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Line 153: wsh_delivery_legs

149: -- Define cursor to get the deliveries picked at a stop
150: CURSOR get_deliveries_picked (p_stop_id NUMBER) IS
151: select delivery_id
152: from
153: wsh_delivery_legs
154: where pick_up_stop_id = p_stop_id;
156: -- Define cursor to get the deliveries dropped at a stop
157: CURSOR get_deliveries_dropped (p_stop_id NUMBER) IS

Line 160: wsh_delivery_legs

156: -- Define cursor to get the deliveries dropped at a stop
157: CURSOR get_deliveries_dropped (p_stop_id NUMBER) IS
158: select delivery_id
159: from
160: wsh_delivery_legs
161: where drop_off_stop_id = p_stop_id;
163: --bug# 6497991 (begin) : Update tms_interface_flag for error trip stops back to 'ASR'.
164: CURSOR get_trip_stops(c_trip_id NUMBER) IS

Line 1074: l_deliveries_sql := l_deliveries_sql ||' select wdl.delivery_id from wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts where wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts.stop_id and wts.trip_id = :1 ' ;

1070: ||' and wnd.delivery_id in (';
1071: --Bug 7408338
1072: IF (l_p_caller = 'A') THEN
1073: --{
1074: l_deliveries_sql := l_deliveries_sql ||' select wdl.delivery_id from wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_trip_stops wts where wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts.stop_id and wts.trip_id = :1 ' ;
1075: bind_col_tab(bind_col_tab.COUNT+1) := to_char(p_trip_id);
1076: ELSE
1077: FOR i in 1..p_dlv_id_tab.COUNT LOOP
1078: --{