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Line 1041: po_vendors vn,

1037: --BUG#3482123 Sastry Replaced po_headers_all table with po_po_supply_view.
1038: CURSOR Cur_vend_dtl IS
1039: SELECT unique mtt.orgn_code, po.po_number, SUBSTRB(vn.vendor_name,1,32)
1040: FROM po_po_supply_view po,
1041: po_vendors vn,
1042: mr_tran_tbl mtt
1043: WHERE po.po_line_location_id = mtt.doc_id
1044: AND mtt.mrp_id = G_mrp_id
1045: AND mtt.doc_id = G_doc_id

Line 1056: po_vendors vn,

1052: --Selecting pv.vendor_name instead of pv.segment1 value for Customer/Vendor.
1053: CURSOR Cur_prcv_dtl IS
1054: SELECT unique mtt.orgn_code, prh.receipt_num, SUBSTRB(vn.vendor_name,1,32)
1055: FROM rcv_shipment_headers prh,
1056: po_vendors vn,
1057: mr_tran_tbl mtt
1058: WHERE prh.shipment_header_id = G_doc_id
1059: AND mtt.mrp_id = G_mrp_id
1060: AND mtt.line_no = G_line_no

Line 1067: po_vendors vn,

1063: AND vn.vendor_id (+) = prh.vendor_id
1065: SELECT unique mtt.orgn_code, prh.segment1, SUBSTRB(vn.vendor_name,1,32)
1066: FROM po_headers_all prh,
1067: po_vendors vn,
1068: mr_tran_tbl mtt
1069: WHERE prh.po_header_id = G_doc_id
1070: AND mtt.mrp_id = G_mrp_id
1071: AND mtt.line_no = G_line_no

Line 1120: po_vendors vn,

1116: CURSOR Cur_req_dtl IS
1117: SELECT unique mtt.orgn_code, prh.segment1, SUBSTRB(prl.suggested_vendor_name,1,32)
1118: FROM po_requisition_headers prh,
1119: po_requisition_lines prl,
1120: po_vendors vn,
1121: mr_tran_tbl mtt
1122: WHERE prl.requisition_header_id = G_doc_id
1123: AND prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
1124: AND mtt.mrp_id = G_mrp_id