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Line 148: l_history_rec cn_reason_history_pkg.reason_history_all_rec_type;

144: --
145: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_row';
146: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
147: l_reasons_all_rec CN_REASONS_PKG.REASONS_ALL_REC_TYPE;
148: l_history_rec cn_reason_history_pkg.reason_history_all_rec_type;
149: l_reason VARCHAR2(4000);
150: l_clob_loc CLOB;
151: l_clob_length NUMBER;
152: --

Line 185: -- First original record to be moved to CN_REASON_HISTORY table.

181: END IF;
182: x_loading_status := 'CN_REQUIRED_FIELDS';
184: ELSE
185: -- First original record to be moved to CN_REASON_HISTORY table.
186: FOR rec IN reason_cur(l_reasons_all_rec.reason_id)
187: LOOP
188: l_history_rec.reason_id := rec.reason_id;
189: l_history_rec.updated_table := rec.updated_table;

Line 217: SELECT cn_reason_history_s.NEXTVAL

213: l_clob_length := dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob_loc);
214: dbms_lob.read(l_clob_loc,l_clob_length,1,l_history_rec.reason);
215: -- End of CLOB processing
216: -- Get reason_history_id from the SEQUENCE.
217: SELECT cn_reason_history_s.NEXTVAL
218: INTO l_history_rec.reason_history_id
219: FROM dual;
220: --
221: cn_reason_history_pkg.insert_row(l_history_rec);

Line 221: cn_reason_history_pkg.insert_row(l_history_rec);

217: SELECT cn_reason_history_s.NEXTVAL
218: INTO l_history_rec.reason_history_id
219: FROM dual;
220: --
221: cn_reason_history_pkg.insert_row(l_history_rec);
222: --
223: cn_reasons_pkg.lock_update_row(l_reasons_all_rec);
224: --
225: END LOOP;

Line 275: l_history_rec cn_reason_history_pkg.reason_history_all_rec_type;

271: WHERE r.reason_id = l_reason_id;
272: --
273: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_notes';
274: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
275: l_history_rec cn_reason_history_pkg.reason_history_all_rec_type;
276: l_reason VARCHAR2(4000);
277: l_clob_loc CLOB;
278: l_clob_length NUMBER;
279: --

Line 306: -- First original record to be moved to CN_REASON_HISTORY table.

302: END IF;
303: x_loading_status := 'CN_REASON_ID_ERROR';
305: END IF;
306: -- First original record to be moved to CN_REASON_HISTORY table.
307: FOR rec IN reason_cur(p_reason_id)
308: LOOP
309: l_history_rec.reason_id := rec.reason_id;
310: l_history_rec.updated_table := rec.updated_table;

Line 338: SELECT cn_reason_history_s.NEXTVAL

334: l_clob_length := dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob_loc);
335: dbms_lob.read(l_clob_loc,l_clob_length,1,l_history_rec.reason);
336: -- End of CLOB processing
337: -- Get reason_history_id from the SEQUENCE.
338: SELECT cn_reason_history_s.NEXTVAL
339: INTO l_history_rec.reason_history_id
340: FROM dual;
341: --
342: cn_reason_history_pkg.insert_row(l_history_rec);

Line 342: cn_reason_history_pkg.insert_row(l_history_rec);

338: SELECT cn_reason_history_s.NEXTVAL
339: INTO l_history_rec.reason_history_id
340: FROM dual;
341: --
342: cn_reason_history_pkg.insert_row(l_history_rec);
343: --
344: cn_reasons_pkg.delete_row(p_reason_id);
345: --
346: END LOOP;

Line 395: FROM cn_reason_history

391: WHERE upd_table_id = p_payment_worksheet_id;
392: --
393: CURSOR history_cur IS
394: SELECT reason_history_id
395: FROM cn_reason_history
396: WHERE upd_table_id = p_payment_worksheet_id;
397: --
398: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_worksheet_notes';
399: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;

Line 429: cn_reason_history_pkg.delete_row(history_rec.reason_history_id);

426: END IF;
427: FOR history_rec IN history_cur
428: LOOP
429: cn_reason_history_pkg.delete_row(history_rec.reason_history_id);
430: END LOOP;
431: --
432: FOR reason_rec IN reason_cur
433: LOOP