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Line 446: -- the action id (ff_archive_items.context1), user entity id and up to

442: p_context_value2 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
443: p_context_value3 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
445: -- Pure Public Function which returns a value from the archive, given
446: -- the action id (ff_archive_items.context1), user entity id and up to
447: -- three additional contexts. No validation is performed on the input
448: -- parameters. If a matching item does not exist, null is returned.
449: -- The additional context parameters must be populated in order.
450: IS

Line 451: l_arch_value ff_archive_items.value%type;

447: -- three additional contexts. No validation is performed on the input
448: -- parameters. If a matching item does not exist, null is returned.
449: -- The additional context parameters must be populated in order.
450: IS
451: l_arch_value ff_archive_items.value%type;
452: BEGIN
453: -- use implicit cursors so that too_many_rows can easily be detected
454: IF p_context_value3 IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 460: ff_archive_items fai

456: INTO l_arch_value
457: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts aic1,
458: ff_archive_item_contexts aic2,
459: ff_archive_item_contexts aic3,
460: ff_archive_items fai
461: WHERE fai.context1 = p_action_id
462: AND fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
463: AND aic1.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
464: AND aic1.sequence_no = 1

Line 475: FROM ff_archive_items fai,

471: AND aic3.context = p_context_value3;
472: ELSIF p_context_value2 IS NOT NULL THEN
474: INTO l_arch_value
475: FROM ff_archive_items fai,
476: ff_archive_item_contexts aic1,
477: ff_archive_item_contexts aic2
478: WHERE fai.context1 = p_action_id
479: AND fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id

Line 490: ff_archive_items fai

486: ELSIF p_context_value1 IS NOT NULL THEN
488: INTO l_arch_value
489: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts aic1,
490: ff_archive_items fai
491: WHERE fai.context1 = p_action_id
492: AND fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
493: AND aic1.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
494: AND aic1.sequence_no = 1

Line 499: FROM ff_archive_items fai

495: AND aic1.context = p_context_value1;
496: ELSE
498: INTO l_arch_value
499: FROM ff_archive_items fai
500: WHERE fai.context1 = p_action_id
501: AND fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id;
502: END IF;
503: RETURN l_arch_value;

Line 516: -- given the action id (ff_archive_items.context1), user entity name and up to

512: p_context_value2 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
513: p_context_value3 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
515: -- Overloaded Pure Public Function which returns a value from the archive,
516: -- given the action id (ff_archive_items.context1), user entity name and up to
517: -- two additional contexts. No validation is performed on the input
518: -- parameters. If a matching item does not exist, null is returned.
519: -- The additional context parameters must be populated in order.
520: IS

Line 522: l_arch_value ff_archive_items.value%type;

518: -- parameters. If a matching item does not exist, null is returned.
519: -- The additional context parameters must be populated in order.
520: IS
521: l_user_entity_id ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type;
522: l_arch_value ff_archive_items.value%type;
523: BEGIN
524: SELECT fue.user_entity_id
525: INTO l_user_entity_id
526: FROM ff_user_entities fue

Line 639: from ff_archive_items fai,

635: l_archive_value VARCHAR2(30);
636: cursor get_payroll_id(c_payroll_action_id number,
637: c_user_entity_id number) is
638: select to_number(faic.context) payroll_id
639: from ff_archive_items fai,
640: ff_archive_item_contexts faic
641: where fai.context1 = c_payroll_action_id
642: and fai.user_entity_id = c_user_entity_id
643: and fai.archive_item_id = faic.archive_item_id

Line 1251: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;

1247: l_tax_reference_number VARCHAR2(10); -- 4011263: length 10 chars
1248: l_test_indicator varchar2(1); -- 5909829 EOY to store test indicator value
1249: l_unique_test_id varchar2(50); -- 5909829 EOY to store unique test id value
1250: -- vars for returns from the API:
1251: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;
1252: l_ovn NUMBER;
1253: l_some_warning BOOLEAN;
1254: -- vars for holding payroll data:
1255: l_payroll_start_year DATE;

Line 1751: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;

1747: l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(35):= g_package||'action_creation';
1748: --
1749: l_actid pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
1750: -- vars for returns from the API:
1751: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;
1752: l_ovn NUMBER;
1753: l_some_warning BOOLEAN;
1754: --
1755: l_start_year_date DATE;

Line 2319: ff_archive_items fai, /* X_START_YEAR */

2315: aic.context) tax_ref,
2316: pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_arch_str(fai.context1,g_tax_dist_ref_eid,
2317: aic.context) tax_dist
2318: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts aic, /* payrolls */
2319: ff_archive_items fai, /* X_START_YEAR */
2320: ff_user_entities fue,
2321: pay_payroll_actions pact
2322: WHERE pact.report_type = 'EOY'
2323: AND pact.report_qualifier = 'GB'

Line 3120: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;

3116: PROCEDURE archive_code(p_assactid IN NUMBER, p_effective_date IN DATE) IS
3117: --
3118: l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(35):= g_package||'archive_code';
3119: -- vars for returns from the API:
3120: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;
3121: l_ovn NUMBER;
3122: l_some_warning BOOLEAN;
3123: --
3124: l_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;

Line 3897: ff_archive_items fai,

3893: --
3894: CURSOR csr_get_final_payment_date(c_asg_action_id NUMBER) IS
3895: SELECT ppa.effective_date
3896: FROM ff_user_entities fue,
3897: ff_archive_items fai,
3898: pay_assignment_actions paa,
3899: pay_payroll_actions ppa
3900: WHERE fue.user_entity_name = 'X_P45_FINAL_PAYMENT_ACTION'
3901: AND fue.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id