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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

      select 'x'
      from   pa_organizations_project_v p
      where  organization_id = p_agreement_org_id
      and    sysdate between decode(date_from, null, sysdate, date_from)
      and    decode(date_to, null, sysdate, date_to);
Line: 38

      select 'x'
      from   hr_all_organization_units
      where  organization_id = p_agreement_org_id
      and    sysdate between decode(date_from, null, sysdate, date_from)
      and    decode(date_to, null, sysdate, date_to);
Line: 113

   select oke_k_funding_sources_s.nextval
   into   l_funding_source_id
   from   dual;
Line: 133

      select nvl(minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1 * precision))
      from   fnd_currencies
      where  currency_code = p_currency;
Line: 183

      select currency_code
      from   okc_k_headers_b
      where  id = p_header_id;
Line: 230

PROCEDURE update_agreement_reference(p_agreement_id			NUMBER		,
				     p_org_id				NUMBER		,
				     p_currency_code			VARCHAR2	,
				     p_funding_source_id		NUMBER		,
				     p_num_update_flag			VARCHAR2
			            ) is
--Added for bugfix 15926104

cursor c_length(b_owner varchar2) is
   select col.data_length
      from  user_synonyms syn,
               all_tab_columns col
   where syn.synonym_name = 'PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL'
       and col.owner      =  b_owner
       and col.table_name = syn.table_name
      AND col.column_name = 'AGREEMENT_NUM';
Line: 251

   select data_length
   from   all_tab_columns
   where  table_name = 'PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL'
   and    owner = b_owner
   and    column_name = 'AGREEMENT_NUM';*/
Line: 274

   update pa_agreements_all
   set    pm_product_code        = G_PRODUCT_CODE,
   --       agreement_num		 = decode(p_num_update_flag, 'Y', substr(agreement_num, 0, 20-1-length(p_currency_code)) || '-' || p_currency_code,
    --      						     'N', agreement_num, agreement_num),
          agreement_num		 = decode(p_num_update_flag, 'Y', substr(agreement_num, 0, l_length-1-length(p_currency_code)) || '-' || p_currency_code,
          						     'N', agreement_num, agreement_num),
	  --agreement_num		 = substr(agreement_num, 0, 20-1-length(p_currency_code)) || '-' || p_currency_code,
          pm_agreement_reference = p_org_id || '-' || p_currency_code || '-' || p_funding_source_id
--   	  pm_agreement_reference = p_org_id || '-Y-' || p_funding_source_id
   where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id;
Line: 297

END update_agreement_reference;
Line: 307

PROCEDURE update_proj_fld_reference(p_project_funding_id		NUMBER	,
				    p_fund_allocation_id		NUMBER
			            ) is


   update pa_project_fundings
   set    pm_product_code        = G_PRODUCT_CODE,
   	  pm_funding_reference   = p_fund_allocation_id || '.1'
   where  project_funding_id = p_project_funding_id;
Line: 330

END update_proj_fld_reference;
Line: 559

      select rowid, pool_party_id, agreement_flag
      from   oke_k_funding_sources
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id;
Line: 630

      select 'x'
      from   oke_k_headers
      where  k_header_id = p_object_id;
Line: 701

      select 'x'
      from   fnd_currencies
      where  currency_code = upper(p_currency_code);
Line: 774

      select 'x'
      from   pa_agreements_all
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id
      and    nvl(pm_product_code, '-99') <> G_PRODUCT_CODE;
Line: 780

      select project_id
      from   oke_k_headers
      where  k_header_id = p_object_id;
Line: 785

      select 'x'
      from   pa_project_fundings
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id
      and    project_id not in
      (select to_number(sub_project_id)
       from   pa_fin_structures_links_v
       start with parent_project_id = x_project_id
       connect by parent_project_id = prior sub_project_id
       union all
       select x_project_id
       from   dual
Line: 902

      select 'x'
      from   pa_agreements_all
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id
   FOR UPDATE OF agreement_id NOWAIT;
Line: 974

      select 'x'
      from   pa_project_fundings
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id
   FOR UPDATE OF project_funding_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1080

      select 'x'
      from   okc_k_party_roles_b b,
             okx_parties_v v
      where  dnz_chr_id = p_k_header_id
      and    b.object1_id1 = v.id1
      and    b.object1_id2 = v.id2
      and    b.rle_code = 'FUND_BY'
      and    b.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_PARTY'
      and    v.id1 = p_k_party_id;
Line: 1157

      select 'x'
      from   fnd_lookup_values
      where  lookup_type = 'FUNDING_STATUS'
      and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
      and    language = userenv('LANG')
      and    lookup_code = upper(p_funding_status);
Line: 1220

      select 'x'
      from   gl_daily_conversion_types
      where  UPPER(conversion_type) = UPPER(p_conversion_type);
Line: 1280

      select 'x'
      from   oke_pool_parties
      where  pool_party_id = p_pool_party_id
      FOR UPDATE OF pool_party_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1361

      select currency_code
      from   oke_pool_parties
      where  pool_party_id = p_pool_party_id
      and    party_id	   = p_party_id
   FOR UPDATE OF pool_party_id NOWAIT;
Line: 2211

      select *
      from   oke_k_funding_sources
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id
      FOR UPDATE OF funding_source_id NOWAIT;
Line: 2696

   			   	  -- p_update_flag			VARCHAR2	,
   			   	   p_currency_code	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2	,
   			   	   p_start_date		OUT NOCOPY	DATE
   			   	   --p_currency_code	OUT		VARCHAR2
   			   	  ) is

   cursor c_party is
     select 'x'
     from    hz_cust_accounts
     where   cust_account_id = p_customer_id
     and     party_id = p_party_id;
Line: 2709

     select  currency_code, start_date_active
     from    oke_pool_parties
     where   pool_party_id = p_pool_party_id
     and     party_id = p_party_id
     and     ((start_date_active is null) or
              (p_expiration_date is not null and
	       nvl(start_date_active, p_expiration_date) <= p_expiration_date)
	      or (p_expiration_date is null))
    -- and    ((end_date_active is null) or
    --        (p_expiration_date is not null and
    --        nvl(to_char(end_date_active, 'YYYYMMDD'), '19000101') >= nvl(to_char(p_expiration_date, 'YYYYMMDD'), '19000101')))
  --   and     ((p_expiration_date is not null) and nvl(to_char(end_date_active, 'YYYYMMDD'), '19000101') >= nvl(to_char(p_expiration_date, 'YYYYMMDD'), '19000101')) or
  --   	     end_date_active is null)
    -- and     nvl(end_date_active, nvl(p_expiration_date, sysdate)) >= nvl(p_expiration_date, sysdate)
   FOR UPDATE OF pool_party_id NOWAIT;
Line: 2936

   OKE_FUNDINGSOURCE_PVT.insert_row(X_Rowid     		=>      l_rowid						,
     		      		    X_Funding_Source_Id		=> 	l_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id		,
                       		    X_Pool_Party_Id		=>	l_funding_in_rec.pool_party_id			,
                       		    X_K_Party_Id                =>	l_funding_in_rec.k_party_id    			,
                      	      	    X_Object_Type		=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.object_type)		,
                      		    X_Object_Id			=>	l_funding_in_rec.object_id			,
                      		    X_Agreement_Number		=>	l_funding_in_rec.agreement_number		,
                      		    X_Currency_Code		=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.currency_code)		,
                     		    X_Amount			=>	l_funding_in_rec.amount				,
                     		    X_Initial_Amount		=>	l_funding_in_rec.amount				,
                    		    X_Previous_Amount		=>	l_zero						,
                     		    X_Funding_Status		=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.funding_status)		,
                     		    X_Hard_Limit		=>	l_funding_in_rec.hard_limit			,
                      		    X_K_Conversion_Type		=>	l_funding_in_rec.k_conversion_type		,
                     		    X_K_Conversion_Date		=>	l_funding_in_rec.k_conversion_date		,
                      		    X_K_Conversion_Rate		=>	l_funding_in_rec.k_conversion_rate		,
                    		    X_Start_Date_Active		=>	l_funding_in_rec.start_date_active		,
                    		    X_End_Date_Active		=>	l_funding_in_rec.end_date_active		,
                    		    X_Last_Update_Date  	=>	sysdate						,
                    		    X_Last_Updated_By 		=>	L_USERID					,
                     		    X_Creation_Date  		=>	sysdate						,
                    		    X_Created_By  		=>	L_USERID					,
                     		    X_Last_Update_Login   	=>	L_LOGINID					,
                      		   -- X_Attribute_Category   	=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute_category)	,
                      		    X_Attribute_Category   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute_category		,
                     		    X_Attribute1       		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute1			,
                     		    X_Attribute2  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute2			,
                     		    X_Attribute3  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute3			,
                     		    X_Attribute4           	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute4 		,
                     		    X_Attribute5  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute5       		,
                    		    X_Attribute6            	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute6         	,
                      		    X_Attribute7          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute7         	,
                     		    X_Attribute8        	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute8      	   	,
                      		    X_Attribute9          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute9         	,
                   		    X_Attribute10   		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute10        	,
                     		    X_Attribute11   		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute11		,
                      		    X_Attribute12          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute12        	,
                      		    X_Attribute13               =>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute13     		,
                      		    X_Attribute14               =>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute14  		,
                      		    X_Attribute15   		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute15       	       	,
                      		   -- X_PA_Attribute_Category   	=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute_category)	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute_Category   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute_category		,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute1       	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute1			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute2  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute2			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute3  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute3			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute4           	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute4 			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute5  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute5       		,
                    		    X_PA_Attribute6            	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute6        	 	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute7          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute7        	 	,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute8        	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute8      	   	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute9          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute9        	 	,
                   		    X_PA_Attribute10   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute10        		,
		    X_PA_Attribute11       	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute11			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute12  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute12			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute13  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute13			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute14          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute14 			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute15  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute15       		,
                    		    X_PA_Attribute16            	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute16        	 	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute17          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute17        	 	,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute18        	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute18      	   	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute19          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute19        	 	,
                   		    X_PA_Attribute20   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute20        		,
                          	    X_PA_Attribute21       	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute21			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute22  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute22			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute23  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute23			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute24           	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute24 			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute25  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute25       		,
              		    X_Revenue_Hard_Limit	=>	l_funding_in_rec.revenue_hard_limit		,
                   		    X_Agreement_Org_id	=>	l_funding_in_rec.agreement_org_id
Line: 3068

PROCEDURE update_funding(p_api_version		IN		NUMBER						,
   			 p_init_msg_list	IN     		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			 p_commit		IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			 p_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER						,
   			 p_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2					,
   			 p_funding_in_rec	IN		FUNDING_REC_IN_TYPE				,
			 p_funding_out_rec	OUT NOCOPY	FUNDING_REC_OUT_TYPE				,
			 p_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
			) is

   l_api_name		CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(40) := 'update_funding';
Line: 3159

   OKE_FUNDINGSOURCE_PVT.update_row(X_Funding_Source_Id		=> 	l_funding_in_rec.funding_source_id		,
   				    X_Pool_Party_Id		=>	l_funding_in_rec.pool_party_id			,
                       		    X_K_Party_Id                =>	l_funding_in_rec.k_party_id    			,
                     		    X_Amount			=>	l_funding_in_rec.amount				,
                    		    X_Previous_Amount		=>	nvl(l_previous_amount, 0)			,
                     		    X_Funding_Status		=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.funding_status)		,
                     		    X_agreement_number		=>	l_funding_in_rec.agreement_number		,
                     		    X_Hard_Limit		=>	l_funding_in_rec.hard_limit			,
                      		    X_K_Conversion_Type		=>	l_funding_in_rec.k_conversion_type		,
                     		    X_K_Conversion_Date		=>	l_funding_in_rec.k_conversion_date		,
                      		    X_K_Conversion_Rate		=>	l_funding_in_rec.k_conversion_rate		,
                    		    X_Start_Date_Active		=>	l_funding_in_rec.start_date_active		,
                    		    X_End_Date_Active		=>	l_funding_in_rec.end_date_active		,
                    		    X_Last_Update_Date  	=>	sysdate						,
                    		    X_Last_Updated_By 		=>	L_USERID					,
                     		    X_Last_Update_Login   	=>	L_LOGINID					,
                      		    --X_Attribute_Category   	=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute_category)	,
                      		    X_Attribute_Category   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute_category		,
                     		    X_Attribute1       		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute1			,
                     		    X_Attribute2  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute2			,
                     		    X_Attribute3  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute3			,
                     		    X_Attribute4           	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute4 		,
                     		    X_Attribute5  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute5                 ,
                    		    X_Attribute6            	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute6          	,
                      		    X_Attribute7          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute7            	,
                     		    X_Attribute8        	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute8         	,
                      		    X_Attribute9          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute9           	,
                   		    X_Attribute10   		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute10          	,
                     		    X_Attribute11   		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute11		,
                      		    X_Attribute12          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute12           	,
                      		    X_Attribute13               =>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute13     		,
                      		    X_Attribute14               =>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute14  		,
                      		    X_Attribute15   		=>	l_funding_in_rec.oke_attribute15              	,
                      		   -- X_PA_Attribute_Category   	=>	upper(l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute_category)	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute_Category   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute_category		,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute1       	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute1			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute2  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute2			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute3  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute3			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute4           	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute4 			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute5  		=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute5       		,
                    		    X_PA_Attribute6            	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute6        	 	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute7          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute7        	 	,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute8        	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute8      	   	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute9          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute9        	 	,
                   		    X_PA_Attribute10   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute10         	,
                                                        X_PA_Attribute11       	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute11			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute12  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute12			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute13  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute13			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute14           	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute14 			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute15  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute15       		,
                    		    X_PA_Attribute16            	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute16        	 	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute17          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute17        	 	,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute18        	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute18      	   	,
                      		    X_PA_Attribute19          	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute19        	 	,
                   		    X_PA_Attribute20   	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute20         	,
                          	     X_PA_Attribute21       	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute21			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute22  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute22			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute23  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute23			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute24           	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute24 			,
                     		    X_PA_Attribute25  	=>	l_funding_in_rec.pa_attribute25       		,
                   		    X_Revenue_Hard_Limit	=>	l_funding_in_rec.revenue_hard_limit		,
                   		    X_Agreement_Org_id	=>	l_funding_in_rec.agreement_org_id
Line: 3267

END update_funding;
Line: 3283

PROCEDURE delete_funding(p_api_version		IN		NUMBER						,
			 p_commit		IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			 p_init_msg_list	IN      	VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			 p_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER						,
   			 p_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2					,
			 p_funding_source_id	IN		NUMBER						,
			-- p_agreement_flag	IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
			 p_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
			) is

   cursor c_agreement (p_funding_source_id 	NUMBER,
   		       length			NUMBER) is
        select pm_agreement_reference, org_id
        from   pa_agreements_all
        where  substr(pm_agreement_reference, (-1 * (length + 1)), length + 1) = '-' || TO_CHAR(p_funding_source_id)
        and    pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE;
Line: 3301

   l_api_name		CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(40) := 'delete_funding';
Line: 3348

   OKE_FUNDINGSOURCE_PVT.delete_row(x_rowid			=>	l_rowid		,
   				    x_pool_party_id		=>	l_pool_party_id
Line: 3373

          PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.delete_agreement(p_api_version_number		=> 	p_api_version				,
   					    p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE				,
   					    p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE				,
   					    p_msg_count				=>	p_msg_count				,
   					    p_msg_data				=>	p_msg_data				,
   					    p_return_status			=>	p_return_status				,
   					    p_pm_product_code			=>	G_PRODUCT_CODE				,
   					    p_pm_agreement_reference		=>	l_agreement.pm_agreement_reference	,
   					    p_agreement_id			=>	null
Line: 3439

END delete_funding;
Line: 3517

  			      -- p_allow_currency_update		IN	VARCHAR2			,
			      -- p_functional_currency_code	IN		VARCHAR2			,
			       p_funding_source_id		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER				,
			       p_return_status			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
			      ) is

      cursor c_project_funding is
      select *
      from   pa_project_fundings
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id
--Begin bug 15980946 change
      and budget_type_code in ( 'BASELINE', 'DRAFT')
--End bug 15980946 change
      order by allocated_amount desc;
Line: 3533

      select start_date_active, end_date_active
      from   oke_pool_parties
      where  pool_party_id = p_pool_party_id;
Line: 3538

      select nvl(allow_funding_across_ou_flag, 'N'),
      from   pa_implementations_all p,
             gl_sets_of_books g
      where  nvl(org_id, -99) = nvl(p_org_id, -99)
      and    g.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id;
Line: 3546

      select 'x'
      from   pa_project_fundings f,
             pa_projects_all p
      where  nvl(p.org_id, -99) <> nvl(p_org_id, -99)
      and    f.project_id = p.project_id
      and    f.agreement_id = p_agreement_id;
Line: 3575

      l_num_update_flag			VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 3664

       l_num_update_flag := 'Y';
Line: 3668

       l_num_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 3949

   update_agreement_reference(p_agreement_id		=>	p_agreement_id				,
   			      p_org_id			=>	p_org_id				,
   			      p_currency_code		=>	p_agreement_currency			,
   			      p_funding_source_id	=>	l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id	,
   			      p_num_update_flag		=>	l_num_update_flag			);
Line: 3993

        update_proj_fld_reference(p_project_funding_id		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.project_funding_id	,
        			  p_fund_allocation_id		=>	l_allocation_out_rec.fund_allocation_id
Line: 4004

        OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_alloc_version(x_fund_allocation_id		=>	l_allocation_out_rec.fund_allocation_id	,
        				 	  x_version_add			=>	1					,
   					          x_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE
Line: 4038

   update_funding(p_api_version		=>	p_api_version		,
   		  p_init_msg_list	=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE		,
   		  p_msg_count		=>	p_msg_count		,
   	          p_msg_data		=>	p_msg_data		,
   		  p_funding_in_rec	=>	l_funding_in_rec	,
		  p_funding_out_rec	=>	l_funding_out_rec	,
		  p_return_status	=>	p_return_status
Line: 4061

   update oke_k_funding_sources
   set    initial_amount = p_amount,
          funding_across_ou = decode(l_dummy, 'x', 'Y')
   where  funding_source_id = l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 4069

   update oke_k_fund_allocations
   set    pa_flag = 'Y'
   where  funding_source_id = l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 4077

   OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_source_flag(x_funding_source_id	=>	l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id	,
   					   x_commit		=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE
Line: 4166

      select *
      from   pa_project_fundings
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id
-- Begin 15980946 change
      and budget_type_code in ( 'BASELINE', 'DRAFT')
-- End 15980946 change
      order by allocated_amount desc;
Line: 4175

      select *
      from   oke_agreements_v
      where  agreement_id = p_agreement_id;
Line: 4180

      select nvl(allow_funding_across_ou_flag, 'N'),
      from   pa_implementations_all p,
             gl_sets_of_books g
      where  nvl(org_id, -99) = nvl(x_org_id, -99)
      and    g.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id;
Line: 4188

      select 'x'
      from   pa_project_fundings f,
             pa_projects_all p
      where  nvl(p.org_id, -99) <> nvl(x_org_id, -99)
      and    f.project_id = p.project_id
      and    f.agreement_id = p_agreement_id;
Line: 4196

      cursor c_update (x_org_id number) is
      select 'x'
      from   pa_project_fundings f,
             pa_projects_all p
      where  p.project_id = f.project_id
      and    f.agreement_id = p_agreement_id
      and    nvl(p.org_id, -99) <> nvl(x_org_id, -99);
Line: 4230

      l_num_update_flag			VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 4295

       l_num_update_flag := 'Y';
Line: 4299

       l_num_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 4315

   OPEN c_update(l_agreement.org_id);
Line: 4316

   FETCH c_update into l_dummy;
Line: 4317

   CLOSE c_update;
Line: 4322

      l_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 4326

   IF (l_update_flag = 'N') AND
      (l_agreement.agreement_currency_code <> p_source_currency) THEN

       OKE_API.set_message(p_app_name			=> 	G_APP_NAME							,
      			   p_msg_name			=>	'OKE_API_INVALID_VALUE'						,
      			   p_token1			=>	'VALUE'								,
      			   p_token1_value		=>	'p_source_currency'
Line: 4347

   			    --p_update_flag	=>	l_update_flag			,
   			    p_currency_code	=>	l_pool_currency			,
   			    p_start_date	=>	l_start_date
Line: 4399

   IF (l_update_flag = 'N') THEN

       IF (p_pa_conversion_type is not null) THEN

       	   OKE_API.set_message(p_app_name			=> 	G_APP_NAME							,
      			       p_msg_name			=>	'OKE_API_INVALID_VALUE'						,
      			       p_token1				=>	'VALUE'								,
      			       p_token1_value			=>	'pa_conversion_type'
Line: 4765

   update_agreement_reference(p_agreement_id		=>	p_agreement_id				,
   			      p_org_id			=>	l_agreement.org_id			,
   			      p_currency_code		=>	l_agreement.agreement_currency_code	,
   			      p_funding_source_id	=>	l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id	,
   			      p_num_update_flag		=>	l_num_update_flag			);
Line: 4808

        update_proj_fld_reference(p_project_funding_id		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.project_funding_id		,
        		          p_fund_allocation_id		=>	l_allocation_out_rec.fund_allocation_id
Line: 4819

        OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_alloc_version(x_fund_allocation_id		=>	l_allocation_out_rec.fund_allocation_id	,
   					          x_version_add			=>	1					,
   					          x_commit			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE
Line: 4850

   update_funding(p_api_version		=>	p_api_version		,
   		  p_init_msg_list	=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE		,
   		  p_msg_count		=>	p_msg_count		,
   	          p_msg_data		=>	p_msg_data		,
   		  p_funding_in_rec	=>	l_funding_in_rec	,
		  p_funding_out_rec	=>	l_funding_out_rec	,
		  p_return_status	=>	p_return_status
Line: 4873

   update oke_k_funding_sources
   set    initial_amount = l_agreement.amount,
          funding_across_ou = decode(l_dummy, 'x', 'Y')
   where  funding_source_id = l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 4884

   update oke_k_fund_allocations
   set    pa_flag = 'Y'
   where  funding_source_id = l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id;
Line: 4892

   OKE_FUNDING_UTIL_PKG.update_source_flag(x_funding_source_id	=>	l_funding_out_rec.funding_source_id	,
   					   x_commit		=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE