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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 236

     SELECT DECODE(sort_sequence, 0, NULL, sort_sequence) sort_sequence
       FROM cm_cmpt_mst
      WHERE cost_cmpntcls_id = p_ccc_id ;
Line: 508

		FROM	      cm_whse_asc
		AND	      eff_start_date <= v_trans_date
		AND	      eff_end_date   >= v_trans_date
		AND	      delete_mark = 0;
Line: 524

      SELECT      o.organization_id,
      FROM        hr_organization_information o,
                  gmf_fiscal_policies f
      WHERE       o.organization_id  = v_organization_id
      AND         o.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
      AND         o.org_information2 = f.LEGAL_ENTITY_ID
      AND         f.delete_mark  = 0;
Line: 548

		SELECT	   mst.calendar_code,
		FROM	      cm_cldr_mst_v mst
		WHERE	      mst.delete_mark = 0
      AND	      mst.end_date < v_trans_date
		AND	      mst.cost_type_id = v_cost_type_id
		AND	      mst.legal_entity_id = v_legal_entity_id
		ORDER BY    3 desc;
Line: 573

		SELECT	   acctg_cost,
		FROM	      gl_item_cst
		WHERE	      organization_id	= v_organization_id
      AND	      inventory_item_id		= v_item_id
		AND	      cost_type_id	= v_cost_type_id
      AND	      period_id	= v_period_id;
Line: 597

		SELECT	   acctg_cost,
		FROM 	      gl_item_cst
		WHERE 	   organization_id	= v_organization_id
      AND 	      inventory_item_id		= v_item_id
		AND 	      cost_type_id	= v_cost_type_id
		AND	      end_date	>= v_trans_date
		AND	      start_date	<= v_trans_date;
Line: 621

		SELECT	   cmptcost_amt
		FROM 	      gl_item_dtl
		WHERE 	   itemcost_id		= v_itemcost_id
		AND	      cost_cmpntcls_id	= v_cmpntcls_id
		AND	      cost_analysis_code	= v_analysis_code;
Line: 639

		SELECT	   cmptcost_amt,
		FROM        gl_item_dtl i,
                  cm_cmpt_mst c
		WHERE       i.itemcost_id		= v_itemcost_id
		AND	      i.cost_cmpntcls_id	= c.cost_cmpntcls_id
		AND	      c.ppv_ind 		= 1;
Line: 657

		SELECT	   SUM(cmptcost_amt)
		FROM 	      gl_item_dtl i,
			         cm_cmpt_mst c
		WHERE 	   i.itemcost_id		= v_itemcost_id
		AND	      i.cost_cmpntcls_id	= c.cost_cmpntcls_id
		AND	      c.ppv_ind		= 1;
Line: 665

      * Retrieves Cost Tpe FOR the Cost TYPE Id Selected *

      CURSOR      Cur_Get_mthd_type
      v_cost_type_id             IN                NUMBER
      SELECT      cost_type
      FROM        cm_mthd_mst
      WHERE       cost_type_id = v_cost_type_id;
Line: 681

          SELECT nvl(sum(moqd.primary_transaction_quantity), 0) qty, lot_number
            FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd, mtl_secondary_inventories msi
           WHERE moqd.organization_id = v_organization_id
             AND moqd.inventory_item_id =  v_inventory_item_id
             AND moqd.is_consigned = 2
             AND msi.secondary_inventory_name = moqd.subinventory_code
             AND moqd.organization_id = msi.organization_id
             AND msi.asset_inventory = 1
           GROUP BY inventory_item_id, lot_number;
Line: 693

          SELECT nvl(sum(gpb.primary_quantity), 0) qty, lot_number
            FROM gmf_period_balances gpb, org_acct_periods oap, mtl_secondary_inventories msi
           WHERE gpb.organization_id = v_organization_id
             AND gpb.inventory_item_id =  v_inventory_item_id
             AND gpb.acct_period_id = oap.acct_period_id
             AND oap.organization_id = gpb.organization_id
             AND oap.period_year = v_fiscal_year
             AND oap.period_num = v_period
             AND gpb.subinventory_code (+)= msi.secondary_inventory_name
             AND gpb.organization_id = msi.organization_id
             AND msi.asset_inventory = 1
           GROUP BY inventory_item_id, lot_number;
Line: 837

         SELECT       cost_mthd_code
         INTO         p_cost_method
         FROM         cm_mthd_mst
         WHERE        cost_type_id = P_cached_cost_type_id;
Line: 842

         SELECT       cost_type_id
         INTO         p_cost_type_id
         FROM         cm_mthd_mst
         WHERE        cost_mthd_code = p_cost_method;
Line: 1054

         * Now select the cost based on the prior calendar and period selected above *
		   OPEN Cur_get_pr_cost (
Line: 1123

      * select co cmptcost_amt from gl_item_dtl *
	   x_no_recs := 0;
Line: 1273

   *      Added delete mark in the where clause while fetching default cost method                *
   *     Added RAISE exception to avoid circular calls to get_process_item_cost. if alternate     *
   *     cost method is marked for purge.                                                         *
    FUNCTION Get_Process_Item_Cost
     p_api_version               IN             NUMBER
   , p_init_msg_list             IN             VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
   , x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
   , x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
   , x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
   , p_inventory_item_id         IN             NUMBER                       /* Item_Id */
   , p_organization_id           IN             NUMBER                       /* Inventory Organization Id */
   , p_transaction_date          IN             DATE                         /* Cost as on date */
   , p_detail_flag               IN             NUMBER                       /* same as retrieve indicator: */ /*  1 = total cost, 2 = details; */ /* 3 = cost for a specific component class/analysis code, etc. */
Line: 1326

     FROM cm_mthd_mst
     WHERE cost_type_id = v_cost_type_id;
Line: 1333

     SELECT         m.cost_type_id,
      FROM          cm_mthd_mst m,
                    gmf_fiscal_policies plc,
                    hr_organization_information o
      WHERE         o.organization_id = v_organization_id
      AND           o.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
      AND           plc.legal_entity_id   = o.org_information2
      AND           plc.cost_type_id  = m.cost_type_id
      AND           m.delete_mark     = 0
      AND           plc.delete_mark   = 0 ;
Line: 1352

  	   SELECT      cost_cmpntcls_id,
  	   FROM 	      gmf_lot_cost_details
  	   WHERE       header_id = v_header_id
  	   AND         cost_cmpntcls_id = NVL(v_cost_cmpntcls_id,cost_cmpntcls_id)
  	   AND         cost_analysis_code = NVL(v_cost_analysis_code,cost_analysis_code);
Line: 1366

  	   SELECT      sum(component_cost)
  	   FROM        gmf_lot_cost_details d,
                  gmf_lot_costs h
  	   WHERE       h.header_id = v_header_id
  	   AND         h.header_id = d.header_id
  	   AND         h.lot_number = nvl(v_lot_number ,h.lot_number);
Line: 1379

  	   SELECT      cost_header_id
  	   FROM        gmf_material_lot_cost_txns
  	   WHERE       transaction_id = v_trans_id
  	   AND         cost_type_id = v_cost_type_id;
Line: 1393

  	   SELECT      MAX(header_id)
  	   FROM 	      gmf_lot_costs
  	   WHERE       inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
  		AND         cost_type_id = v_cost_type_id
  		AND         lot_number = v_lot_number
  		AND         cost_date <= v_trans_date
  		AND         organization_id = v_organization_id;
Line: 1409

  	   SELECT      SUM(onhand_qty*unit_cost)/SUM(onhand_qty)
		FROM        (
                  SELECT      onhand_qty,
			                     RANK() OVER (
                                          PARTITION BY   lot_number
                                          ORDER BY       cost_date desc,
                                                         header_id desc
                                          ) as rank
   			      FROM 	      gmf_lot_costs
 		       	   WHERE 	   cost_date <= v_trans_date
 			         AND 	      inventory_item_id = v_item_id
 			         AND 	      organization_id = v_organization_id
 			         AND 	      cost_type_id = v_cost_type_id
 		WHERE       rank = 1;
Line: 1431

         SELECT    cost_type_id
         INTO      l_cost_type_id
         FROM      cm_mthd_mst
         WHERE     cost_mthd_code = p_cost_method
                   AND  delete_mark = 0;
Line: 1598

            SELECT cost_mthd_code INTO l_default_cost_mthd_code
               FROM cm_mthd_mst
               WHERE cost_type_id = l_default_lot_cost_type_id AND
                     delete_mark = 0;
Line: 1772

      SELECT            count(1)
      FROM              cm_cmpt_dtl cst,
                        cm_acst_led aled,
                        gme_material_details md,
                        gme_batch_header bh
      WHERE             bh.batch_id = l_batch_id
      AND               bh.batch_id = md.batch_id
      AND               md.material_detail_id = aled.transline_id
      AND               aled.source_ind = 0
      AND               aled.cmpntcost_id = cst.cmpntcost_id
      AND               cst.rollover_ind = 1;
Line: 1984

      SELECT to_number(src.org_information2) src_ou, to_number(dest.org_information2) dest_ou
        INTO l_from_ou, l_to_ou
        FROM hr_organization_information src, hr_organization_information dest
       WHERE src.organization_id = p_src_organization_id
         AND src.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
         AND dest.organization_id = p_dest_organization_id
         AND dest.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
Line: 2058

        SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
          INTO l_primary_uom
          FROM mtl_system_items
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND organization_id   = p_src_organization_id;
Line: 2068

          SELECT uom_code
            INTO l_primary_uom_code
            FROM mtl_units_of_measure_vl
           WHERE unit_of_measure_tl = l_primary_uom;
Line: 2073

          SELECT uom_code
            INTO l_trans_uom_code
            FROM mtl_units_of_measure_vl
           WHERE unit_of_measure_tl = p_trans_uom;
Line: 2490

    SELECT              nvl(sum(cst.cmpnt_cost), 0)
    FROM                cm_cmpt_dtl cst,
                        gmf_organization_definitions god,
                        gmf_fiscal_policies f,
                        gmf_period_statuses gps,
                        select  nvl (
                                    SELECT        x.cost_organization_id
                                    FROM          cm_whse_asc x
                                    WHERE         x.organization_id = v_organization_id
                                    AND           x.eff_start_date  <= v_transaction_date
                                    AND           x.eff_end_date    >= v_transaction_date
                                    AND           x.delete_mark     = 0
                                    ), v_organization_id) organization_id
                        from dual
                        ) oasc
    WHERE               god.organization_id     = nvl(oasc.organization_id, v_organization_id)
    AND                 f.legal_entity_id       = god.legal_entity_id
    AND                 f.delete_mark           = 0
    AND                 gps.delete_mark         = 0
    AND                 gps.legal_entity_id     = f.legal_entity_id
    AND                 gps.cost_type_id        = nvl(v_cost_type_id, f.cost_type_id)
    AND                 v_transaction_date      BETWEEN gps.START_DATE AND gps.end_date
    AND                 cst.inventory_item_id   = v_inventory_item_id
    AND                 cst.organization_id     = NVL(oasc.organization_id, v_organization_id)
    AND                 cst.period_id           = gps.period_id
    AND                 cst.cost_type_id        = nvl(v_cost_type_id, f.cost_type_id);
Line: 2526

    SELECT              gps.end_date
    FROM                gmf_organization_definitions god,
                        gmf_fiscal_policies f,
                        gmf_period_statuses gps,
                        select  nvl (
                                    SELECT        x.cost_organization_id
                                    FROM          cm_whse_asc x
                                    WHERE         x.organization_id = v_organization_id
                                    AND           x.eff_start_date  <= v_transaction_date
                                    AND           x.eff_end_date    >= v_transaction_date
                                    AND           x.delete_mark     = 0
                                    ), v_organization_id) organization_id
                        from dual
                        ) oasc
    WHERE               god.organization_id     = nvl(oasc.organization_id, v_organization_id)
    AND                 f.legal_entity_id       = god.legal_entity_id
    AND                 f.delete_mark           = 0
    AND                 gps.delete_mark         = 0
    AND                 gps.legal_entity_id     = f.legal_entity_id
    AND                 gps.cost_type_id        = nvl(v_cost_type_id, f.cost_type_id)
    AND                 gps.end_date            < v_transaction_date
    ORDER BY            gps.end_date desc;
Line: 2614

    SELECT              gps.end_date
    FROM                gmf_organization_definitions god,
                        gmf_fiscal_policies f,
                        gmf_period_statuses gps
    WHERE               god.organization_id   = v_organization_id
    AND                 f.legal_entity_id     = god.legal_entity_id
    AND                 f.delete_mark         = 0
    AND                 gps.delete_mark       = 0
    AND                 gps.legal_entity_id   = f.legal_entity_id
    AND                 gps.cost_type_id      = nvl(v_cost_type_id, f.cost_type_id)
    AND                 gps.end_date          < v_transaction_date
    ORDER BY            gps.end_date desc;
Line: 2635

    SELECT              nvl(sum(cst.nominal_cost), 0)
    FROM                cm_rsrc_dtl cst,
                        gmf_organization_definitions god,
                        gmf_fiscal_policies f,
                        gmf_period_statuses gps
    WHERE               god.organization_id   = v_organization_id
    AND                 f.legal_entity_id     = god.legal_entity_id
    AND                 f.delete_mark         = 0
    AND                 gps.delete_mark       = 0
    AND                 gps.legal_entity_id   = f.legal_entity_id
    AND                 gps.cost_type_id      = nvl(v_cost_type_id, f.cost_type_id)
    AND                 v_transaction_date    BETWEEN gps.START_DATE AND gps.end_date
    AND                 cst.resources         = v_resources
    AND                 (cst.organization_id  = v_organization_id OR cst.organization_id IS NULL)
    AND                 cst.period_id         = gps.period_id
    AND                 cst.cost_type_id      = nvl(v_cost_type_id, f.cost_type_id);