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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_es_bal_upload AS
2 /* $Header: pyesbupl.pkb 120.1 2005/05/31 02:02:09 vbattu noship $ */
3    --
4    -- Date constants.
5    --
6    start_of_time CONSTANT DATE := TO_date('01/01/0001','DD/MM/YYYY');
7    end_of_time   CONSTANT DATE := TO_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY');
8    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9    -- NAME
10    --  expiry_date
11    -- PURPOSE
12    --  Returns the expiry date of a given dimension relative to a date.
13    -- ARGUMENTS
14    --  p_upload_date       - the date on which the balance should be correct.
15    --  p_dimension_name    - the dimension being set.
16    --  p_assignment_id     - the assignment involved.
17    --  p_original_entry_id - Original_entry_id context.
18    -- USES
19    -- NOTES
20    --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.dim_expiry_date.
21    --  If the expiry date cannot be derived then it is set to the end of time
22    --  to indicate that a failure has occured. The process that uses the
23    --  expiry DATE knows this rule and acts accordingly.
24    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25    FUNCTION expiry_date (p_upload_date       DATE
26                         ,p_dimension_name    VARCHAR2
27                         ,p_assignment_id     NUMBER
28                         ,p_original_entry_id NUMBER) RETURN DATE IS
29     -- Returns the legislative start date
30           CURSOR csr_tax_start_date   IS
31 	      SELECT rule_mode
32 	      FROM   pay_legislation_rules
33 	      WHERE  legislation_code   ='ES'
34 	      AND    rule_type          = 'L';
35    -- Holds the legislative start date
36       l_leg_start          pay_legislation_rules.rule_mode%TYPE;
37    -- Returns the start date of the first period of the tax year in which
38    -- the upload date falls.
39    -- 1)  to_char(to_date(p_upload_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'YYYY')
40    --     retuned incorrect output depening on the date setting
41    --     of the env. to_date(p_upload_date,'DD/MM/YYYY') is not needed as
42    --      p_upload_date is a date!
43    -- 2)   if the upload is being done on say 01-jan-2003, it would return null
44    --      record as below condition will not be fulfilled
45    --      ptp2.start_date between
46    --      to_date(l_leg_start||to_char(to_date(
47    --      p_upload_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'),'YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
48    --      and ptp.end_date;
49    --      But due to 1, condition 2 did not happen and it returned the
50    --      first period of the payroll which is incorrect.
51    --      if 1 is fixed ,  then condtion 2 would occur.
52    -- Returns the start DATE of the current period on the upload date.
53    CURSOR csr_period_start (p_assignment_id NUMBER
54                            ,p_upload_date   DATE) IS
55 	   SELECT nvl(ptp.start_date, end_of_time)
56 	   FROM   per_time_periods   ptp
57 	         ,per_assignments_f  ass
58 	   WHERE  ass.assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
59 	   AND    ptp.payroll_id     = ass.payroll_id
60 	   AND    p_upload_date between ass.effective_start_date and ass.effective_end_date
61 	   AND    p_upload_date between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
62    -- Returns the start date of the assignment.
63    CURSOR csr_asg_itd_start(p_assignment_id NUMBER
64 			   ,p_upload_date   DATE) IS
65 	   SELECT  nvl(min(ass.effective_start_date), end_of_time)
66 	   FROM    per_assignments_f ass
67 	   WHERE   ass.assignment_id         = p_assignment_id
68 	   AND     ass.payroll_id            IS NOT NULL
69 	   AND     ass.effective_start_date <= p_upload_date;
70    -- Generic start date variable.
71    l_start_date            DATE;
72    -- Holds the assignment start date.
73    l_asg_itd_start_date    DATE;
74    --Holds the LQTD start date.
75    l_lqtd_start_date       DATE;
76    --Holds month start date
77    l_month_start_date	   DATE;
78    -- Holds the first regular payment date after the expiry date of the dimension.
79    l_regular_date          DATE;
80    -- Holds the expiry date of the dimension.
81    l_expiry_date           DATE;
82    -- Holds the business group of the dimension.
83    l_business_group_id     NUMBER;
84    -- Holds the start date of the quarter.
85    l_qtr_start_date        DATE;
86    -- Holds theearliest date an element entry
87    l_ele_itd_start_date    DATE;
88    --Used for _ASG_LQTD expiry date calculation
89    BEGIN_date		       DATE;
90    end_date		           DATE;
91    CURSOR csr_payroll_start_date (p_assignment_id NUMBER
92 				                 ,p_upload_date   DATE) IS
93 	   SELECT nvl(ppf.effective_start_date, end_of_time)
94 	   FROM   per_all_assignments_f ass
95 		     ,pay_all_payrolls_f ppf
96 	   WHERE  ass.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
97 	   AND    p_upload_date BETWEEN
98 			     nvl(ass.effective_start_date,p_upload_date) AND
99 			     nvl(ass.effective_end_date,p_upload_date)
100 	   AND  ppf.payroll_id      = ass.payroll_id
101 	   AND  p_upload_date BETWEEN
102 			     nvl(ppf.effective_start_date,p_upload_date) AND
103 			     nvl(ppf.effective_end_date,p_upload_date);
104    --
105    -- Returns the earliest DATE on which the element entry exists.
106    --
107    CURSOR csr_ele_itd_start(p_assignment_id     NUMBER
108 			               ,p_upload_date       DATE
109 			               ,p_original_entry_id NUMBER) IS
110 	   SELECT nvl(min(EE.effective_start_date), end_of_time)
111 	   FROM   pay_element_entries_f EE
112 	   WHERE  EE.assignment_id         = p_assignment_id
113 	   AND   (EE.element_entry_id      = p_original_entry_id OR
114 		      EE.original_entry_id     = p_original_entry_id)
115 	   AND    EE.effective_start_date <= p_upload_date;
116    --
117    --Holds the tax year start DATE for the upload process
118    l_tax_year		DATE;
119    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120    BEGIN --                        Expiry_date - Main                                  --
121    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122       -- What is the start DATE of the assignment? All loading must come after this DATE.
123       OPEN csr_asg_itd_start(p_assignment_id
124 			                ,p_upload_date);
125       FETCH csr_asg_itd_start INTO l_asg_itd_start_date;
126       CLOSE csr_asg_itd_start;
127       -- RETURN the date on which the dimension expires.
128      IF substr(p_dimension_name, 31, 4) = 'USER' THEN
129          -- User balance
130          SELECT  business_group_id
131          INTO    l_business_group_id
132          FROM    per_assignments_f
133          WHERE   assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
134          l_expiry_date := hr_gbbal.dimension_reset_date(p_dimension_name
135 						                               ,p_upload_date
136 						                               ,l_business_group_id);
137          l_expiry_date := GREATEST(l_expiry_date, l_asg_itd_start_date);
140          -- Calculate expiry DATE for '_PTD' dimensions.
141          -- What is the current period start DATE?
142          OPEN csr_period_start(p_assignment_id
143 			                  ,p_upload_date);
144          FETCH csr_period_start INTO l_start_date;
145          CLOSE csr_period_start;
146          l_expiry_date := greatest(l_start_date, l_asg_itd_start_date);
149          OPEN csr_tax_start_date;
150   	     FETCH csr_tax_start_date INTO l_leg_start;
151          CLOSE csr_tax_start_date;
155          OPEN csr_payroll_start_date(p_assignment_id
152         -- Calculate expiry date for '_YTD' dimensions.
153         -- What is the current tax year start DATE?
154         -- calculate the the payroll start DATE
156 				                    ,p_upload_date);
157          FETCH csr_payroll_start_date INTO l_start_date;
158          CLOSE csr_payroll_start_date;
159          -- calculate the tax year start date for the upload process
160          l_tax_year    := to_date(l_leg_start || to_char(p_upload_date,'YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY');
161         -- calculate the expiry DATE
162          l_expiry_date := greatest(l_start_date, l_asg_itd_start_date,l_tax_year );
165          -- calculate the qtr start date
166          l_qtr_start_date :=  trunc(p_upload_date,'Q');
167          -- calculate the the payroll start date
168          OPEN csr_payroll_start_date(p_assignment_id
169 				                    ,p_upload_date);
170          FETCH csr_payroll_start_date INTO l_start_date;
171          CLOSE csr_payroll_start_date;
172          -- calculate the expiry date
173          l_expiry_date := greatest(l_start_date, l_asg_itd_start_date, l_qtr_start_date );
174      END IF;
175      RETURN nvl(l_expiry_date,end_of_time);
176      EXCEPTION
177         WHEN no_data_found THEN
178            l_expiry_date := end_of_time;
179         RETURN l_expiry_date;
180     END expiry_date;
181    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
182    -- NAME
183    --  is_supported
184    -- PURPOSE
185    --  Checks if the dimension is supported by the upload process.
186    -- ARGUMENTS
187    --  p_dimension_name - the balance dimension to be checked.
188    -- USES
189    -- NOTES
190    --  Only a subset of the ES dimensions are supported.
191    --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.validate_dimension.
192    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
193    FUNCTION is_supported(p_dimension_name VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS
194       p_dimension_name_temp VARCHAR2(100);
195     BEGIN
196       -- See if the dimension is supported.
198                               'ASSIGNMENT DEDUCTION KEY CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE',
199                               'ASSIGNMENT DEDUCTION KEY PERIOD TO DATE',
200                               'ASSIGNMENT PAYMENT KEY CALENDAR QUARTER TO DATE',
201                               'ASSIGNMENT PAYMENT KEY CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE',
202                               'ASSIGNMENT PAYMENT KEY PERIOD TO DATE',
203                               'PERSON RUN' )
204       OR (  substr(p_dimension_name, 31, 4) = 'USER'
205              AND
206             substr(p_dimension_name, 40, 3) = 'ASG'   ) THEN
207          RETURN 1;
208       ELSE
209          RETURN 0;
210       END IF;
211       hr_utility.trace('Exiting pay_es_bal_upload.is_supported stub');
212    END is_supported;
213    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
214    -- NAME
215    --  include_adjustment
216    -- PURPOSE
217    --  Given a dimension, and relevant contexts and details of an existing
218    --  balance adjustment, it will find out if the balance adjustment effects
219    --  the dimension to be set. Both the dimension to be set and the adjustment
220    --  are for the same assignment and balance.
221    -- ARGUMENTS
222    --  p_balance_type_id    - the balance to be set.
223    --  p_dimension_name     - the balance dimension to be set.
224    --  p_original_entry_id  - ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID context.
225    --  p_bal_adjustment_rec - details of an existing balance adjustment.
226    --  p_test_batch_line_id -
227    -- USES
228    -- NOTES
229    --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.get_current_value.
230    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
231    FUNCTION include_adjustment (p_balance_type_id    NUMBER
232 			                   ,p_dimension_name     VARCHAR2
233 			                   ,p_original_entry_id  NUMBER
234 			                   ,p_upload_date        DATE
235 			                   ,p_batch_line_id      NUMBER
236 			                   ,p_test_batch_line_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
237       CURSOR csr_bal_adj(p_test_batch_line_id NUMBER
238 	  		            ,p_batch_line_id      NUMBER) IS
239 	  SELECT tba.source_text,tba.source_text2,tba.balance_type_id
240 	  FROM   pay_temp_balance_adjustments tba,
241     		 pay_balance_batch_lines bbl
242 	  WHERE  tba.batch_line_id = p_test_batch_line_id
243 	  AND    bbl.batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id;
244 	  l_source_text1 VARCHAR2(10);
245   	  l_source_text2 VARCHAR2(10);
246 	  l_RETURN 	 NUMBER := 0; -- False
247           v_cur_bal_adj  csr_bal_adj%ROWTYPE;
248    BEGIN
249        hr_utility.trace('Entering pay_es_bal_upload.include_adjustment stub');
250        --Select source text/source text2 of the current batch line
251        SELECT source_text    ,source_text2
252        INTO   l_source_text1 ,l_source_text2
253        FROM   pay_balance_batch_lines
254        WHERE  batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id;
255        --For context balances
256        IF (l_source_text1 IS NOT NULL) OR (l_source_text2 IS NOT NULL) THEN
257        	  OPEN csr_bal_adj(p_test_batch_line_id
258 			              ,p_batch_line_id);
259        	  FETCH csr_bal_adj INTO v_cur_bal_adj;
260        	  --Two different dimensions of the same balance and same context, hence adjustment needs to be done
261        	  IF v_cur_bal_adj.source_text=l_source_text1 AND v_cur_bal_adj.balance_type_id=p_balance_type_id THEN
262         	 l_RETURN := 1; -- True
263       	  ELSIF (v_cur_bal_adj.source_text2      = l_source_text2) AND 						                    (v_cur_bal_adj.balance_type_id   = p_balance_type_id) THEN
264         	 l_RETURN := 1; -- True
265 	  END IF;
266        	 --When no other dimension of the same balance has been processed before
267       	 -- IF csr_bal_adj%NOTFOUND THEN
268          --	 l_RETURN  := 0; -- False
269       	 -- END IF;
270        	  CLOSE csr_bal_adj;
271        --For non context balances , adjustment should be done
272        ELSE
273 		l_RETURN := 1;
274        END IF;
275       hr_utility.trace('Exiting pay_es_bal_upload.include_adjustment stub');
276       RETURN l_return;
277    END include_adjustment;
278    --
279     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
280     -- NAME
281     --  get_tax_unit
282     -- PURPOSE
283     --  Returns the legal company an assignment is associated with at
284     --  particular point in time.
285     -- ARGUMENTS
286     --  p_assignment_id  - the assignment
287     --  p_effective_date - the DATE on which the information is required.
288     -- USES
289     -- NOTES
290     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
291    --
292    FUNCTION get_tax_unit (p_assignment_id  NUMBER
293 			             ,p_effective_date DATE) RETURN NUMBER IS
294      --
295       CURSOR csr_get_wc_details IS
296 	      SELECT scl.segment2                 work_center
297 	      FROM   per_all_assignments_f        paaf
298 		        ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex       scl
299 	      WHERE  paaf.assignment_id           = p_assignment_id
300 	      AND    paaf.soft_coding_keyflex_id  = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id
301 	      AND    p_effective_date             BETWEEN effective_start_date
302 						                      AND     effective_end_date;
303     --
304       CURSOR csr_get_le_details (p_wc_organization_id NUMBER) IS
305 	      SELECT hoi.organization_id          le_id
306 	      FROM   hr_organization_information  hoi
307 	      WHERE  hoi.org_information1         = p_wc_organization_id
308 	      AND    hoi.org_information_context  = 'ES_WORK_CENTER_REF';
309     --
310       l_wc_id         hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
311       l_tax_unit_id   NUMBER;
312    --
313    BEGIN
314       --
315       hr_utility.trace('Entering pay_es_bal_upload.get_tax_unit');
316       --
317       l_tax_unit_id  := NULL;
318       l_wc_id        := NULL;
319       --
320       OPEN  csr_get_wc_details;
321       FETCH csr_get_wc_details INTO l_wc_id;
322       CLOSE csr_get_wc_details;
323       --
324       IF  l_wc_id IS NOT NULL THEN
325 	  OPEN  csr_get_le_details(l_wc_id);
326 	  FETCH csr_get_le_details INTO l_tax_unit_id;
327 	  CLOSE csr_get_le_details;
328       END IF;
329       --
330       --
331       -- RETURN the tax unit.
332       --
333       RETURN (l_tax_unit_id);
334       --
335       hr_utility.trace('Exiting pay_es_bal_upload.get_tax_unit');
336       --
337    END get_tax_unit;
338    --
339      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
340      -- NAME
341      --  validate_batch_lines
342      -- PURPOSE
343      --  Applies ES specific validation to the batch.
344      -- ARGUMENTS
345      --  p_batch_id - the batch to be validate_batch_linesd.
346      -- USES
347      -- NOTES
348      --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.validate_batch_lines.
349      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
350    --
351      PROCEDURE validate_batch_lines(p_batch_id NUMBER) IS
352      BEGIN
353         hr_utility.trace('Entering pay_es_bal_upload.validate_batch_lines stub');
354         hr_utility.trace('Exiting pay_es_bal_upload.validate_batch_lines stub' );
355      END validate_batch_lines;
356 END pay_es_bal_upload;