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Line 407: l_tran_rec gmi_trans_engine_pub.ictran_rec;

403: l_req_line_id rcv_transactions_interface.requisition_line_id%TYPE;
404: l_receipt_source_code rcv_transactions_interface.receipt_source_code%TYPE;
406: l_tran_row ic_tran_cmp%ROWTYPE;
407: l_tran_rec gmi_trans_engine_pub.ictran_rec;
409: l_whse_code ic_tran_pnd.whse_code%TYPE;
410: l_orgn_code ic_tran_pnd.orgn_code%TYPE;
411: l_loct_ctl ic_whse_mst.loct_ctl%TYPE;

Line 1064: gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_completed_transaction(

1060: END IF; /* IF l_item_sts_ctl <> 0 */
1062: END IF; /* IF l_tran_rec.lot_id is not null */
1064: gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_completed_transaction(
1065: p_api_version => 1.0,
1066: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1067: p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1068: p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,

Line 1328: Parameters that need to be passed to the gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_pending_transaction routine are

1325: -- End 3991705
1327: /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1328: Parameters that need to be passed to the gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_pending_transaction routine are
1329: Parameter Value
1330: p_api_version 1.0
1331: p_init_msg_list FND_API.G_FALSE
1332: p_commit FND_API.G_FALSE

Line 1334: p_tran_rec Record that needs to be processed. GMI_TRANS_ENGINE_PUB.ictran_rec

1330: p_api_version 1.0
1331: p_init_msg_list FND_API.G_FALSE
1332: p_commit FND_API.G_FALSE
1333: p_validation_level FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
1334: p_tran_rec Record that needs to be processed. GMI_TRANS_ENGINE_PUB.ictran_rec
1335: x_tran_row Processed record with trans id created in the procedure.
1336: x_return_status Success of the procedure.
1337: x_msg_count Error message.
1338: */--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 1360: gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_completed_transaction(

1356: l_tran_rec.trans_qty := l_temp_qty;
1357: END IF;
1358: END IF;
1359: -- PK End Bug 3936459.
1360: gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_completed_transaction(
1361: p_api_version => 1.0,
1362: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1363: p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1364: p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,

Line 1380: gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_completed_transaction(

1376: END LOOP;
1378: /*If there were no lots for this transactions then do the following insert */
1379: IF l_lot_exists = 0 THEN
1380: gmi_trans_engine_pub.create_completed_transaction(
1381: p_api_version => 1.0,
1382: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1383: p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1384: p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,