the folder/transaction.
488 --  Raise error if trying to update this folder/transaction
489 --
490 Procedure chk_upd_allowed(p_pool_id                in number,
491                           p_parent_pool_id       in number,
492                           p_object_version_number       in number) is
493   --
494   l_proc         varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_upd_allowed';
495   l_api_updating boolean;
496   l_dummy        varchar2(1);
497   --
498   Cursor csr_folder_trnxs IS
499   select null
500   from   pqh_budget_pools
501   where  parent_pool_id = p_pool_id;
502   Cursor csr_trnx_dtls is
503   Select null
504   from   pqh_bdgt_pool_realloctions a
505   Where  a.pool_id = p_pool_id;
506 Begin
507   --
508   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
509   --
510   l_api_updating := pqh_bpl_shd.api_updating
511     (p_pool_id                => p_pool_id,
512      p_object_version_number  => p_object_version_number);
513   --
514   if l_api_updating then
515     --
516    if p_parent_pool_id IS NULL then
517      Open csr_folder_trnxs;
518      Fetch csr_folder_trnxs into l_dummy;
519      if csr_folder_trnxs%found then
520         Close csr_folder_trnxs;
521         hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_TRNX_EXIST_IN_FOLDER');
522         hr_utility.raise_error;
523      End if;
524      Close csr_folder_trnxs;
525    else
526      Open csr_trnx_dtls;
527      Fetch csr_trnx_dtls into l_dummy;
528      if csr_trnx_dtls%found then
529         Close csr_trnx_dtls;
530         hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_DTLS_EXIST_FOR_TRNX');
531         hr_utility.raise_error;
532      End if;
533      Close csr_trnx_dtls;
534    end if;
535     --
536   end if;
537   --
538   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
539   --
540 End chk_upd_allowed;
541 --
542 -- Check if folder_name is unique in pqh_budget_pools_table
543 -- Also, Raise error if the entered folder_name is null.
544 --
545 Procedure chk_pool_name(p_pool_id                in number,
546                         p_name              in varchar2,
547                         p_parent_pool_id  in number,
548                         p_object_version_number       in number) is
549   --
550   l_proc         varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_pool_name';
551   l_api_updating boolean;
552   l_dummy        varchar2(1);
553   --
554 -- added approval_status<>'T' condition by mvanakda
555   Cursor csr_folder_name is
556   Select null
557   from   pqh_budget_pools a
558   Where  a.name = p_name
559    AND   a.parent_pool_id IS NULL
560     AND  (p_pool_id IS NULL or a.pool_id <> p_pool_id)
561 AND a.approval_status<>'T';
562   Cursor csr_trnx_name is
563   Select null
564   from   pqh_budget_pools a
565   Where  a.name = p_name
566    AND   a.parent_pool_id IS NOT NULL
567    AND   a.parent_pool_id =p_parent_pool_id
568    AND  (p_pool_id IS NULL or a.pool_id <> p_pool_id);
569   --
570 Begin
571   --
572   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
573   --
574   l_api_updating := pqh_bpl_shd.api_updating
575     (p_pool_id                => p_pool_id,
576      p_object_version_number  => p_object_version_number);
577   --
578   if (l_api_updating
579       and p_name
580       <> nvl(pqh_bpl_shd.g_old_rec.name,hr_api.g_varchar2)
581       or not l_api_updating) then
583       If p_name IS NULL then
584         If p_parent_pool_id IS NULL Then
585            hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_FOLDER_NAME_IS_NULL');
586         Else
587            hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_TRNX_NAME_IS_NULL');
588         End If;
589         hr_utility.raise_error;
590       End if;
591      --
592      --
593      If p_parent_pool_id IS NULL Then
594        Open csr_folder_name;
595        Fetch csr_folder_name into l_dummy;
596        if csr_folder_name%found then
597           Close csr_folder_name;
598           hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_FOLDER_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE');
599           hr_utility.raise_error;
600        End if;
601        Close csr_folder_name;
602      ELSE
603        Open csr_trnx_name;
604        Fetch csr_trnx_name into l_dummy;
605        if csr_trnx_name%found then
606           Close csr_trnx_name;
607           hr_utility.set_message(8302,'PQH_TRNX_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE');
608           hr_utility.raise_error;
609        End if;
610        Close csr_trnx_name;
611      End If;
612     --
613   end if;
614   --
615   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
616   --
617 End chk_pool_name;
618 /* No longer required as there cane be any number of folders created from a budget
619 --
620 -- Check if there is only one pool per budget_unit_id for a budget
621 --
622 Procedure chk_budget_pool_unique
623                        (p_pool_id                in number,
624                         p_budget_version_id      in number,
625                         p_budget_unit_id         in number,
626                         p_object_version_number  in number) is
627   --
628   l_proc         varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_budget_pool_unique';
629   l_api_updating boolean;
630   l_dummy        varchar2(1);
631   --
632   Cursor c1 is
633   Select null
634   from   pqh_budget_pools a
635   Where  budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
636     AND  budget_unit_id = p_budget_unit_id
637     AND  (p_pool_id IS NULL or a.pool_id <> p_pool_id);
638   --
639 Begin
640   --
641   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
642   --
643   l_api_updating := pqh_bpl_shd.api_updating
644     (p_pool_id                => p_pool_id,
645      p_object_version_number  => p_object_version_number);
646   --
647   if (l_api_updating
648       and (nvl(p_budget_version_id,hr_api.g_number)
649       <> nvl(pqh_bpl_shd.g_old_rec.budget_version_id,hr_api.g_number)
650       or p_budget_unit_id
651       <> nvl(pqh_bpl_shd.g_old_rec.budget_unit_id,hr_api.g_number) )
652       or not l_api_updating) then
653     --
654     --
655      Open c1;
656      --
657      Fetch c1 into l_dummy;
658      --
659      if c1%found then
661         Close c1;
662         pqh_bpl_shd.constraint_error('PQH_BUDGET_POOLS_U1');
664      End if;
665     --
666      Close c1;
667     --
668     --
669   end if;
670   --
671   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
672   --
673 End chk_budget_pool_unique;
675 */
676 PROCEDURE chk_tnx_category_id(p_transaction_category_id IN Number) IS
678 Cursor csr_tnx_catg_id IS
679   SELECT 'x'
680   FROM   pqh_transaction_categories
681   WHERE  transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id;
682  l_exist Varchar2(10);
683  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_tnx_category_id';
685   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
686   OPEN csr_tnx_catg_id;
687   FETCH csr_tnx_catg_id INTO l_exist;
688   IF csr_tnx_catg_id%NOTFOUND THEN
689    CLOSE csr_tnx_catg_id;
690    fnd_message.set_name(8302,'PQH_INVALID_TNX_CATG');
691    fnd_message.raise_error;
692   END IF;
693   CLOSE csr_tnx_catg_id;
694   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
695 END chk_tnx_category_id;
696 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
697 -- |---------------------------< insert_validate >----------------------------|
698 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
699 Procedure insert_validate
700   (p_effective_date               in date
701   ,p_rec                          in pqh_bpl_shd.g_rec_type
702   ) is
703 --
704   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
705 --
706 Begin
707   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
708   --
709   -- Call all supporting business operations
710   --
711   hr_api.validate_bus_grp_id
712     (p_business_group_id => p_rec.business_group_id
713     ,p_associated_column1 => pqh_bpl_shd.g_tab_nam
714                               || '.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');
715   --
716  chk_pool_id
717   (p_pool_id               => p_rec.pool_id,
718    p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
719   --
720   --
721   if p_rec.parent_pool_id IS NULL then
722     chk_budget_version_id
723     (p_pool_id               => p_rec.pool_id,
724      p_budget_version_id     => p_rec.budget_version_id,
725      p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
726   --
727     chk_budget_unit_id
728     (p_pool_id               => p_rec.pool_id,
729      p_budget_version_id     => p_rec.budget_version_id,
730      p_budget_unit_id        => p_rec.budget_unit_id,
731      p_effective_date        => p_effective_date,
732      p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
733   --
734    chk_tnx_category_id(p_transaction_category_id => p_rec.wf_transaction_category_id);
735   --
736    end if;
737   --
738   chk_pool_name
739   (p_pool_id               => p_rec.pool_id,
740    p_name                  => p_rec.name,
741    p_parent_pool_id      => p_rec.parent_pool_id,
742    p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
743   --
744   -- After validating the set of important attributes,
745   -- if Multiple Message detection is enabled and at least
746   -- one error has been found then abort further validation.
747   --
748   hr_multi_message.end_validation_set;
749   --
750   -- Validate Dependent Attributes
751   --
752   --
753   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
754 End insert_validate;
755 --
756 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
757 -- |---------------------------< update_validate >----------------------------|
758 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
759 Procedure update_validate
760   (p_effective_date               in date
761   ,p_rec                          in pqh_bpl_shd.g_rec_type
762   ) is
763 --
764   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
765 --
766 Begin
767   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
768   --
769   -- Call all supporting business operations
770   --
771   hr_api.validate_bus_grp_id
772     (p_business_group_id => p_rec.business_group_id
773     ,p_associated_column1 => pqh_bpl_shd.g_tab_nam
774                               || '.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');
775   chk_pool_id
776   (p_pool_id          => p_rec.pool_id,
777    p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
778   --
779 /* Should allow updating folders to mark the same as approved/rejected
780   chk_upd_allowed
781   (p_pool_id               => p_rec.pool_id,
782    p_parent_pool_id      => p_rec.parent_pool_id,
783    p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
784 */
785   --
786   if p_rec.parent_pool_id is null then
787     chk_budget_version_id
788     (p_pool_id          => p_rec.pool_id,
789      p_budget_version_id     => p_rec.budget_version_id,
790      p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
791   --
792     chk_budget_unit_id
793     (p_pool_id               => p_rec.pool_id,
794      p_budget_version_id     => p_rec.budget_version_id,
795      p_budget_unit_id        => p_rec.budget_unit_id,
796      p_effective_date        => p_effective_date,
797      p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
798   --
799    chk_tnx_category_id(p_transaction_category_id => p_rec.wf_transaction_category_id);
800   --
801   end if;
802   --
803   chk_pool_name
804   (p_pool_id               => p_rec.pool_id,
805    p_name                  => p_rec.name,
806    p_parent_pool_id      => p_rec.parent_pool_id,
807    p_object_version_number => p_rec.object_version_number);
808   --
809   --
810   -- After validating the set of important attributes,
811   -- if Multiple Message detection is enabled and at least
812   -- one error has been found then abort further validation.
813   --
814   hr_multi_message.end_validation_set;
815   --
816   -- Validate Dependent Attributes
817   --
818   chk_non_updateable_args
819     (p_effective_date              => p_effective_date
820       ,p_rec              => p_rec
821     );
822   --
823   --
824   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
825 End update_validate;
826 --
827 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
828 -- |---------------------------< delete_validate >----------------------------|
829 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
830 Procedure delete_validate
831   (p_rec                          in pqh_bpl_shd.g_rec_type
832   ) is
833 --
834   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
835 --
836 Begin
837   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
838   --
839   -- Call all supporting business operations
840   --
841   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
842 End delete_validate;
843 --
844 end pqh_bpl_bus;