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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_hk_mpf AS
5 		       p_date_from             in DATE,
2 /* $Header: pyhkudfs.pkb 120.15 2011/08/15 00:28:37 jalin noship $ */
3 FUNCTION get_retro_mpf(p_bus_grp_id            in NUMBER,
4 		       p_assignment_id         in NUMBER,
6 		       p_date_to               in DATE,
7 		       p_pay_basis             in VARCHAR2,
8 		       p_percentage            in NUMBER,
9 		       p_calc_method           in VARCHAR2,
10                p_hire_date             in DATE,
11                p_min_birthday          in DATE,
12                p_ER_Liability_Start_Date  in DATE,
13                p_EE_Deductions_Start_Date in DATE,
14                p_Contributions_End_Date   in DATE,
15 		       p_value1                out nocopy NUMBER,
16 		       p_value2                out nocopy NUMBER,
17 		       p_start_date1           out nocopy DATE,
18 		       p_start_date2           out nocopy DATE,
19 		       p_end_date1             out nocopy DATE,
20 		       p_end_date2             out nocopy DATE) RETURN NUMBER IS
21 --
23 TYPE get_retro_rec IS RECORD (l_mon_value NUMBER,
24                               l_start_date DATE,
25 			      l_end_date DATE);
27 TYPE get_retro_value IS TABLE OF get_retro_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
29 CURSOR get_prev_periods (p_assignment_id NUMBER,
30                          p_date_from     DATE,
31                          p_date_to       DATE) is
32 select ptp.time_period_id,
33        bal.action_sequence,
34        bal.balance_name||bal.database_item_suffix,
35        ptp.start_date,
36        ptp.end_date,
37        bal.value,
38        to_number(to_char(bal.effective_date,'MM'))
39 from   pay_hk_mpf_ri_balances_v   bal,
40        per_time_periods           ptp
41 where  bal.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
42 and    bal.balance_name  = 'MPF_RI'
43 and    bal.payroll_id    = ptp.payroll_id
44 and    bal.expiry_date     between  ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
45 and    ptp.end_date        between p_date_from and p_date_to
46 order by ptp.start_date, bal.action_sequence desc;
47 --
48 --
50 l_action_sequence       NUMBER;
51 l_period_id             NUMBER;
52 l_period_start_date     DATE;
53 l_period_end_date       DATE;
54 l_old_period_id         NUMBER ;
55 l_prorator              NUMBER ;
56 l_value                 NUMBER;
57 l_balance               VARCHAR2(160);
58 l_cum_mpf_arrs          NUMBER;
59 l_cum_mpf_ri            NUMBER;
60 l_ri1                   NUMBER;
61 l_ri2                   NUMBER;
62 l_min_ri                NUMBER;
63 l_max_ri                NUMBER;
64 l_capped_ri_ptd         NUMBER;
65 l_er_prorator           NUMBER;
67 l_max_birthday          DATE;
68 l_ee_eligibility        DATE;
69 l_get_retro_value       get_retro_value;
70 l_month                 VARCHAR2(3);
71 l_prev_month            VARCHAR2(3):= '0';
72 i                       number:=0;
73 --
75     --
76     hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs get_retro_mpf', 01);
77     --
78  	l_cum_mpf_arrs := 0;
79  	l_cum_mpf_ri := 0;
80 	l_old_period_id := 0;
81 	l_prorator   := 1;
82     l_max_birthday := add_months(p_min_birthday,564) ; /* Bug 3623970 - Get the 65th Birthday date */
84 	/* Bug 6924031 employee who commences employment after 1-February-2003 and reaches the age of 18 on or
85         after 18th January 2008. In this case Employee contribution start date will be 31st day from 18th Bday. */
87     IF p_hire_date >= to_date('2003/02/01','YYYY/MM/DD') and
88 	   p_min_birthday >= to_date('2008/01/18','YYYY/MM/DD') and
89 	   p_hire_date < p_min_birthday THEN
90         l_ee_eligibility := p_min_birthday+30;
91     ELSE
92 	    l_ee_eligibility := p_hire_date+30;
93     END IF;
95 	OPEN get_prev_periods(p_assignment_id, p_date_from, p_date_to);
96 	LOOP
97 	        /*
98 	        **  Get period RI balance, and approriate period dates
99 	        */
100 		FETCH 	get_prev_periods
101                 INTO    l_period_id, l_action_sequence, l_balance,
102                         l_period_start_date, l_period_end_date, l_value,l_month;
103                 EXIT WHEN get_prev_periods%NOTFOUND;
106         IF l_period_id <> l_old_period_id THEN -- dealing with new period
107          /*
108 		   **  Get the MPF RI LIMITS that were in force at the period end date
109            ** Bug 12800852, use l_period_start_date for get_table_value function
110 		   */
111 		   hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs get_retro_mpf', 02);
112            IF p_pay_basis <> 'Year' and
113            p_pay_basis <> 'Semi-Year' and
114            p_pay_basis <> 'Semi-Month' and /* Bug 7171659, based on Day rate times days*/
115            p_pay_basis <> 'Lunar Month' THEN
116              l_min_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
117                                 ,p_pay_basis,'Lower',l_period_start_date));
118              l_max_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
119                                           ,p_pay_basis,'Upper',l_period_start_date));
120            ELSIF p_pay_basis = 'Semi-Month' THEN /* Bug 7171659 */
121              l_min_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
122                         ,'Day','Lower',l_period_start_date))*(l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
123              l_max_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
124                         ,'Day','Upper',l_period_start_date))*(l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
128              l_max_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
125            ELSIF p_pay_basis = 'Year' THEN
126              l_min_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
127                         ,'Calendar Month','Lower',l_period_start_date))*12;
129                                           ,'Calendar Month','Upper',l_period_start_date))*12;
130            ELSIF p_pay_basis = 'Semi-Year' THEN
131              l_min_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
132                         ,'Calendar Month','Lower',l_period_start_date))*6;
133              l_max_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
134                          ,'Calendar Month','Upper',l_period_start_date))*6;
135            ELSIF p_pay_basis = 'Lunar Month' THEN
136              l_min_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
137                          ,'Week','Lower',l_period_start_date))*4;
138              l_max_ri := to_number(hruserdt.get_table_value(p_bus_grp_id,'MPF_RI_LIMITS'
139                          ,'Week','Upper',l_period_start_date))*4;
140            END IF;
141            /*
142            **  Calculate Return Values based on p_calc_method and
143            **  apply the capping to the periodic RI based on p_calc_method
144            */
147            hr_utility.trace('l_cum_mpf_arrs' || to_char(l_cum_mpf_arrs));
148            hr_utility.trace('l_value' || to_char(l_value));
149            hr_utility.trace('l_min_ri' || to_char(l_min_ri));
150            hr_utility.trace('l_max_ri' || to_char(l_max_ri));
151            hr_utility.trace('p_percentage' || to_char(p_percentage));
152            hr_utility.trace('p_calc_method' ||p_calc_method);
154            IF p_calc_method = 'RI' THEN
155              hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs get_retro_mpf', 10);
156              /* Bug 7535161, to separate pay period */
157 		     IF l_month <> l_prev_month THEN
158 		       i:=i+1;
159 		       l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value:=0;
160              END IF;
161              IF p_Contributions_End_Date >= l_period_start_date THEN
162      	         l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value := l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value + l_value;
163                  l_cum_mpf_ri := l_cum_mpf_ri + l_value;
164              END IF;
165            ELSIF p_calc_method = 'ER' THEN
166              hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs get_retro_mpf', 15);
167              /* Bug 2798013. Added the following proration logic to calculate
168                Retro MPF Liability  */
169              IF p_Contributions_End_Date < l_period_start_date THEN
170                   l_er_prorator := 0;
171              ELSIF p_date_from <= l_period_start_date and
172 		     	p_date_to >= l_period_end_date and
173 		     	p_Contributions_End_Date  > l_period_end_date THEN
174 		     	  l_er_prorator := 1;
175 		 	    /* Bug 2824603 added p_min_birthday check, p_contributions_end_date check */
176 		  	    /* Bug 2824660  Added proration logic when p_ER_Liability_Start_Date is
177 			       entered and is mid period. */
178                 /* Bug 3623970 - Excluded BirthDate from 65 Years check */
179                 /* Bug 9827385 - Included the last day of period checking */
180 		      ELSIF p_Contributions_End_Date  > l_period_start_date and
181 		             p_Contributions_End_Date <= l_period_end_date THEN
182 			    IF p_Contributions_End_Date = l_max_birthday THEN
183 		          l_er_prorator := (p_Contributions_End_Date- greatest(p_date_from,l_period_start_date)) /
184 		                           (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
185 			    ELSE
186 		          l_er_prorator := (p_Contributions_End_Date- greatest(p_date_from,l_period_start_date)+1) /
187 		                           (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
188                 END IF;
189                 /* Bug 3976900 Removed prorated calculation for join after 18thDOB at same mth*/
190                 /* Bug 4175965 Included prorated calculation for the 18th DOB is the last day of the first mth */
191 		      ELSIF ((p_min_birthday > l_period_start_date and
192                   p_min_birthday <= l_period_end_date) or
193                  (p_ER_Liability_Start_Date > l_period_start_date and
194                   p_ER_Liability_Start_Date <= l_period_end_date)) THEN
195                 IF p_date_from > l_period_start_date and
196 		     		   p_date_to >= l_period_end_date THEN
197 		     	  l_er_prorator := (l_period_end_date-greatest(p_date_from,p_ER_Liability_Start_Date)+1) /
198 		     		            (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
199 		        ELSIF p_date_from >= l_period_start_date and
200 		     	     p_date_to < l_period_end_date THEN
201 		     	  l_er_prorator := (p_date_to-greatest(p_date_from,p_ER_Liability_Start_Date)+1) /
202 		     		            (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
203                	END IF;
205               ELSE
206                 l_er_prorator := 1;
207               END IF;
208               hr_utility.trace('Anu ER p_date_from' || to_char(p_date_from,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
209               hr_utility.trace('p_date_to' || to_char(p_date_to,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
210               hr_utility.trace('l_period_start_date' || to_char(l_period_start_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
211               hr_utility.trace('l_period_end_date' || to_char(l_period_end_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
212               hr_utility.trace('p_ER_Liability_Start_Date' || to_char(p_ER_Liability_Start_Date,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
213               hr_utility.trace('l_er_prorator' || to_char(l_er_prorator));
215               /* Bug 2753292. Removed the check for min RI threshold */
216               l_cum_mpf_arrs := l_cum_mpf_arrs +
217                          least(((l_value * l_er_prorator) * p_percentage / 100)
218                                    ,(l_max_ri * p_percentage / 100)) ;
222 			    l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value:=0;
219               /* Bug 7535161, calculate for separate pay period*/
220 		      IF l_month <> l_prev_month THEN
221 		        i:=i+1;
223               END IF;
224               IF l_er_prorator <>0 THEN
225 			  l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value := l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value+least(((l_value * l_er_prorator) * p_percentage / 100)
226                               ,(l_max_ri * p_percentage / 100));
227               l_get_retro_value(i).l_start_date:= greatest(l_period_start_date,p_ER_Liability_Start_Date);
228 			  l_get_retro_value(i).l_end_date  := least(l_period_end_date,p_Contributions_End_Date);
229               END IF;
231             ELSE
232             /*
233         	**  Establish if its a full period RI,
234 		    **  if not, derive prorator for qualifying days
235 		    */
236 		    hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs get_retro_mpf', 20);
238             /* Bug 2753272. Added p_hire_date condition */
239             /* Bug# 4314140 Modified the partial period waiver logic so that partial period waiver should be applicable only for the month
240                          in which 30th day of the employment falls*/
241             /* Bug 6270465, Modified the partial period waiver logic so that if ee eligibility date is the same as the period start date,
242                        the prorator should not be the zero */
243               IF p_calc_method = 'EE' THEN
244                 IF l_month <> l_prev_month THEN
245                   i:=i+1;
246                   l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value:=0;
247                 END IF;
248 		          IF (l_ee_eligibility > l_period_start_date and /* Bug 6270465 */
249                     p_hire_date>=to_date('01/02/2003','DD/MM/YYYY') )  then
250                     l_prorator := 0;          /* Bug 2660969 */
251 		          ELSIF  p_date_from <= l_period_start_date and
252 		            p_date_to >= l_period_end_date and
253 		            p_Contributions_End_Date > l_period_end_date THEN
254 		            l_prorator := 1;
255 		        /* Bug 2824660   Added proration logic when p_EE_Deductions_Start_Date is
259 			      ELSIF   p_Contributions_End_Date  > l_period_start_date and
256 			    entered and is mid period and hire date is before 01-feb-2003
257 			    Bug 2824603 Added proration logic whn employee turns 65 or contribution end date is entered */
258                 /* Bug 3623970 - Excluded BirthDate from 65 Years check */
260 		                    p_Contributions_End_Date <= l_period_end_date then
261 			         IF p_Contributions_End_Date = l_max_birthday THEN
262 		      	         l_prorator := (p_Contributions_End_Date-greatest(p_date_from,l_period_start_date)) /
263 		                     (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
264 			         ELSE
265 		      	          l_prorator := (p_Contributions_End_Date-greatest(p_date_from,l_period_start_date) + 1) /
266 		                     (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
267                      END IF;
268              /* Bug# 4314140 Proration calculation is included for the employee whose 18th birthday is end of the month*/
269 			      ELSIF (p_min_birthday > l_period_start_date and
270                                    p_min_birthday <= l_period_end_date) then
271 		             IF p_date_from > l_period_start_date and
272 		         	     p_date_to >= l_period_end_date THEN
273 		                   l_prorator := (l_period_end_date-p_date_from+1) /
274 		                         (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
275 		             ELSIF p_date_from >= l_period_start_date and
276 		               		p_date_to < l_period_end_date THEN
277 		                   l_prorator := (p_date_to-l_period_start_date+1) /
278 		                          (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
279 		             END IF;
280 		          ELSIF (p_EE_Deductions_Start_Date > l_period_start_date AND
281                        p_EE_Deductions_Start_Date < l_period_end_date) THEN
282                      IF p_hire_date < to_date('01/02/2003','DD/MM/YYYY') THEN
283 		               IF p_date_from > l_period_start_date AND
284 		            	   p_date_to >= l_period_end_date THEN
285 		                 l_prorator := (l_period_end_date-p_date_from+1) /
286 		                       (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
287 		               ELSIF p_date_from >= l_period_start_date and
288 		            		p_date_to < l_period_end_date THEN
289 		                 l_prorator := (p_date_to-l_period_start_date+1) /
290 		                          (l_period_end_date-l_period_start_date+1);
291 		               END IF;
292                      ELSE
293                          l_prorator := 0;
294                      END IF;
295 		          END IF;
300              hr_utility.trace('l_period_end_date' || to_char(l_period_end_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
297              hr_utility.trace('p_date_from'||to_char(p_date_from,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
298              hr_utility.trace('p_date_to' || to_char(p_date_to,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
299              hr_utility.trace('l_period_start_date' || to_char(l_period_start_date,'DD/MM/YYYY'));
301              hr_utility.trace('l_prorator' || to_char(l_prorator));
303              /*
304              ** Bug #2270318 - Check the RI with prorated value of Minimum Threshold
305              **                Also prorate the Maximum Threshold Value
306              ** Bug #4494597 - Removed Maximum Threshold Value Proration
307              */
309                   IF (l_value >= l_min_ri * l_prorator) THEN
310                     l_cum_mpf_arrs := l_cum_mpf_arrs +
311                           least(((l_value * l_prorator) * p_percentage / 100)
312                                 ,(l_max_ri * p_percentage / 100));
313    	                l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value := l_get_retro_value(i).l_mon_value + least(((l_value * l_prorator) * p_percentage / 100)
314                                             ,(l_max_ri * p_percentage / 100));
315                     l_get_retro_value(i).l_start_date:= l_period_start_date;
316 			        l_get_retro_value(i).l_end_date  := l_period_end_date;
317                   END IF;
318              END IF;
319            END IF;
320            l_old_period_id := l_period_id;
321          END IF;
322          l_prev_month:=l_month;
323 	END LOOP;
324 	CLOSE get_prev_periods;
326     IF i in (1,2) THEN
327         p_value1      := l_get_retro_value(1).l_mon_value;
328      	p_start_date1 := greatest(p_date_from, l_get_retro_value(1).l_start_date);
329         p_end_date1   := l_get_retro_value(1).l_end_date;
330     END IF;
332     IF i = 2 THEN
333         p_value2      := l_get_retro_value(2).l_mon_value;
334    	    p_start_date2 := l_get_retro_value(2).l_start_date;
335 	    p_end_date2   := least(p_date_to, l_get_retro_value(2).l_end_date);
336     END IF;
338     IF p_value1 IS NULL THEN
339        p_value1 := 0;
340     END IF;
342     IF p_value2 IS NULL THEN
343        p_value2 := 0;
344     END IF;
346 	IF p_calc_method = 'RI' THEN
347        hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs get_retro_mpf', 50);
348        hr_utility.trace('l_cur_mpf_ri:'||l_cum_mpf_ri);
349 	   RETURN l_cum_mpf_ri;
350 	ELSE
351        hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs get_retro_mpf', 55);
352 	   RETURN l_cum_mpf_arrs;
353 	END IF;
354 END get_retro_mpf;
355 --
356 FUNCTION hk_scheme_val(p_bus_grp_id            in NUMBER,
357                        p_assignment_id         in NUMBER,
358 		       p_entry_value           in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
359 		       --
360 v_valid_scheme         varchar2(1);
361 --
362 CURSOR check_source (p_bus_grp_id    NUMBER,
363                      p_entry_value   VARCHAR2) is
364 select      'S'
365 from        hr_organization_information d
366            ,hr_all_organization_units b
367 where       to_number(d.org_information20) = to_number(p_entry_value)
368 and         b.business_group_id = p_bus_grp_id
369 and         b.organization_id = d.organization_id
370 and         d.org_information_context = 'HK_MPF_SCHEMES';
371 --
373     --
374     hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs hk_scheme_val', 01);
375     --
376     v_valid_scheme := 'E';
377     open check_source (p_bus_grp_id, p_entry_value);
378     fetch check_source into v_valid_scheme;
379     close check_source;
380     --
381     hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs hk_scheme_val', 03);
382     --
383     RETURN v_valid_scheme;
384     --
385 END hk_scheme_val;
386 --
387 FUNCTION hk_quarters_val(p_bus_grp_id            in NUMBER,
388                          p_assignment_id         in NUMBER,
389 		         p_entry_value           in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
390 		         --
391 v_valid_quarters         varchar2(1);
392 --
393 CURSOR check_source (p_assignment_id NUMBER,
394                      p_entry_value   VARCHAR2) is
395 select      'S'
396 from        per_assignment_extra_info d
397 where       to_number(d.aei_information20) = to_number(p_entry_value)
398 and         d.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
399 and         d.aei_information_category = 'HR_QUARTERS_INFO_HK';
400 --
402     --
403     hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs hk_quarters_val', 01);
404     --
405     v_valid_quarters	:= 'E';
406     open check_source (p_assignment_id, p_entry_value);
407     fetch check_source into v_valid_quarters;
408     close check_source;
409     --
410     hr_utility.set_location('pyhkudfs hk_quarters_val', 03);
411     --
412     RETURN v_valid_quarters;
413     --
414 END hk_quarters_val;
416 /* Bug:3333006. Added the following function */
417 FUNCTION get_act_termination_date
418           (p_assignment_id in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
419            p_date in date) RETURN date IS
421 l_act_term_date date;
423 CURSOR get_act_term_date(p_assignment_id in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
424                          p_date in date) IS
426 FROM
427         per_periods_of_service                 target,
428         per_assignments_f                      ASSIGN
429 WHERE   p_date BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
430                  AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
431 AND    ASSIGN.assignment_id                  = p_assignment_id
432 AND    ASSIGN.assignment_type                = 'E'
433 AND    target.period_of_service_id           = ASSIGN.period_of_service_id;
437     Open get_act_term_date(p_assignment_id,p_date);
438     Fetch get_act_term_date into l_act_term_date;
439     If get_act_term_date%notfound then
440        l_act_term_date := to_date('31/12/4712','dd/mm/yyyy');
441     end if;
442     Close get_act_term_date;
444     return l_act_term_date;
446 END get_act_termination_date;
447 --
448 END pay_hk_mpf;