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APPS.ECX_TP_API dependencies on ECX_HUBS

Line 525: from ecx_hubs

521: if (x_connection_type <> 'DIRECT') then
522: Begin
523: select protocol_type,protocol_address
524: into x_protocol_type,x_protocol_address
525: from ecx_hubs
526: where hub_id=i_hub_id;
527: Exception
528: When no_data_found then
529: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_INVALID_PARAM;

Line 777: from ecx_hubs

773: l_source_tp_location_code ecx_tp_details.source_tp_location_code%type;
775: cursor get_src_loc_code (i_hub_id IN pls_integer) is
776: select name
777: from ecx_hubs
778: where hub_id = i_hub_id;
780: cursor get_hub_entity_code is
781: select hub_entity_code

Line 846: select 1,hub_id from ecx_hubs

842: /* End of changes for bug #2183619*/
844: /*Bug #2449729 , cursor to retrieve hub_id */
845: Cursor c10 is
846: select 1,hub_id from ecx_hubs
847: where name=p_connection_type and
848: protocol_type= p_protocol_type;
850: Cursor c_tp_dtl_id is

Line 1071: -- Retrieve the hub_id from ecx_hubs

1067: sysdate
1068: );
1069: else -- Hub connection type
1070: -- bug #2449729
1071: -- Retrieve the hub_id from ecx_hubs
1072: num := 0;
1073: open c10;
1074: fetch c10 into num, i_hub_id;
1075: close c10;

Line 1449: from ecx_hubs

1445: i_passupd_flag varchar2(1);
1447: cursor get_src_loc_code (i_hub_id IN pls_integer) is
1448: select name
1449: from ecx_hubs
1450: where hub_id = i_hub_id;
1452: cursor get_hub_entity_code is
1453: select hub_entity_code

Line 1525: select 1,hub_id from ecx_hubs

1521: where tp_detail_id=p_tp_detail_id_in;
1523: /* Bug #2449729 , cursor to retrieve hub_id */
1524: Cursor c11 is
1525: select 1,hub_id from ecx_hubs
1526: where name=p_connection_type and
1527: protocol_type= p_protocol_type;
1529: /* End of changes for bug #2183619*/

Line 1801: --Retrieve the hub_id from ecx_hubs

1797: end if;
1799: else -- Hub connection type
1800: --bug #2449729
1801: --Retrieve the hub_id from ecx_hubs
1802: num := 0;
1803: open c11;
1804: fetch c11 into num,i_hub_id;
1805: close c11;