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APPS.PO_GA_PVT dependencies on STANDARD

Line 289: -- Description : Determines if any Standard POs (in any status) reference

285: --
286: -- Pre-reqs : p_po_line_id must refer to a Global Agreement line ID.
287: -- Modifies : -
288: --
289: -- Description : Determines if any Standard POs (in any status) reference
290: -- the GA line.
291: --
292: -- Parameters : p_po_line_id - line ID for the Global Agreement
293: --

Line 294: -- Returns : TRUE - if Standard POs exist which reference this line

290: -- the GA line.
291: --
292: -- Parameters : p_po_line_id - line ID for the Global Agreement
293: --
294: -- Returns : TRUE - if Standard POs exist which reference this line
295: -- FALSE - otherwise
296: --
297: -- Exceptions : -
298: --=============================================================================

Line 309: SELECT count('Standard POs referencing GA line')

305: l_count NUMBER;
307: BEGIN
309: SELECT count('Standard POs referencing GA line')
310: INTO l_count
311: FROM po_lines_all
312: WHERE from_line_id = p_po_line_id;

Line 994: -- Standard PO line. This is alos called from post-query on lines block

990: -- MODIFIES : -
991: --
992: -- DESCRIPTION : This procedure called when 'SAVE' is issued on enter PO form
993: -- copies attachment from referenced GA header and GA line to
994: -- Standard PO line. This is alos called from post-query on lines block
995: --
996: -- PARAMETERS : p_po_header_id - GA header Id
997: -- p_po_line_id - GA Line Id
998: -- RETURNS : -

Line 1119: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility

1116: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
1118: BEGIN
1119: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility
1120: IF NOT FND_API.Compatible_API_Call(l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, G_PKG_NAME)
1121: THEN
1123: END IF;