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Line 128: l_evh_rec.event_calendar := FND_PROFILE.value('AMS_CAMPAIGN_DEFAULT_CALENDER');

124: -- added sugupta 08/28/20000--------------
125: -- default event calendar, present;y defailting it to be same as campaigns calendar.. SHOULD CHANGE
126: -- not sure about the logic, should it be defaulted only for MAIN events, not the agenda..
127: -- IF l_evh_rec.event_calendar IS NULL THEN
128: l_evh_rec.event_calendar := FND_PROFILE.value('AMS_CAMPAIGN_DEFAULT_CALENDER');
129: -- END IF;
131: -- we will override any coming value of system status code
132: -- added sugupta 07/20/2000 for event agenda, stastuses shouldnt be defaulted to 1/NEW

Line 326: l_org_id := fnd_profile.value('DEFAULT_ORG_ID');

322: AMS_Utility_PVT.debug_message(l_full_name ||': insert B2'||l_evh_rec.active_from_date||','||l_evh_rec.active_to_date);
323: END IF;
325: -- Added by rmajumda (09/15/05). MOAC changes
326: l_org_id := fnd_profile.value('DEFAULT_ORG_ID');
328: IF l_evh_rec.object_version_number = 2 THEN -- copy
329: l_ovn := 2;
330: END IF;

Line 500: NVL(l_evh_rec.country_code, TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.value('AMS_SRCGEN_USER_CITY'))),

496: l_evh_rec.attribute15,
497: -- l_evh_rec.country_code,
498: -- The above will require the JSP to send the country_code as part of the rec.
499: -- This is not needed the API can pick it up as follows:
500: NVL(l_evh_rec.country_code, TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.value('AMS_SRCGEN_USER_CITY'))),
501: -- The above picks up the country code from the Profile option if the one sent in
502: -- by the JSP page is null.
503: l_evh_rec.business_unit_id,
504: -- The JSPs are expected to send the value of the business_unit_id. It is nullable.

Line 3675: x_complete_rec.event_calendar := FND_PROFILE.value('AMS_CAMPAIGN_DEFAULT_CALENDER');

3671: IF p_evh_rec.business_unit_id = FND_API.g_miss_num THEN
3672: x_complete_rec.business_unit_id := l_evh_rec.business_unit_id;
3673: END IF;
3674: IF p_evh_rec.event_calendar = FND_API.g_miss_char THEN
3675: x_complete_rec.event_calendar := FND_PROFILE.value('AMS_CAMPAIGN_DEFAULT_CALENDER');
3676: END IF;
3678: IF p_evh_rec.start_period_name = FND_API.g_miss_char THEN
3679: x_complete_rec.start_period_name := l_evh_rec.start_period_name;