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1 package body hr_sum_store as
2 /* $Header: hrsumsto.pkb 115.8 2003/05/22 10:36:03 jheer noship $ */
3 --
4 procedure store_data (p_business_group_id in number,
5                       p_item_name in varchar2,
6                       p_itu_name in varchar2,
7                       p_item_type_usage_id in number,
8                       p_count_clause1 in varchar2,
9                       p_count_clause2 in varchar2,
10                       p_stmt in varchar2,
11                       p_debug in varchar2,
12                       p_key_col_clause in varchar2,
13                       p_error out nocopy number ) is
15 l_key_value hr_summary_key_value.name%type;
16 l_item_value  number;
17 l_item_value_char varchar2(240);
18 l_item_value2 number;
19 z number;
20 j number;
21 l_key_value_id number;
22 l_error_mesg varchar2(100);
23 l_error boolean;
24 l_item_value_id number;
25 l_object_version_number number;
26 source_cursor integer;
27 ignore integer;
28 l_new_stmt long;
29 l_count_clause_columns varchar2(4000);
30 l_columns_to_append long := ' ';
31 l_columns_required number :=0;
32 l_full_name_avail varchar2(1);
33 l_start_index number;
35 l_concat_debug_string varchar2(4000);
36 l_pos1 number;
37 l_pos2 number;
38 TYPE ColNameRecType IS RECORD
39   (col_name long);
42 ColNameTab  ColNameTabType;
44 --
46 begin
47    --
48    hr_utility.set_location('Entering: hr_sum_store.store_data', 10);
49    --
50    p_error := 0; /* Default error parameter to zero to indicate success */
51    source_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
52    --
53    -- Define column 1 as the count column
54    --
56    --
57    -- If p_debug = 'Y' change the statement to select just the name
58    --
59    hr_utility.trace ('convert statement');
60    -- the following have multiple group bys' which are currently not handled by debug.
61    if p_debug = 'Y' and p_item_name not in ('10_HIGHEST_REMUNERATION',
62                                             '10_PC_HIGHEST_REMUNERATION',
63 					    '10_PC_LOWEST_REMUNERATION',
64                                         --  'NEW_HIRE',
65                                             'REMUNERATION_BREAKDOWN')
66    then
67       if p_item_name = 'NEW_HIRE' then
68          l_full_name_avail := 'N';
69       else
70          l_full_name_avail := 'Y';
71       end if;
72       l_new_stmt := p_stmt;
73    -- find the columns to append from the comment
74       l_columns_to_append := ' ';
75       l_columns_required := 0;
76       if instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1) <> 0 then
77          l_columns_to_append := ',' || substr(l_new_stmt,(instr(l_new_stmt,concat('/','*DBG'),1)+6),(
78                                 instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1) - (instr(l_new_stmt,concat('/','*DBG'),1)+6)));
79          l_columns_required := to_number(nvl(substr(l_new_stmt,(instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1)+7),1),'0'));
80          hr_utility.trace('cols required = ' ||  l_columns_required);
81       end if;
83       -- Determine the names of the appended debug columns so that they can be output with the value
84       -- the column names follow the DBGCOLS text and are should appear in the corect order
85       l_pos1 := instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1);
86       l_pos2 := instr(l_new_stmt,' ',l_pos1); -- find the position of the space preceeding the 1st col
87       hr_utility.trace('_pos1 = ' || l_pos1 || ' ' || l_pos2);
88       for i in 0..(l_columns_required-1) loop
89           hr_utility.trace('colname asssign');
90           ColNameTab(i).col_name := substr(l_new_stmt,(l_pos2+1),instr(l_new_stmt,' ',(l_pos2+1))-(l_pos2));
91           l_pos2 := instr(l_new_stmt,' ',l_pos2+1);
92       end loop;
94       l_new_stmt := substr(l_new_stmt,instr(l_new_stmt,'from',1),length(l_new_stmt));
95       if instr(l_new_stmt,' group by',1) <> 0 then
96          l_new_stmt := substr(l_new_stmt,1,instr(l_new_stmt,' group by',1));
97          if l_full_name_avail = 'Y' then
98             l_new_stmt := 'Select distinct p.full_name' || l_columns_to_append || nvl(p_key_col_clause,' ') ||
99                            l_new_stmt;
100          else
101             l_new_stmt := 'Select distinct ''full_name unavail'' ' || l_columns_to_append || nvl(p_key_col_clause,' ') ||
102                            l_new_stmt;
103          end if;
104       else
105          if l_full_name_avail = 'N' then
106             l_new_stmt := 'Select distinct ''full_name unavail'' ' || l_columns_to_append || l_new_stmt;
107          else
108             l_new_stmt := 'Select distinct p.full_name' || l_columns_to_append || l_new_stmt;
109          end if;
110       end if;
112    else
113       l_new_stmt := p_stmt;
114    end if;
116    if p_debug = 'Y' then
117       hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => 'new stmt is' || l_new_stmt);
118       hrsumrep.write_stmt_log('ITEM NAME = ' || p_itu_name || ' ' || p_item_name);
119       hr_utility.trace('ITEM NAME = ' || p_itu_name || ' ' || p_item_name);
120    end if;
122    hr_utility.trace ('complete convert statement');
125    <<dynamic_block>>
126    begin
127       l_error := false;
128       l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get_string('PER','PER_74874_PARSE_ERROR')||' '||p_item_name;
129       -- dbms_sql.parse(source_cursor,p_stmt,dbms_sql.v7);
130       hr_utility.trace('parse stmt');
131       dbms_sql.parse(source_cursor,l_new_stmt,dbms_sql.v7);
132       hr_utility.trace('complete parse stmt');
133       l_error_mesg := null;
134       fnd_message.set_name('PER','PER_74877_DEFINE_COLUMN');
135       fnd_message.set_token('NUM','1');
136       l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
137       If p_debug = 'Y' Then
138          dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor,1,l_item_value_char,240);
139       Else
140          dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor,1,l_item_value);
141       End If;
142       l_error_mesg := null;
143       --
144       if p_debug <> 'Y' then
145          if p_count_clause2 is not null then
146             fnd_message.set_token('NUM','2');
147             l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
148             dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor,2,l_item_value2);
149             l_error_mesg := null;
150             --
151             -- Define subsequent columns based on the group by columns
152             --
153             j := 3;
154          else
155             j := 2;
156          end if;
157          --
158          if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 then
159            for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
160                fnd_message.set_token('NUM',to_char(j));
161                l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
162                dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor,j,l_key_value,80);
163                l_error_mesg := null;
164                j := j + 1;
165            end loop;
166          end if;
168       else  -- if debug
169          j := 2;
170          -- if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 then
171             if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 or l_columns_required > 0 then
172             l_columns_required := l_columns_required + nvl(hrsumrep.ktyTab.last,0);
173             hr_utility.trace('l_columns_required after adding is ' || l_columns_required);
174          --for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
175            for i in nvl(hrsumrep.ktyTab.first,1)..l_columns_required loop
176                fnd_message.set_token('NUM',to_char(j));
177                l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
178                hr_utility.trace('define col');
179                dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor,j,l_key_value,80);
180                 hr_utility.trace('define col2');
181                l_error_mesg := null;
182                j := j + 1;
183            end loop;
184          end if;
185       end if;
186       --
187       l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get_string('PER','PER_74875_EXECUTE_ERROR')||' '||p_item_name;
188       ignore := dbms_sql.execute(source_cursor);
189       l_error_mesg := null;
190       --
191       z := 0;
192       loop
193            if dbms_sql.fetch_rows(source_cursor) > 0 then
194               fnd_message.set_name('PER','PER_74878_COLUMN_VALUE');
195               fnd_message.set_token('NUM','1');
196               l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
198               if p_debug = 'Y' then
199                   hr_utility.trace(' col value');
200                  dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor,1,l_item_value_char);
201                  hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => null);
202                  hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => '***** PERSON NAME is ' || l_item_value_char);
203               else
204                  dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor,1,l_item_value);
205               end if;
207               l_error_mesg := null;
209               if p_debug <> 'Y' then
211                  if p_count_clause2 is not null then
212                     fnd_message.set_token('NUM','2');
213                     l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
214                     dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor,2,l_item_value2);
215                     l_error_mesg := null;
216                  end if;
217                  --
218                  -- Populate the Item Value Row
219                  --
220                  hr_summary_api.create_item_value(p_item_value_id         => l_item_value_id
221                                               ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
222                                               ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
223                                               ,p_process_run_id        => hr_summary_util.process_run_id
224                                               ,p_item_type_usage_id    => p_item_type_usage_id
225                                               ,p_textvalue             => null
226                                               ,p_numvalue1             => l_item_value
227                                               ,p_numvalue2             => l_item_value2
228                                               ,p_datevalue             => null);
229                  z := z + 1;
230                  if p_count_clause2 is null then
231                     j := 2;
232                  else
233                     j := 3;
234                  end if;
235                  if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 then
236                     for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
237                         fnd_message.set_token('NUM',to_char(j));
238                         l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
239                         dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor,j,l_key_value);
240                         l_error_mesg := null;
241                         --
242                         -- Populate the key value
243                         --
244                         hr_summary_api.create_key_value(p_key_value_id          => l_key_value_id
245                                                     ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
246                                                     ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
247                                                     ,p_key_type_id           => hrsumrep.ktyTab(i).key_type_id
248                                                     ,p_item_value_id         => l_item_value_id
249                                                     ,p_name                  => l_key_value);
250                         --
251                         --
252                         -- If the value is OTHER then there may not be a
253                         -- correpsonding zero item row (this is required in order
254                         -- that each element in the multi-dimensional matrix has a
255                         -- value
256                         --
257                         if l_key_value = hr_summary_util.OTHER
258                         and not hrsumrep.ktyTab(i).key_other then
259                            hr_summary_api.create_key_value(p_key_value_id          => l_key_value_id
260                                                        ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
261                                                        ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
262                                                        ,p_key_type_id           => hrsumrep.ktyTab(i).key_type_id
263                                                        ,p_item_value_id         => hr_summary_util.zero_item_value_id
264                                                        ,p_name                  => l_key_value);
265                            hrsumrep.ktyTab(i).key_other := TRUE;
266                         end if;
267                         j := j + 1;
268                     end loop;
269                  end if;
271               end if; -- p_debug end if
273               If p_debug = 'Y' then
274                  j :=2;
275                  -- if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 then
276                  hr_utility.trace('col value start');
277                  if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 or l_columns_required > 0 then
278                     --l_columns_required := l_columns_required + hrsumrep.ktyTab.count;
279                  -- for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
280                     hr_utility.trace('col value start loop');
281                  -- cater for the situation where an item has no keys
282                     if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count = 0 then
283                        l_start_index :=0;
284                     else
285                        l_start_index := hrsumrep.ktyTab.first;
286                     end if;
287                  -- for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..l_columns_required loop
288                     l_concat_debug_string := ' ';
289                     for i in l_start_index..(l_columns_required-1) loop
290                         fnd_message.set_token('NUM',to_char(j));
291                         l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
292                         dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor,j,l_key_value);
293                         l_error_mesg := null;
294                         if i < ColNameTab.count then
295                            --hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(ColNameTab(i).Col_Name || ' = ' || l_key_value);
296                            l_concat_debug_string := l_concat_debug_string || ' ' || ColNameTab(i).Col_Name || ' ' || l_key_value
297                                                     || ',';
298                         else
299                            --hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(hrsumrep.ktytab(i-ColNameTab.count).key_type || ' = ' || l_key_value);
300                            l_concat_debug_string := l_concat_debug_string || ' ' || hrsumrep.ktytab(i-ColNameTab.count).key_type
301                                                     || ' ' || l_key_value || ',';
302                         end if;
303                         j := j+1;
304                     end loop;
305                     if l_concat_debug_string is not null and l_concat_debug_string <> ' ' then
306                        hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(l_concat_debug_string);
307                     end if;
308                  end if;
309               end if;
311               else -- if fetch_rows > 0
312                  exit;
313               end if;
314          end loop;
315       --
316       -- hrsumrep.write_error(p_itu_name||': '||z);
317       --
318       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: hr_sum_store.store_data', 20);
319       --
320    exception when others then
321        p_error := 1; /* If error occurs set p_error to 1 to indicate error */
322        if l_error_mesg is null then
323           hr_utility.trace('exception in HR_SUM_STORE');
324           hr_utility.trace(SQLCODE);
325           hr_utility.trace(SQLERRM);
326           hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => l_new_stmt);
327           null;
328        else
329           hr_utility.trace('error in HR_SUM_STORE');
330           hrsumrep.write_error(null);
331           hrsumrep.write_error(l_error_mesg);
332           hrsumrep.write_error(sqlerrm);
333     --    hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => p_stmt);
334           hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => l_new_stmt);
335        end if;
336    end dynamic_block;
337    dbms_sql.close_cursor(source_cursor);
338 end store_data;
340 end hr_sum_store;