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Line 47: -- IN : p_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE --

43: -- freeze period details like start date, along with --
44: -- a flag to indicate if it is the freeze period. --
45: -- --
46: -- Parameters : --
47: -- IN : p_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE --
48: -- OUT : p_locked VARCHAR2 --
49: -- p_lock_start DATE --
50: -- --
51: -- Change History : --

Line 63: (p_person_id IN per_people_f.person_id%TYPE

59: -- Modified the CURSOR --
60: -- csr_locking_period_details --
61: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
62: PROCEDURE is_locking_period
63: (p_person_id IN per_people_f.person_id%TYPE
64: ,p_locked OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
65: ,p_lock_start OUT NOCOPY DATE)
66: IS
67: --

Line 75: , per_people_f person

71: , nvl(org.org_information3, 0) window_period
72: , fnd_date.canonical_to_date(org.org_information2) locking_period_start
73: , TRUNC(SYSDATE - start_date) hire_duration
74: FROM hr_organization_information org
75: , per_people_f person
76: , per_assignments_f assign
77: , hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
78: WHERE org.org_information_context = 'PER_IN_TAX_DECL_DETAILS'
79: AND person.person_id = c_person_id

Line 170: -- IN : p_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE --

166: -- the flag stating if the employee tax declaration --
167: -- details have been approved or not. --
168: -- --
169: -- Parameters : --
170: -- IN : p_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE --
171: -- p_effective_date DATE --
172: -- OUT : p_status VARCHAR2 --
173: -- --
174: -- Change History : --

Line 246: -- IN : p_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE --

242: -- type of the primary address of the employee if the --
243: -- primary address is not available then return NA. --
244: -- --
245: -- Parameters : --
246: -- IN : p_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE --
247: -- p_effective_date DATE --
248: -- RETURN : VARCHAR2 --
249: -- --
250: -- Change History : --