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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

    select hats.transaction_step_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps hats
    where  hats.item_type   = p_item_type
    and    hats.item_key    = p_item_key
    and    hats.activity_id = p_activity_id;
Line: 69

        select hats.transaction_step_id
        from    hr_api_transaction_steps   hats
        where   hats.item_type = p_item_type
        and     hats.item_key = p_item_key
        and     hats.activity_id = p_activity_id
        order by hats.transaction_step_id, hats.object_version_number;
Line: 114

        select hats.transaction_step_id
        from    hr_api_transaction_steps   hats
        where   hats.item_type = p_item_type
        and     hats.item_key = p_item_key
        order by hats.transaction_step_id, hats.object_version_number;
Line: 157

    select hats.item_type
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps hats
    where  hats.transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id;
Line: 204

        select hats.transaction_step_id
        from    hr_api_transaction_steps   hats
        where   hats.item_type = p_item_type
        and     hats.item_key = p_item_key
        and     hats.activity_id = p_activity_id
        order by hats.transaction_step_id, hats.object_version_number;
Line: 213

        select hats.transaction_step_id
        from    hr_api_transaction_steps   hats
        where   hats.item_type = p_item_type
        and     hats.item_key = p_item_key
        order by hats.transaction_step_id, hats.object_version_number;
Line: 310

    select hats.transaction_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps  hats
    where  hats.transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id;
Line: 353

    select hat.creator_person_id
    from   hr_api_transactions hat
    where  hat.transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 464

  ,p_selected_person_id           in number default null
  ,p_item_type                    in varchar2 default null
  ,p_item_key                     in varchar2 default null
  ,p_transaction_effective_date       in date default null
  ,p_process_name                 in varchar2 default null
  ,p_plan_id                      in number default null
  ,p_rptg_grp_id                  in number default null
  ,p_effective_date_option        in varchar2 default null
  ,p_transaction_id               out nocopy  number) is
  -- p_plan_id, p_rptg_grp_id, p_effective_date_option added by sanej
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- declare local variables
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || '  create_transaction';
Line: 517

    p_selected_person_id => p_selected_person_id,
    p_item_type => p_item_type,
    p_item_key => p_item_key,
    p_transaction_effective_date => p_transaction_effective_date,
    p_process_name => p_process_name,
    p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
    p_rptg_grp_id => p_rptg_grp_id,
    p_effective_date_option => p_effective_date_option,
    p_validate => false
Line: 571

procedure update_transaction
  (p_validate                     in      boolean   default false
  ,p_transaction_id               in      number
  ,p_status                       in      varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_transaction_state            in      varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_transaction_effective_date   in      date      default hr_api.g_date
  ,p_effective_date_option        in      varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_item_key                     in      varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
) is
l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' update_transaction';
Line: 594

end update_transaction;
Line: 646

    select 1
    from   wf_item_attribute_values wiav
    where  wiav.item_type = p_item_type
    and    wiav.item_key  = p_item_key
    and    wiav.name      = 'PROCESS_ORDER_STRING' ;
Line: 743

    select 1
    from   wf_item_attribute_values wiav
    where  wiav.item_type = p_item_type
    and    wiav.item_key  = p_item_key
    and    wiav.name      = 'PROCESS_ORDER_STRING' ;
Line: 944

procedure update_transaction_step
  (p_validate                     in      boolean  default false
  ,p_transaction_step_id          in      number
  ,p_update_person_id             in      number
  ,p_object_version_number        in out nocopy  number) is
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- declare local variables
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' update_transaction_step';
Line: 955

    select hatv.transaction_value_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_values hatv
    where  hatv.transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id;
Line: 971

    ,p_person_id      => p_update_person_id);
Line: 982

    ,p_update_person_id      => p_update_person_id
    ,p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
Line: 1006

end update_transaction_step;
Line: 1010

procedure delete_transaction_step
  (p_validate                     in      boolean default false
  ,p_transaction_step_id          in      number
  ,p_person_id                    in      number
  ,p_object_version_number        in      number) is
  l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' delete_transaction_step';
Line: 1029

    savepoint delete_transaction_step;
Line: 1040

  delete from hr_api_transaction_values
   where transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id;
Line: 1057

    rollback to delete_transaction_step;
Line: 1058

end delete_transaction_step;
Line: 1079

  l_insert boolean := false;
Line: 1087

    select hatv.transaction_value_id,
           varchar2_value || fnd_date.date_to_canonical(date_value) || number_value current_value, --ns
           original_varchar2_value || fnd_date.date_to_canonical(original_date_value) || original_number_value original_value
    from   hr_api_transaction_values hatv
    where  hatv.transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
    and    hatv.name                = l_name;
Line: 1114

    l_insert := true;
Line: 1124

  if l_insert then
    -- call the row handler to insert the transaction value
      (p_validate                => false
      ,p_transaction_value_id    => p_transaction_value_id
      ,p_transaction_step_id     => p_transaction_step_id
      ,p_datatype                => p_datatype
      ,p_name                    => l_name
      ,p_varchar2_value          => p_varchar2_value
      ,p_number_value            => p_number_value
      ,p_date_value              => p_date_value
      ,p_original_varchar2_value => p_original_varchar2_value   -- remove from RH API interface  --ns
      ,p_original_number_value   => p_original_number_value     -- remove from RH API interface  --ns
      ,p_original_date_value     => p_original_date_value);     -- remove from RH API interface  --ns
Line: 1143

    g_update_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1380

  l_insert boolean := false;
Line: 1384

    select hatv.datatype
    from   hr_api_transaction_values hatv
    where  hatv.transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
    and    hatv.name                = l_name;
Line: 1647

  l_insert boolean := false;
Line: 1651

    select hatv.datatype
    from   hr_api_transaction_values hatv
    where  hatv.transaction_step_id = p_transaction_step_id
    and    hatv.name                = l_name;
Line: 1892

    select trv.transaction_value_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_values trv
    where  trv.transaction_step_id = c_transaction_step_id;
Line: 1897

    select trs.transaction_step_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps  trs
    where  trs.transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1903

   select action
   from pqh_ss_approval_history
   where transaction_history_id=p_transaction_id
   order by last_update_date desc;
Line: 1968

  delete from per_pay_transactions
  where transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1971

  delete from ben_icd_transaction where transaction_id = p_transaction_id and status <> 'SP';