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Line 671: FROM qp_List_Lines_v

668: -- Above Cursor is modified as below by Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3515883
669: CURSOR C_PRICE_LIST_INFO (p_list_header_id NUMBER, p_inv_item_id IN VARCHAR2) IS
670: SELECT product_attr_value, list_header_id
671: FROM qp_List_Lines_v
672: WHERE List_header_id = p_list_header_id
673: AND product_attribute_context = 'ITEM'
674: AND product_attr_value = p_inv_item_id
675: AND NVL( Start_Date_Active, SYSDATE - 1 ) <= SYSDATE

Line 821: - Cursor C_PRICE_LIST_INFO is modified to use qp_list_lines_v View instead of qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes tables.

817: 4. 28/03/2004 Vijay Shankar for bug # 3515883, Version: 619.1
818: - modified cursor GET_INV_LINE to filter out Modifier lines from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table and added a
819: seperate code that reduces/adds discounts/surcharges from actual item price.
820: Added Cursor c_adjustment_details and required variables for discounts/surchages calculation
821: - Cursor C_PRICE_LIST_INFO is modified to use qp_list_lines_v View instead of qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes tables.
822: Added inventory_item_id, Start and end date checks to where clause on qp_list_lines_v
823: - Query to fetch details from JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL is modified by adding Order_line_id filter.
824: Also removed the usage of RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table from the query which is redundant

Line 822: Added inventory_item_id, Start and end date checks to where clause on qp_list_lines_v

818: - modified cursor GET_INV_LINE to filter out Modifier lines from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table and added a
819: seperate code that reduces/adds discounts/surcharges from actual item price.
820: Added Cursor c_adjustment_details and required variables for discounts/surchages calculation
821: - Cursor C_PRICE_LIST_INFO is modified to use qp_list_lines_v View instead of qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes tables.
822: Added inventory_item_id, Start and end date checks to where clause on qp_list_lines_v
823: - Query to fetch details from JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL is modified by adding Order_line_id filter.
824: Also removed the usage of RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table from the query which is redundant
826: 5. 15/03/2005 Bug 4224466. Added by LGOPALSA. Version 115.2