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2 /* $Header: AHLVSBRS.pls 120.2.12020000.2 2012/12/07 14:38:10 sareepar noship $ */
4 -- NOTE:The following constants and the two record and table type variables are not used as of now.
5 --      Written for future purposes, if any.
7 -- Operations
8 G_OP_CREATE         CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(1) := 'C';
9 G_OP_UPDATE         CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(1) := 'U';
10 G_OP_DELETE         CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(1) := 'D';
12 -- record structure for the DB table AHL_SB_POSITION_RULES
13 TYPE SB_Rule_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
14     rule_id                   NUMBER,
15     operation_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
16     object_version_number     NUMBER,
17     last_update_date          DATE,
18     last_updated_by           NUMBER,
19     creation_date             DATE,
20     created_by                NUMBER,
21     last_update_login         NUMBER,
22     rule_name                 VARCHAR2(80),
23     mr_header_id              NUMBER,
24     mc_header_id              NUMBER,
25     relationship_id           NUMBER,
26     rule_sequence             NUMBER,
27     active_start_date         DATE,
28     active_end_date           DATE,
29     security_group_id         NUMBER,
30     attribute_category        VARCHAR2(30),
31     attribute1                VARCHAR2(150),
32     attribute2                VARCHAR2(150),
33     attribute3                VARCHAR2(150),
34     attribute4                VARCHAR2(150),
35     attribute5                VARCHAR2(150),
36     attribute6                VARCHAR2(150),
37     attribute7                VARCHAR2(150),
38     attribute8                VARCHAR2(150),
39     attribute9                VARCHAR2(150),
40     attribute10               VARCHAR2(150),
41     attribute11               VARCHAR2(150),
42     attribute12               VARCHAR2(150),
43     attribute13               VARCHAR2(150),
44     attribute14               VARCHAR2(150),
45     attribute15               VARCHAR2(150)
46 );
48 -- table type for the above record structure
49 TYPE SB_Rule_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF SB_Rule_Rec_Type
52 -- record structure for the DB table AHL_SB_RULE_ITEMS
53 TYPE SB_Rule_Items_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
54     rule_association_id       NUMBER,
55     operation_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
56     object_version_number     NUMBER,
57     last_update_date          DATE,
58     last_updated_by           NUMBER,
59     creation_date             DATE,
60     created_by                NUMBER,
61     last_update_login         NUMBER,
62     rule_id                   NUMBER,
63     item_group_id             NUMBER,
64     item_association_id       NUMBER,
65     sub_config_item           VARCHAR2(1),
66     security_group_id         NUMBER,
67     attribute_category        VARCHAR2(30),
68     attribute1                VARCHAR2(150),
69     attribute2                VARCHAR2(150),
70     attribute3                VARCHAR2(150),
71     attribute4                VARCHAR2(150),
72     attribute5                VARCHAR2(150),
73     attribute6                VARCHAR2(150),
74     attribute7                VARCHAR2(150),
75     attribute8                VARCHAR2(150),
76     attribute9                VARCHAR2(150),
77     attribute10               VARCHAR2(150),
78     attribute11               VARCHAR2(150),
79     attribute12               VARCHAR2(150),
80     attribute13               VARCHAR2(150),
81     attribute14               VARCHAR2(150),
82     attribute15               VARCHAR2(150)
83 );
85 -- table type for the above record structure
86 TYPE SB_Rule_Items_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF SB_Rule_Items_Rec_Type
89 -- table type of NUMBER, used to store SB rules' violated instance ids in a unit
90 TYPE Violated_Inst_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF NUMBER
93 -- table type of NUMBER, used to store affected MC header ids for an MR
97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 -- Start of Comments
99 --  Procedure name    : Check_Unit_Completeness
100 --  Type              : Public
101 --  Function          : If Visit id is given:
102 --                       - it's a call from workorder UIs
103 --                       - along with the MRs accomplished on the unit, consider the ones attached to the visit too
104 --                      Else:
105 --                       - it's a call from UC Validate UI
106 --                       - consider just the MRs accomplished on the unit
107 --                      Gives the error messages pointing to the erring rules.
108 --  Pre-reqs          :
109 --  Parameters        :
110 --
111 --  Check_Unit_Completeness Parameters:
112 --       p_uc_header_id           IN     Given unit header id.                          Required
113 --       p_visit_id               IN     Given visit id.                                Required
114 --
115 --  End of Comments
117 PROCEDURE Check_Unit_Completeness (
118     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER    := 1.0,
119     p_init_msg_list               IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
120     p_validation_level            IN             NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
121     p_module_type                 IN             VARCHAR2  := NULL,
122     p_uc_header_id                IN             NUMBER,
123     p_visit_id                    IN             NUMBER,
124     p_x_erring_rules_tbl          IN OUT NOCOPY  AHL_UC_VALIDATION_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type,
125     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
126     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
127     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
128 );
129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 -- Start of Comments
133 --  Procedure name    : Check_Inst_Completeness
134 --  Type              : Public
135 --  Function          : Checks for the validity of applicable SB rules, if any, for a given instance.
136 --                      Gives the error messages pointing to the erring rules.
137 --  Pre-reqs          :
138 --  Parameters        :
139 --
140 --  Check_Inst_Completeness Parameters:
141 --       p_csi_instance_id        IN     Given instance id.                             Required
142 --
143 --  End of Comments
145 PROCEDURE Check_Inst_Completeness (
146     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER    := 1.0,
147     p_init_msg_list               IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
148     p_validation_level            IN             NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
149     p_module_type                 IN             VARCHAR2  := NULL,
150     p_csi_instance_id             IN             NUMBER,
151     p_x_erring_rules_tbl          IN OUT NOCOPY  AHL_UC_VALIDATION_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type,
152     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
153     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
154     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
155 );
156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 -- Start of Comments
160 --  Procedure name    : Evaluate_Rules_For_Pos
161 --  Type              : Public
162 --  Function          : Evaluates SB rules for a given MC position and matching unit in the given unit.
163 --                      Puts the erring rules in the message stack. Calling APIs need to check the message stack count.
164 --  Pre-reqs          :
165 --  Parameters        :
166 --
167 --  Evaluate_Rules_For_Pos Parameters:
168 --       p_mc_header_id           IN     Given MC header id.                            Required
169 --       p_mc_pos_key             IN     Given MC position key.                         Required
170 --       p_inv_item_id            IN     Given inventory item id.                       Required
171 --       p_inv_org_id             IN     Given inventory org id.                        Required
172 --       p_uc_header_id           IN     Given unit header id.                          Required
173 --
174 --  End of Comments
176 PROCEDURE Evaluate_Rules_For_Pos (
177     p_init_msg_list               IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
178     p_mc_header_id                IN             NUMBER,
179     p_mc_pos_key                  IN             NUMBER,
180     p_inv_item_id                 IN             NUMBER,
181     p_inv_org_id                  IN             NUMBER,
182     p_uc_header_id                IN             NUMBER
183 );
184 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 -- Start of Comments
188 --  Procedure name    : Copy_Rules_For_MR
189 --  Type              : Public
190 --  Function          : Copies the SB rules from a source MR (original) to destination MR (revised).
191 --                      NOTE: Translated string for 'Copy' will be prefixed to the rule name.
192 --  Pre-reqs          :
193 --  Parameters        :
194 --
195 --  Copy_Rules_For_MR Parameters:
196 --       p_src_mr_header_id       IN     Given source MR header id.                     Required
197 --       p_dst_mr_header_id       IN     Given destination MR header id.                Required
198 --
199 --  End of Comments
201 PROCEDURE Copy_Rules_For_MR (
202     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER    := 1.0,
203     p_commit                      IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
204     p_src_mr_header_id            IN             NUMBER,
205     p_dst_mr_header_id            IN             NUMBER,
206     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
207     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
208     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
209 );
210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 -- Start of Comments
214 --  Procedure name    : Update_Rules_For_MR
215 --  Type              : Public
216 --  Function          : Updates the SB rules for a given MR. To be called during MR completion, to
217 --                      update any non-effective rules of the edited DRAFT version.
218 --  Pre-reqs          :
219 --  Parameters        :
220 --
221 --  Update_Rules_For_MR Parameters:
222 --       p_mr_header_id           IN     Given MR header id.                            Required
223 --
224 --  End of Comments
226 PROCEDURE Update_Rules_For_MR (
227     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER    := 1.0,
228     p_commit                      IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
229     p_mr_header_id                IN             NUMBER,
230     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
231     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
232     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
233 );
234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 -- Start of Comments
238 --  Procedure name    : Delete_Rules_For_MR
239 --  Type              : Public
240 --  Function          : Deletes the SB rules for a given MR. To be called during MR deletion, to
241 --                      delete all the rules for the version getting deleted.
242 --  Pre-reqs          :
243 --  Parameters        :
244 --
245 --  Update_Rules_For_MR Parameters:
246 --       p_mr_header_id           IN     Given MR header id.                            Required
247 --
248 --  End of Comments
250 PROCEDURE Delete_Rules_For_MR (
251     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER    := 1.0,
252     p_commit                      IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
253     p_mr_header_id                IN             NUMBER,
254     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
255     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
256     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
257 );
258 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 -- Start of Comments
262 --  Procedure name    : Update_Rules_For_IG
263 --  Type              : Public
264 --  Function          : Updates the SB rules for a given Item Group. To be called during item group completion, to
265 --                      update SB rules like this:
266 --                      1) Fork: Deletes the rule items for the old item group and the affected positions.
267 --                      2) Merge: Deletes the rule items for the removed items in the item group.
268 --                      If there are no items in the SB rule after the above, then deletes the rule too.
269 --  Pre-reqs          :
270 --  Parameters        :
271 --
272 --  Update_Rules_For_IG Parameters:
273 --       p_frk_or_mrg_flg         IN     Fork or merge indicator ('F' / 'M').           Required
274 --       p_item_group_id          IN     Given item group id.                           Required
275 --       p_src_item_group_id      IN     Source item group id for the given item group. Required
276 --
277 --  End of Comments
279 PROCEDURE Update_Rules_For_IG (
280     p_frk_or_mrg_flg              IN             VARCHAR2,
281     p_item_group_id               IN             NUMBER,
282     p_src_item_group_id           IN             NUMBER
283 );
284 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 -- Start of Comments
288 --  Procedure name    : Get_Violated_Instances
289 --  Type              : Public
290 --  Function          : Gets the SB rules' violated instance ids for a given unit, in an associative array.
291 --  Pre-reqs          :
292 --  Parameters        :
293 --
294 --  Get_Violated_Instances Parameters:
295 --       p_uc_header_id           IN     Given unit header id.                          Required
296 --
297 --  End of Comments
299 PROCEDURE Get_Violated_Instances (
300     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER    := 1.0,
301     p_init_msg_list               IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
302     p_validation_level            IN             NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
303     p_module_type                 IN             VARCHAR2  := NULL,
304     p_uc_header_id                IN             NUMBER,
305     x_violated_inst_tbl           OUT    NOCOPY  Violated_Inst_Tbl_Type,
306     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
307     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
308     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
309 );
310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
313 -- Start of Comments
314 --  Procedure name    : Get_Affected_MC
315 --  Type              : Public
316 --  Function          : Gets the affected MC header ids for a given MR
317 --  Pre-reqs          :
318 --  Parameters        :
319 --
320 --  Get_Affected_MC Parameters:
321 --       p_mr_header_id           IN     Given MR header id.                            Required
322 --
323 --  End of Comments
325 PROCEDURE Get_Affected_MC (
326     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER    := 1.0,
327     p_init_msg_list               IN             VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
328     p_validation_level            IN             NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
329     p_module_type                 IN             VARCHAR2  := NULL,
330     p_mr_header_id                IN             NUMBER,
331     x_affected_mc_tbl             OUT    NOCOPY  Affected_MC_Tbl_Type,
332     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
333     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
334     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
335 );
336 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------