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1 PACKAGE pay_us_earnings_template AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: payusearningtemp.pkh 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/27 21:55:10 appldev ship $ */
4 -- =======================================================================
6 -- =======================================================================
7 FUNCTION create_ele_template_objects
8            (p_ele_name              IN VARCHAR2
9            ,p_ele_reporting_name    IN VARCHAR2
10            ,p_ele_description       IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL
11            ,p_ele_classification    IN VARCHAR2
12            ,p_ele_category          IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL
13            ,p_ele_processing_type   IN VARCHAR2
14            ,p_ele_priority          IN NUMBER       DEFAULT NULL
15            ,p_ele_standard_link     IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'N'
16            ,p_ele_ot_base           IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'N'
17            ,p_flsa_hours            IN VARCHAR2
18            ,p_ele_calc_ff_name      IN VARCHAR2
19            ,p_sep_check_option      IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'N'
20            ,p_dedn_proc             IN VARCHAR2
21            ,p_reduce_regular        IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'N'
22            ,p_ele_eff_start_date    IN DATE         DEFAULT NULL
23            ,p_ele_eff_end_date      IN DATE         DEFAULT NULL
24            ,p_supp_category         IN VARCHAR2
25            ,p_legislation_code      IN VARCHAR2
26            ,p_bg_id                 IN NUMBER
27            ,p_termination_rule      IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'F'
28            ,p_stop_reach_rule       IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'N'
29            ,p_student_earning       IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'N'
30            ,p_special_input_flag    IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'N'
31            ,p_special_feature_flag  IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'Y'
32            )
34    --
35    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
36    -- Input-Name              Valid Values/Explaination
37    -- ----------              --------------------------------------
38    -- p_ele_name              - Element name entered by the user.
39    -- p_ele_reporting_name    - Reporting name entered by the user.
40    -- p_ele_description       - Description entered by the user.
41    -- p_ele_classification    - classification entered by the user. For example
42    --                           'Earnings'/'Supplemental Earnings' etc.
43    -- p_ele_category          - Categories
44    -- p_ele_processing_type   - R/N (Recurring/Non-recurring)
45    -- p_ele_priority          - Priority
46    -- p_ele_standard_link     - Y/N  ( N)
47    -- p_ele_ot_base           - Y/N (INCLUDE_IN_OT_BASE)
48    -- p_flsa_hours            - FLSA hours
49    -- p_ele_calc_ff_name      - current earnings formulas
50    -- p_sep_check_option      - Y/N
51    -- p_dedn_proc             - A-All, T-Tax, PTT-Pretax
52    -- p_reduce_regular        - Y/N
53    -- p_ele_eff_start_date    - Trunc(start date)
54    -- p_ele_eff_end_date      - Trunc(end date)
55    -- p_supp_category         - Supplemental element category
56    -- p_legislation_code      - legislation code
57    -- p_bg_id                 - Business group id
58    -- p_termination_rule      - Termination Rule     'F'
59    -- p_stop_reach_rule       - Element processing stops when the limit is
60    --                           reached and this is 'Y'.  'N'
61    -- p_student_earning       - Student Earning input values will be created
62    --                           if 'Y'.  'N'.
63    -- p_special_input_flag    - Special Inputs element will be created if 'Y'.
64    --                            'N'
65    -- p_special_feature_flag  - Special Features element will be created if 'Y'.
66    --                            'Y'
67 -- ==========================================================================
68 --   FUNCTION get_obj_id
69 -- ==========================================================================
70 --
71 -- function used to fetch the object ids for balance, input values and
72 -- elements
73 --
74 FUNCTION get_obj_id (p_object_type   IN VARCHAR2,
75                      p_object_name   IN VARCHAR2,
76                      p_object_id     IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)
79 -- ==========================================================================
80 --   Deletion procedure
81 -- ==========================================================================
82 --
83 PROCEDURE delete_ele_template_objects
84            (p_business_group_id     IN NUMBER
85            ,p_ele_type_id           IN NUMBER
86            ,p_ele_name              IN VARCHAR2
87            ,p_effective_date		IN DATE);
88 --
89 END pay_us_earnings_template;