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Line 4: * Cleans up the standard WF_CONTROL queue in the Business Event System

1: package wf_bes_cleanup AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2: /* $Header: WFBESCUS.pls 120.1.12010000.2 2009/08/16 14:06:23 skandepu ship $ */
3: /*#
4: * Cleans up the standard WF_CONTROL queue in the Business Event System
5: * by removing inactive subscribers from the queue.
6: * @rep:scope public
7: * @rep:product OWF
8: * @rep:displayname Workflow Control Queue Cleanup

Line 28: * Performs cleanup for the standard WF_CONTROL queue. When a middle tier

24: -- errbuf - the error buffer
25: -- retcode - the return code
26: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27: /*#
28: * Performs cleanup for the standard WF_CONTROL queue. When a middle tier
29: * process for Oracle E-Business Suite starts up, it creates a JMS subscriber
30: * to the WF_CONTROL queue. Then, when an event message is placed on the
31: * queue, a copy of the event message is created for each subscriber to
32: * the queue. If a middle tier process dies, however, the corresponding