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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

     INTO   l_date
     FROM   DUAL;
Line: 39

    SELECT decode(instr(value,','),0,value,
                   SUBSTR (value,1,instr(value,',') - 1))
    INTO   l_file_location
    FROM   v$parameter
    WHERE  name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 88

    ' as select * from XLA_EVENTS where rownum<1 ';
Line: 92

    ' add datafix_update_date date default sysdate';
Line: 96

    ' as select * from XLA_AE_HEADERS where rownum<1 ';
Line: 100

    ' add datafix_update_date date default sysdate';
Line: 104

    ' as select * from XLA_AE_LINES where rownum<1 ';
Line: 108

    ' add datafix_update_date date default sysdate';
Line: 112

    ' as select * from XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS where rownum<1 ';
Line: 116

    ' add datafix_update_date date default sysdate';
Line: 120

    ' as select * from XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES where rownum<1 ';
Line: 124

    ' add datafix_update_date date default sysdate';
Line: 155

  stmt_str := 'select column_name from '|| l_all_tab_columns ||
              ' where table_name=:1 and column_name<>''DATAFIX_UPDATE_DATE''';
Line: 195

  stmt_str := 'select column_name from '|| l_all_tab_columns ||
              ' where table_name=:1 and owner =:2 and column_name<>''DATAFIX_UPDATE_DATE''';
Line: 251

    sql_liab_stat := 'select count(*) from '|| l_tables ||
                    ' where table_name='||''''||'HEADERS_'||P_Bug_number||'''';
Line: 285

    sql_liab_stat := 'insert into events_'||P_Bug_Number||'('||col_str5||') '||
                     ' select '||col_str5||' from xla_events '||
                     ' where  event_id in '||
    ' (select event_id from '||l_driver_table||
    ' Where process_flag=''Y'')';
Line: 294

    sql_liab_stat := 'insert into headers_'||P_Bug_Number||'('||col_str1||') '||
                     ' select '||col_str1||' from xla_ae_headers '||
                     ' where  event_id in '||
    ' (select event_id from '||l_driver_table||
    ' Where process_flag=''Y'')';
Line: 303

    sql_liab_stat := 'insert into lines_'||P_Bug_Number||'('||col_str2||') '||
                     ' select '||col_str2||' from xla_ae_lines '||
                     ' where  ae_header_id in '||
    ' (select xah.ae_header_id '||
    ' from headers_'||P_Bug_Number||' xah,  '||
           l_driver_table||' dr '||
    ' where dr.event_id = xah.event_id '||
    ' and dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||
    ' ) ';
Line: 316

    sql_liab_stat := 'insert into distrib_links_'||P_Bug_Number||'('||col_str3||') '||
                     ' select '||col_str3||' from xla_distribution_links '||
                     ' where  ae_header_id in '||
    ' (select xah.ae_header_id '||
    ' from headers_'||P_Bug_Number||' xah,  '||
           l_driver_table||' dr '||
    ' where dr.event_id = xah.event_id '||
    ' and dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||
    ' ) ';
Line: 370

    (p_select_list       in VARCHAR2,
     p_table_in          in VARCHAR2,
     p_where_in          in VARCHAR2,
     P_calling_sequence  in VARCHAR2,
     p_print_in_output   IN BOOLEAN /* GSI Bug 9490277 */) IS

     l_calling_sequence varchar2(500);
Line: 377

   select_list1 varchar2(2000):=P_SELECT_LIST;
Line: 418

   dot_loc := INSTR(select_list1,',');
Line: 421

    col_list := col_list || ', ' || select_list1;
Line: 423

    colname (col_count) := select_list1;
Line: 426

    col_list := col_list || ', ' || SUBSTR (select_list1, 1, dot_loc-1);
Line: 428

    colname (col_count) := SUBSTR (select_list1, 1, dot_loc-1);
Line: 430

      select_list1:=SUBSTR (select_list1, dot_loc+1);
Line: 435

      SELECT data_type,DATA_LENGTH
        INTO coltype (col_count) ,collen(col_count)
        FROM all_tab_columns
       WHERE owner = owner_nm
         AND table_name = table_nm
         AND column_name=colname (col_count);
Line: 465

       'SELECT ' || col_list ||
       '  FROM ' || p_table_in || ' ' || where_clause,
Line: 539

        l_message := 'SELECT ' || col_list ||
               '  FROM ' || p_table_in || ' ' || where_clause||'


Line: 552

   table. It also takes in as input SELECT LIST which determine
   the list of columns which will be backed up. The additional
   WHERE caluse can also be passed in as input. */

Procedure Backup_data
    (p_source_table      in VARCHAR2,
     p_destination_table in VARCHAR2,
     p_select_list       in VARCHAR2,
     p_where_clause      in VARCHAR2,
     P_calling_sequence  in VARCHAR2) is

  l_calling_sequence            varchar2(4000);
Line: 580

       sql_stmt := 'select count(*) from '|| l_tables ||
                   ' where table_name='||''''||p_destination_table||'''';
Line: 591

       ' as select  '||p_select_list||' from '||
       p_source_table||' where rownum<1 ';
Line: 598

       ' add datafix_update_date date default sysdate';
Line: 604

sql_stmt :=                 'SELECT column_name,
                       data_type|| decode(data_type, ''DATE'', '''', ''(''||data_length||''''||nvl2(data_precision, '',''||data_precision||'')'', '')'')) column_type
                  FROM all_tab_columns
                 WHERE table_name IN ('''||p_source_table||''')
                 SELECT column_name,
                        data_type|| decode(data_type, ''DATE'', '''', ''(''||data_length||''''||nvl2(data_precision, '',''||data_precision||'')'', '')'')) column_type
                   FROM all_tab_columns
                  WHERE table_name IN ('''||p_destination_table||''')';
Line: 631

    sql_stmt := 'insert into '||p_destination_table||
                     '('||P_SELECT_LIST||') '||' select '||P_SELECT_LIST||
                     ' from '||P_SOURCE_TABLE||' '||P_WHERE_CLAUSE;
Line: 664

    SELECT fu.user_id
      INTO l_user_id
      FROM fnd_user fu
     WHERE fu.user_name = p_user_name;
Line: 677

    SELECT fr.responsibility_id
      INTO l_resp_id
      FROM fnd_responsibility_tl fr
     WHERE fr.responsibility_name = p_resp_name
       AND rownum = 1;
Line: 709

      p_delete_event       IN           VARCHAR2,
      p_commit_flag        IN           VARCHAR2,
      p_calling_sequence   IN           VARCHAR2) IS

  l_event_status_code                   XLA_EVENTS.EVENT_STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
Line: 766

  l_log_msg := 'p_delete_event '||p_delete_event ;
Line: 779

    SELECT 1
      INTO l_dummy
      FROM dual
           (SELECT 1
	      FROM xla_events xe
	     WHERE xe.application_id = 200
	       AND xe.event_id = p_event_id);
Line: 817

    SELECT xe.event_status_code,
      INTO l_event_status_code,
      FROM xla_events xe
     WHERE xe.application_id = 200
       AND xe.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 825

    SELECT xah.gl_transfer_status_code
      INTO l_gl_transfer_status_code
      FROM xla_ae_headers xah
     WHERE xah.application_id = 200
       AND xah.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
       AND xah.event_id = p_event_id
       AND rownum = 1;
Line: 858

     While calling delete entity, if l_result is 0 then entity deleted
     else entity not deleted as there are events associated to the entity

    l_debug_info := ' Fetching security context..';
Line: 864

    SELECT security_id_int_1,
      INTO l_event_security_context.security_id_int_1,
      FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte
     WHERE xte.application_id = 200
       AND xte.entity_id = l_entity_id;
Line: 924

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_journals_exist
      FROM dual
              FROM xla_ae_headers
             WHERE application_id =200
               AND event_id = p_event_id);
Line: 951

          (p_api_version     => l_api_Version,
           p_init_msg_list   => l_InIt_msg_List,
           p_application_id  => l_Application_Id,
           p_event_id        => p_event_id,
           x_return_status   => l_Return_Status,
           x_msg_count       => x_msg_Count,
           x_msg_data        => x_msg_Data);
Line: 961

      l_error_log := 'Error in xla_DataFixes_Pub.delete_journal_entries:'|| x_msg_Data;
Line: 976

  IF (p_delete_event = 'Y' and l_Return_Status = 'S' ) THEN

     l_debug_info := ' Calling delete event..';
Line: 980

       ( p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
         p_event_id => p_event_id,
         p_valuation_method => NULL,
         p_security_context => l_event_security_context,
         p_calling_sequence => l_calling_sequence
Line: 1008

     SELECT 1
       INTO l_dummy
       FROM dual
            (SELECT 1
	       FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte
	      WHERE xte.application_id = 200
	        AND xte.entity_id = l_entity_id);
Line: 1024

      l_debug_info := 'Calling delete entity..';
Line: 1027

      l_result := xla_events_pub_pkg.delete_entity (
                    p_source_info => l_event_source_info,
                    p_valuation_method => NULL,
                    p_security_context => l_event_security_context );
Line: 1081

       p_update_process_flag         IN          VARCHAR2,
       P_calc_undo_date              IN          VARCHAR2,
       P_commit_flag                 IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
       p_calling_sequence            IN          VARCHAR2) IS

  l_sql_stmt                            LONG;
Line: 1095

  l_update_process_flag                 VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 1154

    SELECT 1
      INTO l_dummy
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'EVENT_ID';
Line: 1170

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_process_flag
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'PROCESS_FLAG';
Line: 1192

                  'must get updated';
Line: 1193

  l_update_process_flag := p_update_process_flag;
Line: 1195

    l_update_process_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1200

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_proposed_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'PROPOSED_UNDO_DATE';
Line: 1216

        ' SELECT DISTINCT '||
        '        xah.event_id, '||
        '        xah.event_type_code, '||
        '        xah.ae_header_id, '||
        '        xah.accounting_date, '||
        '        DECODE(xte.entity_code, '||
        '               ''AP_INVOICES'', ''Invoice'', '||
        '               ''AP_PAYMENTS'', ''Payments''), '||
        '        xte.source_id_int_1, '||
        '        xte.transaction_number, '||
        '        xte.security_id_int_1, '||
        '        glps.period_name, '||
        '        DECODE(glps.closing_status, '||
        '               ''C'', ''Closed'', '||
        '               ''N'', ''Never Opened'', '||
        '               ''Not-Open''), '||
        '        gl.name '||
        '   FROM xla_events xe, '||
        '        xla_ae_headers xah, '||
                 l_driver_table||' dr, '||
        '        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
        '        gl_period_statuses glps, '||
        '        gl_ledgers gl '||
        '  WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
        '    AND xah.application_id =200 '||
        '    AND xte.application_id =200 '||
        '    AND xe.event_id = dr.event_id '||
        '    AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
        '    AND xe.event_id = xah.event_id '||
        '    AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
        '    AND xe.event_status_code = ''P'' '||
        '    AND xah.accounting_entry_status_code = ''F'' '||
        '    AND xah.event_type_code <> ''MANUAL'' '||
        '    AND (glps.application_id = 101 OR '||
        '        (glps.application_id = 200 AND '||
        '         xah.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)) '||
        '    AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
        '    AND glps.set_of_books_id = xah.ledger_id '||
        '    AND glps.closing_status NOT IN (''O'',''F'') '||
        '    AND dr.proposed_undo_date IS NOT NULL '||
        '    AND dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||	/*Bug 9727543*/
        '    AND dr.proposed_undo_date BETWEEN glps.start_date AND glps.end_date '||
        '    AND xah.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id ';
Line: 1314

        IF (l_update_process_flag = 'Y' AND period_close_list.event_id_l.COUNT > 0) THEN

          l_debug_info := 'The column process_flag has been found, proceeding to update';
Line: 1319

                 ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||
                 ' SET process_flag = ''E'' '||	  /*Bug 9727543*/
                 ' WHERE event_id = '||period_close_list.event_id_l(i);
Line: 1323

            l_debug_info := 'Proceeding to update the process flag for the event '||
Line: 1352

        ' SELECT DISTINCT '||
        '        xah.event_id, '||
        '        xah.event_type_code, '||
        '        xah.ae_header_id, '||
        '        xah.accounting_date, '||
        '        DECODE(xte.entity_code, '||
        '               ''AP_INVOICES'', ''Invoice'', '||
        '               ''AP_PAYMENTS'', ''Payments''), '||
        '        xte.source_id_int_1, '||
        '        xte.transaction_number, '||
        '        xte.security_id_int_1, '||
        '        glps.period_name, '||
        '        DECODE(glps.closing_status, '||
        '               ''C'', ''Closed'', '||
        '               ''N'', ''Never Opened'', '||
        '               ''Not-Open''), '||
        '        gl.name '||
        '   FROM xla_events xe, '||
        '        xla_ae_headers xah, '||
                 l_driver_table||' dr, '||
        '        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
        '        gl_period_statuses glps, '||
        '        gl_ledgers gl '||
        '  WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
        '    AND xah.application_id =200 '||
        '    AND xte.application_id =200 '||
        '    AND xe.event_id = dr.event_id '||
        '    AND dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||  /*Bug 9727543*/
        '    AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
        '    AND xe.event_id = xah.event_id '||
        '    AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
        '    AND xe.event_status_code = ''P'' '||
        '    AND xah.accounting_entry_status_code = ''F'' '||
        '    AND xah.event_type_code <> ''MANUAL'' '||
        '    AND (glps.application_id = 101 OR '||
        '        (glps.application_id = 200 AND '||
        '         xah.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)) '||
        '    AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
        '    AND glps.set_of_books_id = xah.ledger_id '||
        '    AND glps.closing_status NOT IN (''O'',''F'') '||
        '    AND xah.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id '||
        '    AND '||l_date_string||' BETWEEN glps.start_date AND glps.end_date ';
Line: 1403

                      '       (SELECT 1 '||
                      '        FROM gl_period_statuses glpse, '||
                      '             xla_ae_headers xahe '||
                      '        WHERE xahe.application_id = 200 '||
                      '        AND (glpse.application_id = 101 OR '||
                      '             (glpse.application_id = 200 AND '||
                      '              xahe.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)) '||
                      '        AND xahe.event_id = xe.event_id '||
                      '        AND nvl(glpse.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
                      '        AND glpse.set_of_books_id = xahe.ledger_id '||
                      '        AND glpse.closing_status NOT IN (''O'',''F'') '||
                      '        AND xe.event_date BETWEEN glpse.start_date AND glpse.end_date) ';
Line: 1481

      IF (l_update_process_flag = 'Y' AND period_close_list.event_id_l.COUNT > 0) THEN
        l_debug_info := 'The column process_flag has been found, proceeding to update';
Line: 1485

                 ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||
                 ' SET process_flag = ''E'' '||  /*Bug 9727543*/
                 ' WHERE event_id = '||period_close_list.event_id_l(i);
Line: 1489

            l_debug_info := 'Proceeding to update the process flag for the event '||
Line: 1504

      SELECT 1
        INTO l_dummy
        FROM sys.all_tab_columns
       WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
         AND column_name = 'CALCULATED_UNDO_DATE';
Line: 1523

         ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table ||' dr '||
         '    SET (dr.calculated_undo_date, '||
         '         dr.calculated_undo_period) = '||
         '          (SELECT dr.proposed_undo_date, glps.period_name '||
         '            FROM xla_events xe,  '||
         '                 gl_period_statuses glps, '||
         '                 xla_transaction_entities_upg xte '||
         '           WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
         '             AND glps.application_id = 200 '||
         '             AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
         '             AND glps.set_of_books_id = xte.ledger_id '||
         '             AND xte.application_id =200 '||
         '             AND xte.entity_id = xe.entity_id '||
         '             AND dr.event_id = xe.event_id '||
         '             AND dr.proposed_undo_date BETWEEN glps.start_date  '||
         '                                       AND glps.end_date) '||
         ' WHERE 1=1 ';
Line: 1550

         '     (SELECT 1 '||
         '        FROM gl_period_statuses glps, '||
     '             xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
         '             xla_ae_headers xah '||
         '       WHERE (glps.application_id = 101 OR '||
         '              (glps.application_id = 200 AND '||
         '               xah.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)) '||
         '         AND dr.event_id = xah.event_id '||
         '         AND xah.application_id =200 '||
     '         AND xte.application_id =200 '||
     '         AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
         '         AND xah.ledger_id = glps.set_of_books_id '||
         '         AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
         '         AND dr.proposed_undo_date BETWEEN glps.start_date  '||
         '                                   AND glps.end_date '||
         '         AND glps.closing_status NOT IN (''O'',''F'')) ';
Line: 1577

         ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table ||' dr '||
         '    SET (dr.calculated_undo_date, '||
         '         dr.calculated_undo_period) = '||
         '          (SELECT xe.event_date, glps.period_name '||
         '            FROM xla_events xe,  '||
         '                 gl_period_statuses glps, '||
         '                 xla_transaction_entities_upg xte '||
         '           WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
         '             AND glps.application_id = 200 '||
         '             AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
         '             AND glps.set_of_books_id = xte.ledger_id '||
         '             AND xte.application_id =200 '||
         '             AND xte.entity_id = xe.entity_id '||
         '             AND dr.event_id = xe.event_id '||
         '             AND xe.event_date BETWEEN glps.start_date  '||
         '                                   AND glps.end_date) '||
         ' WHERE 1=1 ';
Line: 1604

         '     (SELECT 1 '||
         '        FROM gl_period_statuses glps, '||
     '             xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
         '             xla_ae_headers xah '||
         '       WHERE (glps.application_id = 101 OR '||
         '              (glps.application_id = 200 AND '||
         '               xah.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)) '||
         '         AND dr.event_id = xah.event_id '||
         '         AND xah.application_id =200 '||
     '         AND xte.application_id =200 '||
     '         AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
         '         AND xah.ledger_id = glps.set_of_books_id '||
         '         AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
         '         AND xah.accounting_date BETWEEN glps.start_date  '||
         '                                AND glps.end_date '||
         '         AND glps.closing_status NOT IN (''O'',''F'')) ';
Line: 1629

         ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table ||' dr '||
         '    SET (dr.calculated_undo_date, '||
         '         dr.calculated_undo_period) = '||
         '          (SELECT trunc(sysdate), glps.period_name '||
         '            FROM xla_events xe,  '||
         '                 gl_period_statuses glps, '||
         '                 xla_transaction_entities_upg xte '||
         '           WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
         '             AND glps.application_id = 200 '||
         '             AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
         '             AND glps.set_of_books_id = xte.ledger_id '||
         '             AND xte.application_id =200 '||
         '             AND xte.entity_id = xe.entity_id '||
         '             AND dr.event_id = xe.event_id '||
         '             AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN glps.start_date  '||
         '                                    AND glps.end_date) '||
         ' WHERE 1=1 ';
Line: 1656

         '     (SELECT 1 '||
         '        FROM gl_period_statuses glps, '||
     '             xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
         '             xla_ae_headers xah '||
         '       WHERE (glps.application_id = 101 OR '||
         '              (glps.application_id = 200 AND '||
         '               xah.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)) '||
         '         AND dr.event_id = xah.event_id '||
         '         AND xah.application_id =200 '||
     '         AND xte.application_id =200 '||
     '         AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
         '         AND xah.ledger_id = glps.set_of_books_id '||
         '         AND nvl(glps.adjustment_period_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' '||
         '         AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN glps.start_date  '||
         '                                AND glps.end_date '||
         '         AND glps.closing_status NOT IN (''O'',''F'')) ';
Line: 1697

       p_update_process_flag          IN          VARCHAR2,
       p_commit_flag                  IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
       p_calling_sequence             IN          VARCHAR2) IS

  l_sql_stmt                            LONG;
Line: 1764

    '        xah.event_id, '||
    '        xah.event_type_code, '||
    '        xah.ae_header_id, '||
    '        xah.accounting_date, '||
    '        xal.ae_line_num, '||
    '        xal.accounting_class_code, '||
    '        DECODE(xte.entity_code, '||
    '               ''AP_INVOICES'', ''Invoice'', '||
    '               ''AP_PAYMENTS'', ''Payments''), '||
    '        xte.source_id_int_1, '||
    '        xte.transaction_number, '||
    '        xte.security_id_int_1, '||
    '        glcc.code_combination_id, '||
    '        glcc.padded_concatenated_segments, '||
    '        glcc.enabled_flag, '||
    '        glcc.end_date_active, '||
    '        gl.name '||
    '   FROM xla_events xe, '||
    '        xla_ae_headers xah, '||
    '        xla_ae_lines xal, '||
             l_driver_table||' dr, '||
    '        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
    '        gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc, '||
    '        gl_ledgers gl '||
    '  WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
    '    AND xah.application_id = 200 '||
    '    AND xal.application_id = 200 '||
    '    AND xte.application_id =200 '||
    '    AND xe.event_id = dr.event_id '||
    '    and DR.PROCESS_FLAG = ''Y''  '||   /*Bug 9727543*/
    '    AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
    '    AND xe.event_id = xah.event_id '||
    '    AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
    '    AND xe.event_status_code = ''P'' '||
    '    AND xah.accounting_entry_status_code = ''F'' '||
    '    AND xah.event_type_code <> ''MANUAL'' '||
    '    AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id '||
    '    AND xal.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id '||
    '    AND (glcc.enabled_flag = ''N'' OR glcc.end_date_active IS NOT NULL) '||
    '    AND xah.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id ';
Line: 1873

       SELECT 'Y'
         INTO l_check_process_flag
         FROM sys.all_tab_columns
        WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
          AND column_name = 'PROCESS_FLAG';
Line: 1886

      IF (l_check_process_flag = 'Y' AND p_update_process_flag = 'Y') THEN

        l_debug_info := 'The column process_flag has been found, proceeding to update';
Line: 1893

                 ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||
                 ' SET process_flag = ''E'' '||
                 ' WHERE event_id = '||invalid_ccid_list.event_id_l(i);
Line: 1897

            l_debug_info := 'Proceeding to update the process flag for the event '||
Line: 1964

    SELECT  /*LEADING(ASP, XTE)*/ DISTINCT xe.event_id,
        security_id_int_1 cur_org_id,
        decode(xte.entity_code,   'AP_PAYMENTS',   'CHECKS',   'AP_INVOICES',   'INVOICES') check_or_invoice,
        xe.event_date gl_date,
        MAX(DECODE(NVL(gl_transfer_status_code,'N'), 'Y', 'Y', 'N')) gl_transfer_status_code /*bug 13911650*/
  FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
        xla_events xe,
        xla_ae_headers xah,
        ap_system_parameters_all asp
  WHERE xte.entity_id = xe.entity_id
    AND xe.application_id = 200
    AND xte.entity_code = p_Source_Table
    AND nvl(source_id_int_1,-99) = p_Check_Or_Invoice_Id    --nvl added by bug 7655892
    AND xe.event_status_code = 'P'
    AND xe.process_status_code = 'P'
    AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id
    AND nvl(xe.event_id,   xe.event_id) = nvl(p_Event_Id,   xe.event_id)  --nvl added to both sides in 7655892
    AND xah.application_id = 200
    AND xte.application_id = 200
    /* AND xah.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id Bug 13900488 */
    AND xte.ledger_id = asp.set_of_books_id             --extra join condition added by 7655892
    AND xte.security_id_int_1 = asp.org_id
    AND nvl(xe.budgetary_control_flag,   'N') = 'N'
    GROUP BY xe.event_id,
        decode(xte.entity_code, 'AP_PAYMENTS', 'CHECKS', 'AP_INVOICES', 'INVOICES'),
	xe.event_date; /* bug 13911650, 7627438*/
Line: 1997

    SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
     WHERE gps.Application_Id = 200
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND p_Date BETWEEN Trunc(gps.Start_Date)
                              AND Trunc(gps.End_Date)
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(p_org_id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F')
    SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
     WHERE gps.Application_Id = 101
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND p_Date BETWEEN Trunc(gps.Start_Date)
                              AND Trunc(gps.End_Date)
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(p_org_id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F');
Line: 2027

     SELECT Period_Name, End_Date
     FROM (
      SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name, trunc(gps.End_Date) End_date
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
      WHERE gps.Application_Id = 200
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(p_org_id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F')
      SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name, trunc(gps.End_Date) End_date
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
      WHERE gps.Application_Id = 101
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(p_org_id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F')
       order by end_date
     WHERE rownum < 2;
Line: 2051

     SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
      WHERE gps.Application_Id = 200
       AND p_Gl_Date between trunc(gps.start_date) and trunc(gps.end_date)
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(p_org_id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F')
    SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
      WHERE gps.Application_Id = 101
       AND p_Gl_Date between trunc(gps.start_date) and trunc(gps.end_date)
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(p_org_id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F');
Line: 2080

  ins_AP_undo_event_log_stmt VARCHAR2(200) := 'INSERT INTO AP_undo_event_log('
         'VALUES(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7)';
Line: 2083

  log_table_exists_stmt VARCHAR2(200) := 'select count(*) '||
      'from '||l_table_name ||
     ' where table_name = ''AP_UNDO_EVENT_LOG'' ';
Line: 2277

      Debug_Info := 'xla_DataFixes_Pub.delete_journal_entries';
Line: 2279

         l_log_msg := 'Calling xla_datafixes_pub.delete_journal_entries';
Line: 2286

          (p_api_version     => l_aPi_Version,
           p_init_msg_list   => l_InIt_msg_List,
           p_application_id  => l_Application_Id,
           p_event_id        => Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id,
           x_return_status   => l_Return_Status,
           x_msg_count       => x_msg_Count,
           x_msg_data        => x_msg_Data);
Line: 2304

      l_log_msg := 'Undo_Accounting : Error in xla_DataFixes_Pub.delete_journal_entries
             :'|| x_msg_Data;
Line: 2325

      SELECT event_status_code
        INTO l_event_status_code
        FROM xla_events xe
       WHERE xe.application_id = 200
         AND xe.event_id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id;
Line: 2346

      UPDATE ap_Payment_History_All aph
         SET Accounting_Date = l_gl_Date,
             Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Last_Updated_By = fnd_Global.User_Id
       WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
         AND Check_Id = p_Source_Id;
Line: 2354

      UPDATE ap_Invoice_Payments_All aip
         SET Accounting_Date = l_gl_Date,
             Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Accrual_Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Last_Updated_By = fnd_Global.User_Id,
             Period_Name = l_Period_Name
      WHERE  Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
        AND Check_Id = p_Source_Id;
Line: 2364

     UPDATE ap_Invoice_distributions_All aid
         SET Accounting_Date = l_gl_Date,
             Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Accrual_Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Last_Updated_By = fnd_Global.User_Id,
             Period_Name = l_Period_Name
      WHERE  Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
      AND    line_type_lookup_code = 'AWT' ;
Line: 2375

      UPDATE xla_Events
         SET Event_Date = l_gl_Date
       WHERE Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id;
Line: 2384

        FROM ap_Payment_Hist_dIsts
       WHERE Payment_History_Id IN
                  (SELECT Payment_History_Id
                     FROM ap_Payment_History_All
                    WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
                      AND Check_Id = l_Source_Id);
Line: 2394

       l_log_msg :='Updated Transaction tables for Payments';
Line: 2411

      UPDATE ap_Invoice_Distributions_All Aid
         SET Accounting_Date = l_gl_Date,
             Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Accrual_Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Last_Updated_By = fnd_Global.User_Id,
             Period_Name =l_Period_Name
      WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
        AND Invoice_Id = l_Source_Id;
Line: 2420

      UPDATE ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all asatd
         SET Accounting_Date = l_gl_Date,
             Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Accrual_Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Last_Updated_By = fnd_Global.User_Id,
             Period_Name = l_Period_Name
      WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
        AND Invoice_Id = l_Source_Id;
Line: 2430

      UPDATE xla_Events
         SET Event_Date = l_gl_Date
       WHERE Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id;
Line: 2434

      UPDATE ap_prepay_history_all aph
         SET Accounting_Date = l_gl_Date,
             Posted_Flag = 'N',
             Last_Updated_By = fnd_Global.User_Id
      WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
        AND Invoice_Id = l_Source_Id;
Line: 2441

        FROM ap_prepay_app_dists
                  (SELECT PREPAY_HISTORY_ID
                     FROM ap_prepay_history_all
                    WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab(i).Event_Id
                      AND transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ' --7502473
                      AND Invoice_Id = l_Source_Id);
Line: 2459

       l_log_msg :='Updated Transaction tables for Invoice';
Line: 2710

       p_update_process_flag         => 'Y',
       p_calc_undo_date              => 'Y',
       p_commit_flag                 => 'Y',
       p_calling_sequence            => l_calling_sequence);
Line: 2719

       p_update_process_flag          => 'Y',
       p_commit_flag                  => 'Y',
       p_calling_sequence             => l_calling_sequence);
Line: 2726

     SELECT 1
       INTO l_dummy
       FROM sys.all_tab_columns
      WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
        AND column_name = 'REVERSAL_EVENT_ID';
Line: 2746

   l_sql_stmt :=      ' SELECT DISTINCT '||
                      '   xte.entity_code, '||
                      '   xte.source_id_int_1, '||
                      '   xe.event_id, '||
                      '   xte.security_id_int_1, '||
                      '   dr.calculated_undo_date, '||
                      '   dr.calculated_undo_period, '||
                      '   xe.budgetary_control_flag '|| --Bug 10072990
                      ' FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
                      '      xla_events xe, '||
                             l_driver_table||' dr '||
                      ' WHERE xte.application_id = 200 '||
                      ' AND xe.application_id = 200 '||
                      ' AND dr.event_id = xe.event_id '||
                      ' AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
                      ' AND dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||
                      ' AND xe.event_status_code = ''P'' '||
                      ' AND xe.event_type_code <> ''MANUAL'' '||
                      ' ORDER BY decode(nvl(xe.budgetary_control_flag,''N''),''N'',1,2) ' ||
                      '        , xte.security_id_int_1 ' ; --Bug 10072990
Line: 2838

               ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||
               ' SET reversal_event_id = :b1, '||
               '     new_event_id = :b2, '||
               '     return_status = :b3 '||
               ' WHERE event_id = :b4 ';
Line: 2888

        ' SELECT v1.kind, '||
        '        v1.accounting_class_code, '||
        '        v1.event_type_code, '||
        '        v1.event_id, '||
        '        v1.event_date, '||
        '        v1.ae_header_id, '||
        '        v1.balance_type_code, '||
        '        v1.source_id_int_1, '||
        '        v1.transaction_number, '||
        '        v1.entity_code, '||
        '        v1.ae_line_num, '||
        '        v1.padded_concatenated_segments, '||
        '        v1.entered_dr, '||
        '        v1.entered_cr, '||
        '        v1.accounted_dr, '||
        '        v1.accounted_cr, '||
        '        v1.description, '||
        '        v1.name '||
        ' FROM '||
        ' ( '||
        '   SELECT ''OLD'' KIND, '||
        '        xal.accounting_class_code, '||
        '        xah.event_type_code, '||
        '        xah.event_id, '||
        '        xe.event_date, '||
        '        xah.ae_header_id, '||
        '        xah.balance_type_code, '||
        '        xah.accounting_date, '||
        '        xte.source_id_int_1, '||
        '        xte.transaction_number, '||
        '        xte.entity_code, '||
        '        xal.ae_line_num, '||
        '        gcc.padded_concatenated_segments, '||
        '        xal.entered_dr, '||
        '        xal.entered_cr, '||
        '        xal.accounted_dr, '||
        '        xal.accounted_cr, '||
        '        xal.description, '||
        '        gl.name '||
        '   FROM xla_events xe, '||
        '        xla_ae_headers xah, '||
        '        xla_ae_lines xal, '||
        '        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
        '        gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc, '||
        '        gl_ledgers gl '||
        '   WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xah.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xal.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xte.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xe.event_id = xah.event_id '||
        '   AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
        '   AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id '||
        '   AND xah.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id '||
        '   AND xal.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id '||
        '   AND xah.event_id IN '||
        '     (SELECT DISTINCT dr.new_event_id  '||
        '      FROM '||l_driver_table||' dr, '||
        '           xla_events xe '||
        '      WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
        '      AND dr.event_id = xe.event_id '||
        '      AND xe.event_status_code <> ''MANUAL'' '||
        '      AND dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||
        '      AND xe.event_status_code <> ''P'' '||
        '     ) '||
        '     UNION ALL '||
        '   SELECT ''REVERSAL'' KIND, '||
        '        xal.accounting_class_code, '||
        '        xah.event_type_code, '||
        '        xah.event_id, '||
        '        xe.event_date, '||
        '        xah.ae_header_id, '||
        '        xah.balance_type_code, '||
        '        xah.accounting_date, '||
        '        xte.source_id_int_1, '||
        '        xte.transaction_number, '||
        '        xte.entity_code, '||
        '        xal.ae_line_num, '||
        '        gcc.padded_concatenated_segments, '||
        '        xal.entered_dr, '||
        '        xal.entered_cr, '||
        '        xal.accounted_dr, '||
        '        xal.accounted_cr, '||
        '        xal.description, '||
        '        gl.name '||
        '   FROM xla_events xe, '||
        '        xla_ae_headers xah, '||
        '        xla_ae_lines xal, '||
        '        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
        '        gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc, '||
        '        gl_ledgers gl '||
        '   WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xah.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xal.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xte.application_id = 200 '||
        '   AND xe.event_id = xah.event_id '||
        '   AND xah.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id '||
        '   AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
        '   AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id '||
        '   AND xe.event_type_code = ''MANUAL'' '||
        '   AND xal.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id '||
        '   AND xe.event_id IN '||
        '     (SELECT DISTINCT dr.reversal_event_id  '||
        '      FROM '||l_driver_table||' dr, '||
        '           xla_events xe '||
        '      WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
        '      AND dr.event_id = xe.event_id '||
        '      AND xe.event_status_code <> ''MANUAL'' '||
        '      AND dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||
        '      AND xe.event_status_code <> ''P'' '||
        '     ) '||
        ' ) v1 '||
        ' ORDER BY v1.entity_code, '||
        '          v1.source_id_int_1, '||
        '          v1.KIND, '||
        '          v1.event_type_code, '||
        '          v1.ae_header_id, '||
        '          v1.balance_type_code, '||
        '          v1.ae_line_num ';
Line: 3073

   l_sql_stmt :=  ' SELECT DISTINCT '||
                  '   xte.entity_code, '||
                  '   xte.source_id_int_1, '||
                  '   xte.transaction_number, '||
                  '   xe.event_id, '||
                  '   dr.calculated_undo_date, '||
                  '   dr.calculated_undo_period, '||
                  '   decode(dr.return_status, '||
                  '          ''XLA_ERROR'', ''XLA Undo API Error'', '||
                  '          ''XLA_EXCEPTION'', ''XLA Undo API throws Exception'', '||
                  '          ''XLA_NO_WORK'', ''XLA API did not Work'', '||
                  '          ''AP_PAYMENT_ERROR'', ''Exception while updating AP Payments'', '||
                  '          ''AP_INVOICE_ERROR'', ''Exception while updating AP Invoices'', '||
                  '          ''UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION'', ''Unexpected Exception Occurred'', '||
                  '          ''SUCCESS'', ''Success'', '||
                  '          ''Relevant Error Not Found '' '||
                  '         ) '||
                  ' FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, '||
                  '      xla_events xe, '||
                         l_driver_table||' dr '||
                  ' WHERE xte.application_id = 200 '||
                  ' AND xe.application_id = 200 '||
                  ' AND dr.event_id = xe.event_id '||
                  ' AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id '||
                  ' AND dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||
                  ' AND xe.event_status_code = ''P'' '||
                  ' AND xe.event_type_code <> ''MANUAL'' ';
Line: 3147

         'UPDATE '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
         '   SET dr.process_flag = ''D'' '||
         ' WHERE dr.process_flag = ''Y'' '||
         '   AND (dr.event_id IN '||
         '       (SELECT xe.event_id '||
         '          FROM xla_events xe, '||
                         l_driver_table||'  dr1 '||
         '         WHERE xe.application_id = 200 '||
         '           AND xe.event_status_code <> ''P'' '||
         '           AND xe.event_id = dr1.event_id) ' ||
         '    OR NOT EXISTS ' ||
         '        (SELECT 1 ' ||
         '           FROM xla_events xe ' ||
         '          WHERE xe.event_id = dr.event_id ' ||
         '            AND xe.application_id =200 ))';
Line: 3263

    FROM xla_events XE,
         xla_transaction_entities_upg XTE
   WHERE XE.application_id = 200
     AND XTE.application_id = 200
     AND XE.entity_id = XTE.entity_id
     AND XE.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 3281

  SELECT AIP.Invoice_ID,
    FROM Ap_Invoice_Payments_All AIP
   WHERE AIP.invoice_id = P_Invoice_id
     AND AIP.accounting_event_id = nvl(P_Event_id, AIP.accounting_event_id)
     AND AIP.check_id = nvl(P_Check_id, AIP.check_id)
     AND nvl(AIP.reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 3302

  SELECT APH.Prepay_History_ID,
  FROM   AP_Prepay_History_All APH
  WHERE  APH.Invoice_ID = P_Invoice_ID
  AND    APH.accounting_event_id = P_event_id
  ORDER BY transaction_type;
Line: 3319

  SELECT AID.Invoice_ID,
         AID.Invoice_Distribution_ID Invoice_Distribution_ID,
  FROM   AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID
  WHERE  Invoice_ID = P_Invoice_ID
  AND    Line_Type_Lookup_Code = 'PREPAY'
  AND    Accounting_Event_ID = P_event_id
  ORDER BY abs(AID.amount) DESC;
Line: 3337

  SELECT aphd.payment_hist_dist_id,
                           'ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_VALUE', aid.dist_code_combination_id,
               ) write_off_code_combination
    FROM ap_payment_hist_dists aphd,
         ap_payment_history_all aph,
         ap_system_parameters_all asp,
         ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
   WHERE aphd.accounting_event_id = p_event_id
     AND aph.payment_history_id = aphd.payment_history_id
     AND aph.org_id = asp.org_id
     AND aphd.invoice_distribution_id = aid.invoice_distribution_id
     AND aphd.payment_hist_dist_id > p_max_pay_dist_id;
Line: 3391

  SELECT apad.prepay_app_dist_id,
                           'ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_VALUE', aid.dist_code_combination_id,
               ) write_off_code_combination
    FROM ap_prepay_app_dists apad,
         ap_prepay_history_all apph,
         ap_system_parameters_all asp,
         ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
   WHERE apad.accounting_event_id = P_Event_Id
     AND apad.prepay_history_id = apph.prepay_history_id
     AND apph.org_id = asp.org_id
     AND apad.invoice_distribution_id = aid.invoice_distribution_id
     AND apad.prepay_app_dist_id > P_Max_Prepay_Dist_id;
Line: 3476

    SELECT 1
      INTO l_dummy
      FROM ap_invoices_all
     WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 3501

  SELECT org_id
    INTO l_org_id
    FROM ap_invoices_all
   WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 3528

  SELECT ap_invoices_utility_pkg.Get_Approval_Status
    INTO l_validation_status
    FROM ap_invoices_all ai
   WHERE ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 3552

  SELECT count(*)
    INTO l_count_hist_pay
    FROM ap_invoice_payments_all aip,
         xla_ae_headers xah,
         xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
         xla_ae_lines xal
   WHERE xah.application_id = 200
     AND aip.check_id = nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99)
     AND aip.set_of_books_id = xte.ledger_id
     AND xte.entity_code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
     AND aip.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
     AND xah.upg_batch_id IS NOT NULL
     AND xah.upg_batch_id <> -9999
     AND xte.entity_id = xah.entity_id
     AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
     AND xal.accounting_class_code = 'LIABILITY'
     AND rownum = 1;
Line: 3586

  SELECT count(*)
    INTO l_cnt_unacc_inv_evnts
    FROM xla_events xe,
         xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
     ap_invoices_all ai
   WHERE xe.application_id = 200
     AND xte.application_id = 200
     AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id
     AND xte.entity_code = 'AP_INVOICES'
     AND xe.event_status_code NOT IN ('P', 'N', 'Z')
     AND nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) = ai.invoice_id
     AND xte.ledger_id = ai.set_of_books_id
     AND ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
     AND rownum = 1;
Line: 3616

  SELECT count(*)
    INTO l_cnt_unacc_pay_evnts
    FROM xla_events xe,
         xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
         ap_invoice_payments_all aip
   WHERE xe.application_id = 200
     AND xte.application_id = 200
     AND xte.entity_code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
     AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id
     AND aip.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
     AND nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) = aip.check_id
     AND xte.ledger_id = aip.set_of_books_id
     AND xe.event_status_code NOT IN ('P', 'N', 'Z')
     AND rownum = 1;
Line: 3648

    SELECT count(*)
      INTO l_cnt_untrx_inv_evnts
      FROM xla_events xe,
           xla_ae_headers xah,
           xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
       ap_invoices_all ai
     WHERE xe.application_id = 200
       AND xte.application_id = 200
       AND xah.application_id = 200
       AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id
       AND xte.entity_code = 'AP_INVOICES'
       AND xe.event_status_code = 'P'
       AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id
       AND xah.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
       AND xah.gl_transfer_status_code <> 'Y'
       AND nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) = ai.invoice_id
       AND xte.ledger_id = ai.set_of_books_id
       AND ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
       AND rownum = 1;
Line: 3681

    SELECT count(*)
      INTO l_cnt_untrx_pay_evnts
      FROM xla_events xe,
           xla_ae_headers xah,
           xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
           ap_invoice_payments_all aip
     WHERE xe.application_id = 200
       AND xte.application_id = 200
       AND xte.entity_code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
       AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id
       AND aip.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
       AND nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) = aip.check_id
       AND xte.ledger_id = aip.set_of_books_id
       AND xe.event_status_code = 'P'
       AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id
       AND xah.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
       AND xah.gl_transfer_status_code <> 'Y'
       AND rownum = 1;
Line: 3717

  SELECT max(xe.event_id)
    INTO l_max_event_id
    FROM xla_events xe
   WHERE xe.application_id = 200
     AND xe.event_status_code = 'P'
     AND xe.event_id IN
         (SELECT aph.accounting_event_id
            FROM ap_payment_history_all aph,
                 ap_invoice_payments_all aip
           WHERE aip.check_id = aph.check_id
             AND aip.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
         AND aph.rev_pmt_hist_id IS NULL
             AND aph.transaction_type IN ('PAYMENT CREATED',
                                      'REFUND RECORDED',
                                      'PAYMENT ADJUSTED',
                                          'MANUAL PAYMENT ADJUSTED',
                      'PAYMENT CLEARING',
                      'PAYMENT CLEARING ADJUSTED'
             AND NOT EXISTS
                 (SELECT 1
                    FROM ap_payment_history_all aph_rev
                   WHERE aph_rev.check_id = aph.check_id
                     AND nvl(aph_rev.related_event_id, aph_rev.accounting_event_id)
                                     = nvl(aph.related_event_id, aph.accounting_event_id)
                     AND aph_rev.rev_pmt_hist_id IS NOT NULL
          SELECT aid.accounting_event_id
            FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
           WHERE aid.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
             AND aid.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
             AND nvl(aid.reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y')
         (SELECT 1
        FROM xla_ae_headers xah,
             xla_ae_lines xal
           WHERE xah.application_id = 200
         AND xal.application_id = 200
         AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id
         AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
         AND xal.accounting_class_code = 'LIABILITY');
Line: 3795

  SELECT xe.event_type_code
    INTO p_op_event_type
    FROM xla_events xe
   WHERE xe.application_id = 200
     AND xe.event_id = l_max_event_id;
Line: 3873

    SELECT max(aphd.payment_hist_dist_id)
      INTO l_max_pay_dist_id
      FROM ap_payment_hist_dists aphd
     WHERE aphd.accounting_event_id = l_max_event_id;
Line: 3880

    SELECT max(apad.prepay_app_dist_id)
      INTO l_max_prepay_dist_id
      FROM ap_prepay_app_dists apad
     WHERE apad.accounting_event_id = l_max_event_id;
Line: 3933

    SELECT xte.source_id_int_1
      INTO l_check_id
      FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte,
           xla_events xe
     WHERE xe.application_id = 200
       AND xte.application_id = 200
       AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id
       AND xte.entity_code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
       AND xe.event_id = l_max_event_id;
Line: 4128

SELECT period_name
Into l_period_name
      FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
           ap_system_parameters_all SP
     WHERE application_id = 200
       AND sp.org_id = P_Org_Id
       AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
       AND trunc(P_Date) BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
       AND closing_status in ('O', 'F')
       AND NVL(adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 4152

SELECT Start_Date
Into  l_start_date
      SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name, trunc(gps.Start_Date) Start_date
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
      WHERE gps.Application_Id = 200
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(p_org_id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F')
      SELECT DISTINCT gps.Period_Name, trunc(gps.start_Date) start_date
      FROM gl_Period_Statuses gps,
           ap_System_Parameters_All Asp
      WHERE gps.Application_Id = 101
       AND gps.Set_Of_Books_Id = Asp.Set_Of_Books_Id
       AND Nvl(gps.Adjustment_Period_Flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND Nvl(Asp.Org_Id,- 99) = Nvl(P_Org_Id,- 99)
       AND gps.closing_Status in ('O', 'F')
       order by Start_date
 WHERE rownum < 2;
Line: 4184

Public api to delete prepay appl/payment cascade adjustment events

   p_source_type      - 'AP_INVOICES' -- for prepay appl
                        'AP_PAYMENTS' -- for payment
   p_source_id        - invoice_id    -- when p_source_type is 'AP_INVOICES'
                        check_id      -- when p_source_type is 'AP_PAYMENTS'
   p_related_event_id - related event id of cascade adjustment.
                        This is added to handle single event only
                        for ex: in case when single event id undone..etc

1. org context needs to be set prior to call the api
2. commit is to be handled by the calling api

FUNCTION delete_cascade_adjustments
  (p_source_type      IN VARCHAR2,
   p_source_id        IN NUMBER,
   p_related_event_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)

  l_procedure_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_cascade_adjustments()';
Line: 4214

  SELECT DISTINCT aph_adj.accounting_event_id
    FROM ap_payment_history_all aph
         , xla_events xe
         , ap_payment_history_all aph_adj
         , xla_events xe_adj
   WHERE aph.check_id = p_source_id
     AND aph.accounting_event_id = NVL(p_related_event_id
                                       , aph.accounting_event_id)
     AND aph.transaction_type IN('PAYMENT CREATED',
                                 'PAYMENT MATURITY',
                                 'PAYMENT CLEARING',
                                 'REFUND RECORDED')
     AND aph.posted_flag <> 'Y'
     AND xe.event_id = aph.accounting_event_id
     AND xe.event_status_code <> 'P'
     AND aph_adj.check_id = aph.check_id
     AND aph_adj.related_event_id <> aph_adj.accounting_event_id
     AND aph_adj.related_event_id = aph.accounting_event_id
     AND aph_adj.transaction_type IN('PAYMENT ADJUSTED',
                                     'PAYMENT MATURITY ADJUSTED',
                                     'PAYMENT CLEARING ADJUSTED',
                                     'REFUND ADJUSTED')
     AND aph_adj.posted_flag <> 'Y'
     AND xe_adj.event_id = aph_adj.accounting_event_id
     AND xe_adj.event_status_code <> 'P';
Line: 4241

  SELECT DISTINCT apph_adj.accounting_event_id
    FROM ap_invoices_all ai
         , ap_prepay_history_all apph
         , xla_events xe
         , ap_prepay_history_all apph_adj
         , xla_events xe_adj
   WHERE 1=1
     AND ai.invoice_id = p_source_id
     AND ap_invoices_utility_pkg.get_approval_status
                IN ('NEEDS REAPPROVAL',
                    'NEVER APPROVED',
     AND apph.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id
     AND apph.accounting_event_id = NVL(p_related_event_id,
     AND apph.transaction_type IN('PREPAYMENT APPLIED')
     AND apph.posted_flag <> 'Y'
          SELECT 'encumbered'
            FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
         WHERE aid.accounting_event_id = apph.accounting_event_id
             AND NVL(aid.encumbered_flag, 'N') = 'Y'     --bug11880177,bug12407622
     AND xe.event_id = apph.accounting_event_id
     AND xe.event_status_code <> 'P'
     AND apph_adj.invoice_id = apph.invoice_id
     AND apph_adj.related_prepay_app_event_id <> apph_adj.accounting_event_id
     AND apph_adj.related_prepay_app_event_id = apph.accounting_event_id
     AND apph_adj.transaction_type IN('PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ')
     AND apph_adj.posted_flag <> 'Y'
     AND xe_adj.event_id = apph_adj.accounting_event_id
     AND xe_adj.event_status_code <> 'P';
Line: 4299

    SELECT security_id_int_1,
      INTO l_event_security_context.security_id_int_1,
      FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte
     WHERE NVL(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) = p_source_id
       AND xte.entity_code = p_source_type
       AND xte.application_id = 200;
Line: 4336

    /* delete PREPAY APPL cascade adjustments */
    FOR i IN prepay_appl_cascade_adj_cur

                        ( p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
                          p_event_id          => i.accounting_event_id,
                          p_valuation_method  => NULL,
                          p_security_context  => l_event_security_context,
                          p_calling_sequence  => l_procedure_name
Line: 4348

      DELETE ap_prepay_app_dists apad
       WHERE apad.accounting_event_id = i.accounting_event_id
              SELECT 1
                FROM xla_events xe
               WHERE xe.event_id = apad.accounting_event_id
                 AND xe.application_id = 200
Line: 4358

      DELETE ap_prepay_history_all apph
       WHERE apph.accounting_event_id = i.accounting_event_id
              SELECT 1
                FROM xla_events xe
               WHERE xe.event_id = apph.accounting_event_id
                 AND xe.application_id = 200
Line: 4372

    /* delete PAYMENT cascade adjustments */
    FOR i IN payment_cascade_adj_cur

                        ( p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
                          p_event_id          => i.accounting_event_id,
                          p_valuation_method  => NULL,
                          p_security_context  => l_event_security_context,
                          p_calling_sequence  => l_procedure_name
Line: 4384

      DELETE ap_payment_hist_dists aphd
       WHERE aphd.accounting_event_id = i.accounting_event_id
              SELECT 1
                FROM xla_events xe
               WHERE xe.event_id = aphd.accounting_event_id
                 AND xe.application_id = 200
Line: 4394

      DELETE ap_payment_history_all aph
       WHERE aph.accounting_event_id = i.accounting_event_id
              SELECT 1
                FROM xla_events xe
               WHERE xe.event_id = aph.accounting_event_id
                 AND xe.application_id = 200
Line: 4419

END delete_cascade_adjustments;
Line: 4491

  SELECT aid.invoice_distribution_id,
    FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
         xla_events xe
   WHERE xe.application_id = 200
     AND aid.accounting_event_id = xe.event_id
     AND aid.invoice_id = P_Invoice_ID
     AND xe.event_status_code IN ('I','U')
     AND aid.line_type_lookup_code IN ('PREPAY','REC_TAX','NONREC_TAX')
     AND aid.prepay_distribution_id IS NOT NULL
     AND NVL(encumbered_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
     AND aid.posted_flag <> 'Y'
           (SELECT 1
              FROM xla_events xe_bc,
                   financials_system_params_all fsp
             WHERE fsp.org_id = aid.org_id
               AND fsp.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'Y'
               AND xe_bc.application_id = 200
               AND xe_bc.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
               AND xe_bc.event_id = aid.bc_event_id
               AND xe_bc.event_status_code = 'P'
  ORDER BY aid.invoice_id,
           xe.event_type_code ;
Line: 4535

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_invoice_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'INVOICE_ID';
Line: 4548

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_ret_stat_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'RETURN_STATUS';
Line: 4561

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_process_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'PROCESS_FLAG';
Line: 4575

    l_sql_stmt := ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||
                  '    SET process_flag = ''Y''';
Line: 4584

      SELECT 'Y'
        INTO l_check_event_col
        FROM sys.all_tab_columns
       WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
         AND column_name = 'EVENT_ID';
Line: 4602

      l_sql_stmt := 'UPDATE '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
                    '   SET invoice_id = (SELECT DISTINCT invoice_id '||
                    '                       FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all '||
		    '                      WHERE accounting_event_id = nvl(dr.event_id,-99)) ';
Line: 4628

  l_sql_stmt :=   ' SELECT DISTINCT dr.invoice_id, dr.process_flag '||
                  '   FROM '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
                  '  WHERE dr.process_flag NOT IN (''N'',''E'') '||   --bug10019343
                  '    AND EXISTS '||
                  '        (SELECT ''Prepay Invoice'''||
                  '           FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all '||
                  '          WHERE invoice_id = dr.invoice_id '||
                  '            AND line_type_lookup_code = ''PREPAY'')';
Line: 4654

            SELECT NVL(org_id,-99)
              INTO l_org_id
              FROM ap_invoices_all
             WHERE invoice_id = repop_invoices_list.source_id_l(i);
Line: 4676

              UPDATE ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                 SET aid.accounting_event_id = NULL,
                     aid.bc_event_id = NULL,
                     aid.posted_flag = DECODE(aid.posted_flag, 'S', 'N', aid.posted_flag),
                     aid.match_status_flag = 'S'
               WHERE aid.invoice_distribution_id = l_inv_dist_id_tab(j);
Line: 4685

	    -- bug10056653, updated the delete to exclude the PREPAY APP
	    -- DISTS pertaining to ADJ events
            FORALL j IN l_inv_dist_id_tab.FIRST..l_inv_dist_id_tab.LAST
              DELETE FROM ap_prepay_app_dists apad
               WHERE (apad.accounting_event_id = l_acct_event_id_tab(j) OR
                      apad.bc_event_id = l_bc_event_id_tab(j) OR
                      apad.prepay_app_distribution_id = l_inv_dist_id_tab(j))
                 AND NOT EXISTS
                     (SELECT 1
                        FROM ap_prepay_history_all apph
                       WHERE apph.prepay_history_id = apad.prepay_history_id
                         AND apph.transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ');
Line: 4700

	    -- bug10056653, updated the delete to exclude the PREPAY
	    -- HISTORY pertaining to ADJ events, and also ensure that
	    -- there are no posted or encumbered Invoice dists under
	    -- the prepay History
            FORALL j IN l_inv_dist_id_tab.FIRST..l_inv_dist_id_tab.LAST
              DELETE FROM ap_prepay_history_all apph
               WHERE apph.invoice_id = repop_invoices_list.source_id_l(i)
                 AND apph.transaction_type <> 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ'
                 AND apph.invoice_line_number = l_inv_line_no_tab(j)
                 AND NOT EXISTS
                     (SELECT 1
                        FROM ap_prepay_app_dists apad,
                             ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                       WHERE apad.prepay_history_id = apph.prepay_history_id
                         AND apad.prepay_app_distribution_id = aid.invoice_distribution_id
                         AND (aid.posted_flag = 'Y' OR
                              aid.encumbered_flag = 'Y')
                 AND (apph.accounting_event_id = l_acct_event_id_tab(j) OR
                      apph.bc_event_id = l_bc_event_id_tab(j) OR
                       (apph.accounting_event_id IS NULL AND
                        apph.bc_event_id IS NULL)
Line: 4747

              UPDATE ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                 SET aid.accounting_event_id = l_acct_event_id_tab(j),
                     aid.bc_event_id = l_bc_event_id_tab(j),
                     aid.match_status_flag = l_match_status_flg_tab(j)
               WHERE aid.invoice_distribution_id = l_inv_dist_id_tab(j);
Line: 4758

              UPDATE ap_prepay_app_dists apad
                 SET apad.accounting_event_id = l_acct_event_id_tab(j),
                     apad.bc_event_id = l_bc_event_id_tab(j)
               WHERE apad.prepay_app_distribution_id = l_inv_dist_id_tab(j)
               AND NOT EXISTS
                     (SELECT 1
                        FROM ap_prepay_history_all apph
                       WHERE apph.prepay_history_id = apad.prepay_history_id
                         AND apph.transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ');
Line: 4773

              UPDATE ap_prepay_history_all apph
                 SET apph.accounting_event_id = l_acct_event_id_tab(j),
                     apph.bc_event_id = l_bc_event_id_tab(j)
               WHERE apph.transaction_type <> 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ'
                 AND EXISTS
                     (SELECT 1
                        FROM ap_prepay_app_dists apad
                       WHERE apad.prepay_history_id = apph.prepay_history_id
                         AND apad.prepay_app_distribution_id = l_inv_dist_id_tab(j));
Line: 4803

              l_sql_stmt := ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
                            '    SET return_status = '||SQLERRM||' , '||
                            '        process_flag  = ''E'''||
                            '  WHERE dr.invoice_id = repop_invoices_list.source_id_l(i)';
Line: 4840

       ' SELECT distinct dr.invoice_id, '||
       '        ai.invoice_num, '||
       '        ai.invoice_type_lookup_code, '||
       '        ai.invoice_amount, '||
       '        av.vendor_name, '||
       '        avs.vendor_site_code, '||
       '        ai.org_id, '||
       '        aps.set_of_books_id, '||
       '        dr.process_flag, '||
       '        NVL(dr.return_status,''Data Processed'') '||
       '   FROM '||l_driver_table||' dr, '||
       '        ap_invoices_all ai, '||
       '        ap_suppliers av, '||
       '        ap_supplier_sites_all avs, '||
       '        ap_system_parameters_all aps '||
       '  WHERE ai.invoice_id = dr.invoice_id'||
       '    AND ai.org_id = aps.org_id'||
       '    AND ai.vendor_id = av.vendor_id'||
       '    AND ai.vendor_site_id = avs.vendor_site_id'||
       '    AND dr.process_flag NOT IN (''N'',''E'') '||      --bug10019343
       ' ORDER BY dr.invoice_id';
Line: 4929

       ' SELECT distinct dr.invoice_id, '||
       '        ai.invoice_num, '||
       '        ai.invoice_type_lookup_code, '||
       '        ai.invoice_amount, '||
       '        av.vendor_name, '||
       '        avs.vendor_site_code, '||
       '        ai.org_id, '||
       '        aps.set_of_books_id, '||
       '        dr.process_flag, '||
       '        NVL(dr.return_status,''Data Processed'') '||
       '   FROM '||l_driver_table||' dr, '||
       '        ap_invoices_all ai, '||
       '        ap_suppliers av, '||
       '        ap_supplier_sites_all avs, '||
       '        ap_system_parameters_all aps '||
       '  WHERE ai.invoice_id = dr.invoice_id'||
       '    AND ai.org_id = aps.org_id'||
       '    AND ai.vendor_id = av.vendor_id'||
       '    AND ai.vendor_site_id = avs.vendor_site_id'||
       '    AND dr.process_flag = ''E'''||
       ' ORDER BY dr.invoice_id';
Line: 5084

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_invoice_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'INVOICE_ID';
Line: 5098

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_ret_stat_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'DEL_CAS_RT_STS'; --bug10056653, changed column name to CAPS
Line: 5111

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_process_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'PROCESS_FLAG';
Line: 5125

    l_sql_stmt := ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||
                  '    SET process_flag = ''Y''';
Line: 5133

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_event_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'EVENT_ID';
Line: 5153

    l_sql_stmt := 'UPDATE '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
                  '   SET invoice_id = (SELECT DISTINCT invoice_id '||
                  '                       FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all '||
                  '                      WHERE accounting_event_id = nvl(dr.event_id,-99))';
Line: 5191

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_check_canc_dt_col
      FROM sys.all_tab_columns
     WHERE table_name = l_driver_table
       AND column_name = 'CANCELLED_DATE';
Line: 5212

    l_sql_stmt := 'UPDATE '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
                  '   SET cancelled_date = (SELECT cancelled_date '||
                  '                       FROM ap_invoices_all '||
                  '                      WHERE invoice_id = dr.invoice_id)';
Line: 5222

  l_sql_stmt :=   ' SELECT DISTINCT dr.invoice_id, dr.event_id, dr.cancelled_date, dr.process_flag '||
                  '   FROM '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
                  '  WHERE dr.process_flag NOT IN (''N'',''E'') ';
Line: 5239

        l_sql_stmt := ' UPDATE ap_invoices_all '||
                      '    SET force_revalidation_flag = ''Y'','||
		      '    cancelled_date = NULL'||
                      '  WHERE invoice_id = '||del_cascade_inv_list.source_id_l(i)||
                      '    AND force_revalidation_flag != ''Y''';
Line: 5248

        IF delete_cascade_adjustments
           ) THEN

          l_debug_info := 'After calling delete_cascade_adjustments..';
Line: 5261

          l_sql_stmt := ' UPDATE '||l_driver_table||' dr '||
                        '    SET del_cas_rt_sts = '||''''||l_debug_info||''''||           /*bug:12764043*/
                        '  WHERE dr.invoice_id ='|| del_cascade_inv_list.source_id_l(i);  /*bug:11660129*/
Line: 5270

          l_sql_stmt := ' UPDATE ap_invoices_all '||
                        '    SET force_revalidation_flag = ''N'','||
			' cancelled_date = NVL('||''''||del_cascade_inv_list.cancelled_date_l(i)||''''||',NULL)'||
			'  WHERE invoice_id = '||del_cascade_inv_list.source_id_l(i);
Line: 5283

               'cascade events, if any, are deleted ';
Line: 5302

       ' SELECT distinct dr.invoice_id, '||
       '        dr.event_id, '||
       '        ai.invoice_num, '||
       '        dr.process_flag, '||
       '        NVL(dr.del_cas_rt_sts,''Data Processed'') '||
       '   FROM '||l_driver_table||' dr, '||
       '        ap_invoices_all ai'||
       '  WHERE ai.invoice_id = dr.invoice_id'||
       '    AND dr.process_flag NOT IN (''N'',''E'') '||
       ' ORDER BY dr.invoice_id';
Line: 5404

             DISTINCT xe.event_id
           , xe.event_type_code --bug12833171
           , security_id_int_1 cur_org_id
           , xe.event_date gl_date
           , nvl(xe.budgetary_control_flag, 'N') budgetary_control_flag /*Bug 12975723*/
           ,   MAX(DECODE(NVL(gl_transfer_status_code,'N'), 'Y', 'Y', 'N')) gl_transfer_status_code /* bug 13911650*/
        FROM xla_transaction_entities_upg xte
           , xla_events xe
           , xla_ae_headers xah
           , ap_system_parameters_all asp
       WHERE xte.entity_id                = xe.entity_id
         AND xe.application_id            = 200
         AND xte.entity_code              = 'AP_INVOICES'
         AND NVL( source_id_int_1, - 99 ) = p_invoice_id
         AND xe.event_status_code         = 'P'
         AND xe.process_status_code       = 'P'
         AND xah.event_id                 = xe.event_id
         AND xe.event_id                  = NVL( p_event_id, xe.event_id )
         AND xah.application_id           = 200
         AND xte.application_id           = 200
         /* AND xah.ledger_id = xte.ledger_id Bug 13900488 */
         AND xte.ledger_id                = asp.set_of_books_id
         AND xte.security_id_int_1        = asp.org_id
       GROUP BY xe.event_id
           , xe.event_type_code --bug12833171
           , security_id_int_1
	    , xe.event_date
           , nvl(xe.budgetary_control_flag, 'N')  /* bug 13911650, 12975723*/
      ORDER BY decode(nvl(xe.budgetary_control_flag,'N'),'N',1,2);
Line: 5440

    SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_name
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
           , ap_system_parameters_all asp
       WHERE gps.application_id                     = 200
         AND gps.set_of_books_id                    = asp.set_of_books_id
         AND NVL( gps.adjustment_period_flag, 'N' ) = 'N'
         AND p_date BETWEEN TRUNC( gps.start_date ) AND TRUNC( gps.end_date )
         AND NVL( asp.org_id, - 99 ) = NVL( p_org_id, - 99 )
         AND gps.closing_status     IN( 'O', 'F' )
    SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_name
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
           , ap_system_parameters_all asp
       WHERE gps.application_id                     = 101
         AND gps.set_of_books_id                    = asp.set_of_books_id
         AND NVL( gps.adjustment_period_flag, 'N' ) = 'N'
         AND p_date BETWEEN TRUNC( gps.start_date ) AND TRUNC( gps.end_date )
         AND NVL( asp.org_id, - 99 ) = NVL( p_org_id, - 99 )
         AND gps.closing_status     IN( 'O', 'F' );
Line: 5462

      SELECT period_name
           , end_date
             ( SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_name
                    , TRUNC( gps.end_date ) end_date
                 FROM gl_period_statuses gps
                    , ap_system_parameters_all asp
                WHERE gps.application_id                     = 200
                  AND gps.set_of_books_id                    = asp.set_of_books_id
                  AND NVL( gps.adjustment_period_flag, 'N' ) = 'N'
                  AND NVL( asp.org_id, - 99 )                = NVL( p_org_id, - 99 )
                  AND gps.closing_status                    IN( 'O', 'F' )
             SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_name
                    , TRUNC( gps.end_date ) end_date
                 FROM gl_period_statuses gps
                    , ap_system_parameters_all asp
                WHERE gps.application_id                     = 101
                  AND gps.set_of_books_id                    = asp.set_of_books_id
                  AND NVL( gps.adjustment_period_flag, 'N' ) = 'N'
                  AND NVL( asp.org_id, - 99 )                = NVL( p_org_id, - 99 )
                  AND gps.closing_status                    IN( 'O', 'F' )
             ORDER BY end_date
       WHERE rownum < 2;
Line: 5491

    SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_name
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
           , ap_system_parameters_all asp
       WHERE gps.application_id = 200
         AND p_gl_date BETWEEN TRUNC( gps.start_date ) AND TRUNC( gps.end_date )
         AND gps.set_of_books_id                    = asp.set_of_books_id
         AND NVL( gps.adjustment_period_flag, 'N' ) = 'N'
         AND NVL( asp.org_id, - 99 )                = NVL( p_org_id, - 99 )
         AND gps.closing_status                    IN( 'O', 'F' )
    SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_name
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
           , ap_system_parameters_all asp
       WHERE gps.application_id = 101
         AND p_gl_date BETWEEN TRUNC( gps.start_date ) AND TRUNC( gps.end_date )
         AND gps.set_of_books_id                    = asp.set_of_books_id
         AND NVL( gps.adjustment_period_flag, 'N' ) = 'N'
         AND NVL( asp.org_id, - 99 )                = NVL( p_org_id, - 99 )
         AND gps.closing_status                    IN( 'O', 'F' );
Line: 5541

    ins_ap_undo_event_log_stmt  VARCHAR2(200) := 'INSERT INTO AP_undo_event_log('
                                         ||'EVENT_ID,E2,E3,STATUS,INVOICE_ID,CHECK_ID, BUG_ID) '
                                         ||'VALUES(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7)';
Line: 5544

    log_table_exists_stmt       VARCHAR2(200) := 'select count(*) from '||l_table_name
                                         ||' where table_name = ''AP_UNDO_EVENT_LOG'' ';
Line: 5665

               SELECT COUNT( 1 )
                 INTO l_rel_act_acct_event_cnt
                 FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                    , xla_events xe
                WHERE aid.invoice_id       = p_source_id
                  AND aid.bc_event_id      = Events_to_Process_tab( i ).event_id
                  AND xe.event_id          = aid.accounting_event_id
                  AND xe.event_status_code = 'P'
                  AND xe.application_id    = 200;
Line: 5720

                Debug_Info              := 'xla_DataFixes_Pub.delete_journal_entries';
Line: 5721

                l_log_msg               := 'Calling xla_datafixes_pub.delete_journal_entries';
Line: 5726

                                ( p_api_version         => l_aPi_Version
                                , p_init_msg_list       => l_InIt_msg_List
                                , p_application_id      => l_Application_Id
                                , p_event_id            => Events_to_Process_tab( i ).Event_Id
                                , x_return_status       => l_Return_Status
                                , x_msg_count           => x_msg_Count
                                , x_msg_data            => x_msg_Data );
Line: 5741

                    l_log_msg             := 'Undo_Accounting : Error in xla_DataFixes_Pub.delete_journal_entries:'|| x_msg_Data;
Line: 5759

                SELECT event_status_code
                  INTO l_event_status_code
                  FROM xla_events xe
                 WHERE xe.application_id = 200
                   AND xe.event_id       = Events_to_Process_tab( i ).Event_Id;
Line: 5774

                  UPDATE ap_Invoice_Distributions_All Aid
                     SET Accounting_Date     = l_gl_Date
                       , Posted_Flag         = 'N'
                       , Accrual_Posted_Flag = 'N'
                       , Last_Updated_By     = fnd_Global.User_Id
                       , Period_Name         = l_Period_Name
                   WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab( i ).Event_Id
                     AND Invoice_Id          = l_Source_Id;
Line: 5783

                  UPDATE ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all asatd
                     SET Accounting_Date     = l_gl_Date
                       , Posted_Flag         = 'N'
                       , Accrual_Posted_Flag = 'N'
                       , Last_Updated_By     = fnd_Global.User_Id
                       , Period_Name         = l_Period_Name
                   WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab( i ).Event_Id
                     AND Invoice_Id          = l_Source_Id;
Line: 5792

                  UPDATE xla_Events
                     SET Event_Date          = l_gl_Date
                   WHERE Event_Id            = Events_to_Process_tab( i ).Event_Id
                     AND application_id      = 200;
Line: 5797

                  UPDATE ap_prepay_history_all aph
                     SET Accounting_Date     = l_gl_Date
                       , Posted_Flag         = 'N'
                       , Last_Updated_By     = fnd_Global.User_Id
                   WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab( i ).Event_Id
                     AND Invoice_Id          = l_Source_Id;
Line: 5804

                  DELETE FROM ap_prepay_app_dists
                   WHERE PREPAY_HISTORY_ID IN
                         (SELECT PREPAY_HISTORY_ID
                            FROM ap_prepay_history_all
                           WHERE Accounting_Event_Id = Events_to_Process_tab( i ).Event_Id
                             AND transaction_type    = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ'
                             AND Invoice_Id          = l_Source_Id);
Line: 5822

                l_log_msg             := 'Updated Transaction tables for Invoice';
Line: 5832

                DELETE gl_bc_packets
                 WHERE event_id = events_to_process_tab(i).event_id;
Line: 5835

                UPDATE gms_award_distributions
                   SET fc_status         = 'N'
                     , last_updated_by   = fnd_Global.User_Id
                 WHERE invoice_distribution_id IN
                     (SELECT aid.invoice_distribution_id
                        FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                       WHERE aid.bc_event_id = events_to_process_tab(i).event_id
                         AND aid.invoice_id  = p_source_id)
                   AND fc_status = 'A';
Line: 5845

                UPDATE ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                   SET encumbered_flag   = 'N'
                     , bc_event_id       = NULL
                     , match_status_flag = 'T'
                     , last_updated_by   = fnd_Global.User_Id
                 WHERE aid.bc_event_id   = events_to_process_tab(i).event_id
                   AND aid.invoice_id    = p_source_id;
Line: 5853

                UPDATE ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all aid
                   SET encumbered_flag   = 'N'
                     , bc_event_id       = NULL
                     , match_status_flag = 'T'
                     , last_updated_by   = fnd_Global.User_Id
                 WHERE aid.bc_event_id   = events_to_process_tab(i).event_id
                   AND aid.invoice_id    = p_source_id;
Line: 5861

                UPDATE ap_prepay_history_all apph
                   SET bc_event_id      = NULL
                     , last_updated_by  = fnd_Global.User_Id
                 WHERE apph.bc_event_id = events_to_process_tab(i).event_id
                   AND apph.invoice_id  = p_source_id;
Line: 5867

                UPDATE ap_prepay_app_dists
                   SET bc_event_id      = NULL
                     , last_updated_by  = fnd_Global.User_Id
                 WHERE bc_event_id      = events_to_process_tab(i).event_id
                   AND prepay_history_id IN
                     (SELECT apph.prepay_history_id
                        FROM ap_prepay_history_all apph
                       WHERE apph.invoice_id = p_source_id);
Line: 5877

                UPDATE ap_invoices_all
                   SET cancelled_date = NULL
                       , last_updated_by   = fnd_Global.User_Id
                 WHERE invoice_id = p_source_id
                   AND cancelled_date IS NOT NULL
                   AND events_to_process_tab(i).event_type_code IN
                         'DEBIT MEMO CANCELLED', 'CREDIT MEMO CANCELLED');
Line: 5888

                ap_accounting_events_pkg.update_invoice_events_status(p_source_id ,l_calling_sequence );
Line: 5900

                l_log_msg             := 'Updated Transaction tables for Invoice';
Line: 6058

 SELECT NVL((SUM(AID.Amount)), 0)   --bug12764043, removed ABS
   INTO l_total_prepay_amt
   FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
  WHERE aid.line_type_lookup_code IN ('PREPAY','REC_TAX','NONREC_TAX')
    AND aid.prepay_distribution_id  IS NOT NULL
    AND aid.accounting_event_id = P_Event_ID;
Line: 6079

 SELECT NVL((sum(nvl(xal.entered_dr, 0) - nvl(xal.entered_cr, 0))), 0)  --bug12764043, removed ABS
   into l_total_prepay_acct
   FROM xla_ae_lines xal,
        xla_ae_headers xah
  WHERE xal.application_id = 200
    AND xah.application_id = 200
    AND xah.balance_type_code = 'A'   --bug12654609
    AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
    AND xal.accounting_class_code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'
    AND xah.event_id = P_Event_ID
    AND xah.ledger_id = P_Ledger_ID;
Line: 6108

 SELECT NVL((sum(nvl(xal.entered_dr, 0) - nvl(xal.entered_cr, 0))), 0)  --bug12764043, removed ABS
   into l_total_prepay_acct
   FROM xla_ae_lines xal,
        xla_ae_headers xah
  WHERE xal.application_id = 200
    AND xah.application_id = 200
    AND xah.balance_type_code = 'A'    --bug12654609
    AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
    AND xal.accounting_class_code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'
    AND xah.event_id IN
       (SELECT /*+ push_subq */
          FROM ap_prepay_history_all apph
         WHERE apph.related_prepay_app_event_id = p_event_id
           AND apph.transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ')
    AND xah.ledger_id = P_Ledger_ID;
Line: 6168

  UPDATE po_headers_all
  SET    vendor_contact_id = new_vendor_contact_id
  WHERE  vendor_contact_id = old_vendor_contact_id;
Line: 6173

  UPDATE po_headers_archive_all
  SET    vendor_contact_id = new_vendor_contact_id
  WHERE  vendor_contact_id = old_vendor_contact_id;
Line: 6178

  UPDATE po_rfq_vendors
  SET    vendor_contact_id = new_vendor_contact_id
  WHERE  vendor_contact_id = old_vendor_contact_id;
Line: 6183

  UPDATE po_vendor_list_entries
  SET    vendor_contact_id = new_vendor_contact_id
  WHERE  vendor_contact_id = old_vendor_contact_id;
Line: 6188

  UPDATE po_requisition_lines_all
  SET    vendor_contact_id = new_vendor_contact_id
  WHERE  vendor_contact_id = old_vendor_contact_id;
Line: 6193

  UPDATE po_reqexpress_lines_all
  SET    suggested_vendor_contact_id = new_vendor_contact_id
  WHERE  suggested_vendor_contact_id = old_vendor_contact_id;
Line: 6253

  USING (SELECT DISTINCT poh.po_header_id,
           FROM '|| p_driver_table || ' tmp,'||
	        'po_headers_all poh
	 WHERE poh.vendor_contact_id = tmp.current_vendor_contact_id
	   and tmp.current_vendor_contact_id <> tmp.new_vendor_contact_id --bug13863902
	   and tmp.process_flag = ''Y''
        ) a
  on (poh.po_header_id = a.po_header_id)
  WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET poh.vendor_contact_id = a.new_vendor_contact_id';
Line: 6269

  USING (SELECT DISTINCT poh.po_header_id,
           FROM '|| p_driver_table || ' tmp,'||
	        'po_headers_archive_all poh
	 WHERE poh.vendor_contact_id = tmp.current_vendor_contact_id
	   and tmp.current_vendor_contact_id <> tmp.new_vendor_contact_id --bug13863902
	   and tmp.process_flag = ''Y''
        ) a
  on (poh.po_header_id = a.po_header_id and poh.revision_num = a.revision_num)
  WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET poh.vendor_contact_id = a.new_vendor_contact_id';
Line: 6286

  USING (SELECT DISTINCT poh.po_header_id,
           FROM '|| p_driver_table || ' tmp,'||
	        'po_rfq_vendors poh
	 WHERE poh.vendor_contact_id = tmp.current_vendor_contact_id
	   and tmp.current_vendor_contact_id <> tmp.new_vendor_contact_id --bug13863902
	   AND tmp.process_flag = ''Y''
        ) a
  on (poh.po_header_id = a.po_header_id and poh.sequence_num = a.sequence_num)
  WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET poh.vendor_contact_id = a.new_vendor_contact_id';
Line: 6303

  USING (SELECT DISTINCT poh.vendor_list_entry_id,
           FROM '|| p_driver_table || ' tmp,'||
	        'po_vendor_list_entries poh
	  WHERE poh.vendor_contact_id = tmp.current_vendor_contact_id
            and tmp.current_vendor_contact_id <> tmp.new_vendor_contact_id --bug13863902
	    AND tmp.process_flag = ''Y''
        ) a
  on (poh.vendor_list_entry_id = a.vendor_list_entry_id)
  WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET poh.vendor_contact_id = a.new_vendor_contact_id';
Line: 6319

  USING (SELECT DISTINCT poh.requisition_line_id,
           FROM '|| p_driver_table || ' tmp,'||
	        'po_requisition_lines_all poh
	  WHERE poh.vendor_contact_id = tmp.current_vendor_contact_id
  	    and tmp.current_vendor_contact_id <> tmp.new_vendor_contact_id --bug13863902
	    AND tmp.process_flag = ''Y''
        ) a
  on (poh.requisition_line_id = a.requisition_line_id)
  WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET poh.vendor_contact_id = a.new_vendor_contact_id';
Line: 6335

  USING (SELECT distinct
                poh.rowid row_id, --bug13863902
           FROM '|| p_driver_table || ' tmp,'||
	        'po_reqexpress_lines_all poh
	  WHERE poh.suggested_vendor_contact_id = tmp.current_vendor_contact_id
      	    and tmp.current_vendor_contact_id <> tmp.new_vendor_contact_id --bug13863902
	    AND tmp.process_flag = ''Y''
        ) a
  on (poh.express_name = a.express_name and poh.sequence_num = a.sequence_num and poh.rowid = a.row_id)
  WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET poh.suggested_vendor_contact_id = a.new_vendor_contact_id';