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Line 1000: FROM okc_operation_instances

996: WHERE chr_id = p_chrv_rec.id;
998: Cursor oie_csr Is
999: SELECT id
1000: FROM okc_operation_instances
1001: WHERE target_chr_id = p_chrv_rec.id;
1003: Cursor l_scrv_csr Is --sales credit
1004: SELECT id, object_version_number, dnz_chr_id

Line 4318: FROM okc_operation_instances op

4314: --Fix for bug 4948793
4315: Cursor ole_csr Is
4317: SELECT distinct ol.object_chr_id
4318: FROM okc_operation_instances op
4319: , okc_class_operations cls
4320: , okc_subclasses_b sl
4321: , okc_operation_lines ol
4322: WHERE ol.subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id

Line 4427: FROM okc_operation_instances op

4423: WHERE subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id
4424: AND subject_cle_id is null
4425: AND object_cle_id is null
4426: And exists(Select 'x' --Fix Bug 4948793
4427: FROM okc_operation_instances op
4428: , okc_class_operations cls
4429: , okc_subclasses_b sl
4430: WHERE op.id = ol.oie_id
4431: AND op.cop_id = cls.id

Line 4446: FROM okc_operation_instances op

4442: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
4443: last_update_date = sysdate,
4444: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
4445: WHERE id in (Select ol.object_cle_id --Fix Bug 4948793
4446: FROM okc_operation_instances op
4447: , okc_class_operations cls
4448: , okc_subclasses_b sl
4449: , okc_operation_lines ol
4450: WHERE ol.subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id

Line 4473: FROM okc_operation_instances op

4469: WHERE subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id
4470: AND subject_cle_id is not null
4471: AND object_cle_id is not null
4472: And exists(Select 'x' --Fix Bug 4948793
4473: FROM okc_operation_instances op
4474: , okc_class_operations cls
4475: , okc_subclasses_b sl
4476: WHERE op.id = ol.oie_id
4477: AND op.cop_id = cls.id