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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

PROCEDURE Update_Txn_Hist_Success_WF(Item_type   IN     VARCHAR2,
                                     Item_key    IN     VARCHAR2,
                                     Actid       IN     NUMBER,
                                     Funcmode    IN     VARCHAR2,
                                     Resultout   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2

l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 19

update_history EXCEPTION;
Line: 25

  asn_debug.put_line('Entering Update_Txn_Hist_Success_WF');
Line: 35

      Update_Txn_History ( Item_type,
Line: 42

          asn_debug.put_line('Update_Txn_Hist_Success_WF.l_return_status is '||l_return_status);
Line: 46

            raise update_history;
Line: 50

         asn_debug.put_line('Update_Txn_Hist_Success_WF.resultout is '||resultout);
Line: 57

  asn_debug.put_line('Exiting Update_Txn_Hist_Success_WF');
Line: 61

  WHEN update_history THEN

        update mtl_txns_history
        set transaction_status = 'ER'
        where event_name = Item_type
        and event_key = Item_key
        and transaction_status = 'IP';
Line: 72

         asn_debug.put_line('update_history exception has occured.');
Line: 78

        update mtl_txns_history
        set transaction_status = 'ER'
        where event_name = Item_type
        and event_key = Item_key
        and transaction_status = 'IP';
Line: 89

END Update_Txn_Hist_Success_WF;
Line: 92

PROCEDURE Update_Txn_History ( p_item_type     IN      VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_key      IN      VARCHAR2,
                               p_transaction_status IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2

Line: 109

update_history EXCEPTION;
Line: 115

      asn_debug.put_line('Entering Update_Txn_History');
Line: 139

      asn_debug.put_line('Update_Txn_History.x_return_status is '||x_return_status);
Line: 146

     raise update_history;
Line: 149

  RCV_TRANSACTIONS_HISTORY_PKG.Create_Update_Txns_History (l_txns_history_rec,
                               x_return_status );
Line: 155

      asn_debug.put_line('Update_Txn_History.x_return_status is '||x_return_status);
Line: 159

     raise update_history;
Line: 165

      asn_debug.put_line('Exiting Update_Txn_History');
Line: 169

  WHEN  update_history THEN

        update mtl_txns_history
        set transaction_status = 'ER'
        where event_name = p_item_type
        and event_key = p_item_key
        and transaction_status = 'IP';
Line: 180

         asn_debug.put_line('update_history exception has occured.');
Line: 186

        update mtl_txns_history
        set transaction_status = 'ER'
        where event_name = p_item_type
        and event_key = p_item_key
        and transaction_status = 'IP';
Line: 197

END Update_Txn_History;
Line: 248

      SELECT po_wf_itemkey_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_orig_Event_Key
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 270

      SELECT party_id
      INTO l_party_id
      FROM hz_cust_accounts
      WHERE cust_account_id IN (SELECT client_id
                                FROM mtl_client_parameters
                                WHERE client_code = P_client_code);
Line: 278

      select location_id
      into l_party_id
      from hr_organization_units_v
      where organization_id = P_Org_ID
      and rownum = 1;
Line: 300

      /* Raise event will insert the record into the transaction history table
         for the current transaction.

      RCV_EXTERNAL_INTERFACE_SV.Raise_Event ( l_curr_txn_hist_record,
                                              l_Return_Status );