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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_se_income_statement AS
2 /* $Header: pyseinsr.pkb 120.8 2010/10/28 08:57:20 vijranga ship $ */
3    g_debug                          BOOLEAN       := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
5    TYPE lock_rec IS RECORD (
6       archive_assact_id   NUMBER
7    );
9    TYPE lock_table IS TABLE OF lock_rec
12    g_lock_table                     lock_table;
13    g_index                          NUMBER         := -1;
14    g_index_assact                   NUMBER         := -1;
15    g_index_bal                      NUMBER         := -1;
16    g_package                        VARCHAR2 (100)
17                                                  := 'PAY_SE_INCOME_STATEMENT.';
18    g_payroll_action_id              NUMBER;
19    g_arc_payroll_action_id          NUMBER;
20 -- Globals to pick up all the parameter
21    g_business_group_id              NUMBER;
22    g_effective_date                 DATE;
23    g_income_statement_provider_id   NUMBER;
24    g_legal_employer_id              NUMBER;
25    g_local_unit_id                  NUMBER;
26    g_request_for                    VARCHAR2 (20);
27    g_person_for                     VARCHAR2 (20);
28    g_person_number                  NUMBER;
29    g_income_year                    NUMBER;
30    g_test_or_production             VARCHAR2 (20);
31    g_income_start_date              DATE;
32    g_income_end_date                DATE;
33    g_sort_order                     VARCHAR2 (20);
34 --End of Globals to pick up all the parameter
35    g_format_mask                    VARCHAR2 (50);
36    g_err_num                        NUMBER;
37    g_errm                           VARCHAR2 (150);
39    FUNCTION get_parameter (
40       p_parameter_string         IN       VARCHAR2
41      ,p_token                    IN       VARCHAR2
42      ,p_segment_number           IN       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
43    )
45    IS
46       l_parameter   pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%TYPE   := NULL;
47       l_start_pos   NUMBER;
48       l_delimiter   VARCHAR2 (1)                                      := ' ';
49       l_proc        VARCHAR2 (40)           := g_package || ' get parameter ';
50    BEGIN
51       --
52       IF g_debug
53       THEN
54          hr_utility.set_location (' Entering Function GET_PARAMETER', 10);
55       END IF;
57       l_start_pos :=
58               INSTR (' ' || p_parameter_string, l_delimiter || p_token || '=');
60       --
61       IF l_start_pos = 0
62       THEN
63          l_delimiter := '|';
64          l_start_pos :=
65              INSTR (' ' || p_parameter_string, l_delimiter || p_token || '=');
66       END IF;
68       IF l_start_pos <> 0
69       THEN
70          l_start_pos := l_start_pos + LENGTH (p_token || '=');
71          l_parameter :=
72             SUBSTR (p_parameter_string
73                    ,l_start_pos
74                    ,   INSTR (p_parameter_string || ' '
75                              ,l_delimiter
76                              ,l_start_pos
77                              )
78                      - (l_start_pos)
79                    );
81          IF p_segment_number IS NOT NULL
82          THEN
83             l_parameter := ':' || l_parameter || ':';
84             l_parameter :=
85                SUBSTR (l_parameter
86                       , INSTR (l_parameter, ':', 1, p_segment_number) + 1
87                       ,   INSTR (l_parameter, ':', 1, p_segment_number + 1)
88                         - 1
89                         - INSTR (l_parameter, ':', 1, p_segment_number)
90                       );
91          END IF;
92       END IF;
94       --
95       IF g_debug
96       THEN
97          hr_utility.set_location (' Leaving Function GET_PARAMETER', 20);
98       END IF;
100       RETURN l_parameter;
101    END;
104    PROCEDURE get_all_parameters (
105       p_payroll_action_id        IN       NUMBER               -- In parameter
106      ,p_business_group_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER           -- Core parameter
107      ,p_effective_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE             -- Core parameter
108      ,p_income_statement_provider_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER       -- User parameter
109      ,p_request_for_all_or_not   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2         -- User parameter
110      ,p_legal_employer_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER           -- User parameter
111      ,p_income_year              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2         -- User parameter
112      ,p_person_for               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2         -- User parameter
113      ,p_person_number            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER           -- User parameter
114      ,p_sort_order              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2           -- User parameter
115      ,p_test_or_production       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2         -- User parameter
116    )
117    IS
118       CURSOR csr_parameter_info (p_payroll_action_id NUMBER)
119       IS
120          SELECT (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
121                                                   (legislative_parameters
122                                                   ,'INCOME_STATEMENT_PROVIDER'
123                                                   )
124                 ) income_statement_provider
125                , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
126                                                       (legislative_parameters
127                                                       ,'REQUEST_FOR'
128                                                       )
129                  ) request_for
130                , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
131                                                       (legislative_parameters
132                                                       ,'LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
133                                                       )
134                  ) legal_employer
135                , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
136                                                       (legislative_parameters
137                                                       ,'INCOME_YEAR'
138                                                       )
139                  ) income_year
140                , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
141                                                       (legislative_parameters
142                                                       ,'PERSON_REQUEST'
143                                                       )
144                  ) person_for
145                , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
146                                                       (legislative_parameters
147                                                       ,'REQUESTING_PERSON'
148                                                       )
149                  ) person_number
150                , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
151                                                       (legislative_parameters
152                                                       ,'TEST_PRODUCTION'
153                                                       )
154                  ) test_production
155                , (pay_se_income_statement.get_parameter
156                                                       (legislative_parameters
157                                                       ,'SORT_ORDER'
158                                                       )
159                  ) sort_order
160                ,effective_date
161                ,business_group_id bg_id
162            FROM pay_payroll_actions
163           WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
165       lr_parameter_info   csr_parameter_info%ROWTYPE;
166       l_proc              VARCHAR2 (240)
167                                         := g_package || ' GET_ALL_PARAMETERS ';
168    BEGIN
169      -- logger ('Entering Procedure ', 'GET_ALL_PARAMETER');
170      -- logger ('p_payroll_action_id', p_payroll_action_id);
172       OPEN csr_parameter_info (p_payroll_action_id);
174       FETCH csr_parameter_info
175        INTO lr_parameter_info;
177       CLOSE csr_parameter_info;
179       p_income_statement_provider_id :=
180                                    lr_parameter_info.income_statement_provider;
181       p_legal_employer_id := lr_parameter_info.legal_employer;
182       p_request_for_all_or_not := lr_parameter_info.request_for;
183       p_person_for := lr_parameter_info.person_for;
184       p_person_number := lr_parameter_info.person_number;
185       p_effective_date := lr_parameter_info.effective_date;
186       p_business_group_id := lr_parameter_info.bg_id;
187       p_income_year := lr_parameter_info.income_year;
188       p_test_or_production := lr_parameter_info.test_production;
189       p_sort_order :=lr_parameter_info.sort_order;
190 --      logger ('p_income_statement_provider_id'
191 --             ,p_income_statement_provider_id);
192 --      logger ('p_legal_employer_id', p_legal_employer_id);
193 --      logger ('p_request_for_all_or_not', p_request_for_all_or_not);
194 --      logger ('p_person_for', p_person_for);
195 --      logger ('p_person_number', p_person_number);
196 --      logger ('p_income_year', p_income_year);
197 --      logger ('p_effective_date', p_effective_date);
198 --      logger ('p_business_group_id', p_business_group_id);
199 --      logger ('p_test_or_production', p_test_or_production);
201       IF g_debug
202       THEN
203          hr_utility.set_location (' Leaving Procedure GET_ALL_PARAMETERS'
204                                  ,30);
205       END IF;
206    END get_all_parameters;
208    /* RANGE CODE */
209    PROCEDURE range_code (
210       p_payroll_action_id        IN       NUMBER
211      ,p_sql                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
212    )
213    IS
214       l_action_info_id            NUMBER;
215       l_ovn                       NUMBER;
216       l_business_group_id         NUMBER;
217       l_start_date                VARCHAR2 (30);
218       l_end_date                  VARCHAR2 (30);
219       l_effective_date            DATE;
220       l_consolidation_set         NUMBER;
221       l_defined_balance_id        NUMBER                               := 0;
222       l_count                     NUMBER                               := 0;
223       l_prev_prepay               NUMBER                               := 0;
224       l_canonical_start_date      DATE;
225       l_canonical_end_date        DATE;
226       l_payroll_id                NUMBER;
227       l_prepay_action_id          NUMBER;
228       l_actid                     NUMBER;
229       l_assignment_id             NUMBER;
230       l_action_sequence           NUMBER;
231       l_assact_id                 NUMBER;
232       l_pact_id                   NUMBER;
233       l_flag                      NUMBER                               := 0;
234       l_element_context           VARCHAR2 (5);
236 -- Archiving the data , as this will fire once
237       CURSOR csr_check_empty_le (
238          csr_v_legal_employer_id             NUMBER
239         ,csr_v_canonical_start_date          DATE
240         ,csr_v_canonical_end_date            DATE
241       )
242       IS
243          SELECT   '1'
244              FROM pay_payroll_actions appa
245                  ,pay_assignment_actions act
246                  ,per_all_assignments_f as1
247                  ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
248             WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
249               AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN csr_v_canonical_start_date
250                                           AND csr_v_canonical_end_date
251               AND appa.action_type IN ('R', 'Q')
252               -- Payroll Run or Quickpay Run
253               AND act.payroll_action_id = appa.payroll_action_id
254               AND act.source_action_id IS NULL                -- Master Action
255               AND as1.assignment_id = act.assignment_id
256               AND as1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
257               AND act.action_status IN ('C','S')                         -- 10229507
258               AND act.tax_unit_id = csr_v_legal_employer_id
259               AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
260                                           AND as1.effective_end_date
261               AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
262                                          AND as1.effective_end_date
263          ORDER BY as1.person_id
264                  ,act.assignment_id;
266       l_le_has_employee           VARCHAR2 (2);
267 -- Archiving the data , as this will fire once
268 -- *****************************************************************************
269 -- Variables and cursors for for File INFO.KU (Media Provider Details)
270 -- *****************************************************************************
271       l_product                   VARCHAR2 (10);
272       l_period                    VARCHAR2 (10);
273       l_test_or_production        VARCHAR2 (10);
274       l_mp_org_number             VARCHAR2 (100);
275       l_mp_name                   VARCHAR2 (240);
276       l_mp_department             VARCHAR2 (240);
277       l_mp_contact_person         VARCHAR2 (240);
278       l_mp_address                VARCHAR2 (240);
279       l_mp_postcode               VARCHAR2 (15);
280       l_mp_postal_address         VARCHAR2 (50);
281       l_mp_phonenumber            VARCHAR2 (15);
282       l_mp_faxnumber              VARCHAR2 (15);
283       l_mp_email                  VARCHAR2 (50);
284       l_location_id               VARCHAR2 (100);
285       l_phone_number              VARCHAR2 (100);
286       l_location_code             VARCHAR2 (100);
287       l_address_line_1            VARCHAR2 (100);
288       l_address_line_2            VARCHAR2 (100);
289       l_address_line_3            VARCHAR2 (100);
290       l_postal_code               VARCHAR2 (100);
291       l_town_or_city              VARCHAR2 (100);
292       l_region_1                  VARCHAR2 (100);
293       l_region_2                  VARCHAR2 (100);
294       l_territory_short_name      VARCHAR2 (100);
295       l_sender VARCHAR2 (100);
296       l_receiver VARCHAR2 (100);
297       l_information_type VARCHAR2 (100);
298 l_medium_identity varchar2(30);
299 l_medium_program varchar2(30);
301       CURSOR csr_media_provider_details (
302          csr_v_media_provider_id             hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE
303       )
304       IS
305          SELECT o.NAME "MP_NAME",o.location_id
306                ,hoi1.org_information1 "MP_ORG_NUMBER"
307                ,hoi1.org_information2 "MP_DEPARTMENT"
308 ,hoi1.org_information3 "MEDIUM_IDENTITY"
309 ,hoi1.org_information4 "PROGRAM"
310            FROM hr_all_organization_units o
311                ,hr_organization_information hoi
312                ,hr_organization_information hoi1
313           WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
314             AND o.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
315             AND hoi.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
316             AND hoi.org_information1 = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDER'
317             AND o.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id
318             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDER_DETAILS'
319             AND o.organization_id = csr_v_media_provider_id;
321       lr_media_provider_details   csr_media_provider_details%ROWTYPE;
323       CURSOR csr_org_contacts (
324          csr_v_media_provider_id             hr_organization_information.organization_id%TYPE
325         ,csr_v_type                          hr_organization_information.org_information1%TYPE
326       )
327       IS
328          SELECT   hoi22.org_information1
329                  ,hoi22.org_information2
330                  ,hoi22.org_information3
331                  ,hoi22.org_information_id
332              FROM hr_organization_information hoi11
333                  ,hr_organization_information hoi22
334             WHERE hoi11.organization_id = csr_v_media_provider_id
335               AND hoi11.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
336               AND hoi11.org_information1 = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDER'
337               AND hoi22.organization_id = hoi11.organization_id
338               AND hoi22.org_information_context = 'SE_ORG_CONTACT_DETAILS'
339               AND hoi22.org_information1 = csr_v_type
340               AND ROWNUM < 2
341          ORDER BY hoi22.org_information_id ASC;
343       lr_org_contacts             csr_org_contacts%ROWTYPE;
345       CURSOR csr_legal_employer_details (
346          csr_v_legal_employer_id             hr_organization_information.organization_id%TYPE
347         ,csr_v_media_provider_id             hr_organization_information.organization_id%TYPE
348       )
349       IS
350          /* select o1.NAME legal_employer_name
351                   , hoi2.org_information2 org_number
352                   , hoi1.organization_id legal_id
353              FROM hr_organization_units o1
354                   , hr_organization_information hoi1
355                   , hr_organization_information hoi2
356                   , hr_organization_units o2
357                   , hr_organization_information hoi3
358               WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
359                 AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
360                 AND hoi1.organization_id = NVL(csr_v_legal_employer_id,hoi1.organization_id)
361                 AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
362                 AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
363                 AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
364                 AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_DETAILS'
365                 AND o2.organization_id = csr_v_media_provider_id
366                 AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_LEGAL_EMPLOYERS'
367                 and hoi3.org_information1 = o1.organization_id;*/
368          SELECT o1.NAME legal_employer_name
369                ,o1.location_id
370                ,hoi2.org_information2 org_number
371                ,hoi1.organization_id legal_id
372            FROM hr_organization_units o1
373                ,hr_organization_information hoi1
374                ,hr_organization_information hoi2
375                ,hr_organization_information hoi3
376           WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
377             AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
378             AND hoi1.organization_id =
379                            NVL (csr_v_legal_employer_id, hoi1.organization_id)
380             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
381             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
382             AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
383             AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_DETAILS'
384             AND o1.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
385             AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDERS'
386             AND hoi3.org_information1 = csr_v_media_provider_id;
388       l_legal_employer_details    csr_legal_employer_details%ROWTYPE;
390       CURSOR csr_address_details (
391          csr_v_location_id                   hr_locations.location_id%TYPE
392       )
393       IS
394          SELECT hl.location_code
395                ,hl.description
396                ,hl.address_line_1
397                ,hl.address_line_2
398                ,hl.address_line_3
399                ,hl.postal_code
400                ,hl.town_or_city
401                ,hl.region_1
402                ,hl.region_2
403                ,ft.territory_short_name
404            FROM hr_organization_units hou
405                ,hr_locations hl
406                ,fnd_territories_vl ft
407           WHERE hl.location_id = csr_v_location_id
408             AND hl.country = ft.territory_code;
410       lr_address_details          csr_address_details%ROWTYPE;
412       CURSOR csr_post_header
413       IS
415  FROM   hr_organization_information
416  WHERE  organization_id = g_business_group_id
417  AND    org_information_context = 'SE_POST_HEADER_INFO';
419        lr_post_header          csr_post_header%ROWTYPE;
420 -- *****************************************************************************
421    BEGIN
422       --logger ('Range Code ', '=====> Started');
424       IF g_debug
425       THEN
426          hr_utility.set_location (' Entering Procedure RANGE_CODE', 40);
427       END IF;
429       p_sql :=
430          'SELECT DISTINCT person_id
431          	FROM  per_people_f ppf
432          	     ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
433          	WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
434          	AND   ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
435          	ORDER BY ppf.person_id';
436       g_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
437       g_business_group_id := NULL;
438       g_effective_date := NULL;
439       g_income_statement_provider_id := NULL;
440       g_legal_employer_id := NULL;
441       g_local_unit_id := NULL;
442       g_income_year := NULL;
443       g_person_for := NULL;
444       g_person_number := NULL;
445       pay_se_income_statement.get_all_parameters
446                                               (p_payroll_action_id
447                                               ,g_business_group_id
448                                               ,g_effective_date
449                                               ,g_income_statement_provider_id
450                                               ,g_request_for
451                                               ,g_legal_employer_id
452                                               ,g_income_year
453                                               ,g_person_for
454                                               ,g_person_number
455                                               ,g_sort_order
456                                               ,g_test_or_production
457                                               );
458       --logger ('Parameters are ', '=====');
459       --logger ('p_payroll_action_id ', p_payroll_action_id);
460       --logger ('g_business_group_id ', g_business_group_id);
461       --logger ('g_effective_date ', g_effective_date);
462       --logger ('g_income_statement_provider_id '             ,g_income_statement_provider_id             );
463       --logger ('g_request_for ', g_request_for);
464       --logger ('g_legal_employer_id ', g_legal_employer_id);
465       --logger ('g_income_year ', g_income_year);
466       --logger ('g_person_from ', g_person_for);
467       --logger ('g_person_to ', g_person_number);
468       --logger ('g_test_or_production ', g_test_or_production);
469       g_income_start_date := TO_DATE ('01-01-' || g_income_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
470       g_income_end_date := TO_DATE ('31-12-' || g_income_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
471       --logger ('g_income_start_date ', g_income_start_date);
472       --logger ('g_income_end_date ', g_income_end_date);
473 -- *****************************************************************************
474 -- To pick up the details for File INFO.KU (Media Provider Details)
475 -- *****************************************************************************
476       l_product := TO_CHAR (g_effective_date, 'YYYY');
477       l_period := g_income_year;
478       l_test_or_production := g_test_or_production;
480       OPEN csr_media_provider_details (g_income_statement_provider_id);
482       FETCH csr_media_provider_details
483        INTO lr_media_provider_details;
485       CLOSE csr_media_provider_details;
487       l_mp_name := lr_media_provider_details.mp_name;
488       l_mp_org_number := lr_media_provider_details.mp_org_number;
489       l_mp_department := lr_media_provider_details.mp_department;
490    l_medium_identity := lr_MEDIA_PROVIDER_DETAILS.MEDIUM_IDENTITY;
491    l_medium_program := lr_MEDIA_PROVIDER_DETAILS.PROGRAM;
493        OPEN csr_address_details (lr_MEDIA_PROVIDER_DETAILS.location_id);
495          FETCH csr_address_details
496           INTO lr_address_details;
498          CLOSE csr_address_details;
501 IF lr_address_details.location_code IS NOT NULL
502 THEN
503 l_mp_address := lr_address_details.location_code ;
504 END IF;
506 IF lr_address_details.address_line_1 IS NOT NULL
507 THEN
508 l_mp_address :=  l_mp_address||' '||lr_address_details.address_line_1;
509 END IF;
511 IF lr_address_details.address_line_2 IS NOT NULL
512 THEN
513 l_mp_address :=  l_mp_address||' '||lr_address_details.address_line_2;
514 END IF;
516 IF lr_address_details.address_line_3 IS NOT NULL
517 THEN
518 l_mp_address :=  l_mp_address||' '||lr_address_details.address_line_3;
519 END IF;
521 l_mp_postcode := lr_address_details.postal_code ;
522 -- Bug#8849455 fix Added space between 3 and 4 digits in postal code
523 l_mp_postcode := substr(l_mp_postcode,1,3)||' '||substr(l_mp_postcode,4,2);
525 IF lr_address_details.town_or_city IS NOT NULL
526 THEN
527 l_mp_postal_address :=  l_mp_postal_address||' '||lr_address_details.town_or_city;
528 END IF;
530 IF lr_address_details.region_1 IS NOT NULL
531 THEN
532 l_mp_postal_address :=  l_mp_postal_address||' '||lr_address_details.region_1;
533 END IF;
535 IF lr_address_details.region_2 IS NOT NULL
536 THEN
537 l_mp_postal_address :=  l_mp_postal_address||' '||lr_address_details.region_2;
538 END IF;
540 IF lr_address_details.territory_short_name IS NOT NULL
541 THEN
542 l_mp_postal_address :=  l_mp_postal_address||' '||lr_address_details.territory_short_name;
543 END IF;
545 lr_address_details := null;
547       --logger ('l_mp_name ', l_mp_name);
548       --logger ('l_mp_org_number ', l_mp_org_number);
549       --logger ('l_mp_department ', l_mp_department);
550 --logger ('l_medium_identity ', l_medium_identity );
551 --logger ('l_medium_program ', l_medium_program );
553 --logger ('l_mp_address ', l_mp_address );
554 --logger ('l_mp_postcode ', l_mp_postcode );
555 --logger ('l_mp_postal_address ', l_mp_postal_address );
557       lr_org_contacts := NULL;
559       OPEN csr_org_contacts (g_income_statement_provider_id, 'PERSON');
561       FETCH csr_org_contacts
562        INTO lr_org_contacts;
564       CLOSE csr_org_contacts;
566       l_mp_contact_person := lr_org_contacts.org_information3;
567       lr_org_contacts := NULL;
569       OPEN csr_org_contacts (g_income_statement_provider_id, 'PHONE');
571       FETCH csr_org_contacts
572        INTO lr_org_contacts;
574       CLOSE csr_org_contacts;
576       l_mp_phonenumber := lr_org_contacts.org_information3;
577       lr_org_contacts := NULL;
579       OPEN csr_org_contacts (g_income_statement_provider_id, 'EMAIL');
581       FETCH csr_org_contacts
582        INTO lr_org_contacts;
584       CLOSE csr_org_contacts;
586       l_mp_email := lr_org_contacts.org_information3;
587       lr_org_contacts := NULL;
589       OPEN csr_org_contacts (g_income_statement_provider_id, 'FAX');
591       FETCH csr_org_contacts
592        INTO lr_org_contacts;
594       CLOSE csr_org_contacts;
596       l_mp_faxnumber := lr_org_contacts.org_information3;
597       lr_org_contacts := NULL;
598       --logger ('l_mp_contact_person ', l_mp_contact_person);
599       --logger ('l_mp_phonenumber ', l_mp_phonenumber);
600       --logger ('l_mp_email ', l_mp_email);
601       --logger ('l_mp_faxnumber ', l_mp_faxnumber);
602 -- *****************************************************************************
603       OPEN csr_post_header ;
604       FETCH csr_post_header       INTO lr_post_header;
605       CLOSE csr_post_header;
606 l_sender := lr_post_header.org_information1;
607 l_receiver := lr_post_header.org_information2;
608 l_information_type := lr_post_header.org_information3;
610       -- Insert the report Parameters
611       pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
612                      (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
613                      ,p_action_context_id                => p_payroll_action_id
614                      ,p_action_context_type              => 'PA'
615                      ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
616                      ,p_effective_date                   => g_effective_date
617                      ,p_source_id                        => NULL
618                      ,p_source_text                      => NULL
619                      ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT DETAILS'
620                      ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
621                      ,p_action_information2              => g_income_statement_provider_id
622                      ,p_action_information3              => g_request_for
623                      ,p_action_information4              => g_legal_employer_id
624                      ,p_action_information5              => g_person_for
625                      ,p_action_information6              => g_person_number
626                      ,p_action_information7              => g_income_year
627                      ,p_action_information8              => g_business_group_id
628                      ,p_action_information9              => g_test_or_production
629                      ,p_action_information10             => g_sort_order
630                                    ,p_action_information11             => l_sender
631                ,p_action_information12             => l_receiver
632                ,p_action_information13             => l_information_type
633                      );
634 -- *****************************************************************************
635 -- Insert for Media Provider Details
636 -- *****************************************************************************
637 -- *****************************************************************************
638       pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
639                   (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
640                   ,p_action_context_id                => p_payroll_action_id
641                   ,p_action_context_type              => 'PA'
642                   ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
643                   ,p_effective_date                   => g_effective_date
644                   ,p_source_id                        => NULL
645                   ,p_source_text                      => NULL
646                   ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
647                   ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
648                   ,p_action_information2              => 'MP'
649                   ,p_action_information3              => l_product
650                   ,p_action_information4              => l_period
651                   ,p_action_information5              => l_test_or_production
652                   ,p_action_information6              => l_mp_org_number
653                   ,p_action_information7              => l_mp_name
654                   ,p_action_information8              => l_mp_department
655                   ,p_action_information9              => l_mp_contact_person
656                   ,p_action_information10             => l_mp_address
657                   ,p_action_information11             => l_mp_postcode
658                   ,p_action_information12             => l_mp_postal_address
659                   ,p_action_information13             => l_mp_phonenumber
660                   ,p_action_information14             => l_mp_faxnumber
661                   ,p_action_information15             => l_mp_email
662            , p_action_information16             => l_medium_identity
663            , p_action_information17             => l_medium_program
665                   );
667 -- *****************************************************************************
668 -- *****************************************************************************
669 --Insert for LE or ALL LE
670 -- *****************************************************************************
671 -- *****************************************************************************
672       IF g_request_for = 'REQUESTING_ORG'
673       THEN
674          -- Information regarding the Legal Employer
675          OPEN csr_legal_employer_details (g_legal_employer_id
676                                          ,g_income_statement_provider_id
677                                          );
679          FETCH csr_legal_employer_details
680           INTO l_legal_employer_details;
682          CLOSE csr_legal_employer_details;
684          l_location_id := l_legal_employer_details.location_id;
685          lr_address_details := NULL;
686          --logger ('l_location_id', l_location_id);
688          OPEN csr_address_details (l_location_id);
690          FETCH csr_address_details
691           INTO lr_address_details;
693          CLOSE csr_address_details;
695          l_location_code := lr_address_details.location_code;
696          l_address_line_1 := lr_address_details.address_line_1;
697          l_address_line_2 := lr_address_details.address_line_2;
698          l_address_line_3 := lr_address_details.address_line_3;
699          l_postal_code := lr_address_details.postal_code;
700 	 -- Bug#8849455 fix Added space between 3 and 4 digits in postal code
701          l_postal_code := substr(l_postal_code,1,3)||' '||substr(l_postal_code,4,2);
702          l_town_or_city := lr_address_details.town_or_city;
703          l_region_1 := lr_address_details.region_1;
704          l_region_2 := lr_address_details.region_2;
705          l_territory_short_name := lr_address_details.territory_short_name;
706          --logger ('l_location_code', l_location_code);
707          --logger ('l_address_line_1', l_address_line_1);
708          --logger ('l_address_line_2', l_address_line_2);
709          --logger ('l_address_line_3', l_address_line_3);
710          --logger ('l_postal_code', l_postal_code);
711          --logger ('l_TOWN_OR_CITY', l_town_or_city);
712          --logger ('l_REGION_1', l_region_1);
713          --logger ('l_REGION_2', l_region_2);
714          --logger ('l_TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME', l_territory_short_name);
715          pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
716             (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
717             ,p_action_context_id                => p_payroll_action_id
718             ,p_action_context_type              => 'PA'
719             ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
720             ,p_effective_date                   => g_effective_date
721             ,p_source_id                        => NULL
722             ,p_source_text                      => NULL
723             ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
724             ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
725             ,p_action_information2              => 'LE'
726             ,p_action_information3              => g_legal_employer_id
727             ,p_action_information4              => l_legal_employer_details.legal_employer_name
728             ,p_action_information5              => l_legal_employer_details.org_number
729             ,p_action_information6              => l_location_code
730             ,p_action_information7              => l_address_line_1
731             ,p_action_information8              => l_address_line_2
732             ,p_action_information9              => l_address_line_3
733             ,p_action_information10             => l_postal_code
734             ,p_action_information11             => l_town_or_city
735             ,p_action_information12             => l_region_1
736             ,p_action_information13             => l_region_2
737             ,p_action_information14             => l_territory_short_name
738             ,p_action_information15             => NULL
739             );
740 -- *****************************************************************************
741       ELSE
742 -- *****************************************************************************
743          FOR rec_legal_employer_details IN
744             csr_legal_employer_details (NULL, g_income_statement_provider_id)
745          LOOP
746             l_location_id := rec_legal_employer_details.location_id;
747             --logger ('l_location_id', l_location_id);
748             lr_address_details := NULL;
750             OPEN csr_address_details (l_location_id);
752             FETCH csr_address_details
753              INTO lr_address_details;
755             CLOSE csr_address_details;
757             l_location_code := lr_address_details.location_code;
758             l_address_line_1 := lr_address_details.address_line_1;
759             l_address_line_2 := lr_address_details.address_line_2;
760             l_address_line_3 := lr_address_details.address_line_3;
761             l_postal_code := lr_address_details.postal_code;
762 	    -- Bug#8849455 fix Added space between 3 and 4 digits in postal code
763             l_postal_code := substr(l_postal_code,1,3)||' '||substr(l_postal_code,4,2);
764             l_town_or_city := lr_address_details.town_or_city;
765             l_region_1 := lr_address_details.region_1;
766             l_region_2 := lr_address_details.region_2;
767             l_territory_short_name := lr_address_details.territory_short_name;
768             --logger ('l_location_code', l_location_code);
769             --logger ('l_address_line_1', l_address_line_1);
770             --logger ('l_address_line_2', l_address_line_2);
771             --logger ('l_address_line_3', l_address_line_3);
772             --logger ('l_postal_code', l_postal_code);
773             --logger ('l_TOWN_OR_CITY', l_town_or_city);
774             --logger ('l_REGION_1', l_region_1);
775             --logger ('l_REGION_2', l_region_2);
776             --logger ('l_TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME', l_territory_short_name);
777             pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
778                (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
779                ,p_action_context_id                => p_payroll_action_id
780                ,p_action_context_type              => 'PA'
781                ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
782                ,p_effective_date                   => g_effective_date
783                ,p_source_id                        => NULL
784                ,p_source_text                      => NULL
785                ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
786                ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
787                ,p_action_information2              => 'LE'
788                ,p_action_information3              => rec_legal_employer_details.legal_id
789                ,p_action_information4              => rec_legal_employer_details.legal_employer_name
790                ,p_action_information5              => rec_legal_employer_details.org_number
791                ,p_action_information6              => l_location_code
792                ,p_action_information7              => l_address_line_1
793                ,p_action_information8              => l_address_line_2
794                ,p_action_information9              => l_address_line_3
795                ,p_action_information10             => l_postal_code
796                ,p_action_information11             => l_town_or_city
797                ,p_action_information12             => l_region_1
798                ,p_action_information13             => l_region_2
799                ,p_action_information14             => l_territory_short_name
800                );
801          END LOOP;
802       END IF;                                       -- FOR G_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_ID
804 -- *****************************************************************************
805 --END OF Insert for LE or ALL LE
806 -- *****************************************************************************
807       IF g_debug
808       THEN
809          hr_utility.set_location (' Leaving Procedure RANGE_CODE', 50);
810       END IF;
812       WHEN OTHERS
813       THEN
814          -- Return cursor that selects no rows
815          p_sql :=
816                'select 1 from dual where to_char(:payroll_action_id) = dummy';
817    END range_code;
820    PROCEDURE assignment_action_code (
821       p_payroll_action_id        IN       NUMBER
822      ,p_start_person             IN       NUMBER
823      ,p_end_person               IN       NUMBER
824      ,p_chunk                    IN       NUMBER
825    )
826    IS
827       CURSOR csr_prepaid_assignments_le (
828          p_payroll_action_id                 NUMBER
829         ,p_start_person                      NUMBER
830         ,p_end_person                        NUMBER
831         ,p_legal_employer_id                 NUMBER
832         ,l_canonical_start_date              DATE
833         ,l_canonical_end_date                DATE
834       )
835       IS
836          SELECT   as1.person_id person_id
837                  ,act.assignment_id assignment_id
838                  ,act.assignment_action_id run_action_id
839                  ,act.tax_unit_id legal_employer_id
840              FROM pay_payroll_actions appa
841                  ,pay_assignment_actions act
842                  ,per_all_assignments_f as1
843                  ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
844             WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
845               AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN l_canonical_start_date
846                                           AND l_canonical_end_date
847               AND as1.person_id BETWEEN p_start_person AND p_end_person
848               AND appa.action_type IN ('R', 'Q')
849               -- Payroll Run or Quickpay Run
850               AND act.payroll_action_id = appa.payroll_action_id
851               AND act.source_action_id IS NULL                -- Master Action
852               AND as1.assignment_id = act.assignment_id
853               AND as1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
854               AND act.action_status IN ('C','S')                         -- 10229507
855               AND appa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
856                                           AND as1.effective_end_date
857 --              AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date
858 --                                         AND as1.effective_end_date
859               AND act.tax_unit_id IN (
860                      SELECT o.organization_id
861                        FROM hr_all_organization_units o
862                            ,hr_organization_information hoi1
863                            ,hr_organization_information hoi2
864                       WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
865                         AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
866                         AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
867                         AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
868                         AND o.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
869                         AND hoi2.org_information_context =
870                                                        'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDERS'
871                         AND hoi2.org_information1 =
872                                                 g_income_statement_provider_id)
873          ORDER BY as1.person_id
874                  ,act.assignment_id;
876       CURSOR csr_get_defined_balance_id (
877          csr_v_balance_name                  ff_database_items.user_name%TYPE
878       )
879       IS
880          SELECT ue.creator_id
881            FROM ff_user_entities ue
882                ,ff_database_items di
883           WHERE di.user_name = csr_v_balance_name
884             AND ue.user_entity_id = di.user_entity_id
885             AND ue.legislation_code = 'SE'
886             AND ue.business_group_id IS NULL
887             AND ue.creator_type = 'B';
889       lr_get_defined_balance_id   csr_get_defined_balance_id%ROWTYPE;
890       l_count                     NUMBER                                  := 0;
891       l_prev_prepay               NUMBER                                  := 0;
892       l_canonical_start_date      DATE;
893       l_canonical_end_date        DATE;
894       l_pension_type              hr_organization_information.org_information1%TYPE;
895       l_prepay_action_id          NUMBER;
896       l_actid                     NUMBER;
897       l_assignment_id             NUMBER;
898       l_action_sequence           NUMBER;
899       l_assact_id                 NUMBER;
900       l_pact_id                   NUMBER;
901       l_flag                      NUMBER                                  := 0;
902       l_defined_balance_id        NUMBER                                  := 0;
903       l_action_info_id            NUMBER;
904       l_ovn                       NUMBER;
905 -- User pARAMETERS needed
906       l_business_group_id         NUMBER;
907       l_effective_date            DATE;
908       l_pension_provider_id       NUMBER;
909       l_legal_employer_id         NUMBER;
910       l_person_id                 NUMBER;
911       l_archive                   VARCHAR2 (10);
913       l_a_tax_card_or_not         NUMBER;
914 -- End of User pARAMETERS needed
917    FUNCTION validate_person_number (
918    val_person_id IN number,
919    val_person_number IN number
920    )
921       RETURN varchar2
922    IS
923       /* Cursor to retrieve Defined Balance Id */
924       CURSOR csr_check_person_number
925             IS
926             SELECT count('1') "VALID" from per_all_people_f pap
927             where pap.person_id=val_person_id
928             AND pap.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER=val_person_number
929             AND pap.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  <= g_income_end_date
930             AND pap.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > = g_income_start_date
931             ;
932 lr_check_person_number csr_check_person_number%rowtype;
934    BEGIN
936       OPEN csr_check_person_number;
937       FETCH csr_check_person_number       INTO lr_check_person_number;
938       CLOSE csr_check_person_number;
939 IF lr_check_person_number.valid > 0
940 THEN
941       RETURN 'VALID';
942 ELSE
943       RETURN NULL;
944 END IF;
945 END validate_person_number;
949 /* Proc to check A tax card */
950       PROCEDURE check_a_taxcard (
951          p_l_person_id              IN       NUMBER
952         ,p_return_count_value       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
953       )
954       IS
955          CURSOR csr_get_prim_assignments (csr_v_person_id NUMBER)
956          IS
957             SELECT paa.assignment_id
958                   ,paa.effective_start_date
959                   ,paa.effective_end_date
960                   ,scl.segment2
961               FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
962                   ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
963              WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
964                AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
965                AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
966                AND paa.primary_flag = 'Y'
967                AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN (
968                       SELECT assignment_status_type_id
969                         FROM per_assignment_status_types
970                        WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
971                          AND active_flag = 'Y'
972                          AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
973                                   AND business_group_id IS NULL
974                                  )
975                               OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
976                              ))
977                AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
979          lr_get_prim_assignments   csr_get_prim_assignments%ROWTYPE;
981          CURSOR csr_get_element_ids
982          IS
983             SELECT pet.element_type_id
984                   ,piv.input_value_id
985                   ,pel.element_link_id
986               FROM pay_element_types_f pet
987                   ,pay_input_values_f piv
988                   ,pay_element_links_f pel
989              WHERE pet.element_name = 'Tax Card'
990                AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
991                AND piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
992                AND piv.NAME = 'Tax Card Type'
993                AND pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
994                AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
995                AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
996                AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
997                AND piv.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
998                AND piv.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
999                AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
1000                AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
1002          lr_get_element_ids        csr_get_element_ids%ROWTYPE;
1004          CURSOR csr_chk_a_taxcard (
1005             csr_v_input_value_id                pay_element_entry_values_f.input_value_id%TYPE
1006            ,csr_v_link_id                       pay_element_entries_f.element_link_id%TYPE
1007            ,csr_v_type_id                       pay_element_entries_f.element_type_id%TYPE
1008            ,csr_v_prim_assignment_id            NUMBER
1009          )
1010          IS
1011             SELECT COUNT ('Y') valid
1012               FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
1013                   ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
1014              WHERE peev.screen_entry_value = 'A'
1015                AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
1016                AND peev.effective_start_date = pee.effective_start_date
1017                AND peev.effective_end_date = pee.effective_end_date
1018                AND peev.input_value_id = csr_v_input_value_id
1019                --AND pee.element_link_id = csr_v_link_id
1020                AND pee.element_type_id = csr_v_type_id
1021                AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_prim_assignment_id
1022                AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
1023                AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
1025          lr_chk_a_taxcard          csr_chk_a_taxcard%ROWTYPE;
1027 -- *****************************************************************************
1028 -- Income Statement Specification Details
1029          CURSOR csr_person_inc_stmt_spec (
1030             csr_v_person_id                     NUMBER
1031            ,csr_v_information_type              per_people_extra_info.information_type%TYPE
1032          )
1033          IS
1034             SELECT pei_information1
1035                   ,pei_information2
1036                   ,pei_information3
1037                   ,pei_information4
1038                   ,pei_information5
1039                   ,pei_information6
1040                   ,pei_information7
1041                   ,pei_information8
1042                   ,pei_information9
1043               FROM per_people_extra_info
1044              WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
1045                AND information_type = csr_v_information_type;
1047          lr_person_inc_stmt_spec   csr_person_inc_stmt_spec%ROWTYPE;
1048 -- *****************************************************************************
1049       BEGIN
1050 -- *****************************************************************************
1051          lr_person_inc_stmt_spec := NULL;
1053          OPEN csr_person_inc_stmt_spec (p_l_person_id
1054                                        ,'SE_INC_STMT_DATA_CORRECTION'
1055                                        );
1057          FETCH csr_person_inc_stmt_spec
1058           INTO lr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
1060          CLOSE csr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
1062          --logger ('lr_Person_inc_stmt_spec.PEI_INFORMATION1'                ,lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information1                );
1064          IF lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information1 = 'NA'
1065          THEN
1066             p_return_count_value := 0;
1067             --logger ('NA. not VALID', p_return_count_value);
1068          ELSIF lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information1 IS NULL
1069          THEN
1070             OPEN csr_get_prim_assignments (p_l_person_id);
1072             FETCH csr_get_prim_assignments
1073              INTO lr_get_prim_assignments;
1075             CLOSE csr_get_prim_assignments;
1077             OPEN csr_get_element_ids;
1079             FETCH csr_get_element_ids
1080              INTO lr_get_element_ids;
1082             CLOSE csr_get_element_ids;
1084             lr_chk_a_taxcard := NULL;
1086             OPEN csr_chk_a_taxcard (lr_get_element_ids.input_value_id
1087                                    ,lr_get_element_ids.element_link_id
1088                                    ,lr_get_element_ids.element_type_id
1089                                    ,lr_get_prim_assignments.assignment_id
1090                                    );
1092             FETCH csr_chk_a_taxcard
1093              INTO lr_chk_a_taxcard;
1095             CLOSE csr_chk_a_taxcard;
1097             --logger ('lr_chk_A_taxcard.VALID', lr_chk_a_taxcard.valid);
1098             p_return_count_value := lr_chk_a_taxcard.valid;
1099          ELSE            -- if the value has been entereed as KU10, KU13, KU14
1100 -- then dont check this tax card
1101             p_return_count_value := 1;
1102             --logger ('Else .VALID', p_return_count_value);
1103          END IF;
1104       END check_a_taxcard;
1105 /* End of Proc to Add the tag value and Name */
1106    BEGIN
1109       --logger ('ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_CODE ', '--------------------------------- Started');
1111       pay_se_income_statement.get_all_parameters (p_payroll_action_id
1112                                                 , g_business_group_id
1113                                                 , g_effective_date
1114                                                 , g_income_statement_provider_id
1115                                                 , g_request_for
1116                                                 , g_legal_employer_id
1117                                                 , g_income_year
1118                                                 , g_person_for
1119                                                 , g_person_number
1120                                                 , g_sort_order
1121                                                 , g_test_or_production
1122                                                  );
1124       l_canonical_start_date := NULL;
1125       l_canonical_end_date := NULL;
1126       l_prepay_action_id := 0;
1127 /*
1128       logger ('p_payroll_action_id ', p_payroll_action_id );
1129       logger ('g_business_group_id ', g_business_group_id );
1130       logger ('g_effective_date ', g_effective_date );
1131       logger ('g_income_statement_provider_id ', g_income_statement_provider_id );
1132       logger ('g_request_for ', g_request_for );
1133       logger ('g_legal_employer_id ', g_legal_employer_id );
1134       logger ('g_income_year ', g_income_year );
1135       logger ('g_person_from ', g_person_for );
1136       logger ('g_person_to ', g_person_number );
1137       logger ('g_test_or_production ', g_test_or_production );
1138 */
1139       g_income_start_date := TO_DATE ('01-01-' || g_income_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1140       g_income_end_date := TO_DATE ('31-12-' || g_income_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1142       l_canonical_start_date := g_income_start_date;
1143       l_canonical_end_date := g_income_end_date;
1144       --logger ('l_canonical_start_date ', l_canonical_start_date );
1145       --logger ('l_canonical_end_date ', l_canonical_end_date );
1146       l_assignment_id := 0;
1147       l_legal_employer_id := 0;
1148       l_person_id := 0;
1150       IF g_person_for = 'PER_ALL'
1151       THEN
1152       IF g_request_for <>'REQUESTING_ORG'
1153       THEN
1154          FOR rec_prepaid_assignments IN
1155             csr_prepaid_assignments_le (p_payroll_action_id
1156                                        ,p_start_person
1157                                        ,p_end_person
1158                                        ,g_legal_employer_id
1159                                        ,l_canonical_start_date
1160                                        ,l_canonical_end_date
1161                                        )
1162          LOOP
1163         --logger ('FOR ALL EMP  ', 'FOR ALL LE');
1164             --logger ('rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id  '                   ,rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id                   );
1165             --logger ('rec_prepaid_assignments.LEGAL_EMPLOYER_ID '                   ,rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id                   );
1166             --logger ('Person ID  ', l_person_id);
1167             --logger ('Legal Employer id ', l_legal_employer_id);
1169             IF (    l_person_id <> rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1170                 or l_legal_employer_id <>
1171                                      rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id
1172                )
1173             THEN
1174                --logger ('Passed  ', '+-+-+-+-');
1175                l_a_tax_card_or_not := NULL;
1176                check_a_taxcard (rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1177                                ,l_a_tax_card_or_not
1178                                );
1180                IF l_a_tax_card_or_not > 0
1181                THEN
1182                   SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
1183                     INTO l_actid
1184                     FROM DUAL;
1186                   -- Create the archive assignment action
1187                   hr_nonrun_asact.insact
1188                                        (l_actid
1189                                        ,rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id
1190                                        ,p_payroll_action_id
1191                                        ,p_chunk
1192                                        ,NULL
1193                                        );
1194                -- Create archive to prepayment assignment action interlock
1195                --
1196                --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.prepaid_action_id);
1197                END IF;
1198             l_assignment_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id;
1199             l_legal_employer_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id;
1200             l_person_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id;
1202             END IF;
1204             -- create archive to master assignment action interlock
1205             --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.run_action_id);
1206          END LOOP;
1207     ELSE
1208         --logger ('FOR ALL EMP  ', 'UNDER GIVEN LE');
1209          FOR rec_prepaid_assignments IN
1210             csr_prepaid_assignments_le (p_payroll_action_id
1211                                        ,p_start_person
1212                                        ,p_end_person
1213                                        ,g_legal_employer_id
1214                                        ,l_canonical_start_date
1215                                        ,l_canonical_end_date
1216                                        )
1217          LOOP
1219             --logger ('rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id  '                   ,rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id                   );
1220             --logger ('rec_prepaid_assignments.LEGAL_EMPLOYER_ID '                   ,rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id                   );
1221             --logger ('Person ID  ', l_person_id);
1222             --logger ('Legal Employer id ', l_legal_employer_id);
1224             IF (    l_person_id <> rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1225                 AND rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id = g_legal_employer_id
1226                )
1227             THEN
1228                --logger ('Passed  ', '+-+-+-+-');
1229                l_a_tax_card_or_not := NULL;
1230                check_a_taxcard (rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1231                                ,l_a_tax_card_or_not
1232                                );
1234                IF l_a_tax_card_or_not > 0
1235                THEN
1236                   SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
1237                     INTO l_actid
1238                     FROM DUAL;
1240                   -- Create the archive assignment action
1241                   hr_nonrun_asact.insact
1242                                        (l_actid
1243                                        ,rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id
1244                                        ,p_payroll_action_id
1245                                        ,p_chunk
1246                                        ,NULL
1247                                        );
1248                -- Create archive to prepayment assignment action interlock
1249                --
1250                --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.prepaid_action_id);
1251                END IF;
1252             l_assignment_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id;
1253             l_legal_employer_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id;
1254             l_person_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id;
1256             END IF;
1258             -- create archive to master assignment action interlock
1259             --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.run_action_id);
1260          END LOOP;
1261     END IF;
1262       ELSE
1263       --logger ('FOR GIVEN EMP  ', '8****8*****8****8****8');
1264       IF g_request_for <>'REQUESTING_ORG'
1265       THEN
1266       --logger ('FOR GIVEN EMP  ', 'UNDER ALL LE');
1267          FOR rec_prepaid_assignments IN
1268             csr_prepaid_assignments_le (p_payroll_action_id
1269                                        ,p_start_person
1270                                        ,p_end_person
1271                                        ,g_legal_employer_id
1272                                        ,l_canonical_start_date
1273                                        ,l_canonical_end_date
1274                                        )
1275          LOOP
1276 		--logger ('============================Person Number to be checked   ', rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id);
1277 		--logger ('===========LE   ', rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id);
1279             IF (    l_person_id <> rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1280       or l_legal_employer_id <>  rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id
1281                )
1282             THEN
1283                --logger ('Person ID  ', l_person_id);
1284                --logger ('Legal Employer id ', l_legal_employer_id);
1285     IF validate_person_number(rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id,g_person_number) IS NOT NULL
1286     THEN
1287 		--logger ('Person validated  ', rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id);
1288                check_a_taxcard (rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1289                                ,l_a_tax_card_or_not
1290                                );
1292                IF l_a_tax_card_or_not > 0
1293                THEN
1294                   SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
1295                     INTO l_actid
1296                     FROM DUAL;
1298                   -- Create the archive assignment action
1299                   hr_nonrun_asact.insact
1300                                        (l_actid
1301                                        ,rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id
1302                                        ,p_payroll_action_id
1303                                        ,p_chunk
1304                                        ,NULL
1305                                        );
1306                -- Create archive to prepayment assignment action interlock
1307                --
1308                --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.prepaid_action_id);
1309                END IF;
1310 END IF;-- person number
1311             l_assignment_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id;
1312             l_legal_employer_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id;
1313             l_person_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id;
1314             END IF;
1317             -- create archive to master assignment action interlock
1318             --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.run_action_id);
1319          END LOOP;
1320 ELSE
1321 --logger ('FOR GIVEN EMP  ', 'UNDER GIVEN LE');
1322          FOR rec_prepaid_assignments IN
1323             csr_prepaid_assignments_le (p_payroll_action_id
1324                                        ,p_start_person
1325                                        ,p_end_person
1326                                        ,g_legal_employer_id
1327                                        ,l_canonical_start_date
1328                                        ,l_canonical_end_date
1329                                        )
1330          LOOP
1331 		--logger ('============================Person Number to be checked   ', rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id);
1332 		--logger ('===========LE   ', rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id);
1334             IF (    l_person_id <> rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1335       AND rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id = g_legal_employer_id
1336                )
1337             THEN
1338                --logger ('Person ID  ', l_person_id);
1339                --logger ('Legal Employer id ', l_legal_employer_id);
1340     IF validate_person_number(rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id,g_person_number) IS NOT NULL
1341     THEN
1342 		--logger ('Person validated  ', rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id);
1343                check_a_taxcard (rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id
1344                                ,l_a_tax_card_or_not
1345                                );
1347                IF l_a_tax_card_or_not > 0
1348                THEN
1349                   SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
1350                     INTO l_actid
1351                     FROM DUAL;
1353                   -- Create the archive assignment action
1354                   hr_nonrun_asact.insact
1355                                        (l_actid
1356                                        ,rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id
1357                                        ,p_payroll_action_id
1358                                        ,p_chunk
1359                                        ,NULL
1360                                        );
1361                -- Create archive to prepayment assignment action interlock
1362                --
1363                --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.prepaid_action_id);
1364                END IF;
1365 END IF;-- person number
1366             l_assignment_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.assignment_id;
1367             l_legal_employer_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.legal_employer_id;
1368             l_person_id := rec_prepaid_assignments.person_id;
1369             END IF;
1372             -- create archive to master assignment action interlock
1373             --hr_nonrun_asact.insint(l_actid,rec_prepaid_assignments.run_action_id);
1374          END LOOP;
1375       END IF;
1377       END IF;                                                   -- for PER_ALL
1379       --logger ('ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_CODE ', '--------------------------------- Ended');
1381       IF g_debug
1382       THEN
1383          hr_utility.set_location
1384                                 (' Leaving Procedure ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_CODE'
1385                                 ,70
1386                                 );
1387       END IF;
1389       WHEN OTHERS
1390       THEN
1391          IF g_debug
1392          THEN
1393             hr_utility.set_location ('error raised assignment_action_code '
1394                                     ,5
1395                                     );
1396          END IF;
1398          RAISE;
1399    END assignment_action_code;
1401 /*fffffffffffffffffffffffffff*/
1404    PROCEDURE initialization_code (p_payroll_action_id IN NUMBER)
1405    IS
1406       l_action_info_id      NUMBER;
1407       l_ovn                 NUMBER;
1408       l_count               NUMBER                     := 0;
1409       l_business_group_id   NUMBER;
1410       l_start_date          VARCHAR2 (20);
1411       l_end_date            VARCHAR2 (20);
1412       l_effective_date      DATE;
1413       l_payroll_id          NUMBER;
1414       l_consolidation_set   NUMBER;
1415       l_le                  NUMBER                     := 0;
1417       CURSOR csr_get_all_legal_employer_id
1418       IS
1419          SELECT o.organization_id
1420            FROM hr_all_organization_units o
1421                ,hr_organization_information hoi1
1422                ,hr_organization_information hoi2
1423           WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
1424             AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
1425             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
1426             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
1427             AND o.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
1428             AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDERS'
1429             AND hoi2.org_information1 = g_income_statement_provider_id
1430             AND o.organization_id =
1431                    DECODE (g_request_for
1432                           ,'ALL_ORG', o.organization_id
1433                           ,g_legal_employer_id
1434                           );
1436  /*     CURSOR csr_get_all_Legal_employer_id
1437       IS
1438       select o.organization_id,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION1,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION2
1439          FROM hr_all_organization_units o
1440               , hr_organization_information hoi1
1441               , hr_organization_information hoi2
1442               , hr_organization_information hoi3
1443           WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
1444             AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
1445             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
1446             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
1447             AND o.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
1448             AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_PROVIDERS'
1449             and hoi2.org_information1 = g_income_statement_provider_id
1450             and o.organization_id = decode(g_request_for,'ALL_ORG',o.organization_id,g_legal_employer_id)
1451             AND o.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
1452             AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_KU10_INFORMATION';
1453 */
1454 /*
1455       CURSOR csr_get_all_info(csr_v_LE_id NUMBER)
1456       IS
1457       select o.organization_id,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION1,hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION2
1458          FROM hr_all_organization_units o
1459               , hr_organization_information hoi1
1460               , hr_organization_information hoi3
1461           WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
1462             AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
1463             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
1464             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
1465             and o.organization_id = csr_v_LE_id
1466             AND o.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
1467             AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_KU10_INFORMATION';
1469 */
1470       CURSOR csr_get_all_info (csr_v_le_id NUMBER, csr_v_code VARCHAR2)
1471       IS
1472          SELECT o.organization_id
1473                ,hoi3.org_information1
1474                ,hoi3.org_information2
1475            FROM hr_all_organization_units o
1476                ,hr_organization_information hoi1
1477                ,hr_organization_information hoi3
1478           WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
1479             AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
1480             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
1481             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
1482             AND o.organization_id = csr_v_le_id
1483             AND o.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
1484 --            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_INC_STMT_KU10_INFORMATION'
1485             AND hoi3.org_information_context IN
1486                    ('SE_INC_STMT_KU10_INFORMATION'
1487                    ,'SE_INC_STMT_KU13_INFORMATION'
1488                    ,'SE_INC_STMT_KU14_INFORMATION'
1489                    )
1490             AND hoi3.org_information1 = csr_v_code;
1492       lr_get_all_info       csr_get_all_info%ROWTYPE;
1494       CURSOR csr_get_all_codes
1495       IS
1496          SELECT   h.lookup_code
1497              FROM hr_lookups h
1498             WHERE h.lookup_type = 'SE_INCOME_STATEMENT_FIELDS'
1499               AND h.lookup_code LIKE 'KU%'
1500               AND h.enabled_flag = 'Y'
1501          ORDER BY h.meaning;
1503       l_temp_counter        VARCHAR2 (200);
1504    BEGIN
1505       --logger ('Initialization Code ', '=====> Started');
1506       g_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
1507       g_business_group_id := NULL;
1508       g_effective_date := NULL;
1509       g_legal_employer_id := NULL;
1510       pay_se_income_statement.get_all_parameters
1511                                              (p_payroll_action_id
1512                                              ,g_business_group_id
1513                                              ,g_effective_date
1514                                              ,g_income_statement_provider_id
1515                                              ,g_request_for
1516                                              ,g_legal_employer_id
1517                                              ,g_income_year
1518                                              ,g_person_for
1519                                              ,g_person_number
1520                                              ,g_sort_order
1521                                              ,g_test_or_production
1522                                              );
1523       g_income_start_date := TO_DATE ('01-01-' || g_income_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1524       g_income_end_date := TO_DATE ('31-12-' || g_income_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1525       --logger ('Initialization Code ', '=====> ; In');
1526       l_count := 1;
1528       FOR row_get_all_legal_employer_id IN csr_get_all_legal_employer_id
1529       LOOP
1530          --logger ('organization_id  '                ,row_get_all_legal_employer_id.organization_id                );
1531          each_field_value (row_get_all_legal_employer_id.organization_id).legal_employer_id :=
1532                                  row_get_all_legal_employer_id.organization_id;
1534 -- each_field_value(row_get_all_Legal_employer_id.organization_id).FIELD_CODE(row_get_all_Legal_employer_id.ORG_INFORMATION1) := row_get_all_Legal_employer_id.ORG_INFORMATION2;
1535          FOR row_get_all_codes IN csr_get_all_codes
1536          LOOP
1537             --logger ('CODE', row_get_all_codes.lookup_code);
1538             lr_get_all_info := NULL;
1540             OPEN csr_get_all_info
1541                               (row_get_all_legal_employer_id.organization_id
1542                               ,row_get_all_codes.lookup_code
1543                               );
1545             FETCH csr_get_all_info
1546              INTO lr_get_all_info;
1548             CLOSE csr_get_all_info;
1550             --logger ('ORG_INFORMATION1  ', lr_get_all_info.org_information1);
1551             each_field_value (row_get_all_legal_employer_id.organization_id).field_code
1552                                                 (row_get_all_codes.lookup_code) :=
1553                                               lr_get_all_info.org_information2;
1554             --logger ('ORG_INFORMATION2  ', lr_get_all_info.org_information2);
1555          END LOOP;
1556 /*
1557         FOR row_get_all_info IN csr_get_all_info(row_get_all_Legal_employer_id.organization_id)
1558         LOOP
1560               logger ('ORG_INFORMATION1  ',row_get_all_info.ORG_INFORMATION1 );
1561  each_field_value(row_get_all_Legal_employer_id.organization_id).FIELD_CODE(row_get_all_info.ORG_INFORMATION1) := row_get_all_info.ORG_INFORMATION2;
1562               logger ('ORG_INFORMATION2  ',row_get_all_info.ORG_INFORMATION2 );
1563 --              l_count := l_count + 1 ;
1564         END LOOP;
1565 */
1566       END LOOP;
1568       l_temp_counter := each_field_value.FIRST;
1570       WHILE l_temp_counter IS NOT NULL
1571       LOOP
1572          --logger ('each__value'                ,each_field_value (l_temp_counter).legal_employer_id                );
1573          l_temp_counter := each_field_value.NEXT (l_temp_counter);
1574       END LOOP;
1576 -- *****************************************************************************
1577    /*   FOR i IN each_field_value.FIRST .. each_field_value.LAST
1578       LOOP
1581         l_LE :=each_field_value (i).LEGAL_EMPLOYER_ID;
1582          logger ('each_field_value    ', l_LE);
1583          l_temp_counter := each_field_value (l_LE).FIELD_CODE.FIRST;
1585         FOR row_get_all_codes IN csr_get_all_codes
1586         LOOP
1588             IF each_field_value(l_LE).FIELD_CODE.EXISTS(row_get_all_codes.LOOKUP_CODE) = FALSE
1589             THEN
1590              logger ('      Is not There',row_get_all_codes.LOOKUP_CODE );
1591                each_field_value(l_LE).FIELD_CODE(row_get_all_codes.LOOKUP_CODE) := NULL;
1592             END IF;
1594           logger ('LooK   ',row_get_all_codes.LOOKUP_CODE );
1595           logger ('Value ',each_field_value(l_LE).FIELD_CODE(row_get_all_codes.LOOKUP_CODE) );
1596          END LOOP;
1597 /*
1598          WHILE l_temp_counter IS NOT NULL
1599          LOOP
1600       logger (   'Vslue',each_field_value (l_LE).FIELD_CODE(l_temp_counter) );
1601       l_temp_counter :=each_field_value (l_LE).FIELD_CODE.NEXT(l_temp_counter);
1602          END LOOP;
1603       END LOOP;*/
1605       -- *****************************************************************************
1606       --logger ('Initialization Code ', '=====> ; after ');
1607 --      logger ('each_field_value (3134).FIELD_CODE(KU10_RENT) ',each_field_value ('3134').--field_code ('KU10_RENT')             );
1608 --      logger ('each_field_value (3134).FIELD_CODE(KU10_RENT) ',each_field_value ('3267').--field_code ('KU10_RENT')            );
1609 /*
1610       FOR i IN each_field_value.FIRST .. each_field_value.LAST
1611       LOOP
1612       logger ('Legal Employer    ', each_field_value (i).LEGAL_EMPLOYER_ID);
1613       END LOOP;
1614   */
1615       --logger ('Initialization Code ', '********> Ended');
1617       WHEN OTHERS
1618       THEN
1619          g_err_num := SQLCODE;
1620          --logger ('Initialization Code ', '********> Errorrr');
1621    END initialization_code;
1624    FUNCTION get_defined_balance_id (p_user_name IN VARCHAR2)
1625       RETURN NUMBER
1626    IS
1627       /* Cursor to retrieve Defined Balance Id */
1628       CURSOR csr_def_bal_id (p_user_name VARCHAR2)
1629       IS
1630          SELECT u.creator_id
1631            FROM ff_user_entities u
1632                ,ff_database_items d
1633           WHERE d.user_name = p_user_name
1634             AND u.user_entity_id = d.user_entity_id
1635             AND (u.legislation_code = 'SE')
1636             AND (u.business_group_id IS NULL)
1637             AND u.creator_type = 'B';
1639       l_defined_balance_id   ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
1640    BEGIN
1641       IF g_debug
1642       THEN
1643          hr_utility.set_location
1644                                 (' Entering Function GET_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID'
1645                                 ,240
1646                                 );
1647       END IF;
1649       OPEN csr_def_bal_id (p_user_name);
1651       FETCH csr_def_bal_id
1652        INTO l_defined_balance_id;
1654       CLOSE csr_def_bal_id;
1656       RETURN l_defined_balance_id;
1658       IF g_debug
1659       THEN
1660          hr_utility.set_location (' Leaving Function GET_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID'
1661                                  ,250
1662                                  );
1663       END IF;
1664    END get_defined_balance_id;
1666    FUNCTION get_defined_balance_value (
1667       p_user_name                IN       VARCHAR2
1668      ,p_in_assignment_id         IN       NUMBER
1669      ,p_in_virtual_date          IN       DATE
1670      ,p_tax_unit_id              IN       NUMBER
1671      ,p_local_unit_id            IN       NUMBER
1672    )
1673       RETURN NUMBER
1674    IS
1675       /* Cursor to retrieve Defined Balance Id */
1676       CURSOR csr_def_bal_id (p_user_name VARCHAR2)
1677       IS
1678          SELECT u.creator_id
1679            FROM ff_user_entities u
1680                ,ff_database_items d
1681           WHERE d.user_name = p_user_name
1682             AND u.user_entity_id = d.user_entity_id
1683             AND (u.legislation_code = 'SE')
1684             AND (u.business_group_id IS NULL)
1685             AND u.creator_type = 'B';
1687       l_defined_balance_id     ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
1688       l_return_balance_value   NUMBER;
1689    BEGIN
1690       IF g_debug
1691       THEN
1692          hr_utility.set_location
1693                              (' Entering Function GET_DEFINED_BALANCE_VALUE'
1694                              ,240
1695                              );
1696       END IF;
1698       OPEN csr_def_bal_id (p_user_name);
1700       FETCH csr_def_bal_id
1701        INTO l_defined_balance_id;
1703       CLOSE csr_def_bal_id;
1705       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('TAX_UNIT_ID', p_tax_unit_id);
1706       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('LOCAL_UNIT_ID', p_local_unit_id);
1707       l_return_balance_value :=
1708 --         TO_CHAR            (
1709 	pay_balance_pkg.get_value
1710                                 (p_defined_balance_id      => l_defined_balance_id
1711                                 ,p_assignment_id           => p_in_assignment_id
1712                                 ,p_virtual_date            => p_in_virtual_date
1713                                 )
1714 --            ,'999999999D99'            )
1715 ;
1716       RETURN l_return_balance_value;
1718       IF g_debug
1719       THEN
1720          hr_utility.set_location
1721                               (' Leaving Function GET_DEFINED_BALANCE_VALUE'
1722                               ,250
1723                               );
1724       END IF;
1725    END get_defined_balance_value;
1727    FUNCTION get_balance_value (
1728       p_balance_type_id          IN       NUMBER
1729      ,p_in_assignment_id         IN       NUMBER
1730      ,p_in_virtual_date          IN       DATE
1731      ,p_tax_unit_id              IN       NUMBER
1732      ,p_local_unit_id            IN       NUMBER
1733    )
1734       RETURN NUMBER
1735    IS
1736       /* Cursor to retrieve Defined Balance Id */
1737       CURSOR csr_def_bal_id (csr_v_balance_type_id NUMBER)
1738       IS
1739          SELECT pd.defined_balance_id
1740            FROM pay_defined_balances pd
1741                ,pay_balance_dimensions pbd
1742           WHERE pd.balance_type_id = csr_v_balance_type_id
1743             AND pbd.balance_dimension_id = pd.balance_dimension_id
1744             AND pbd.legislation_code = 'SE'
1745             AND pbd.database_item_suffix = '_PER_LE_YTD';
1747       l_defined_balance_id     ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
1748       l_return_balance_value   NUMBER;
1749    BEGIN
1750       IF p_balance_type_id IS NOT NULL
1751       THEN
1752          OPEN csr_def_bal_id (p_balance_type_id);
1754          FETCH csr_def_bal_id
1755           INTO l_defined_balance_id;
1757          CLOSE csr_def_bal_id;
1759          IF l_defined_balance_id IS NOT NULL
1760          THEN
1761             pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('TAX_UNIT_ID', p_tax_unit_id);
1762             pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('LOCAL_UNIT_ID', p_local_unit_id);
1763             l_return_balance_value :=
1764 --               TO_CHAR                  (
1765 pay_balance_pkg.get_value
1766                                 (p_defined_balance_id      => l_defined_balance_id
1767                                 ,p_assignment_id           => p_in_assignment_id
1768                                 ,p_virtual_date            => p_in_virtual_date
1769                                 )
1770 --                  ,'999999999D99'        )
1771 ;
1772          END IF;
1773       ELSE
1774          l_return_balance_value := 0;
1775       END IF;
1777       RETURN l_return_balance_value;
1778    END get_balance_value;
1780    /* ARCHIVE CODE */
1781    PROCEDURE archive_code (
1782       p_assignment_action_id     IN       NUMBER
1783      ,p_effective_date           IN       DATE
1784    )
1785    IS
1786       CURSOR csr_get_defined_balance_id (
1787          csr_v_balance_name                  ff_database_items.user_name%TYPE
1788       )
1789       IS
1790          SELECT ue.creator_id
1791            FROM ff_user_entities ue
1792                ,ff_database_items di
1793           WHERE di.user_name = csr_v_balance_name
1794             AND ue.user_entity_id = di.user_entity_id
1795             AND ue.legislation_code = 'SE'
1796             AND ue.business_group_id IS NULL
1797             AND ue.creator_type = 'B';
1799       lr_get_defined_balance_id     csr_get_defined_balance_id%ROWTYPE;
1800       l_actid                       NUMBER;
1801       l_end_date                    per_time_periods.end_date%TYPE;
1802       l_date_earned                 pay_payroll_actions.date_earned%TYPE;
1803       l_effective_date              pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%TYPE;
1804       l_start_date                  per_time_periods.start_date%TYPE;
1805       l_action_info_id              pay_action_information.action_information_id%TYPE;
1806       l_ovn                         pay_action_information.object_version_number%TYPE;
1807       l_flag                        NUMBER                                := 0;
1808       -- The place for Variables which fetches the values to be archived
1809       l_employee_last_name               VARCHAR2 (240);
1810       l_employee_name               VARCHAR2 (240);
1811       l_employee_pin                VARCHAR2 (240);
1812       l_employees_address           VARCHAR2 (240);
1813       l_employees_postalcode        VARCHAR2 (240);
1814       l_employee_postal_address     VARCHAR2 (240);
1815       l_date_of_birth               DATE;      -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
1816       l_month_from                  VARCHAR2 (10);
1817       l_month_to                    VARCHAR2 (10);
1818       l_date_of_correction          VARCHAR2 (50);
1819       l_a_tax_withheld              NUMBER;
1820       l_a_tax_withheld_flag         VARCHAR2 (10);
1821       l_gross_salary                NUMBER;
1822       l_tb_exclusive_car_fuel       NUMBER;
1823       l_tb_exclusive_fuel           NUMBER;
1824       l_rsv_code                    VARCHAR2 (240);
1825       l_number_of_months_car        NUMBER;
1826       l_number_of_kilometers        NUMBER;
1827       l_emp_payment_car             NUMBER;
1828       l_free_fuel_car               NUMBER;
1829       l_compensation_for_expenses   NUMBER;
1830       l_occupational_pension        NUMBER;
1831       l_other_tax_rem               NUMBER;
1832       l_tax_rem_without_sjd         NUMBER;    --EOY 2008
1833       l_tax_rem_paid                NUMBER;
1834       l_not_tax_rem                 NUMBER;
1835       l_certain_deductions          NUMBER;
1836       l_rent                        NUMBER;
1837       l_tax_red_house_ku10          NUMBER;   -- EOY 2008/2009
1838       l_tax_red_rot_ku10            NUMBER;   -- EOY 2009/2010
1839       l_work_site_number            VARCHAR2 (100);
1840       l_free_housing                VARCHAR2 (100);
1841       l_free_meals                  VARCHAR2 (100);
1842       l_free_housing_other41        VARCHAR2 (100);
1843       l_interest                    VARCHAR2 (100);
1844       l_other_benefits              VARCHAR2 (100);
1845       l_benefit_adjusted            VARCHAR2 (100);
1846       l_mileage_allowance           VARCHAR2 (100);
1847       l_per_diem_sweden             VARCHAR2 (100);
1848       l_per_diem_other              VARCHAR2 (100);
1849       l_within_sweden               VARCHAR2 (100);
1850       l_other_countries             VARCHAR2 (100);
1851       l_business_travel_expenses    VARCHAR2 (100);
1852       l_acc_business_travels        VARCHAR2 (100);
1853       l_other_benefits_up65         VARCHAR2 (100);
1854       l_compe_for_expenses_up66     VARCHAR2 (100);
1855       l_tax_rem_paid_up67           VARCHAR2 (100);
1856       l_other_tax_rem_up68          VARCHAR2 (100);
1857       l_tax_rem_without_sjd_up69    VARCHAR2 (100);   ---EOY 2008
1858       l_benefit_as_pension          VARCHAR2 (100);   --EOY 2008
1859       l_benefit_as_pension_flag     VARCHAR2 (100);    --EOY 2008
1860       l_certain_deductions_up70     VARCHAR2 (100);
1861       l_car_ben_ytd                 NUMBER;
1862       l_fuel_ben_ytd                NUMBER;
1863       l_ben_ytd                     NUMBER;
1864       l_primary_local_unit_id       NUMBER;
1865       l_primary_assignment_id       NUMBER;
1866       l_temp                        NUMBER;
1867       l_temp_balance_value          NUMBER;
1868       l_free_housing_other41_flag   VARCHAR2 (240);
1869       l_interest_flag               VARCHAR2 (240);
1870       l_other_benefits_flag         VARCHAR2 (240);
1871       l_busi_travel_expenses_flag   VARCHAR2 (240);
1872       l_acc_business_travels_flag   VARCHAR2 (240);
1873       l_car_elem_end_date           DATE;
1874       l_car_elem_start_date         DATE;
1875       l_car_elem_entry_id           NUMBER;
1876       l_statement_type              VARCHAR2 (240);
1877       l_correction_date             VARCHAR2 (240);
1878       l_tax_country_meaning         VARCHAR2 (240);
1879       l_tax_country_code            VARCHAR2 (240);
1880       l_ftin                        VARCHAR2 (240);
1881       l_work_country_meaning        VARCHAR2 (240);
1882       l_work_country_code           VARCHAR2 (240);
1883       l_work_period                 VARCHAR2 (240);
1884       l_emp_regulation_category     VARCHAR2 (240);
1885       l_emp_regulation_category_code     VARCHAR2 (240);
1886       l_article_details             VARCHAR2 (240);
1887       l_occupational_pension_ku13   NUMBER;
1888       l_compen_for_benefit_ku13     NUMBER;
1889       l_tax_rem_ssc_ku13            NUMBER;
1890       l_not_tax_rem_ku14            NUMBER;
1891       l_occupational_pension_ku14   NUMBER;
1892       l_tax_rem_ssc_ku14            NUMBER;
1893       l_other_tax_rem_ku14          NUMBER;
1894       l_other_tax_rem_ku13          NUMBER;  -- EOY 2008/2009
1895       l_compe_for_expenses_ku14     NUMBER;
1896       l_tax_red_house_ku14          NUMBER;  -- EOY 2008/2009
1897       l_benefit_pen_ku14            NUMBER;  -- EOY 2008/2009
1898       l_benefit_pen_flag_KU14       VARCHAR2 (10); --EOY 2008/2009
1899       l_tax_red_rot_ku14            NUMBER;  -- EOY 2009/2010
1900       l_in_plain_writing_code       VARCHAR2 (240);
1901       l_in_plain_writing_meaning    VARCHAR2 (240);
1902       l_employee_number             VARCHAR2 (240);
1903       l_employee_code               VARCHAR2 (240);
1904       l_action_id                   VARCHAR2 (2);
1905       l_local_unit_id_fetched       NUMBER;
1906       l_eit_local_unit              NUMBER;
1907       l_legal_employer_id_fetched   NUMBER;
1908       -- Temp needed Variables
1909       l_person_id                   per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
1910       l_assignment_id               per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;
1912       -- Temp needed Variables
1914       -- End of place for Variables which fetches the values to be archived
1916       -- The place for Cursor  which fetches the values to be archived
1918       --
1919             -- Cursor to pick up
1920       CURSOR csr_get_person_id (p_asg_act_id NUMBER)
1921       IS
1922          SELECT *
1923            FROM (SELECT   paa.effective_start_date,paa.effective_end_date
1924                          ,paa.person_id
1925                          ,paa.assignment_id
1926                      FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
1927                          ,pay_assignment_actions pac
1928                     WHERE pac.assignment_action_id = p_asg_act_id
1929                       AND paa.assignment_id = pac.assignment_id
1930                       AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
1931                       AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
1932                       AND assignment_status_type_id IN (
1933                              SELECT assignment_status_type_id
1934                                FROM per_assignment_status_types
1935                               WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
1936                                 AND active_flag = 'Y'
1937                                 AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
1938                                          AND business_group_id IS NULL
1939                                         )
1940                                      OR (business_group_id =
1941                                                            g_business_group_id
1942                                         )
1943                                     ))
1944                  ORDER BY paa.effective_start_date DESC)
1945           WHERE ROWNUM < 2;
1947       lr_get_person_id              csr_get_person_id%ROWTYPE;
1949       /* Cursor to retrieve Person Details */
1950       CURSOR csr_get_person_details (
1951          csr_v_person_id                     NUMBER
1952         ,csr_v_effective_date                DATE
1953       )
1954       IS
1955          SELECT pap.last_name
1956                ,pap.pre_name_adjunct
1957                ,pap.first_name
1958                ,pap.national_identifier
1959                ,pap.person_id
1960                ,pap.per_information1
1961                ,ft.territory_short_name
1962                ,ft.territory_code
1963                ,pap.effective_end_date
1964                ,pap.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER
1965 	       ,pap.date_of_birth  -- EOY 2008/2009
1966            FROM per_all_people_f pap
1967                ,fnd_territories_vl ft
1968           WHERE pap.person_id = csr_v_person_id
1969             AND pap.per_information_category = 'SE'
1970             AND ft.obsolete_flag = 'N'
1971             AND ft.territory_code = pap.per_information1
1972             AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
1973                                          AND pap.effective_end_date;
1975 /*         SELECT pap.last_name, pap.pre_name_adjunct, pap.first_name
1976               , pap.national_identifier, pap.person_id
1977            FROM
1978               per_all_people_f pap
1979           WHERE pap.person_id = csr_v_person_id
1980             AND pap.per_information_category = 'SE'
1981             AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
1982                                      AND pap.effective_end_date;
1983 */
1984      lr_get_person_details         csr_get_person_details%ROWTYPE;
1986       CURSOR csr_get_employee_address (
1987          csr_v_person_id                     NUMBER
1988         ,csr_v_effective_date                DATE
1989       )
1990       IS
1991          SELECT address_line1
1992                ,address_line2
1993                ,address_line3
1994                ,postal_code
1995                ,country
1996                ,ft.territory_short_name
1997            FROM per_addresses
1998                ,fnd_territories_vl ft
1999           WHERE business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2000             AND person_id = csr_v_person_id
2001             AND country = ft.territory_code
2002             AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN date_from
2003                                          AND NVL (date_to
2004                                                  ,TO_DATE ('31-12-4712'
2005                                                           ,'DD-MM-YYYY'
2006                                                           )
2007                                                  );
2009       lr_get_employee_address       csr_get_employee_address%ROWTYPE;
2011       CURSOR csr_get_month_to_from (
2012          csr_v_person_id                     NUMBER
2013         ,csr_v_legal_employer                NUMBER
2014       )
2015       IS
2016          SELECT MIN (paa.effective_start_date) effective_start_date
2017                ,MAX (paa.effective_end_date) effective_end_date
2018            FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
2019                ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
2020           WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
2021             AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2022             AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2023             AND assignment_status_type_id IN (
2024                    SELECT assignment_status_type_id
2025                      FROM per_assignment_status_types
2026                     WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
2027                       AND active_flag = 'Y'
2028                       AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
2029                                AND business_group_id IS NULL
2030                               )
2031                            OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
2032                           ))
2033             AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
2034             AND scl.segment2 IN (
2035                    SELECT o1.organization_id
2036                      FROM hr_organization_units o1
2037                          ,hr_organization_information hoi1
2038                          ,hr_organization_information hoi2
2039                          ,hr_organization_information hoi3
2040                     WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2041                       AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
2042                       AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
2043                       AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
2044                       AND NVL (hoi1.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y'
2045                       AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.org_information1
2046                       AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNITS'
2047                       AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
2048                       AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
2049                       AND hoi3.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
2050                       AND hoi3.organization_id = csr_v_legal_employer
2051                       AND NVL (hoi3.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y');
2053       lr_get_month_to_from          csr_get_month_to_from%ROWTYPE;
2055       CURSOR csr_person_correction_date (csr_v_person_id NUMBER)
2056       IS
2057          SELECT pei_information1
2058            FROM per_people_extra_info
2059           WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
2060             AND information_type = 'SE_INC_STMT_DATA_CORRECTION';
2062       lr_person_correction_date     csr_person_correction_date%ROWTYPE;
2064       -- Cursor to pick up segment2
2065       CURSOR csr_get_segment2 (csr_v_effective_date DATE)
2066       IS
2067          SELECT scl.segment2
2068                ,scl.segment8
2069            FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
2070                ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
2071                ,pay_assignment_actions pasa
2072           WHERE pasa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2073             AND pasa.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
2074             AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id
2075             AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN paa.effective_start_date
2076                                          AND paa.effective_end_date;
2078       lr_get_segment2               csr_get_segment2%ROWTYPE;
2080       -- Cursor to pick up LEGAL EMPLOYER
2081       CURSOR csr_find_legal_employer (
2082          csr_v_organization_id               hr_organization_information.organization_id%TYPE
2083       )
2084       IS
2085          SELECT hoi3.organization_id legal_id
2086            FROM hr_all_organization_units o1
2087                ,hr_organization_information hoi1
2088                ,hr_organization_information hoi2
2089                ,hr_organization_information hoi3
2090           WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2091             AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
2092             AND hoi1.organization_id = csr_v_organization_id
2093             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
2094             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
2095             AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.org_information1
2096             AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNITS'
2097             AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
2098             AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
2099             AND hoi3.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER';
2101       lr_find_legal_employer        csr_find_legal_employer%ROWTYPE;
2103 -- Cursor to pick up Local Unit Details
2104       CURSOR csr_local_unit_details (
2105          csr_v_local_unit_id                 hr_organization_information.organization_id%TYPE
2106       )
2107       IS
2108          SELECT o1.NAME
2109                ,hoi2.org_information2
2110            FROM hr_organization_units o1
2111                ,hr_organization_information hoi1
2112                ,hr_organization_information hoi2
2113           WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2114             AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
2115             AND hoi1.organization_id = csr_v_local_unit_id
2116             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
2117             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
2118             AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
2119             AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT_DETAILS';
2121       lr_local_unit_details         csr_local_unit_details%ROWTYPE;
2123       CURSOR csr_get_assignments (csr_v_person_id NUMBER)
2124       IS
2125          SELECT paa.assignment_id
2126                ,paa.effective_start_date
2127                ,paa.effective_end_date
2128                ,scl.segment2
2129            FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
2130                ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
2131           WHERE paa.person_id = csr_v_person_id
2132             AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2133             AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2134             AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN (
2135                    SELECT assignment_status_type_id
2136                      FROM per_assignment_status_types
2137                     WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
2138                       AND active_flag = 'Y'
2139                       AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
2140                                AND business_group_id IS NULL
2141                               )
2142                            OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
2143                           ))
2144             AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
2146       lr_get_assignments            csr_get_assignments%ROWTYPE;
2148       CURSOR csr_get_prim_assignments (csr_v_person_id NUMBER)
2149       IS
2150          SELECT paa.assignment_id
2151                ,paa.effective_start_date
2152                ,paa.effective_end_date
2153                ,scl.segment2
2154            FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
2155                ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
2156           WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
2157             AND paa.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2158             AND paa.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2159             AND paa.primary_flag = 'Y'
2160             AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN (
2161                    SELECT assignment_status_type_id
2162                      FROM per_assignment_status_types
2163                     WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
2164                       AND active_flag = 'Y'
2165                       AND (   (    legislation_code IS NULL
2166                                AND business_group_id IS NULL
2167                               )
2168                            OR (business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
2169                           ))
2170             AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
2172       lr_get_prim_assignments       csr_get_prim_assignments%ROWTYPE;
2174       CURSOR csr_chk_valid_le_lu (
2175          csr_v_local_unit_id                 hr_organization_information.organization_id%TYPE
2176         ,csr_v_legal_employer_id             hr_organization_information.organization_id%TYPE
2177       )
2178       IS
2179          SELECT 'Y' "VALID"
2180            FROM hr_organization_units o1
2181                ,hr_organization_information hoi1
2182                ,hr_organization_information hoi2
2183                ,hr_organization_information hoi3
2184           WHERE o1.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2185             AND hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
2186             AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'SE_LOCAL_UNIT'
2187             AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
2188             AND NVL (hoi1.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y'
2189             AND o1.organization_id = hoi2.org_information1
2190             AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNITS'
2191             AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
2192             AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
2193             AND hoi3.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
2194             AND hoi3.organization_id = csr_v_legal_employer_id
2195             AND NVL (hoi3.org_information2, 'N') = 'Y'
2196             AND o1.organization_id = csr_v_local_unit_id;
2198       lr_chk_valid_le_lu            csr_chk_valid_le_lu%ROWTYPE;
2200       CURSOR csr_get_element_ids
2201       IS
2202          SELECT pet.element_type_id
2203                ,piv.input_value_id
2204                ,pel.element_link_id
2205            FROM pay_element_types_f pet
2206                ,pay_input_values_f piv
2207                ,pay_element_links_f pel
2208           WHERE pet.element_name = 'Tax Card'
2209             AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
2210             AND piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
2211             AND piv.NAME = 'Tax Card Type'
2212             AND pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
2213             AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2214             AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2215             AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2216             AND piv.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2217             AND piv.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2218             AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2219             AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
2221       lr_get_element_ids            csr_get_element_ids%ROWTYPE;
2223       CURSOR csr_get_element_type_id (csr_v_element_name VARCHAR2)
2224       IS
2225          SELECT pet.element_type_id
2226                ,pel.element_link_id
2227            FROM pay_element_types_f pet
2228                ,pay_element_links_f pel
2229           WHERE pet.element_name = csr_v_element_name
2230             AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
2231             AND pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
2232             AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2233             AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2234             AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2235             AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2236             AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
2238       lr_get_element_type_id        csr_get_element_type_id%ROWTYPE;
2240 /*
2241       CURSOR csr_chk_A_taxcard (
2242          csr_v_input_value_id   pay_element_entry_values_f.input_value_id%TYPE
2243          ,csr_v_link_id   pay_element_entries_f.ELEMENT_LINK_ID%TYPE
2244          ,csr_v_type_id   pay_element_entries_f.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID%TYPE
2245          ,csr_v_person_id  NUMBER
2246       ) is
2247 SELECT count('Y') VALID
2248    from pay_element_entries_f pee
2249    , per_all_assignments_f paa
2250     , pay_element_entry_values_f peev
2251    where peev.screen_entry_value ='A'
2252      AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
2253     AND  peev.input_value_id   = csr_v_input_value_id
2256    and pee.ELEMENT_LINK_ID = csr_v_link_id
2257    and paa.ASSIGNMENT_ID = pee.ASSIGNMENT_ID
2258    and pee.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID = csr_v_type_id
2259    and pee.ASSIGNMENT_ID = paa.assignment_id
2260    AND PAA.PERSON_ID = csr_v_person_id
2261    AND PAA.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      = g_business_group_id
2263     AND pee.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  <= g_income_end_date    AND pee.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > = g_income_start_date
2264     AND paa.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  <= g_income_end_date    AND paa.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > = g_income_start_date
2265     AND paa.assignment_status_type_id IN
2266                             (select assignment_status_type_id
2267                                     from per_assignment_status_types
2268                                     where per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
2269                                     and active_flag = 'Y'
2270                                     and (
2271                                           (     legislation_code is null
2272                                             and business_group_id is null
2273                                           )
2274                                         OR
2275                                         (   BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = g_business_group_id )
2276                                         )
2277                                 );
2278 */
2279       CURSOR csr_chk_a_taxcard (
2280          csr_v_input_value_id                pay_element_entry_values_f.input_value_id%TYPE
2281         ,csr_v_link_id                       pay_element_entries_f.element_link_id%TYPE
2282         ,csr_v_type_id                       pay_element_entries_f.element_type_id%TYPE
2283         ,csr_v_prim_assignment_id            NUMBER
2284       )
2285       IS
2286          SELECT COUNT ('Y') valid
2287            FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
2288                ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
2289           WHERE peev.screen_entry_value = 'A'
2290             AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
2291             AND peev.effective_start_date = pee.effective_start_date
2292             AND peev.effective_end_date = pee.effective_end_date
2293             AND peev.input_value_id = csr_v_input_value_id
2294             AND pee.element_link_id = csr_v_link_id
2295             AND pee.element_type_id = csr_v_type_id
2296             AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_prim_assignment_id
2297             AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2298             AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
2300       lr_chk_a_taxcard              csr_chk_a_taxcard%ROWTYPE;
2302 -- *****************************************************************************
2303 -- Income Statement Specification Details
2304       CURSOR csr_person_inc_stmt_spec (
2305          csr_v_person_id                     NUMBER
2306         ,csr_v_information_type              per_people_extra_info.information_type%TYPE
2307       )
2308       IS
2309          SELECT pei_information1
2310                ,pei_information2
2311                ,pei_information3
2312                ,pei_information4
2313                ,pei_information5
2314                ,pei_information6
2315                ,pei_information7
2316                ,pei_information8
2317                ,pei_information9
2318            FROM per_people_extra_info
2319           WHERE person_id = csr_v_person_id
2320             AND information_type = csr_v_information_type;
2322       lr_person_inc_stmt_spec       csr_person_inc_stmt_spec%ROWTYPE;
2324 -- *****************************************************************************
2325       CURSOR csr_get_ben_elem_type_id (
2326          csr_v_assignment_id                 NUMBER
2327         ,csr_v_elem_code                     VARCHAR2
2328         ,csr_v_category                      VARCHAR2
2329       )
2330       IS
2331          SELECT pet.element_type_id
2332                ,pel.element_link_id
2333                ,pee.element_entry_id
2334            FROM pay_element_types_f pet
2335                ,pay_element_links_f pel
2336                ,pay_element_entries_f pee
2337           WHERE pel.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
2338             AND (pet.legislation_code = 'SE' OR pet.legislation_code IS NULL
2339                 )
2340             AND pel.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2341             AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2342             AND pet.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2343             AND pel.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2344             AND pel.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2345             AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2346             AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2347             AND pet.element_information1 = csr_v_elem_code
2348             AND pet.element_information_category = csr_v_category
2349             AND pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
2350             AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_assignment_id;
2352       CURSOR csr_get_elem_processed (csr_v_element_entry_id NUMBER)
2353       IS
2354          SELECT 'Y' "PROCESSED"
2355            FROM pay_run_results prr
2356                ,pay_element_entries_f pee
2357           WHERE pee.element_entry_id =
2358                                   csr_v_element_entry_id
2359                                                         --p_p_element_entry_id
2360             /*and     p_effective_date*  between pee.effective_start_date
2361                                          and pee.effective_end_date*/
2362             AND pee.effective_start_date BETWEEN g_income_start_date
2363                                              AND g_income_end_date
2364             AND pee.effective_end_date BETWEEN g_income_start_date
2365                                            AND g_income_end_date
2366             AND prr.source_id = pee.element_entry_id
2367             AND prr.entry_type = pee.entry_type
2368             AND prr.source_type = 'E'
2369             AND prr.status <> 'U'
2370             AND NOT EXISTS (
2371                    SELECT 1
2372                      FROM pay_run_results sub_rr
2373                     WHERE sub_rr.source_id = prr.run_result_id
2374                       AND sub_rr.source_type IN ('R', 'V'));
2376       CURSOR csr_get_car_elem (csr_v_assignment_id NUMBER)
2377       IS
2378          SELECT   pee.element_entry_id
2379                  ,pet.element_name
2380                  ,pee.effective_start_date
2381                  ,pee.effective_end_date
2382              FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
2383                  ,pay_element_types_f pet
2384             WHERE pet.element_name = 'Car Benefit'
2385               AND pet.legislation_code = 'SE'
2386               AND pee.assignment_id = csr_v_assignment_id
2387               AND pee.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
2388               AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2389               AND pee.effective_end_date >= g_income_start_date
2390               AND pet.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2391               AND pet.effective_end_date >= g_income_start_date
2392          ORDER BY pee.effective_end_date DESC;
2394       lr_get_car_elem               csr_get_car_elem%ROWTYPE;
2396       CURSOR csr_get_car_elem_details (
2397                                        --csr_v_assignment_id  NUMBER      , Not Needed now
2398                                        csr_v_ee_id NUMBER)
2399       IS
2400          SELECT pee.element_entry_id
2401                ,pee.effective_start_date
2402                ,pee.effective_end_date
2403                ,peev.screen_entry_value
2404            FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
2405                ,pay_input_values_f piv
2406                ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
2407           WHERE pee.element_entry_id = csr_v_ee_id
2408             AND piv.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
2409             AND piv.NAME = 'RSV Code'
2410             AND peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
2411             AND peev.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
2412 -- AND pee.ASSIGNMENT_ID = csr_v_assignment_id Not Needed now.
2413             AND pee.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2414             AND pee.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date
2415             AND piv.effective_start_date <= g_income_end_date
2416             AND piv.effective_end_date > = g_income_start_date;
2418       lr_get_car_elem_details       csr_get_car_elem_details%ROWTYPE;
2419       -- End of Cursors
2420       l_period_start_date           DATE;
2421       l_period_end_date             DATE;
2422       l_effective_end_date DATE;
2423 -- Cursor to pick up the Absence details
2424 --#########################################
2426    -- End of place for Cursor  which fetches the values to be archived
2427    BEGIN
2428       IF g_debug
2429       THEN
2430          hr_utility.set_location (' Entering Procedure ARCHIVE_CODE', 380);
2431       END IF;
2433       --logger ('ARCHIVE_CODE ', '--------------------------------Started');
2434       --logger ('p_assignment_action_id ', p_assignment_action_id);
2435       --logger ('p_effective_date ', p_effective_date);
2437       OPEN csr_get_person_id (p_assignment_action_id);
2439       FETCH csr_get_person_id
2440        INTO lr_get_person_id;
2442       CLOSE csr_get_person_id;
2444       l_person_id := lr_get_person_id.person_id;
2445       l_effective_date :=
2446          GREATEST (lr_get_person_id.effective_start_date, g_income_start_date);
2447       l_assignment_id := lr_get_person_id.assignment_id;
2448       --logger ('l_person_id ', l_person_id);
2449       --logger ('l_effective_date ', l_effective_date);
2450       --logger ('l_assignment_id ', l_assignment_id);
2452       OPEN csr_get_prim_assignments (l_person_id);
2454       FETCH csr_get_prim_assignments
2455        INTO lr_get_prim_assignments;
2457       CLOSE csr_get_prim_assignments;
2459       l_primary_local_unit_id := lr_get_prim_assignments.segment2;
2460       l_primary_assignment_id := lr_get_prim_assignments.assignment_id;
2462 -- *****************************************************************************
2463 -- TO pick up the Local Unit
2464       OPEN csr_get_segment2 (l_effective_date);
2466       FETCH csr_get_segment2
2467        INTO lr_get_segment2;
2469       CLOSE csr_get_segment2;
2471       l_local_unit_id_fetched := lr_get_segment2.segment2;
2473       OPEN csr_find_legal_employer (l_local_unit_id_fetched);
2475       FETCH csr_find_legal_employer
2476        INTO lr_find_legal_employer;
2478       CLOSE csr_find_legal_employer;
2480       l_legal_employer_id_fetched := lr_find_legal_employer.legal_id;
2481 -- *****************************************************************************
2482       --logger ('==============PERSON================== ', '=');
2484 -- *****************************************************************************
2485    -- TO pick up the PIN
2486       OPEN csr_get_person_details (l_person_id, l_effective_date);
2488       FETCH csr_get_person_details
2489        INTO lr_get_person_details;
2491       CLOSE csr_get_person_details;
2492     l_effective_end_date :=lr_get_person_details.effective_end_date;
2493       l_employee_pin := lr_get_person_details.national_identifier;
2494       --logger ('l_employee_pin ', l_employee_pin);
2495       l_employee_last_name := lr_get_person_details.last_name;
2496       --logger ('l_employee_last_name ', l_employee_last_name);
2497       l_employee_number := lr_get_person_details.employee_number;
2498       --logger ('l_employee_number ', l_employee_number);
2500 --********************************************************************************--
2501       -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
2502       --Date of Birth is tracked for changes in field 31 and 32
2503       -- where Special job Deduction is not longer in use for persons
2504       -- born 1937 or earlier.
2505       -- Salary for persons born 1937 or earlier should be reported in field 31
2506       l_date_of_birth := lr_get_person_details.date_of_birth;
2508 --*********************************************************************************--
2510       l_employee_name :=
2511             lr_get_person_details.last_name
2512          || ' '
2513          || lr_get_person_details.first_name;
2514       --logger ('l_employee_name ', l_employee_name);
2515       l_in_plain_writing_meaning := lr_get_person_details.territory_short_name;
2516       --logger ('l_In_plain_Writing_meaning ', l_in_plain_writing_meaning);
2517       l_in_plain_writing_code := lr_get_person_details.territory_code;
2518       --logger ('l_In_plain_Writing_code ', l_in_plain_writing_code);
2520 -- *****************************************************************************
2521       OPEN csr_get_employee_address (l_person_id, l_effective_date);
2523       FETCH csr_get_employee_address
2524        INTO lr_get_employee_address;
2526       CLOSE csr_get_employee_address;
2528       l_employees_address :=
2529             lr_get_employee_address.address_line1
2530          || ' '
2531          || lr_get_employee_address.address_line2
2532          || ' '
2533          || lr_get_employee_address.address_line3;
2534       l_employees_postalcode := lr_get_employee_address.postal_code;
2535       -- Bug#8849455 fix Added space between 3 and 4 digits in postal code
2536       l_employees_postalcode := substr(l_employees_postalcode,1,3)||' '||substr(l_employees_postalcode,4,2);
2537       l_employee_postal_address :=
2538                                   lr_get_employee_address.territory_short_name;
2540 -- *****************************************************************************
2541       OPEN csr_get_month_to_from (l_person_id, l_legal_employer_id_fetched);
2543       FETCH csr_get_month_to_from
2544        INTO lr_get_month_to_from;
2546       CLOSE csr_get_month_to_from;
2548       l_month_from :=
2549          TO_CHAR (GREATEST (g_income_start_date
2550                            ,lr_get_month_to_from.effective_start_date
2551                            )
2552                  ,'MM'
2553                  );
2554       l_month_to :=
2555          TO_CHAR (LEAST (g_income_end_date
2556                         ,lr_get_month_to_from.effective_end_date
2557                         )
2558                  ,'MM'
2559                  );
2560       --logger ('l_month_from ', l_month_from);
2561       --logger ('l_month_to ', l_month_to);
2562 -- *****************************************************************************
2563 /*      OPEN csr_Person_correction_date (l_person_id);
2564       FETCH csr_Person_correction_date    INTO lr_Person_correction_date;
2565       CLOSE csr_Person_correction_date;
2567 l_date_of_correction := lr_Person_correction_date.PEI_INFORMATION1;
2568       logger ('l_date_of_correction ', l_date_of_correction);
2569 */
2570 -- *****************************************************************************
2571       l_free_housing_other41_flag := 'N';
2572       l_interest_flag := 'N';
2573       l_other_benefits_flag := 'N';
2574       l_busi_travel_expenses_flag := 'N';
2575       l_acc_business_travels_flag := 'N';
2576       l_car_elem_end_date := NULL;
2577       l_car_elem_start_date := NULL;
2578       l_car_elem_entry_id := NULL;
2579 -- Amount of A-tax withheld
2580 -- With this Person id and Legal employer id.
2581 -- find all the assignment for this person for this legal employer
2582 -- for these assignments find the tax card element .
2583 -- if any of these elements is having value A-Tax Card
2584 -- populate this from " Employee Taxable Base PER_LE_YTD "
2585       l_a_tax_withheld_flag := 'N';
2587       FOR row_get_assignments IN csr_get_assignments (l_person_id)
2588       LOOP
2589 -- *****************************************************************************
2590 -- A Tax card field
2591 -- *****************************************************************************
2592          OPEN csr_chk_valid_le_lu (row_get_assignments.segment2
2593                                   ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
2594                                   );
2596          FETCH csr_chk_valid_le_lu
2597           INTO lr_chk_valid_le_lu;
2599          CLOSE csr_chk_valid_le_lu;
2601 -- *****************************************************************************
2602          IF lr_chk_valid_le_lu.valid = 'Y'
2603          THEN
2604  /*
2605 -- *****************************************************************************
2607 -- *****************************************************************************
2608         IF l_A_TAX_WITHHELD_FLAG <> 'Y'
2609             THEN
2611       OPEN csr_get_element_ids ;
2612       FETCH csr_get_element_ids    INTO lr_get_element_ids;
2613       CLOSE csr_get_element_ids;
2615       OPEN csr_chk_A_taxcard(
2616         lr_get_element_ids.input_value_id
2617       , lr_get_element_ids.ELEMENT_LINK_ID
2618       , lr_get_element_ids.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
2619       , l_primary_assignment_id
2620       ) ;
2621       FETCH csr_chk_A_taxcard    INTO lr_chk_A_taxcard;
2622       CLOSE csr_chk_A_taxcard;
2624         IF lr_chk_A_taxcard.VALID > 0
2625         THEN
2626             l_A_TAX_WITHHELD := --TO_CHAR
2627             round(get_defined_balance_value
2628                               ('EMPLOYEE_TAX_PER_LE_YTD'
2629                              , l_assignment_id
2630                              , g_income_end_date
2631                              , l_legal_employer_id_fetched
2632                              , NULL
2633                               )
2634 --           , '999999999D99'
2635             );
2636             l_A_TAX_WITHHELD_FLAG := 'Y';
2637         END IF;
2639 END IF;
2640 */
2641 -- *****************************************************************************
2642 -- *****************************************************************************
2643 -- *****************************************************************************
2644 -- END OF A Tax card field
2645 -- *****************************************************************************
2646             --logger ('row_get_assignments.assignment_id '                   ,row_get_assignments.assignment_id                   );
2648 -- *****************************************************************************
2649 -- free_housing_other41
2650 -- *****************************************************************************
2651             IF l_free_housing_other41_flag <> 'Y'
2652             THEN
2653                FOR row_ben_elem_type_id IN
2654                   csr_get_ben_elem_type_id
2655                                           (row_get_assignments.assignment_id
2656                                           ,'43'
2657                                           ,'SE_BENEFITS IN KIND'
2658                                           )
2659                LOOP
2660                   --logger ('row_ben_elem_type_id ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID '                         ,row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id                         );
2662                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
2663                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
2664                   IF l_free_housing_other41_flag <> 'Y'
2665                   THEN
2666                      FOR row_get_elem_processed IN
2667                         csr_get_elem_processed
2668                                        (row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id)
2669                      LOOP
2670                         IF row_get_elem_processed.processed = 'Y'
2671                         THEN
2672                            l_free_housing_other41_flag := 'Y';
2673                            --logger ('free_housing_other41_flag '                                  ,l_free_housing_other41_flag                                  );
2674                         END IF;
2676                         EXIT WHEN l_free_housing_other41_flag = 'Y';
2677                      END LOOP;
2678                   END IF;
2680                   EXIT WHEN l_free_housing_other41_flag = 'Y';
2681                END LOOP;
2682             END IF;
2684 -- *****************************************************************************
2685 -- END OF free_housing_other41
2686 -- *****************************************************************************
2687 -- *****************************************************************************
2688 -- l_interest
2689 -- *****************************************************************************
2690             IF l_interest_flag <> 'Y'
2691             THEN
2692                FOR row_ben_elem_type_id IN
2693                   csr_get_ben_elem_type_id
2694                                           (row_get_assignments.assignment_id
2695                                           ,'44'
2696                                           ,'SE_BENEFITS IN KIND'
2697                                           )
2698                LOOP
2699                   --logger ('row_ben_elem_type_id ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID '                         ,row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id                         );
2701                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
2702                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
2703                   IF l_interest_flag <> 'Y'
2704                   THEN
2705                      FOR row_get_elem_processed IN
2706                         csr_get_elem_processed
2707                                        (row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id)
2708                      LOOP
2709                         IF row_get_elem_processed.processed = 'Y'
2710                         THEN
2711                            l_interest_flag := 'Y';
2712                            --logger ('l_interest_flag ', l_interest_flag);
2713                         END IF;
2715                         EXIT WHEN l_interest_flag = 'Y';
2716                      END LOOP;
2717                   END IF;
2719                   EXIT WHEN l_interest_flag = 'Y';
2720                END LOOP;
2721             END IF;
2723 -- *****************************************************************************
2724 -- END OF l_interest
2725 -- *****************************************************************************
2727             -- *****************************************************************************
2728 -- l_Other_benefits_flag
2729 -- *****************************************************************************
2730             IF l_other_benefits_flag <> 'Y'
2731             THEN
2732                FOR row_ben_elem_type_id IN
2733                   csr_get_ben_elem_type_id
2734                                           (row_get_assignments.assignment_id
2735                                           ,'47'
2736                                           ,'SE_BENEFITS IN KIND'
2737                                           )
2738                LOOP
2739                   --logger ('row_ben_elem_type_id ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID '                         ,row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id                         );
2741                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
2742                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
2743                   IF l_other_benefits_flag <> 'Y'
2744                   THEN
2745                      FOR row_get_elem_processed IN
2746                         csr_get_elem_processed
2747                                        (row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id)
2748                      LOOP
2749                         IF row_get_elem_processed.processed = 'Y'
2750                         THEN
2751                            l_other_benefits_flag := 'Y';
2752                            --logger ('l_Other_benefits_flag '                                  ,l_other_benefits_flag                                  );
2753                         END IF;
2755                         EXIT WHEN l_other_benefits_flag = 'Y';
2756                      END LOOP;
2757                   END IF;
2759                   EXIT WHEN l_other_benefits_flag = 'Y';
2760                END LOOP;
2761             END IF;
2763 -- *****************************************************************************
2764 -- END OF l_Other_benefits_flag
2765 -- *****************************************************************************
2767             -- *****************************************************************************
2768 -- l_Busi_travel_expenses_flag
2769 -- *****************************************************************************
2770             IF l_busi_travel_expenses_flag <> 'Y'
2771             THEN
2772                FOR row_ben_elem_type_id IN
2773                   csr_get_ben_elem_type_id
2774                                           (row_get_assignments.assignment_id
2775                                           ,'55'
2776                                           ,'SE_TAXABLE EXPENSES'
2777                                           )
2778                LOOP
2779                   --logger ('row_ben_elem_type_id ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID '                         ,row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id                         );
2781                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
2782                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
2783                   IF l_busi_travel_expenses_flag <> 'Y'
2784                   THEN
2785                      FOR row_get_elem_processed IN
2786                         csr_get_elem_processed
2787                                        (row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id)
2788                      LOOP
2789                         IF row_get_elem_processed.processed = 'Y'
2790                         THEN
2791                            l_busi_travel_expenses_flag := 'Y';
2792                            --logger ('l_Busi_travel_expenses_flag '                                  ,l_busi_travel_expenses_flag                                  );
2793                         END IF;
2795                         EXIT WHEN l_busi_travel_expenses_flag = 'Y';
2796                      END LOOP;
2797                   END IF;
2799                   EXIT WHEN l_busi_travel_expenses_flag = 'Y';
2800                END LOOP;
2801             END IF;
2803 -- *****************************************************************************
2804 -- END OF l_Busi_travel_expenses_flag
2805 -- *****************************************************************************
2807             -- *****************************************************************************
2808 -- l_Acc_business_travels_flag
2809 -- *****************************************************************************
2810             IF l_acc_business_travels_flag <> 'Y'
2811             THEN
2812                FOR row_ben_elem_type_id IN
2813                   csr_get_ben_elem_type_id
2814                                           (row_get_assignments.assignment_id
2815                                           ,'56'
2816                                           ,'SE_TAXABLE EXPENSES'
2817                                           )
2818                LOOP
2819                   --logger ('row_ben_elem_type_id ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID '                         ,row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id                         );
2821                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
2822                   -- row_ben_elem_type_id.ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
2823                   IF l_acc_business_travels_flag <> 'Y'
2824                   THEN
2825                      FOR row_get_elem_processed IN
2826                         csr_get_elem_processed
2827                                        (row_ben_elem_type_id.element_entry_id)
2828                      LOOP
2829                         IF row_get_elem_processed.processed = 'Y'
2830                         THEN
2831                            l_acc_business_travels_flag := 'Y';
2832                            --logger ('l_Acc_business_travels_flag '                                  ,l_acc_business_travels_flag                                  );
2833                         END IF;
2835                         EXIT WHEN l_acc_business_travels_flag = 'Y';
2836                      END LOOP;
2837                   END IF;
2839                   EXIT WHEN l_acc_business_travels_flag = 'Y';
2840                END LOOP;
2841             END IF;
2843 -- *****************************************************************************
2844 -- END OF l_Busi_travel_expenses_flag
2845 -- *****************************************************************************
2847             -- *****************************************************************************
2849 -- *****************************************************************************
2850             --logger ('FOR EACH.assignment_id '                   ,row_get_assignments.assignment_id                   );
2851             lr_get_car_elem := NULL;
2853             OPEN csr_get_car_elem (row_get_assignments.assignment_id);
2855             FETCH csr_get_car_elem
2856              INTO lr_get_car_elem;
2858             CLOSE csr_get_car_elem;
2860             --logger ('lr_get_Car_elem.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE  '                   ,lr_get_car_elem.effective_end_date                   );
2861             --logger ('lr_get_Car_elem.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  '                   ,lr_get_car_elem.effective_start_date                   );
2862             --logger ('lr_get_Car_elem.ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID  '                   ,lr_get_car_elem.element_entry_id                   );
2864             /* For the firsttime the value has to be put in variables ;)*/
2865             IF l_car_elem_end_date IS NULL
2866             THEN
2867                l_car_elem_end_date := lr_get_car_elem.effective_end_date;
2868                l_car_elem_start_date := lr_get_car_elem.effective_start_date;
2869                l_car_elem_entry_id := lr_get_car_elem.element_entry_id;
2870             /* From the next-time the value has to be put in variables after comparing ;)*/
2871             ELSIF     lr_get_car_elem.effective_end_date IS NOT NULL
2872                   AND lr_get_car_elem.effective_end_date > l_car_elem_end_date
2873             THEN
2874                l_car_elem_end_date := lr_get_car_elem.effective_end_date;
2875                l_car_elem_start_date := lr_get_car_elem.effective_start_date;
2876                l_car_elem_entry_id := lr_get_car_elem.element_entry_id;
2877             END IF;
2878 -- *****************************************************************************
2880 -- *****************************************************************************
2881          END IF;                                        -- for valid LE nad LE
2882       END LOOP;
2884       --logger ('l_free_housing_flag ', l_free_housing_other41_flag);
2885       --logger ('l_interest_flag ', l_interest_flag);
2886       --logger ('l_Other_benefits_flag ', l_other_benefits_flag);
2887       --logger ('l_Busi_travel_expenses_flag ', l_busi_travel_expenses_flag);
2888       --logger ('l_Acc_business_travels_flag ', l_acc_business_travels_flag);
2889       --logger ('l_car_elem_end_date ', l_car_elem_end_date);
2890       --logger ('l_car_elem_start_date ', l_car_elem_start_date);
2891       --logger ('l_car_elem_entry_id ', l_car_elem_entry_id);
2892       --logger ('Balance ', 'Values');
2893       --logger ('l_assignment_id ', l_assignment_id);
2894       --logger ('g_income_end_date ', g_income_end_date);
2895       --logger ('l_legal_employer_id_fetched ', l_legal_employer_id_fetched);
2896 -- *****************************************************************************
2897 -- Employer Taxable Base PER_LE_YTD
2898 g_income_end_date := least(l_effective_end_date,g_income_end_date);
2899       --logger ('After Least g_income_end_date ', g_income_end_date);
2900       l_a_tax_withheld :=
2901 --         TO_CHAR
2902               round(get_defined_balance_value ('EMPLOYEE_TAX_PER_LE_YTD'
2903                                          ,l_assignment_id
2904                                          ,g_income_end_date
2905                                          ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
2906                                          ,NULL
2907                                          )
2908 --              ,'999999999D99'
2909               );
2910       --logger ('l_A_TAX_WITHHELD ', l_a_tax_withheld);
2911 -- *****************************************************************************
2912 -- Gross salary get from Taxable Base PER_LE_YTD
2913       l_gross_salary :=
2914 --         TO_CHAR
2915  round(get_defined_balance_value ('GROSS_SALARY_PER_LE_YTD'
2916                                             ,l_assignment_id
2917                                             ,g_income_end_date
2918                                             ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
2919                                             ,NULL
2920                                             )
2921 --                 ,'999999999D99'
2922                  );
2923       --logger ('l_gross_salary ', l_gross_salary);
2924 -- *****************************************************************************
2925 --Taxable benefits exclusive of employer-provided car and fuel
2926 -- get from Using Balance:
2927 -- Benefits in Kind PER_LE_YTD -
2928 -- ( Car Benefit in Kind PER_LE_YTD + Fuel Benefit in Kind PER_LE_YTD )
2929       l_ben_ytd :=
2930 --         TO_CHAR
2931 round(get_defined_balance_value ('BENEFITS_IN_KIND_PER_LE_YTD'
2932                                             ,l_assignment_id
2933                                             ,g_income_end_date
2934                                             ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
2935                                             ,NULL
2936                                             )
2937 --                 ,'999999999D99'
2938                  );
2939       --logger ('l_ben_ytd ', l_ben_ytd);
2940       l_car_ben_ytd :=
2941 --         TO_CHAR
2942                 round(get_defined_balance_value ('CAR_BENEFIT_IN_KIND_PER_LE_YTD'
2943                                            ,l_assignment_id
2944                                            ,g_income_end_date
2945                                            ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
2946                                            ,NULL
2947                                            )
2948   --              ,'999999999D99'
2949                 );
2950       --logger ('l_car_ben_YTD ', l_car_ben_ytd);
2951       l_fuel_ben_ytd :=
2952 --         TO_CHAR
2953                round(get_defined_balance_value ('FUEL_BENEFIT_IN_KIND_PER_LE_YTD'
2954                                           ,l_assignment_id
2955                                           ,g_income_end_date
2956                                           ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
2957                                           ,NULL
2958                                           )
2959 --               ,'999999999D99'
2960                );
2961       --logger ('l_fuel_ben_YTD ', l_fuel_ben_ytd);
2962       l_tb_exclusive_car_fuel := l_ben_ytd - (l_car_ben_ytd + l_fuel_ben_ytd);
2963       --logger ('l_tb_exclusive_car_fuel ', l_tb_exclusive_car_fuel);
2964 -- *****************************************************************************
2965 -- Taxable benefit of employer-provided car exclusive of fuel
2966 -- Using Balance: Car Benefit in Kind PER_LE_YTD
2967       l_tb_exclusive_fuel := l_car_ben_ytd;
2968       --logger ('l_tb_exclusive_fuel ', l_tb_exclusive_fuel);
2970 -- *****************************************************************************
2971 -- RSV-code of employer-provided car
2972 -- the "Car Benefit" Element input value RSV Code.
2973 -- For the given person id and Legal employer and income year
2974 -- all assignments under the above condition
2975 -- find last element entry in these assignments
2976 -- get the input value
2977       IF l_car_elem_entry_id IS NOT NULL
2978       THEN
2979          lr_get_car_elem_details := NULL;
2981          OPEN csr_get_car_elem_details (l_car_elem_entry_id);
2983          FETCH csr_get_car_elem_details
2984           INTO lr_get_car_elem_details;
2986          CLOSE csr_get_car_elem_details;
2988          l_rsv_code := lr_get_car_elem_details.screen_entry_value;
2989          l_car_elem_end_date := LEAST (l_car_elem_end_date, g_income_end_date);
2990          l_car_elem_start_date :=
2991                          GREATEST (l_car_elem_start_date, g_income_start_date);
2992       ELSE
2993          l_rsv_code := NULL;
2994       END IF;
2996       --logger ('l_rsv_code ', l_rsv_code);
2997 -- *****************************************************************************
2998 -- Number of months with employer-provided car
2999 -- Using Element: Car Benefit
3000 -- Using the Start -  End Dates - Report Number of Months
3001 -- (Only, if less than 12 Months)
3002 -- Note: Part of month should be calculated as whole month.
3003       --logger ('l_car_elem_end_date ', l_car_elem_end_date);
3004       --logger ('l_car_elem_start_date ', l_car_elem_start_date);
3005       --logger ('last_day(l_car_elem_end_date) '             ,LAST_DAY (l_car_elem_end_date));
3006       --logger ('trunc(l_car_elem_start_date,) '             ,TRUNC (l_car_elem_start_date, 'MM')             );
3007       l_number_of_months_car :=
3008          CEIL (MONTHS_BETWEEN (LAST_DAY (l_car_elem_end_date)
3009                               ,TRUNC (l_car_elem_start_date, 'MM')
3010                               )
3011               );
3012       --logger ('l_number_of_months_car ', l_number_of_months_car);
3013 -- *****************************************************************************
3014 -- Number of kilometers with mileage allowance for employer-provided car
3015 -- Using Balance : Cumulative Distance
3016 --
3017       l_number_of_kilometers :=
3018 --         TO_CHAR
3019                 round(get_defined_balance_value ('CUMULATIVE_DISTANCE_PER_LE_YTD'
3020                                            ,l_assignment_id
3021                                            ,g_income_end_date
3022                                            ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3023                                            ,NULL
3024                                            )
3025 --                ,'999999999D99'
3026                 );
3027       --logger ('l_number_of_kilometers ', l_number_of_kilometers);
3028 -- *****************************************************************************
3029 -- Employee's payment for employer-provided car.
3030 -- Using Balance : Car Benefit in Kind
3031       l_emp_payment_car := l_car_ben_ytd;
3032 -- *****************************************************************************
3033 -- Free fuel in connection with employer-provided car
3034 -- Using Balance: Fuel Benefit in Kind PER_LE_YTD
3035       l_free_fuel_car := l_fuel_ben_ytd;
3036 -- *****************************************************************************
3037 -- Compensation for expenses not ticked in boxes at codes 50-56
3038 -- Pick up from the EIT
3040       --l_compensation_for_expenses := 0 ;
3041       --logger ('l_legal_employer_id_fetched ', l_legal_employer_id_fetched);
3042       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_CFE) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU10_CFE')         );
3043       l_temp :=
3044          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU10_CFE');
3045       l_compensation_for_expenses :=
3046 --         TO_CHAR
3047 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3048                                     ,l_assignment_id
3049                                     ,g_income_end_date
3050                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3051                                     ,NULL
3052                                     )
3053   --               ,'999999999D99'
3054                  );
3055       --logger ('l_compensation_for_expenses ', l_compensation_for_expenses);
3056 -- *****************************************************************************
3057 -- Occupational pension
3058 -- Pick up from the EIT
3060       --l_Occupational_pension := 0 ;
3061       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_OCP) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU10_OCP')         );
3062       l_temp :=
3063          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU10_OCP');
3064       l_occupational_pension :=
3065 --         TO_CHAR
3066 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3067                                     ,l_assignment_id
3068                                     ,g_income_end_date
3069                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3070                                     ,NULL
3071                                     )
3072   --               ,'999999999D99'
3073                  );
3074       --logger ('l_Occupational_pension ', l_occupational_pension);
3075 -- *****************************************************************************
3076 --Other Taxable Remunerations
3077 --Taxable remunerations for which social security contributions are not paid.
3078 -- Pick up from the EIT
3079       l_other_tax_rem := 0;
3080       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_OTR) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU10_OTR')         );
3081       l_temp :=
3082          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU10_OTR');
3083       l_other_tax_rem :=
3084 --         TO_CHAR
3085 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3086                                     ,l_assignment_id
3087                                     ,g_income_end_date
3088                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3089                                     ,NULL
3090                                     )
3091   --               ,'999999999D99'
3092                  );
3094 -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
3095 -- Persons born 1937 or earlier do not pay Special Income tax or Social security contribution,
3096 -- and should therefore be included in field 31.
3097 -- Salary for persons born 1937 or earlier should be reported in field 31
3098 	IF l_date_of_birth < to_date('01-01-1938','DD-MM-YYYY')
3099         THEN
3100 	l_other_tax_rem := l_other_tax_rem + l_gross_salary;
3102         END IF ;
3103 -- End changes 2008/2009
3104       --logger ('l_other_tax_rem ', l_other_tax_rem);
3105 -- *****************************************************************************
3106 --Other Taxable Remunerations
3107 --Taxable remunerations for which social security contributions are not paid
3108 -- and which are not entitled to Special Job Deduction
3109 -- Pick up from the EIT
3110       l_tax_rem_without_sjd := 0;
3111       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_OTRSJD) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU10_OTRSJD')         );
3112       l_temp :=
3113          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU10_OTRSJD');
3114       l_tax_rem_without_sjd :=
3115 --         TO_CHAR
3116 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3117                                     ,l_assignment_id
3118                                     ,g_income_end_date
3119                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3120                                     ,NULL
3121                                     )
3122   --               ,'999999999D99'
3123                  );
3125 -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
3126 -- Special job deductions is no longer in use for persons born 1937 or earliser
3127 	IF l_date_of_birth < to_date('01-01-1938','DD-MM-YYYY')
3128         THEN
3129         l_tax_rem_without_sjd := 0 ;
3130         END IF ;
3131       --logger ('l_tax_rem_without_sjd ', l_tax_rem_without_sjd);
3132 -- *****************************************************************************
3133 -- *****************************************************************************
3134 --Benefits As Pension
3135 --If Benefit is Given As Pension the box will be ticked
3136 -- Pick up from the EIT
3137 -- Check Box
3138       l_benefit_as_pension := 0;
3139       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_BENPEN) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU10_BENPEN')         );
3140       l_temp :=
3141          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU10_BENPEN');
3142       l_benefit_as_pension :=
3143 --         TO_CHAR
3144 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3145                                     ,l_assignment_id
3146                                     ,g_income_end_date
3147                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3148                                     ,NULL
3149                                     )
3150   --               ,'999999999D99'
3151                  );
3152 	IF l_benefit_as_pension > 0
3153       THEN
3154          l_benefit_as_pension_flag := 'Y';
3155       ELSE
3156          l_benefit_as_pension_flag := 'N';
3157       END IF;
3159       --logger ('l_benefit_as_pension ', l_benefit_as_pension);
3160       --logger ('l_benefit_as_pension_flag', l_benefit_as_pension_flag);
3161       -- *****************************************************************************
3162 --Taxable remunerations for which the employee pays social security contributions.
3163 -- Pick up from the EIT
3164       l_tax_rem_paid := 0;
3165       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_TRSSC) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                 ('KU10_TRSSC')         );
3166       l_temp :=
3167          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code
3168                                                                  ('KU10_TRSSC');
3169       l_tax_rem_paid :=
3170 --         TO_CHAR
3171 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3172                                     ,l_assignment_id
3173                                     ,g_income_end_date
3174                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3175                                     ,NULL
3176                                     )
3177 --                 ,'999999999D99'
3178                  );
3179       --logger ('l_tax_rem_paid ', l_tax_rem_paid);
3180 -- *****************************************************************************
3182       --Not taxable remunerations to foreign key persons working in Sweden
3183 -- Pick up from the EIT
3184       l_not_tax_rem := 0;
3185       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_NTR) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU10_NTR')         );
3186       l_temp :=
3187          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU10_NTR');
3188       l_not_tax_rem :=
3189 --         TO_CHAR
3190 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3191                                     ,l_assignment_id
3192                                     ,g_income_end_date
3193                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3194                                     ,NULL
3195                                     )
3196   --               ,'999999999D99'
3197                  );
3198       --logger ('l_not_tax_rem ', l_not_tax_rem);
3199 -- *****************************************************************************
3200 -- Certain deductions
3201 -- Pick up from the EIT
3202       l_certain_deductions := 0;
3203       --logger          ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_CD) '          ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                    ('KU10_CD')          );
3204       l_temp :=
3205          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU10_CD');
3206       l_certain_deductions :=
3207 --         TO_CHAR
3208 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3209                                     ,l_assignment_id
3210                                     ,g_income_end_date
3211                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3212                                     ,NULL
3213                                     )
3214   --               ,'999999999D99'
3215                  );
3216       --logger ('l_Certain_deductions ', l_certain_deductions);
3217 -- *****************************************************************************
3218 -- Rent
3219 -- Pick up from the EIT
3220       l_rent := 0;
3221       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_RENT) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                  ('KU10_RENT')         );
3222       l_temp :=
3223          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code
3224                                                                   ('KU10_RENT');
3225       l_rent :=
3226 --         TO_CHAR
3227 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3228                                     ,l_assignment_id
3229                                     ,g_income_end_date
3230                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3231                                     ,NULL
3232                                     )
3233   --               ,'999999999D99'
3234                  );
3235       --logger ('l_rent ', l_rent);
3237 -- *****************************************************************************
3238 --
3239 -- *****************************************************************************
3240 --
3241 -- EOY Changes 2008/2009
3242 --
3243 -- Basis for Tax Reduction for Household Services
3244 -- Pick up from the EIT
3245       l_tax_red_house_ku10 := 0;
3246       --logger ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_TRHS) ',each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code('KU10_TRHS'));
3247       l_temp :=
3248          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code('KU10_TRHS');
3249       l_tax_red_house_ku10 :=
3250 --         TO_CHAR
3251 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3252                                     ,l_assignment_id
3253                                     ,g_income_end_date
3254                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3255                                     ,NULL
3256                                     )
3257   --               ,'999999999D99'
3258                  );
3259       --logger ('l_tax_red_house_ku10 ', l_tax_red_house_ku10);
3260 -- *****************************************************************************
3261 -- EOY Changes 2009/2010
3262 -- Basis for Tax Reduction for ROT Work
3263 -- Pick up from the EIT
3264       l_tax_red_rot_ku10 := 0;
3265       --logger ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_TRHS) ',each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code('KU10_TRHS'));
3266       l_temp :=
3267          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code('KU10_TRROT');
3268       l_tax_red_rot_ku10 :=
3269 --         TO_CHAR
3270 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3271                                     ,l_assignment_id
3272                                     ,g_income_end_date
3273                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3274                                     ,NULL
3275                                     )
3276   --               ,'999999999D99'
3277                  );
3278  logger ('l_tax_red_rot_ku10 ', l_tax_red_rot_ku10);
3280 -- *****************************************************************************
3281 -- Work site number allocated by the Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB)
3282 -- Swedish Local Unit Details EIT  CFAR Number
3283 -- If a person is terminated during the year or have changed Local Unit,
3284 -- enter the last Local Unit number used for that employee.
3286       -- Note: Local Unit of the Primary Assignment
3287       OPEN csr_local_unit_details (l_primary_local_unit_id);
3289       FETCH csr_local_unit_details
3290        INTO lr_local_unit_details;
3292       CLOSE csr_local_unit_details;
3294       l_work_site_number := lr_local_unit_details.org_information2;
3295       --logger ('l_work_site_number ', l_work_site_number);
3296 -- *****************************************************************************
3297 -- Free housing 1- or 2-family house
3298 -- Check Box,
3299 -- if Element "Accommodation Benefit" contains value during the reporting Year.
3300       l_temp :=
3301 --         TO_CHAR
3302               round(get_defined_balance_value ('ACCOMMODATION_BENEFIT_PER_LE_YTD'
3303                                          ,l_assignment_id
3304                                          ,g_income_end_date
3305                                          ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3306                                          ,NULL
3307                                          )
3308   --            ,'999999999D99'
3309               );
3310 	--logger ('ACCOMMODATION_BENEFIT_PER_LE_YTD ', l_temp);
3312       IF l_temp > 0
3313       THEN
3314          l_free_housing := 'Y';
3315       ELSE
3316          l_free_housing := 'N';
3317       END IF;
3319       --logger ('l_free_housing ', l_free_housing);
3320 -- *****************************************************************************
3321 -- Free meals
3322 -- Check Box,
3323 -- if Element "Food Benefit" contains value during the reporting Year.
3324       l_temp :=
3325 --         TO_CHAR
3326 round(get_defined_balance_value ('FOOD_BENEFIT_PER_LE_YTD'
3327                                             ,l_assignment_id
3328                                             ,g_income_end_date
3329                                             ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3330                                             ,NULL
3331                                             )
3332   --               ,'999999999D99'
3333                  );
3334       --logger ('FOOD_BENEFIT_PER_LE_YTD ', l_temp);
3336       IF l_temp > 0
3337       THEN
3338          l_free_meals := 'Y';
3339       ELSE
3340          l_free_meals := 'N';
3341       END IF;
3343       --logger ('l_free_meals ', l_free_meals);
3344 -- *****************************************************************************
3345 -- Free housing, other than code 41
3346 -- Check Box,
3347 -- if "User Defined" Element (To be identified using the Element:
3348 -- Further Information Details, Benefit Type value matches "Free Housing")
3349 -- contains value during the reporting Year.
3350       l_free_housing_other41 := l_free_housing_other41_flag;
3351       --logger ('l_free_housing_other41 ', l_free_housing_other41);
3352 -- *****************************************************************************
3353 -- Interest
3354 -- Check Box,
3355 -- "User Defined" Element  (To be identified using the Element:
3356 -- Further Information Details, Benefit Type value matches "Interest")
3357 -- contains value during the reporting Year.
3358       l_interest := l_interest_flag;
3359       --logger ('l_interest ', l_interest);
3360 -- *****************************************************************************
3361 -- Other benefits
3362 -- Check Box,
3363 -- "User Defined" Element  (To be identified using the Element:
3364 -- Further Information Details, Benefit Type value matches "Other Benefits")
3365 -- contains value during the reporting Year.
3366       l_other_benefits := l_other_benefits_flag;
3367       --logger ('l_Other_benefits ', l_other_benefits);
3368 -- *****************************************************************************
3369 --Benefit has been adjusted
3370 -- Check Box,
3371 -- if "Reducement Value"
3372 -- exists in Elements Car OR Food OR Accommodation Benefit Elements.
3373       l_temp :=
3374 --         TO_CHAR
3375             round(get_defined_balance_value ('BENEFIT_IN_KIND_ADJUSTED_PER_LE_YTD'
3376                                        ,l_assignment_id
3377                                        ,g_income_end_date
3378                                        ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3379                                        ,NULL
3380                                        )
3381   --          ,'999999999D99'
3382             );
3383       --logger ('BENEFIT_IN_KIND_ADJUSTED_PER_LE_YTD ', l_temp);
3385       IF l_temp > 0
3386       THEN
3387          l_benefit_adjusted := 'Y';
3388       ELSE
3389          l_benefit_adjusted := 'N';
3390       END IF;
3392       --logger ('l_benefit_adjusted ', l_benefit_adjusted);
3395 -- *****************************************************************************
3396 --Mileage allowance
3397 -- Check Box,
3398 -- if Element "Mileage" contains "Cumulative Distance" value
3399 -- AND
3400 --  if "Mileage Employee" is NOT created for that period.
3401       l_temp :=
3402 --         TO_CHAR
3403 round(get_defined_balance_value ('MILEAGE_EMPLOYEE_PER_LE_YTD'
3404                                             ,l_assignment_id
3405                                             ,g_income_end_date
3406                                             ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3407                                             ,NULL
3408                                             )
3409   --               ,'999999999D99'
3410                  );
3411       --logger ('MILEAGE_EMPLOYEE_PER_LE_YTD ', l_temp);
3413       IF l_number_of_kilometers > 0 AND l_temp = 0
3414       THEN
3415          l_mileage_allowance := 'Y';
3416       ELSE
3417          l_mileage_allowance := 'N';
3418       END IF;
3420       --logger ('l_Mileage_allowance ', l_mileage_allowance);
3421 -- *****************************************************************************
3423       -- Per diem, Sweden
3424 -- Check Box,
3425 -- if Element "Per Diem Sweden" contains  "Number of Days upto 3 Months" value
3426 -- AND
3427 -- if "Per Diem Sweden Employee" is NOT created for that period.
3428       l_temp_balance_value :=
3429 --         TO_CHAR
3430             round(get_defined_balance_value
3431                              ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN_DAYS_UPTO_3_MONTHS_PER_LE_YTD'
3432                              ,l_assignment_id
3433                              ,g_income_end_date
3434                              ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3435                              ,NULL
3436                              )
3437   --          ,'999999999D99'
3438             );
3439       --logger ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN_DAYS_UPTO_3_MONTHS_PER_LE_YTD '             ,l_temp_balance_value             );
3440       l_temp :=
3441 --         TO_CHAR
3442            round(get_defined_balance_value ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN_EMPLOYEE_PER_LE_YTD'
3443                                        ,l_assignment_id
3444                                        ,g_income_end_date
3445                                        ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3446                                        ,NULL
3447                                        )
3448 --            ,'999999999D99'
3449             );
3450       --logger ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN_EMPLOYEE_PER_LE_YTD ', l_temp);
3452       IF l_temp_balance_value > 0 AND l_temp = 0
3453       THEN
3454          l_per_diem_sweden := 'Y';
3455       ELSE
3456          l_per_diem_sweden := 'N';
3457       END IF;
3459       --logger ('l_Per_diem_Sweden ', l_per_diem_sweden);
3460 -- *****************************************************************************
3461 -- Per diem, other countries
3462 -- Check Box,
3463 -- if Element "Per Diem Other Countries" contains "Number of Days upto 3 Months" value
3464 -- AND
3465 -- if "Per Diem Other Countries Employee" is NOT created for that period
3466       l_temp_balance_value :=
3467 --         TO_CHAR
3468             round(get_defined_balance_value
3470                     ,l_assignment_id
3471                     ,g_income_end_date
3472                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3473                     ,NULL
3474                     )
3475   --          ,'999999999D99'
3476             );
3477       --logger ('PER_DIEM_OTHER_COUNTRIES_DAYS_UPTO_3_MONTHS_PER_LE_YTD '             ,l_temp_balance_value             );
3478       l_temp :=
3479 --         TO_CHAR
3480             round(get_defined_balance_value
3481                               ('PER_DIEM_OTHER_COUNTRIES_EMPLOYEE_PER_LE_YTD'
3482                               ,l_assignment_id
3483                               ,g_income_end_date
3484                               ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3485                               ,NULL
3486                               )
3487   --          ,'999999999D99'
3488             );
3489       --logger ('PER_DIEM_OTHER_COUNTRIES_EMPLOYEE_PER_LE_YTD ', l_temp);
3491       IF l_temp_balance_value > 0 AND l_temp = 0
3492       THEN
3493          l_per_diem_other := 'Y';
3494       ELSE
3495          l_per_diem_other := 'N';
3496       END IF;
3498       --logger ('l_Per_diem_other ', l_per_diem_other);
3499 -- *****************************************************************************
3500 --  Within Sweden
3501 -- Check Box,
3502 -- if Element "Per Diem Sweden" contains  "Number of Days above 3 Months" value.
3503       l_temp :=
3504 --         TO_CHAR
3505             round(get_defined_balance_value
3506                             ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN_DAYS_ABOVE_3_MONTHS_PER_LE_YTD'
3507                             ,l_assignment_id
3508                             ,g_income_end_date
3509                             ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3510                             ,NULL
3511                             )
3512   --          ,'999999999D99'
3513             );
3514       --logger ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN_DAYS_ABOVE_3_MONTHS_PER_LE_YTD ', l_temp);
3516       IF l_temp > 0
3517       THEN
3518          l_within_sweden := 'Y';
3519       ELSE
3520          l_within_sweden := 'N';
3521       END IF;
3523       --logger ('l_Within_Sweden ', l_within_sweden);
3524 -- *****************************************************************************
3525 --Other countries
3526 -- Check Box,
3527 -- if Element "Per Diem Other Countries" contains "Number of Days above 3 Months" value.
3528       l_temp :=
3529 --         TO_CHAR
3530             round(get_defined_balance_value
3532                    ,l_assignment_id
3533                    ,g_income_end_date
3534                    ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3535                    ,NULL
3536                    )
3537 --            ,'999999999D99'
3538             );
3539       --logger ('PER_DIEM_OTHER_COUNTRIES_DAYS_ABOVE_3_MONTHS_PER_LE_YTD '             ,l_temp             );
3541       IF l_temp > 0
3542       THEN
3543          l_other_countries := 'Y';
3544       ELSE
3545          l_other_countries := 'N';
3546       END IF;
3548       --logger ('l_Other_countries ', l_other_countries);
3549 -- *****************************************************************************
3550 -- Business travel expenses
3551 -- Check Box,
3552 -- if "User Defined" Element  (To be identified using the Element:
3553 -- Further Information Details, Expense Type value matches "Business Travel Expense")
3554 -- contains value during the reporting Year.
3555       l_business_travel_expenses := l_busi_travel_expenses_flag;
3556       --logger ('l_Business_travel_expenses ', l_business_travel_expenses);
3557 -- *****************************************************************************
3559       -- Accomodation, business travels
3560 -- Check Box,
3561 -- if "User Defined" Element  (To be identified using the Element:
3562 -- Further Information Details, Expense Type value matches "Accomodation Business Travel")
3563 -- contains value during the reporting Year.
3564       l_acc_business_travels := l_acc_business_travels_flag;
3565       --logger ('l_Acc_business_travels ', l_acc_business_travels);
3566 -- *****************************************************************************
3567       lr_person_inc_stmt_spec := NULL;
3569       OPEN csr_person_inc_stmt_spec (l_person_id, 'SE_INC_STMT_SPEC_DETAILS');
3571       FETCH csr_person_inc_stmt_spec
3572        INTO lr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
3574       CLOSE csr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
3576 -- *****************************************************************************
3577 -- Other benefits
3578 -- Person Form: Extra Information (Income Statement Specification Details)
3579       l_other_benefits_up65 := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information1;
3580       --logger ('l_Other_benefits_UP65 ', l_other_benefits_up65);
3581 -- *****************************************************************************
3582 --Compensation for expenses
3583 -- Person Form: Extra Information (Income Statement Specification Details)
3584       l_compe_for_expenses_up66 := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information2;
3585       --logger ('l_Compe_for_expenses_UP66 ', l_compe_for_expenses_up66);
3586 -- *****************************************************************************
3587 -- Taxable remunerations for which the employee pays social security contributions
3588 -- Person Form: Extra Information (Income Statement Specification Details)
3589       l_tax_rem_paid_up67 := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information3;
3590       --logger ('l_tax_rem_paid_UP67 ', l_tax_rem_paid_up67);
3591 -- *****************************************************************************
3592 -- Taxable remunerations for which social security contributions are not paid.
3593 -- Person Form: Extra Information (Income Statement Specification Details)
3594       l_other_tax_rem_up68 := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information4;
3595 -- Changes 2008/2009
3596 -- Persons born 1937 or earlier do not pay Special Income tax or Social
3597 -- security contribution, and should therefore be included in field 31.
3598 -- Date of Birth of the person is to be reported in the Filed 68, for person
3599 -- born 1937 or earlier.
3600      If l_date_of_birth < to_date('01-01-1938','DD-MM-YYYY') AND l_other_tax_rem_up68 IS NULL
3601      THEN
3602      l_other_tax_rem_up68 := l_date_of_birth;
3604      END IF;
3605       --logger ('l_other_tax_rem_UP68 ', l_other_tax_rem_up68);
3606 -- *****************************************************************************
3607 -- Taxable remunerations for which social security contributions are not paid
3608 -- and which are not entitled to Special Job Deduction
3609 -- Person Form: Extra Information (Income Statement Specification Details)
3610       l_tax_rem_without_sjd_up69 := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information6;
3611       --logger ('l_tax_rem_without_sjd_UP69 ', l_tax_rem_without_sjd_up69);
3612 -- *****************************************************************************
3613 -- Certain deductions
3614 -- Person Form: Extra Information (Income Statement Specification Details)
3615       l_certain_deductions_up70 := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information5;
3616       --logger ('l_Certain_deductions_UP70 ', l_certain_deductions_up70);
3617 -- *****************************************************************************
3618 -- *****************************************************************************
3619 -- *****************************************************************************
3620       lr_person_inc_stmt_spec := NULL;
3622       OPEN csr_person_inc_stmt_spec (l_person_id
3623                                     ,'SE_INC_STMT_DATA_CORRECTION'
3624                                     );
3626       FETCH csr_person_inc_stmt_spec
3627        INTO lr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
3629       CLOSE csr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
3631       l_statement_type :=
3632          hr_general.decode_lookup ('SE_INCOME_STATEMENT_TYPE'
3633                                   ,lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information1
3634                                   );
3635       l_correction_date := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information2;
3636       l_tax_country_code := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information4;
3637       l_tax_country_meaning := get_country(lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information4);
3638       l_ftin := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information5;
3639       l_work_country_meaning := get_country(lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information7);
3640       l_work_country_code := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information7;
3641       l_work_period := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information8;
3642 --      l_WOrk_period_meaning := hr_general.decode_lookup ('SE_INCOME_WORK_PERIOD',lr_Person_inc_stmt_spec.PEI_INFORMATION6);
3643       --logger ('l_statement_type ', l_statement_type);
3644       --logger ('l_correction_date ', l_correction_date);
3645       --logger ('l_tax_country_code ', l_tax_country_code);
3646       --logger ('l_tax_country_meaning ', l_tax_country_meaning);
3647       --logger ('l_FTIN ', l_ftin);
3648       --logger ('l_work_country_meaning ', l_work_country_meaning);
3649       --logger ('l_work_country_code ', l_work_country_code);
3650 --      logger ('l_WOrk_period meaning', l_WOrk_period_meaning);
3651       --logger ('l_WOrk_period_code', l_work_period);
3652       lr_person_inc_stmt_spec := NULL;
3654       OPEN csr_person_inc_stmt_spec (l_person_id, 'SE_INC_STMT_KU14_SPECIAL');
3656       FETCH csr_person_inc_stmt_spec
3657        INTO lr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
3659       CLOSE csr_person_inc_stmt_spec;
3661 l_emp_regulation_category_code := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information1;
3662       l_emp_regulation_category :=
3663          hr_general.decode_lookup ('SE_EMPLOYER_REGULATION'
3664                                   ,lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information1
3665                                   );
3666       l_article_details := lr_person_inc_stmt_spec.pei_information2;
3667       --logger ('l_emp_regulation_category ', l_emp_regulation_category);
3668       --logger ('l_article_details ', l_article_details);
3669 -- *****************************************************************************
3670 -- Occupational pension ku 13
3671 -- Pick up from the EIT
3672       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU13_OCP) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU13_OCP')         );
3673       l_temp :=
3674          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU13_OCP');
3675       l_occupational_pension_ku13 :=
3676 --         TO_CHAR
3677 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3678                                     ,l_assignment_id
3679                                     ,g_income_end_date
3680                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3681                                     ,NULL
3682                                     )
3683   --               ,'999999999D99'
3684                  );
3685       --logger ('l_Occupational_pension_ku13 ', l_occupational_pension_ku13);
3686 -- *****************************************************************************
3687 -- *****************************************************************************
3688 -- Compensation for benefit ku 13
3689 -- Pick up from the EIT
3690       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU13_CFBHT) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                 ('KU13_CFBHT')         );
3691       l_temp :=
3692          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code
3693                                                                  ('KU13_CFBHT');
3694       l_compen_for_benefit_ku13 :=
3695 --         TO_CHAR
3696 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3697                                     ,l_assignment_id
3698                                     ,g_income_end_date
3699                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3700                                     ,NULL
3701                                     )
3702   --               ,'999999999D99'
3703                  );
3704       --logger ('l_compen_for_benefit_ku13 ', l_compen_for_benefit_ku13);
3705 -- *****************************************************************************
3707       -- *****************************************************************************
3708 -- Taxable remunerations for social security contributions (KU13)
3709 -- Pick up from the EIT
3710       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU13_TRSSC) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                 ('KU13_TRSSC')         );
3711       l_temp :=
3712          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code
3713                                                                  ('KU13_TRSSC');
3714       l_tax_rem_ssc_ku13 :=
3715 --         TO_CHAR
3716 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3717                                     ,l_assignment_id
3718                                     ,g_income_end_date
3719                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3720                                     ,NULL
3721                                     )
3722   --               ,'999999999D99'
3723                  );
3725       --logger ('l_tax_rem_ssc_ku13 ', l_tax_rem_ssc_ku13);
3726 -- *****************************************************************************
3728       -- *****************************************************************************
3729 -- Taxable remunerations for social security contributions (KU13) are paid
3730 -- Pick up from the EIT
3731       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU14_TRSSC) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                 ('KU14_TRSSC')         );
3732       l_temp :=
3733          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code
3734                                                                  ('KU14_TRSSC');
3735       l_tax_rem_ssc_ku14 :=
3736 --         TO_CHAR
3737 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3738                                     ,l_assignment_id
3739                                     ,g_income_end_date
3740                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3741                                     ,NULL
3742                                     )
3743 --                 ,'999999999D99'
3744                  );
3745       --logger ('l_tax_rem_ssc_ku14 ', l_tax_rem_ssc_ku14);
3746 -- *****************************************************************************
3747 -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
3748 -- *****************************************************************************
3749 --Other Taxable Remunerations KU 13
3750 -- Taxable remunerations for which social security contributions are not paid
3752       -- Pick up from the EIT
3753       l_other_tax_rem_ku13 := 0;
3754       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU13_OTR) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU14_OTR')         );
3755       l_temp :=
3756          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU13_OTR');
3757       l_other_tax_rem_ku13 :=
3758 --         TO_CHAR
3759 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3760                                     ,l_assignment_id
3761                                     ,g_income_end_date
3762                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3763                                     ,NULL
3764                                     )
3765   --               ,'999999999D99'
3766                  );
3768  -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
3769 -- Persons born 1937 or earlier do not pay Special Income tax or Social security contribution,
3770 -- and should therefore be included in field 31.
3771 -- Salary for persons born 1937 or earlier should be reported in field 31
3772 	IF l_date_of_birth < to_date('01-01-1938','DD-MM-YYYY')
3773         THEN
3774 	l_other_tax_rem_ku13 := l_other_tax_rem_ku13 + l_gross_salary;
3776         END IF ;
3777 -- End changes 2008/2009
3778       --logger ('l_other_tax_rem_ku13 ', l_other_tax_rem_ku13);
3780       -- *****************************************************************************
3781 -- Occupational pension ku 14
3782 -- Pick up from the EIT
3783       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU14_OCP) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU14_OCP')         );
3784       l_temp :=
3785          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU14_OCP');
3786       l_occupational_pension_ku14 :=
3787 --         TO_CHAR
3788 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3789                                     ,l_assignment_id
3790                                     ,g_income_end_date
3791                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3792                                     ,NULL
3793                                     )
3794 --                 ,'999999999D99'
3795                  );
3796       --logger ('l_Occupational_pension_ku14 ', l_occupational_pension_ku14);
3797 -- *****************************************************************************
3798 -- *****************************************************************************
3800       --Not taxable remunerations ku 14
3801 -- Pick up from the EIT
3802       l_not_tax_rem_ku14 := 0;
3803       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU14_NTR) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU14_NTR')         );
3804       l_temp :=
3805          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU14_NTR');
3806       l_not_tax_rem_ku14 :=
3807 --         TO_CHAR
3808 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3809                                     ,l_assignment_id
3810                                     ,g_income_end_date
3811                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3812                                     ,NULL
3813                                     )
3814   --               ,'999999999D99'
3815                  );
3816       --logger ('l_not_tax_rem_ku14 ', l_not_tax_rem_ku14);
3817 -- *****************************************************************************
3818 -- *****************************************************************************
3819 --Other Taxable Remunerations KU 14
3821       -- Pick up from the EIT
3822       l_other_tax_rem_ku14 := 0;
3823       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU14_OTR) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU14_OTR')         );
3824       l_temp :=
3825          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU14_OTR');
3826       l_other_tax_rem_ku14 :=
3827 --         TO_CHAR
3828 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3829                                     ,l_assignment_id
3830                                     ,g_income_end_date
3831                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3832                                     ,NULL
3833                                     )
3834   --               ,'999999999D99'
3835                  );
3837  -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
3838 -- Persons born 1937 or earlier do not pay Special Income tax or Social security contribution,
3839 -- and should therefore be included in field 31.
3840 -- Salary for persons born 1937 or earlier should be reported in field 31
3841 	IF l_date_of_birth < to_date('01-01-1938','DD-MM-YYYY')
3842         THEN
3843 	l_other_tax_rem_ku14 := l_other_tax_rem_ku14 + l_gross_salary;
3845         END IF ;
3846 -- End changes 2008/2009
3847       --logger ('l_other_tax_rem_ku14 ', l_other_tax_rem_ku14);
3848 -- *****************************************************************************
3849 -- Compensation for expenses not ticked in boxes at codes 50-56
3850 -- Pick up from the EIT KU 14
3852       --l_compensation_for_expenses := 0 ;
3853       --logger ('l_legal_employer_id_fetched ', l_legal_employer_id_fetched);
3854       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU14_CFE) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU14_CFE')         );
3855       l_temp :=
3856          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU14_CFE');
3857       l_compe_for_expenses_ku14 :=
3858 --         TO_CHAR
3859 round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3860                                     ,l_assignment_id
3861                                     ,g_income_end_date
3862                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3863                                     ,NULL
3864                                     )
3865   --               ,'999999999D99'
3866                  );
3867       --logger ('l_compe_for_expenses_ku14 ', l_compe_for_expenses_ku14);
3868 -- *****************************************************************************
3869 -- *****************************************************************************
3870 --
3871 -- EOY Changes 2008/2009
3872 --
3873 -- Basis for Tax Reduction for Household services
3874 -- Pick up from the EIT KU 14
3876       l_tax_red_house_ku14 := 0 ;
3877       --logger ('l_legal_employer_id_fetched ', l_legal_employer_id_fetched);
3878       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU14_TRHS) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU14_TRHS')         );
3879       l_temp := each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU14_TRHS');
3880       l_tax_red_house_ku14 :=round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3881                                     ,l_assignment_id
3882                                     ,g_income_end_date
3883                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3884                                     ,NULL
3885                                     )
3886   --               ,'999999999D99'
3887                  );
3888       --logger ('l_tax_red_house_ku14 ', l_tax_red_house_ku14);
3889 -- *****************************************************************************
3890 -- EOY Changes 2009/2010
3891 -- Basis for Tax Reduction for ROT Work
3892 -- Pick up from the EIT KU 14
3894       l_tax_red_rot_ku14 := 0 ;
3895       l_temp := each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU14_TRROT');
3896       l_tax_red_rot_ku14 :=round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3897                                     ,l_assignment_id
3898                                     ,g_income_end_date
3899                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3900                                     ,NULL
3901                                     )
3902   --               ,'999999999D99'
3903                  );
3904   logger ('l_tax_red_rot_ku14 ', l_tax_red_rot_ku14);
3905 -- *****************************************************************************
3906 -- Changes EOY 2008/2009
3907 -- Benefits As Pension
3908 -- Pick Up from EIT KU14
3909  l_benefit_pen_ku14 := 0;
3910       --logger         ('each_field_value ().FIELD_CODE(KU10_BENPEN) '         ,each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code                                                                   ('KU10_BENPEN')         );
3911       l_temp :=
3912          each_field_value (l_legal_employer_id_fetched).field_code ('KU14_BENPEN');
3913       l_benefit_pen_ku14 := round(get_balance_value (l_temp
3914                                     ,l_assignment_id
3915                                     ,g_income_end_date
3916                                     ,l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3917                                     ,NULL
3918                                     )
3919 --              ,'999999999D99'
3920                                 );
3921 --logger ('l_benefit_pen_ku14  ', l_benefit_pen_ku14);
3922     IF l_benefit_pen_ku14 > 0
3923       THEN
3924          l_benefit_pen_flag_KU14 := 'Y';
3925       ELSE
3926          l_benefit_pen_flag_KU14 := 'N';
3927       END IF;
3929 -- End Changes 2008/2009
3931 -- **********************************************************************************
3933       -- *****************************************************************************
3934       --logger ('###############PERSON ENDED##############======== ', '=');
3936       -- End of Pickingup the Data
3937       BEGIN
3938 /*
3939          SELECT 1
3940            INTO l_flag
3941            FROM pay_action_information
3942           WHERE action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
3943             AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
3944             AND action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id;
3945       EXCEPTION
3946          WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
3947          THEN
3948 */
3949          --logger ('g_payroll_action_id', g_payroll_action_id);
3950          pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
3951             (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
3952             ,p_action_context_id                => p_assignment_action_id
3953             ,p_action_context_type              => 'AAP'
3954             ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
3955             ,p_effective_date                   => l_effective_date
3956             ,p_source_id                        => NULL
3957             ,p_source_text                      => NULL
3958             ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
3959             ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
3960             ,p_action_information2              => 'PERSON'
3961             ,p_action_information3              => g_payroll_action_id
3962             ,p_action_information4              => l_statement_type
3963             ,p_action_information5              => l_employee_number
3964             ,p_action_information6              => l_employee_pin
3965             ,p_action_information7              => l_employee_last_name
3966             ,p_action_information8              => NULL
3967             ,p_action_information9              => NULL
3968             ,p_action_information10             => NULL
3969             ,p_action_information11             => NULL
3970             ,p_action_information12             => NULL
3971             ,p_action_information13             => NULL
3972             ,p_action_information14             => NULL
3973             ,p_action_information15             => NULL
3974             ,p_action_information16             => NULL
3975             ,p_action_information17             => NULL
3976             ,p_action_information18             => NULL
3977             ,p_action_information19             => NULL
3978             ,p_action_information20             => NULL
3979             ,p_action_information21             => NULL
3980             ,p_action_information22             => NULL
3981             ,p_action_information23             => NULL
3982             ,p_action_information24             => NULL
3983             ,p_action_information25             => NULL
3984             ,p_action_information26             => NULL
3985             ,p_action_information27             => NULL
3986             ,p_action_information28             => NULL
3987             ,p_action_information29             => l_legal_employer_id_fetched
3988             ,p_action_information30             => l_person_id
3989             ,p_assignment_id                    => l_assignment_id
3990             );
3991          --logger ('l_action_info_id', l_action_info_id);
3993          pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
3994             (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
3995             ,p_action_context_id                => p_assignment_action_id
3996             ,p_action_context_type              => 'AAP'
3997             ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
3998             ,p_effective_date                   => l_effective_date
3999             ,p_source_id                        => NULL
4000             ,p_source_text                      => NULL
4001             ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
4002             ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
4003             ,p_action_information2              => 'PERSON1'
4004             ,p_action_information3              => g_payroll_action_id
4005             ,p_action_information4              => NVL (l_statement_type
4006                                                        ,'KU10'
4007                                                        )
4008             ,p_action_information5              => l_month_from
4009             ,p_action_information6              => l_month_to
4010             ,p_action_information7              => l_employee_pin
4011             ,p_action_information8              => l_employee_name
4012             ,p_action_information9              => l_correction_date
4013             ,p_action_information10             => l_work_site_number
4014             ,p_action_information11             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4015                                                              (l_a_tax_withheld)
4016             ,p_action_information12             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4017                                                                (l_gross_salary)
4018             ,p_action_information13             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4019                                                       (l_tb_exclusive_car_fuel)
4020             ,p_action_information14             => l_free_housing
4021             ,p_action_information15             => l_free_meals
4022             ,p_action_information16             => l_free_housing_other41
4023             ,p_action_information17             => l_interest
4024             ,p_action_information18             => l_other_benefits
4025             ,p_action_information19             => l_benefit_adjusted
4026             ,p_action_information20             => l_tb_exclusive_fuel
4027             ,p_action_information21             => l_rsv_code
4028             ,p_action_information22             => l_number_of_months_car
4029             ,p_action_information23             => l_number_of_kilometers
4030             ,p_action_information24             => l_emp_payment_car
4031             ,p_action_information25             => l_free_fuel_car
4032             ,p_action_information26             => l_employees_address
4033             ,p_action_information27             => l_employees_postalcode
4034             ,p_action_information28             => l_employee_postal_address
4035             ,p_action_information29             => l_legal_employer_id_fetched
4036             ,p_action_information30             => l_person_id
4037             ,p_assignment_id                    => l_assignment_id
4038             );
4039          --logger ('l_action_info_id', l_action_info_id);
4040          pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
4041             (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
4042             ,p_action_context_id                => p_assignment_action_id
4043             ,p_action_context_type              => 'AAP'
4044             ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
4045             ,p_effective_date                   => l_effective_date
4046             ,p_source_id                        => NULL
4047             ,p_source_text                      => NULL
4048             ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
4049             ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
4050             ,p_action_information2              => 'PERSON2'
4051             ,p_action_information3              => g_payroll_action_id
4052             ,p_action_information4              => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4053                                                       (l_compensation_for_expenses
4054                                                       )
4055             ,p_action_information5              => l_mileage_allowance
4056             ,p_action_information6              => l_per_diem_sweden
4057             ,p_action_information7              => l_per_diem_other
4058             ,p_action_information8              => l_busi_travel_expenses_flag
4059             ,p_action_information9              => l_acc_business_travels_flag
4060             ,p_action_information10             => l_within_sweden
4061             ,p_action_information11             => l_other_countries
4062             ,p_action_information12             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4063                                                        (l_occupational_pension)
4064             ,p_action_information13             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4065                                                               (l_other_tax_rem)
4066             ,p_action_information14             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4067                                                                (l_tax_rem_paid)
4068             ,p_action_information15             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4069                                                          (l_certain_deductions)
4070             ,p_action_information16             => l_other_benefits_up65
4071             ,p_action_information17             => l_compe_for_expenses_up66
4072             ,p_action_information18             => l_tax_rem_paid_up67
4073             ,p_action_information19             => l_other_tax_rem_up68
4074             ,p_action_information20             => l_certain_deductions_up70
4075             ,p_action_information21             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4076                                                                 (l_not_tax_rem)
4077             ,p_action_information22             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4078                                                                        (l_rent)
4079             ,p_action_information23             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4080                                                               (l_tax_rem_without_sjd) -- EOY 2008
4081             ,p_action_information24             =>l_tax_rem_without_sjd_up69           --EOY 2008
4082             ,p_action_information25             => l_benefit_as_pension_flag          --EOY 2008
4083             ,p_action_information26             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4084                                                                        (l_tax_red_house_ku10) -- EOY 2008/2009
4085             ,p_action_information27             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4086                                                                     (l_tax_red_rot_ku10) -- EOY 2009/2010
4087             ,p_action_information28             => NULL
4088             ,p_action_information29             => NULL
4089             ,p_action_information30             => l_person_id
4090             ,p_assignment_id                    => l_assignment_id
4091             );
4092          --logger ('l_action_info_id', l_action_info_id);
4093          pay_action_information_api.create_action_information
4094             (p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
4095             ,p_action_context_id                => p_assignment_action_id
4096             ,p_action_context_type              => 'AAP'
4097             ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
4098             ,p_effective_date                   => l_effective_date
4099             ,p_source_id                        => NULL
4100             ,p_source_text                      => NULL
4101             ,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
4102             ,p_action_information1              => 'PYSEINSA'
4103             ,p_action_information2              => 'PERSON3'
4104             ,p_action_information3              => g_payroll_action_id
4105             ,p_action_information4              => l_ftin
4106             ,p_action_information5              => l_tax_country_code
4107             ,p_action_information6              => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4108                                                       (l_occupational_pension_ku13
4109                                                       )
4110             ,p_action_information7              => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4111                                                            (l_tax_rem_ssc_ku13)
4112             ,p_action_information8              => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4113                                                       (l_compen_for_benefit_ku13
4114                                                       )
4115             ,p_action_information9              => l_work_country_code
4116             ,p_action_information10             => l_in_plain_writing_code
4117             ,p_action_information11             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4118                                                       (l_occupational_pension_ku14
4119                                                       )
4120             ,p_action_information12             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4121                                                          (l_other_tax_rem_ku14)
4122             ,p_action_information13             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4123                                                            (l_tax_rem_ssc_ku14)
4124             ,p_action_information14             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4125                                                            (l_not_tax_rem_ku14)
4126             ,p_action_information15             => l_work_period
4127             ,p_action_information16             => l_emp_regulation_category
4128             ,p_action_information17             => l_article_details
4129             ,p_action_information18             => l_work_country_meaning
4130             ,p_action_information19             => l_in_plain_writing_meaning
4131             ,p_action_information20             => l_tax_country_meaning
4132             ,p_action_information21             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4133                                                       (l_compe_for_expenses_ku14
4134                                                       )
4135             ,p_action_information22             => l_emp_regulation_category_code
4136             ,p_action_information23             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4137                                                       (l_tax_red_house_ku14)    -- EOY 2008/2009
4138             ,p_action_information24             => l_benefit_pen_flag_KU14 --EOY 2008/2009
4139             ,p_action_information25             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_other_tax_rem_ku13)   -- EOY 2008/2009
4140             ,p_action_information26             => fnd_number.number_to_canonical
4141                                                       (l_tax_red_rot_ku14) --EOY 2009/2010
4142             ,p_action_information27             => NULL
4143             ,p_action_information28             => NULL
4144             ,p_action_information29             => NULL
4145             ,p_action_information30             => l_person_id
4146             ,p_assignment_id                    => l_assignment_id
4147             );
4148          --logger ('l_action_info_id', l_action_info_id);
4149 --logger('l_action_info_id',l_action_info_id);
4151       /*         WHEN OTHERS
4152          THEN
4153             NULL;
4154 */
4155       END;
4157       --logger ('ARCHIVE_CODE '             ,'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Ended');
4158    END archive_code;
4160    --- Report XML generating code
4161    PROCEDURE writetoclob (p_xfdf_clob OUT NOCOPY CLOB)
4162    IS
4163       l_xfdf_string    CLOB;
4164       l_str1           VARCHAR2 (1000);
4165       l_str2           VARCHAR2 (20);
4166       l_str3           VARCHAR2 (20);
4167       l_str4           VARCHAR2 (20);
4168       l_str5           VARCHAR2 (20);
4169       l_str6           VARCHAR2 (30);
4170       l_str7           VARCHAR2 (1000);
4171       l_str8           VARCHAR2 (240);
4172       l_str9           VARCHAR2 (240);
4173       l_str10          VARCHAR2 (20);
4174       l_str11          VARCHAR2 (20);
4175       current_index    PLS_INTEGER;
4176       l_iana_charset   VARCHAR2 (50);
4177    BEGIN
4178       l_iana_charset := hr_se_utility.get_iana_charset;
4179       hr_utility.set_location ('Entering WritetoCLOB ', 70);
4180       l_str1 :=
4181             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'
4182          || l_iana_charset
4183          || '"?> <ROOT><INSR>';
4184       l_str2 := '<';
4185       l_str3 := '>';
4186       l_str4 := '</';
4187       l_str5 := '>';
4188       l_str6 := '</INSR></ROOT>';
4189       l_str7 :=
4190             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'
4191          || l_iana_charset
4192          || '"?> <ROOT></ROOT>';
4193       l_str10 := '<INSR>';
4194       l_str11 := '</INSR>';
4195       DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (l_xfdf_string, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL);
4196       DBMS_LOB.OPEN (l_xfdf_string, DBMS_LOB.lob_readwrite);
4197       current_index := 0;
4199       IF gins_data.COUNT > 0
4200       THEN
4201          DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str1), l_str1);
4203          FOR table_counter IN gins_data.FIRST .. gins_data.LAST
4204          LOOP
4205             l_str8 := gins_data (table_counter).tagname;
4206             l_str9 := gins_data (table_counter).tagvalue;
4208             IF l_str9 IN
4209                   ('LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
4210                   ,'LE_DETAILS'
4211                   ,'EMPLOYEES'
4212                   ,'PERSON'
4213                   ,'LE_DETAILS_END'
4214                   ,'PERSON_END'
4215                   ,'EMPLOYEES_END'
4216                   ,'LEGAL_EMPLOYER_END'
4217                   ,'INCOME_STATEMENT_END'
4218                   ,'INCOME_STATEMENT'
4219                   ,'INFO_KU_END'
4220                   ,'INFO_KU'
4221                   ,'KU10_PERSON_END'
4222                   ,'KU13_PERSON_END'
4223                   ,'KU14_PERSON_END'
4224                   ,'KU10_PERSON'
4225                   ,'KU13_PERSON'
4226                   ,'KU14_PERSON'
4227                   ,'LE_ADDRESS_END'
4228                   ,'LE_ADDRESS'
4229                   )
4230             THEN
4231                IF l_str9 IN
4232                      ('LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
4233                      ,'LE_DETAILS'
4234                      ,'EMPLOYEES'
4235                      ,'PERSON'
4236                      ,'INCOME_STATEMENT'
4237                      ,'INFO_KU'
4238                      ,'KU10_PERSON'
4239                      ,'KU13_PERSON'
4240                      ,'KU14_PERSON'
4241                      ,'LE_ADDRESS'
4242                      )
4243                THEN
4244                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string
4245                                        ,LENGTH (l_str2)
4246                                        ,l_str2
4247                                        );
4248                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8)
4249                                        ,l_str8);
4250                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3)
4251                                        ,l_str3);
4252                ELSE
4253                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string
4254                                        ,LENGTH (l_str4)
4255                                        ,l_str4
4256                                        );
4257                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8)
4258                                        ,l_str8);
4259                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5)
4260                                        ,l_str5);
4261                END IF;
4262             ELSE
4263                IF l_str9 IS NOT NULL
4264                THEN
4265                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string
4266                                        ,LENGTH (l_str2)
4267                                        ,l_str2
4268                                        );
4269                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8)
4270                                        ,l_str8);
4271                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3)
4272                                        ,l_str3);
4273                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str9)
4274                                        ,l_str9);
4275                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4)
4276                                        ,l_str4);
4277                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8)
4278                                        ,l_str8);
4279                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5)
4280                                        ,l_str5);
4281                ELSE
4282                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string
4283                                        ,LENGTH (l_str2)
4284                                        ,l_str2
4285                                        );
4286                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8)
4287                                        ,l_str8);
4288                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3)
4289                                        ,l_str3);
4290                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4)
4291                                        ,l_str4);
4292                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8)
4293                                        ,l_str8);
4294                   DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5)
4295                                        ,l_str5);
4296                END IF;
4297             END IF;
4298          END LOOP;
4300          DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str6), l_str6);
4301       ELSE
4302          DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str7), l_str7);
4303       END IF;
4305       p_xfdf_clob := l_xfdf_string;
4306       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving WritetoCLOB ', 40);
4308       WHEN OTHERS
4309       THEN
4310          hr_utility.TRACE ('sqlerrm ' || SQLERRM);
4311          hr_utility.raise_error;
4312    END writetoclob;
4313  PROCEDURE get_xml_for_report (
4314       p_business_group_id        IN       NUMBER
4315      ,p_payroll_action_id        IN       VARCHAR2
4316      ,p_template_name            IN       VARCHAR2
4317      ,p_xml                      OUT NOCOPY CLOB
4318    )
4319    IS
4320 --Variables needed for the report
4321       l_counter             NUMBER                                       := 0;
4322       l_payroll_action_id   pay_action_information.action_information1%TYPE;
4324 --Cursors needed for report
4325       CURSOR csr_all_legal_employer (
4326          csr_v_pa_id                         pay_action_information.action_context_id%TYPE
4327       )
4328       IS
4329          SELECT *
4330            FROM pay_action_information
4331           WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
4332             AND action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
4333             AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
4334             AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
4335             AND action_information2 = 'LE';
4337       CURSOR csr_media_provider (
4338          csr_v_pa_id                         pay_action_information.action_context_id%TYPE
4339       )
4340       IS
4341          SELECT *
4342            FROM pay_action_information
4343           WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
4344             AND action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
4345             AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
4346             AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
4347             AND action_information2 = 'MP';
4349       lr_media_provider     csr_media_provider%ROWTYPE;
4351       CURSOR csr_report_details (
4352          csr_v_pa_id                         pay_action_information.action_context_id%TYPE
4353       )
4354       IS
4355          SELECT *
4356            FROM pay_action_information
4357           WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
4358             AND action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
4359             AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT DETAILS'
4360             AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA';
4362       lr_report_details     csr_report_details%ROWTYPE;
4364       CURSOR csr_all_employees_under_le (
4365          csr_v_pa_id                         pay_action_information.action_information3%TYPE
4366         ,csr_v_le_id                         pay_action_information.action_information15%TYPE
4367         ,csr_v_stmt_type                     pay_action_information.action_information4%TYPE
4368         ,csr_v_sort_order                    pay_action_information.action_information4%TYPE
4369       )
4370       IS
4371          SELECT   *
4372              FROM pay_action_information
4373             WHERE action_context_type = 'AAP'
4374               AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
4375               AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
4376               AND action_information2 = 'PERSON'
4377               AND action_information3 = csr_v_pa_id
4378               AND action_information4 = csr_v_stmt_type
4379               AND action_information29 = csr_v_le_id
4380          ORDER BY decode(csr_v_sort_order
4381          ,'EMPNUM',action_information5
4382          ,'EMPPIN',action_information6
4383          ,'EMPLAN',action_information7
4384          );
4386       CURSOR csr_get_person (
4387          csr_v_record                        pay_action_information.action_information3%TYPE
4388         ,csr_v_pa_id                         pay_action_information.action_information3%TYPE
4389         ,csr_v_person_id                     pay_action_information.action_information30%TYPE
4390       )
4391       IS
4392          SELECT   *
4393              FROM pay_action_information
4394             WHERE action_context_type = 'AAP'
4395               AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
4396               AND action_information1 = 'PYSEINSA'
4397               AND action_information2 = csr_v_record
4398               AND action_information3 = csr_v_pa_id
4399               AND action_information30 = csr_v_person_id
4400          ORDER BY action_information30;
4402       lr_get_person         csr_get_person%ROWTYPE;
4404 /* End of declaration*/
4405 /* Proc to Add the tag value and Name */
4406       PROCEDURE add_tag_value (p_tag_name IN VARCHAR2, p_tag_value IN VARCHAR2)
4407       IS
4408       BEGIN
4409          gins_data (l_counter).tagname := p_tag_name;
4410          gins_data (l_counter).tagvalue := p_tag_value;
4411          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
4412       END add_tag_value;
4413 /* End of Proc to Add the tag value and Name */
4414 /* Start of GET_HPD_XML */
4415    BEGIN
4416       IF p_payroll_action_id IS NULL
4417       THEN
4418          BEGIN
4419             SELECT payroll_action_id
4420               INTO l_payroll_action_id
4421               FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
4422                   ,fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs
4423                   ,fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs1
4424              WHERE fcrs.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
4425                AND fcrs.priority_request_id = fcrs1.priority_request_id
4426                AND ppa.request_id BETWEEN fcrs1.request_id AND fcrs.request_id
4427                AND ppa.request_id = fcrs1.request_id;
4428          EXCEPTION
4429             WHEN OTHERS
4430             THEN
4431                NULL;
4432          END;
4433       ELSE
4434          l_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
4435          --logger ('Entered Reporting', ' XML Creation ');
4436          --logger ('p_payroll_action_id', p_payroll_action_id);
4438 /* Structure of Xml should look like this
4439 <LE>
4440     <DETAILS>
4441     </DETAILS>
4442     <EMPLOYEES>
4443         <PERSON>
4444         </PERSON>
4445     </EMPLOYEES>
4446 </LE>
4447 */
4448          OPEN csr_report_details (l_payroll_action_id);
4450          FETCH csr_report_details
4451           INTO lr_report_details;
4453          CLOSE csr_report_details;
4454          --logger ('SORT by  ', lr_report_details.action_information10);
4456          --logger ('Before ', ' Csr for Legal ');
4458          OPEN csr_media_provider (l_payroll_action_id);
4460          FETCH csr_media_provider
4461           INTO lr_media_provider;
4463          CLOSE csr_media_provider;
4465          --logger ('PRODUCT', lr_media_provider.action_information3);
4466          --logger ('PERIOD', lr_media_provider.action_information4);
4467          --logger ('TEST_OR_PRODUCTION', lr_media_provider.action_information5);
4468          --logger ('ORG_NUMBER', lr_media_provider.action_information6);
4469          --logger ('MEDIA_PROVIDER_NAME', lr_media_provider.action_information7);
4470          --logger ('DIVISION', lr_media_provider.action_information8);
4471          --logger ('CONTACT_PERSON', lr_media_provider.action_information9);
4472          --logger ('ADDRESS', lr_media_provider.action_information10);
4473          --logger ('POSTAL_CODE', lr_media_provider.action_information11);
4474          --logger ('POSTAL_ADDRESS', lr_media_provider.action_information12);
4475          --logger ('PHONE_NUMBER', lr_media_provider.action_information13);
4476          --logger ('FAX_NUMBER', lr_media_provider.action_information14);
4477          --logger ('EMAIL', lr_media_provider.action_information15);
4478          add_tag_value ('INCOME_STATEMENT', 'INCOME_STATEMENT');
4479 -- Add header for file
4480          add_tag_value ('SENDER', lr_report_details.action_information11);
4481          add_tag_value ('RECEIVER', lr_report_details.action_information12);
4482          add_tag_value ('INFORMATION_TYPE', lr_report_details.action_information13);
4483 -- Add header for file
4484          add_tag_value ('INFO_KU', 'INFO_KU');
4485          add_tag_value ('PRODUCT', lr_media_provider.action_information3);
4486          add_tag_value ('PERIOD', lr_media_provider.action_information4);
4487          add_tag_value ('TEST_OR_PRODUCTION'
4488                        ,lr_media_provider.action_information5
4489                        );
4490          add_tag_value ('ORG_NUMBER', lr_media_provider.action_information6);
4491          add_tag_value ('MEDIA_PROVIDER_NAME'
4492                        ,lr_media_provider.action_information7
4493                        );
4494          add_tag_value ('DIVISION', lr_media_provider.action_information8);
4495          add_tag_value ('CONTACT_PERSON'
4496                        ,lr_media_provider.action_information9
4497                        );
4498          add_tag_value ('ADDRESS', lr_media_provider.action_information10);
4499          add_tag_value ('POSTAL_CODE', lr_media_provider.action_information11);
4500          add_tag_value ('POSTAL_ADDRESS'
4501                        ,lr_media_provider.action_information12
4502                        );
4503          add_tag_value ('PHONE_NUMBER'
4504                        ,lr_media_provider.action_information13);
4505          add_tag_value ('FAX_NUMBER', lr_media_provider.action_information14);
4506          add_tag_value ('EMAIL', lr_media_provider.action_information15);
4507 add_tag_value('IDENTITY',lr_Media_provider.action_information16);
4508 add_tag_value('PROGRAM',lr_Media_provider.action_information17);
4510          add_tag_value ('INFO_KU', 'INFO_KU_END');
4512          FOR rec_all_le IN csr_all_legal_employer (l_payroll_action_id)
4513          LOOP
4514             --logger ('LE_NAME', rec_all_le.action_information4);
4515             --logger ('LE_ORG_NUM', rec_all_le.action_information5);
4516             add_tag_value ('LEGAL_EMPLOYER', 'LEGAL_EMPLOYER');
4517             add_tag_value ('LE_DETAILS', 'LE_DETAILS');
4518             add_tag_value ('LE_NAME', rec_all_le.action_information4);
4519             add_tag_value ('LE_ORG_NUM', rec_all_le.action_information5);
4520             add_tag_value ('LE_ADDRESS', 'LE_ADDRESS');
4521             add_tag_value ('LOCATION_CODE', rec_all_le.action_information6);
4522             add_tag_value ('ADDRESS_LINE_1', rec_all_le.action_information7);
4523             add_tag_value ('ADDRESS_LINE_2', rec_all_le.action_information8);
4524             add_tag_value ('ADDRESS_LINE_3', rec_all_le.action_information9);
4525             add_tag_value ('POSTAL_CODE', rec_all_le.action_information10);
4526             add_tag_value ('TOWN_OR_CITY', rec_all_le.action_information11);
4527             add_tag_value ('REGION_1', rec_all_le.action_information12);
4528             add_tag_value ('REGION_2', rec_all_le.action_information13);
4529             add_tag_value ('TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME'
4530                           ,rec_all_le.action_information14
4531                           );
4532             add_tag_value ('LE_ADDRESS', 'LE_ADDRESS_END');
4533             add_tag_value ('LE_DETAILS', 'LE_DETAILS_END');
4534             add_tag_value ('EMPLOYEES', 'EMPLOYEES');
4535             --logger ('LE_ORG_NUM', rec_all_le.action_information5);
4536             --logger ('LE ID', rec_all_le.action_information3);
4537             --logger ('Before Person Query', '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^');
4538 -- *****************************************************************************
4539 -- FOR KU10
4540             add_tag_value ('KU10_PERSON', 'KU10_PERSON');
4542 -- *****************************************************************************
4543             FOR rec_all_emp_under_le IN
4544                csr_all_employees_under_le (l_payroll_action_id
4545                                           ,rec_all_le.action_information3
4546                                           ,'KU10'
4547                                           ,lr_report_details.action_information10
4548                                           )
4549             LOOP
4550                add_tag_value ('PERSON', 'PERSON');
4551                add_tag_value ('TYPE', 'KU10');
4553  lr_get_person := NULL;
4554                OPEN csr_get_person ('PERSON1'
4555                                    ,l_payroll_action_id
4556                                    ,rec_all_emp_under_le.action_information30
4557                                    );
4558                FETCH csr_get_person
4559                 INTO lr_get_person;
4561                CLOSE csr_get_person;
4562 	       add_tag_value ('FROM'
4563                              ,lr_get_person.action_information5
4564                              );
4565                add_tag_value ('TO', lr_get_person.action_information6);
4566                add_tag_value ('PIN', lr_get_person.action_information7);
4567                add_tag_value ('NAME'
4568                              ,lr_get_person.action_information8);
4569                add_tag_value ('ADDRESS'
4570                              ,lr_get_person.action_information26
4571                              );
4572                add_tag_value ('POSTAL_CODE'
4573                              ,lr_get_person.action_information27
4574                              );
4575                add_tag_value ('POSTAL_TOWN'
4576                              ,lr_get_person.action_information28
4577                              );
4578                add_tag_value
4579                   ('CORRECTION_DATE'
4580                   ,TO_CHAR
4581                       (fnd_date.canonical_to_date
4582                                      (lr_get_person.action_information9)
4583                       ,'YYYY-MM-DD'
4584                       )
4585                   );
4586                add_tag_value ('WORK_SITE_NUMBER'
4587                              ,lr_get_person.action_information10
4588                              );
4589                add_tag_value ('AMOUNT_TAX_WITHHELD'
4590                              ,lr_get_person.action_information11
4591                              );
4592                add_tag_value ('GROSS_SALARY'
4593                              ,lr_get_person.action_information12
4594                              );
4595                add_tag_value ('TB_EXCLUSIVE_CAR_FUEL'
4596                              ,lr_get_person.action_information13
4597                              );
4598                add_tag_value ('FREE_HOUSING'
4599                              ,lr_get_person.action_information14
4600                              );
4602 		IF lr_get_person.action_information14='Y' THEN
4604 			add_tag_value ('F_H'
4605                              ,'X');
4607 		END IF;
4609                add_tag_value ('FREE_MEALS'
4610                              ,lr_get_person.action_information15
4611                              );
4613 		IF lr_get_person.action_information15='Y' THEN
4615 			add_tag_value ('F_M'
4616                              ,'X');
4618 		END IF;
4620                add_tag_value ('FREE_HOUSING_OTHER41'
4621                              ,lr_get_person.action_information16
4622                              );
4624 		IF lr_get_person.action_information16='Y' THEN
4626 			add_tag_value ('F_H41'
4627                              ,'X');
4629 		END IF;
4631                add_tag_value ('INTEREST'
4632                              ,lr_get_person.action_information17
4633                              );
4635 		IF lr_get_person.action_information17='Y' THEN
4637 			add_tag_value ('INT'
4638                              ,'X');
4640 		END IF;
4642                add_tag_value ('OTHER_BENEFITS'
4643                              ,lr_get_person.action_information18
4644                              );
4646 		IF lr_get_person.action_information18='Y' THEN
4648 			add_tag_value ('OTH_BEN'
4649                              ,'X');
4651 		END IF;
4653                add_tag_value ('BENEFIT_ADJUSTED'
4654                              ,lr_get_person.action_information19
4655                              );
4657 		IF lr_get_person.action_information19='Y' THEN
4659 			add_tag_value ('BEN_ADJ'
4660                              ,'X');
4662 		END IF;
4665                add_tag_value ('TB_EXCLUSIVE_FUEL'
4666                              ,lr_get_person.action_information20
4667                              );
4668                add_tag_value ('RSV_CODE'
4669                              ,lr_get_person.action_information21
4670                              );
4671                add_tag_value ('NUMBER_OF_MONTHS_CAR'
4672                              ,lr_get_person.action_information22
4673                              );
4674                add_tag_value ('NUMBER_OF_KILOMETERS'
4675                              ,lr_get_person.action_information23
4676                              );
4677                add_tag_value ('EMPLOYEE_PAYMENT_CAR'
4678                              ,lr_get_person.action_information24
4679                              );
4680                add_tag_value ('FREE_FUEL_CAR'
4681                              ,lr_get_person.action_information25
4682                              );
4683                lr_get_person := NULL;
4685                OPEN csr_get_person ('PERSON2'
4686                                    ,l_payroll_action_id
4687                                    ,rec_all_emp_under_le.action_information30
4688                                    );
4690                FETCH csr_get_person
4691                 INTO lr_get_person;
4693                CLOSE csr_get_person;
4696                add_tag_value ('COMPENSATION_FOR_EXPENSES'
4697                              ,lr_get_person.action_information4
4698                              );
4699                add_tag_value ('MILEAGE_ALLOWANCE'
4700                              ,lr_get_person.action_information5
4701                              );
4702 		IF lr_get_person.action_information5='Y' THEN
4704 			add_tag_value ('MIL_ALLOW'
4705                              ,'X');
4707 		END IF;
4709                add_tag_value ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN'
4710                              ,lr_get_person.action_information6
4711                              );
4712 		IF lr_get_person.action_information6='Y' THEN
4714 			add_tag_value ('PD_SW'
4715                              ,'X');
4717 		END IF;
4718                add_tag_value ('PER_DIEM_OTHER'
4719                              ,lr_get_person.action_information7
4720                              );
4721 		IF lr_get_person.action_information7='Y' THEN
4723 			add_tag_value ('PD_OTH'
4724                              ,'X');
4726 		END IF;
4727                add_tag_value ('BUSI_TRAVEL_EXPENSES_FLAG'
4728                              ,lr_get_person.action_information8
4729                              );
4730 		IF lr_get_person.action_information8='Y' THEN
4732 			add_tag_value ('BTE'
4733                              ,'X');
4735 		END IF;
4736                add_tag_value ('ACC_BUSINESS_TRAVELS_FLAG'
4737                              ,lr_get_person.action_information9
4738                              );
4739 		IF lr_get_person.action_information9='Y' THEN
4741 			add_tag_value ('ABTF'
4742                              ,'X');
4744 		END IF;
4745                add_tag_value ('WITHIN_SWEDEN'
4746                              ,lr_get_person.action_information10
4747                              );
4748 		IF lr_get_person.action_information10='Y' THEN
4750 			add_tag_value ('WS'
4751                              ,'X');
4753 		END IF;
4754                add_tag_value ('OTHER_COUNTRIES'
4755                              ,lr_get_person.action_information11
4756                              );
4757 		IF lr_get_person.action_information11='Y' THEN
4759 			add_tag_value ('OTH_C'
4760                              ,'X');
4762 		END IF;
4763                add_tag_value ('OCCUPATIONAL_PENSION'
4764                              ,lr_get_person.action_information12
4765                              );
4766                add_tag_value ('OTHER_TAX_REM'
4767                              ,lr_get_person.action_information13
4768                              );
4769 	       add_tag_value ('TAX_REM_WITHOUT_SJD'                         --EOY 2008
4770                              ,lr_get_person.action_information23
4771                              );
4772 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4773 --Taxable remunerations forwhich social security contributionsare not paid and which are notentitled to special job deduction
4774 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4775                add_tag_value ('TAX_REM_PAID'
4776                              ,lr_get_person.action_information14
4777                              );
4778                add_tag_value ('CERTAIN_DEDUCTIONS'
4779                              ,lr_get_person.action_information15
4780                              );
4781                add_tag_value ('OTHER_BENEFITS_UP65'
4782                              ,lr_get_person.action_information16
4783                              );
4784                add_tag_value ('COMPE_FOR_EXPENSES_UP66'
4785                              ,lr_get_person.action_information17
4786                              );
4787                add_tag_value ('TAX_REM_PAID_UP67'
4788                              ,lr_get_person.action_information18
4789                              );
4790                add_tag_value ('OTHER_TAX_REM_UP68'
4791                              ,lr_get_person.action_information19
4792                              );
4793 	        add_tag_value ('TAX_REM_WITHOUT_SJD_UP69'                       ---EOY 2008
4794                              ,lr_get_person.action_information24
4795                              );
4796 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4797 --Taxable remunerations for which social security contributionsare not paid and which are not entitled to special job deduction
4798 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4799                add_tag_value ('CERTAIN_DEDUCTIONS_UP70'
4800                              ,lr_get_person.action_information20
4801                              );
4802                add_tag_value ('NOT_TAX_REM'
4803                              ,lr_get_person.action_information21
4804                              );
4805                add_tag_value ('RENT', lr_get_person.action_information22);
4807 		add_tag_value ('BENEFIT_AS_PENSION'                           --EOY 2008
4808                              ,lr_get_person.action_information25
4809                              );
4811 		IF lr_get_person.action_information25='Y' THEN
4813 			add_tag_value ('BEN_PEN'
4814                              ,'X');
4816 		END IF;
4818 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4819 -----------------------------------------New Benefit as pension-----------------------------------------------------------
4820 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4821 -- EOY 2008 - 2009  - Start
4822 -- Basis for Tax Reduction for Household Services - Field 21
4823 	      add_tag_value ('TAX_RED_HOUSE_SER'
4824                              ,lr_get_person.action_information26
4825                              );
4826 -- EOY 2008-2009 end
4827 -- EOY 2009 - 2010  - Start
4828 -- Basis for Tax Reduction for ROT work - Field 22
4829 	      add_tag_value ('TAX_RED_ROT_WORK'
4830                              ,lr_get_person.action_information27
4831                              );
4832 -- EOY 2009-2010 end
4833                add_tag_value ('PERSON', 'PERSON_END');
4834             END LOOP;
4836 -- *****************************************************************************
4837             add_tag_value ('KU10_PERSON', 'KU10_PERSON_END');
4838 -- FOR KU13
4839             add_tag_value ('KU13_PERSON', 'KU13_PERSON');
4841 -- *****************************************************************************
4842             FOR rec_all_emp_under_le IN
4843                csr_all_employees_under_le (l_payroll_action_id
4844                                           ,rec_all_le.action_information3
4845                                           ,'KU13'
4846                                           ,lr_report_details.action_information10
4847                                           )
4848             LOOP
4849                add_tag_value ('PERSON', 'PERSON');
4850                add_tag_value ('TYPE', 'KU13');
4851  lr_get_person := NULL;
4852                OPEN csr_get_person ('PERSON1'
4853                                    ,l_payroll_action_id
4854                                    ,rec_all_emp_under_le.action_information30
4855                                    );
4856                FETCH csr_get_person
4857                 INTO lr_get_person;
4859                CLOSE csr_get_person;
4860                add_tag_value ('FROM'
4861                              ,lr_get_person.action_information5
4862                              );
4863                add_tag_value ('TO', lr_get_person.action_information6);
4864                add_tag_value ('PIN', lr_get_person.action_information7);
4865                add_tag_value ('NAME'
4866                              ,lr_get_person.action_information8);
4867                add_tag_value ('ADDRESS'
4868                              ,lr_get_person.action_information26
4869                              );
4870                add_tag_value ('POSTAL_CODE'
4871                              ,lr_get_person.action_information27
4872                              );
4873                add_tag_value ('POSTAL_TOWN'
4874                              ,lr_get_person.action_information28
4875                              );
4876                add_tag_value
4877                   ('CORRECTION_DATE'
4878                   ,TO_CHAR
4879                       (fnd_date.canonical_to_date
4880                                      (lr_get_person.action_information9)
4881                       ,'YYYY-MM-DD'
4882                       )
4883                   );
4884                add_tag_value ('WORK_SITE_NUMBER'
4885                              ,lr_get_person.action_information10
4886                              );
4887                add_tag_value ('AMOUNT_TAX_WITHHELD'
4888                              ,lr_get_person.action_information11
4889                              );
4890                add_tag_value ('GROSS_SALARY'
4891                              ,lr_get_person.action_information12
4892                              );
4893                add_tag_value ('TB_EXCLUSIVE_CAR_FUEL'
4894                              ,lr_get_person.action_information13
4895                              );
4896                add_tag_value ('FREE_HOUSING'
4897                              ,lr_get_person.action_information14
4898                              );
4899 		IF lr_get_person.action_information14='Y' THEN
4901 			add_tag_value ('F_H'
4902                              ,'X');
4904 		END IF;
4906                add_tag_value ('FREE_MEALS'
4907                              ,lr_get_person.action_information15
4908                              );
4910 		IF lr_get_person.action_information15='Y' THEN
4912 			add_tag_value ('F_M'
4913                              ,'X');
4915 		END IF;
4917                add_tag_value ('FREE_HOUSING_OTHER41'
4918                              ,lr_get_person.action_information16
4919                              );
4921 		IF lr_get_person.action_information16='Y' THEN
4923 			add_tag_value ('F_H41'
4924                              ,'X');
4926 		END IF;
4928                add_tag_value ('INTEREST'
4929                              ,lr_get_person.action_information17
4930                              );
4932 		IF lr_get_person.action_information17='Y' THEN
4934 			add_tag_value ('INT'
4935                              ,'X');
4937 		END IF;
4939                add_tag_value ('OTHER_BENEFITS'
4940                              ,lr_get_person.action_information18
4941                              );
4943 		IF lr_get_person.action_information18='Y' THEN
4945 			add_tag_value ('OTH_BEN'
4946                              ,'X');
4948 		END IF;
4950                add_tag_value ('BENEFIT_ADJUSTED'
4951                              ,lr_get_person.action_information19
4952                              );
4955 		IF lr_get_person.action_information19='Y' THEN
4957 			add_tag_value ('BEN_ADJ'
4958                              ,'X');
4960 		END IF;
4962                add_tag_value ('TB_EXCLUSIVE_FUEL'
4963                              ,lr_get_person.action_information20
4964                              );
4965                add_tag_value ('RSV_CODE'
4966                              ,lr_get_person.action_information21
4967                              );
4968                add_tag_value ('NUMBER_OF_MONTHS_CAR'
4969                              ,lr_get_person.action_information22
4970                              );
4971                add_tag_value ('NUMBER_OF_KILOMETERS'
4972                              ,lr_get_person.action_information23
4973                              );
4974                add_tag_value ('EMPLOYEE_PAYMENT_CAR'
4975                              ,lr_get_person.action_information24
4976                              );
4977                add_tag_value ('FREE_FUEL_CAR'
4978                              ,lr_get_person.action_information25
4979                              );
4980                lr_get_person := NULL;
4982                OPEN csr_get_person ('PERSON3'
4983                                    ,l_payroll_action_id
4984                                    ,rec_all_emp_under_le.action_information30
4985                                    );
4987                FETCH csr_get_person
4988                 INTO lr_get_person;
4990                CLOSE csr_get_person;
4992                add_tag_value ('FTIN', lr_get_person.action_information4);
4993                add_tag_value ('TAX_COUNTRY_CODE'
4994                              ,lr_get_person.action_information5
4995                              );
4996                add_tag_value ('OCCUPATIONAL_PENSION'
4997                              ,lr_get_person.action_information6
4998                              );
5000 -- Changes 2008/2009 Start
5001 -- Updated the XML Code for which Taxable Remunerations for
5002 -- which social securrity contributions are not paid
5003 /*************************************************************************************
5004                add_tag_value ('OTHER_TAX_REM'
5005                              ,lr_get_person.action_information7
5006                              );
5007 ****************************************************************************************/
5008                 add_tag_value ('OTHER_TAX_REM'
5009                              ,lr_get_person.action_information25
5010                              );
5011 -- Changes 2008/2009 End
5013                add_tag_value ('COMPEN_FOR_BENEFIT'
5014                              ,lr_get_person.action_information8
5015                              );
5016                add_tag_value ('IN_PLAIN_WRITING_CODE'
5017                              ,lr_get_person.action_information10
5018                              );
5019                add_tag_value ('IN_PLAIN_WRITING_MEANING'
5020                              ,lr_get_person.action_information19
5021                              );
5022                add_tag_value ('PERSON', 'PERSON_END');
5023             END LOOP;
5025 -- *****************************************************************************
5026             add_tag_value ('KU13_PERSON', 'KU13_PERSON_END');
5027 -- FOR KU14
5028             add_tag_value ('KU14_PERSON', 'KU14_PERSON');
5030 -- *****************************************************************************
5031             FOR rec_all_emp_under_le IN
5032                csr_all_employees_under_le (l_payroll_action_id
5033                                           ,rec_all_le.action_information3
5034                                           ,'KU14'
5035                                           ,lr_report_details.action_information10
5036                                           )
5037             LOOP
5038                add_tag_value ('PERSON', 'PERSON');
5039                add_tag_value ('TYPE', 'KU14');
5041  lr_get_person := NULL;
5042                OPEN csr_get_person ('PERSON1'
5043                                    ,l_payroll_action_id
5044                                    ,rec_all_emp_under_le.action_information30
5045                                    );
5046                FETCH csr_get_person
5047                 INTO lr_get_person;
5049                CLOSE csr_get_person;
5050                add_tag_value ('FROM'
5051                              ,lr_get_person.action_information5
5052                              );
5053                add_tag_value ('TO', lr_get_person.action_information6);
5054                add_tag_value ('PIN', lr_get_person.action_information7);
5055                add_tag_value ('NAME'
5056                              ,lr_get_person.action_information8);
5057                add_tag_value ('ADDRESS'
5058                              ,lr_get_person.action_information26
5059                              );
5060                add_tag_value ('POSTAL_CODE'
5061                              ,lr_get_person.action_information27
5062                              );
5063                add_tag_value ('POSTAL_TOWN'
5064                              ,lr_get_person.action_information28
5065                              );
5066                add_tag_value
5067                   ('CORRECTION_DATE'
5068                   ,TO_CHAR
5069                       (fnd_date.canonical_to_date
5070                                      (lr_get_person.action_information9)
5071                       ,'YYYY-MM-DD'
5072                       )
5073                   );
5074                add_tag_value ('WORK_SITE_NUMBER'
5075                              ,lr_get_person.action_information10
5076                              );
5077                add_tag_value ('AMOUNT_TAX_WITHHELD'
5078                              ,lr_get_person.action_information11
5079                              );
5080                add_tag_value ('GROSS_SALARY'
5081                              ,lr_get_person.action_information12
5082                              );
5083                add_tag_value ('TB_EXCLUSIVE_CAR_FUEL'
5084                              ,lr_get_person.action_information13
5085                              );
5086                add_tag_value ('FREE_HOUSING'
5087                              ,lr_get_person.action_information14
5088                              );
5090 		IF lr_get_person.action_information14='Y' THEN
5092 			add_tag_value ('F_H'
5093                              ,'X');
5095 		END IF;
5097                add_tag_value ('FREE_MEALS'
5098                              ,lr_get_person.action_information15
5099                              );
5101 		IF lr_get_person.action_information15='Y' THEN
5103 			add_tag_value ('F_M'
5104                              ,'X');
5106 		END IF;
5108                add_tag_value ('FREE_HOUSING_OTHER41'
5109                              ,lr_get_person.action_information16
5110                              );
5112 		IF lr_get_person.action_information16='Y' THEN
5114 			add_tag_value ('F_H41'
5115                              ,'X');
5117 		END IF;
5119                add_tag_value ('INTEREST'
5120                              ,lr_get_person.action_information17
5121                              );
5123 		IF lr_get_person.action_information17='Y' THEN
5125 			add_tag_value ('INT'
5126                              ,'X');
5128 		END IF;
5131                add_tag_value ('OTHER_BENEFITS'
5132                              ,lr_get_person.action_information18
5133                              );
5134 		IF lr_get_person.action_information18='Y' THEN
5136 			add_tag_value ('OTH_BEN'
5137                              ,'X');
5139 		END IF;
5141                add_tag_value ('BENEFIT_ADJUSTED'
5142                              ,lr_get_person.action_information19
5143                              );
5145 		IF lr_get_person.action_information19='Y' THEN
5147 			add_tag_value ('BEN_ADJ'
5148                              ,'X');
5150 		END IF;
5152                add_tag_value ('TB_EXCLUSIVE_FUEL'
5153                              ,lr_get_person.action_information20
5154                              );
5155                add_tag_value ('RSV_CODE'
5156                              ,lr_get_person.action_information21
5157                              );
5158                add_tag_value ('NUMBER_OF_MONTHS_CAR'
5159                              ,lr_get_person.action_information22
5160                              );
5161                add_tag_value ('NUMBER_OF_KILOMETERS'
5162                              ,lr_get_person.action_information23
5163                              );
5164                add_tag_value ('EMPLOYEE_PAYMENT_CAR'
5165                              ,lr_get_person.action_information24
5166                              );
5167                add_tag_value ('FREE_FUEL_CAR'
5168                              ,lr_get_person.action_information25
5169                              );
5170                lr_get_person := NULL;
5172                OPEN csr_get_person ('PERSON2'
5173                                    ,l_payroll_action_id
5174                                    ,rec_all_emp_under_le.action_information30
5175                                    );
5177                FETCH csr_get_person
5178                 INTO lr_get_person;
5180                CLOSE csr_get_person;
5182                add_tag_value ('MILEAGE_ALLOWANCE'
5183                              ,lr_get_person.action_information5
5184                              );
5185 		IF lr_get_person.action_information5='Y' THEN
5187 			add_tag_value ('MIL_ALLOW'
5188                              ,'X');
5190 		END IF;
5191                add_tag_value ('PER_DIEM_SWEDEN'
5192                              ,lr_get_person.action_information6
5193                              );
5194 		IF lr_get_person.action_information6='Y' THEN
5196 			add_tag_value ('PD_SW'
5197                              ,'X');
5199 		END IF;
5200                add_tag_value ('PER_DIEM_OTHER'
5201                              ,lr_get_person.action_information7
5202                              );
5203 		IF lr_get_person.action_information7='Y' THEN
5205 			add_tag_value ('PD_OTH'
5206                              ,'X');
5208 		END IF;
5209                add_tag_value ('BUSI_TRAVEL_EXPENSES_FLAG'
5210                              ,lr_get_person.action_information8
5211                              );
5212 		IF lr_get_person.action_information8='Y' THEN
5214 			add_tag_value ('BTE'
5215                              ,'X');
5217 		END IF;
5218                add_tag_value ('ACC_BUSINESS_TRAVELS_FLAG'
5219                              ,lr_get_person.action_information9
5220                              );
5221 		IF lr_get_person.action_information9='Y' THEN
5223 			add_tag_value ('ABTF'
5224                              ,'X');
5226 		END IF;
5227                add_tag_value ('WITHIN_SWEDEN'
5228                              ,lr_get_person.action_information10
5229                              );
5230 		IF lr_get_person.action_information10='Y' THEN
5232 			add_tag_value ('WS'
5233                              ,'X');
5235 		END IF;
5236                add_tag_value ('OTHER_COUNTRIES'
5237                              ,lr_get_person.action_information11
5238                              );
5239 		IF lr_get_person.action_information11='Y' THEN
5241 			add_tag_value ('OTH_C'
5242                              ,'X');
5244 		END IF;
5245                lr_get_person := NULL;
5247                OPEN csr_get_person ('PERSON3'
5248                                    ,l_payroll_action_id
5249                                    ,rec_all_emp_under_le.action_information30
5250                                    );
5252                FETCH csr_get_person
5253                 INTO lr_get_person;
5255                CLOSE csr_get_person;
5257                add_tag_value ('FTIN', lr_get_person.action_information4);
5258                add_tag_value ('TAX_COUNTRY_CODE'
5259                              ,lr_get_person.action_information5
5260                              );
5261                add_tag_value ('OCCUPATIONAL_PENSION'
5262                              ,lr_get_person.action_information11
5263                              );
5264                add_tag_value ('OTHER_TAX_REM'
5265                              ,lr_get_person.action_information12
5266                              );
5267                add_tag_value ('TAX_REM_PAID'
5268                              ,lr_get_person.action_information13
5269                              );
5270                add_tag_value ('NOT_TAX_REM'
5271                              ,lr_get_person.action_information14
5272                              );
5273                add_tag_value ('WORK_COUNTRY_CODE'
5274                              ,lr_get_person.action_information9
5275                              );
5276                add_tag_value ('WORK_COUNTRY_MEANING'
5277                              ,lr_get_person.action_information18
5278                              );
5279                add_tag_value ('IN_PLAIN_WRITING_CODE'
5280                              ,lr_get_person.action_information10
5281                              );
5282                add_tag_value ('IN_PLAIN_WRITING_MEANING'
5283                              ,lr_get_person.action_information19
5284                              );
5285                add_tag_value ('WORK_PERIOD'
5286                              ,lr_get_person.action_information15
5287                              );
5288 		IF lr_get_person.action_information15='SIX_MONTHS_LESS' THEN
5290 			add_tag_value ('WP_6'
5291                              ,'X');
5292 		ELSIF lr_get_person.action_information15='SIX_TO_ONE_YEAR' THEN
5294 			add_tag_value ('WP_L_12'
5295                              ,'X');
5297 		ELSIF lr_get_person.action_information15='ONE_YEAR_OR_MORE' THEN
5299 			add_tag_value ('WP_G_12'
5300                              ,'X');
5302 		END IF;
5304                add_tag_value ('EMP_REGULATION_CATEGORY'
5305                              ,lr_get_person.action_information16
5306                              );
5307 		IF lr_get_person.action_information16='92A' THEN
5309 			add_tag_value ('CC_92A'
5310                              ,'X');
5311 		ELSIF lr_get_person.action_information16='92B' THEN
5313 			add_tag_value ('CC_92B'
5314                              ,'X');
5316 		ELSIF lr_get_person.action_information16='92C' THEN
5318 			add_tag_value ('CC_92C'
5319                              ,'X');
5321 		ELSIF lr_get_person.action_information16='92D' THEN
5323 			add_tag_value ('CC_92D'
5324                              ,'X');
5325 		ELSIF lr_get_person.action_information16='92E' THEN
5327 			add_tag_value ('CC_92E'
5328                              ,'X');
5330 		ELSIF lr_get_person.action_information16='92F' THEN
5332 			add_tag_value ('CC_92F'
5333                              ,'X');
5335 		END IF;
5337                 add_tag_value ('EMP_REGULATION_CATEGORY_CODE'
5338                              ,lr_get_person.action_information22
5339                              );
5341 --EOY 2008/2009 Start
5342 --Basis for Tax Reduction for household services
5344 	        add_tag_value ('TAX_RED_HOUSE_SER'
5345                              ,lr_get_person.action_information23);
5346 -- Benefit As Pension
5347                 add_tag_value ('BENEFIT_AS_PENSION'
5348                              ,lr_get_person.action_information24
5349                              );
5350 		IF lr_get_person.action_information24='Y' THEN
5352 			add_tag_value ('BEN_PEN'
5353                              ,'X');
5354 	END IF;
5355 -- End
5356 --EOY 2009/2010 Start
5357 --Basis for Tax Reduction for rot work
5359 	        add_tag_value ('TAX_RED_ROT_WORK'
5360                              ,lr_get_person.action_information26);
5361 --EOY 2009/2010 End
5362                add_tag_value ('ARTICLE_DETAILS'
5363 	                ,lr_get_person.action_information17
5364                              );
5365 add_tag_value ('COMPENSATION_FOR_EXPENSES', lr_get_PERSON.action_information21);
5366                add_tag_value ('PERSON', 'PERSON_END');
5367             END LOOP;
5369 -- *****************************************************************************
5370             add_tag_value ('KU14_PERSON', 'KU14_PERSON_END');
5371 -- *****************************************************************************
5372             fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^');
5373             add_tag_value ('EMPLOYEES', 'EMPLOYEES_END');
5374             add_tag_value ('LEGAL_EMPLOYER', 'LEGAL_EMPLOYER_END');
5375          END LOOP;                                 /* For all LEGAL_EMPLYER */
5377          add_tag_value ('INCOME_STATEMENT', 'INCOME_STATEMENT_END');
5378       END IF;                            /* for p_payroll_action_id IS NULL */
5380       writetoclob (p_xml);
5382 --      INSERT INTO clob_table           VALUES (p_xml                  );
5383    END get_xml_for_report;
5385       -- *****************************************************************************
5386 /* Proc to Add the tag value and Name */
5387    PROCEDURE logger (p_display IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2)
5388    IS
5389    BEGIN
5390       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
5391                         , p_display || '          ==> ' || p_value
5392                         );
5393    END logger;
5394 /* End of Proc to Add the tag value and Name */
5395  -- *****************************************************************************
5396        -- *****************************************************************************
5397 /* Proc to Add the tag value and Name */
5398    FUNCTION get_country (p_code IN VARCHAR2 )
5399    return Varchar2
5400    IS
5401          CURSOR csr_get_country_details
5402       IS
5403          SELECT ft.territory_short_name
5404            FROM fnd_territories_vl ft
5405           WHERE ft.territory_code = p_code;
5407       lr_get_country_details          csr_get_country_details%ROWTYPE;
5409    l_country_name varchar2(240);
5411    BEGIN
5412    l_country_name := NULL;
5413    lr_get_country_details := NULL;
5415             OPEN csr_get_country_details ;
5416          FETCH csr_get_country_details          INTO lr_get_country_details;
5417          CLOSE csr_get_country_details;
5418    l_country_name := lr_get_country_details.territory_short_name;
5419    return l_country_name;
5420    END get_country;
5421 /* End of Proc to Add the tag value and Name */
5422  -- *****************************************************************************
5423 END pay_se_income_statement;