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Line 9384: -- hr_operating_units

9380: -- Date Name Description
9381: ---------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------
9382: -- 04/21/05 smisra Created
9383: -- 08/15/05 smisra Changed the table name from hr_all_organization_units to
9384: -- hr_operating_units
9385: -- 8/25/05 smisra truncated local variable l_sys_dt because table
9386: -- hr_operating_units does not store time component.
9387: -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9388: PROCEDURE validate_org_id

Line 9386: -- hr_operating_units does not store time component.

9382: -- 04/21/05 smisra Created
9383: -- 08/15/05 smisra Changed the table name from hr_all_organization_units to
9384: -- hr_operating_units
9385: -- 8/25/05 smisra truncated local variable l_sys_dt because table
9386: -- hr_operating_units does not store time component.
9387: -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9388: PROCEDURE validate_org_id
9389: ( p_org_id NUMBER
9390: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line 9405: hr_operating_units

9401: INTO
9402: l_dt_from
9403: , l_dt_to
9404: FROM
9405: hr_operating_units
9406: WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
9407: IF l_sys_dt < NVL(l_dt_from, l_sys_dt) OR
9408: l_sys_dt > NVL(l_dt_to , l_sys_dt)
9409: THEN