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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

    l_select_stmt            VARCHAR2(20000) := '  SELECT * FROM CSI_I_ORG_ASSIGNMENTS  ';
Line: 112

    l_select_stmt := l_select_stmt || ' where '||l_where_clause;
Line: 120

    dbms_sql.parse(l_cur_get_ou, l_select_stmt , dbms_sql.native);
Line: 428

/* procedure name: update_organization_unit              */
/* description :  Updates an existing instance-org       */
/*                association                            */
/*                                                       */

PROCEDURE update_organization_unit
      p_api_version            IN     NUMBER
     ,p_commit                 IN     VARCHAR2
     ,p_init_msg_list          IN     VARCHAR2
     ,p_validation_level       IN     NUMBER
     ,p_org_unit_tbl           IN     csi_datastructures_pub.organization_units_tbl
     ,p_txn_rec                IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_rec
     ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
     ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
     ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

    l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_UNIT';
Line: 461

    SAVEPOINT    update_organization_unit;
Line: 493

        csi_gen_utility_pvt.put_line( 'update_organization_unit');
Line: 520

            ( p_api_version         => p_api_version
             ,p_commit              => fnd_api.g_false
             ,p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list
             ,p_validation_level    => p_validation_level
             ,p_org_unit_rec        => p_org_unit_tbl(tab_row)
             ,p_txn_rec             => p_txn_rec
             ,x_return_status       => x_return_status
             ,x_msg_count           => x_msg_count
             ,x_msg_data            => x_msg_data
             ,p_lookup_tbl          => l_ou_lookup_tbl
             ,p_ou_count_rec        => l_ou_count_rec
             ,p_ou_id_tbl           => l_ou_id_tbl
Line: 543

                    csi_gen_utility_pvt.put_line( ' Failed Pub:update_organization_unit..');
Line: 580

    ROLLBACK TO update_organization_unit;
Line: 588

        ROLLBACK TO update_organization_unit;
Line: 596

        ROLLBACK TO  update_organization_unit;
Line: 613

END update_organization_unit;