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Line 6253: FROM per_person_list_changes plc

6249: -- evaluated) but did once have an assignment.
6250: --
6251: CURSOR csr_get_static_per IS
6252: SELECT plc.person_id
6253: FROM per_person_list_changes plc
6254: WHERE plc.security_profile_id IS NOT NULL
6255: AND plc.security_profile_id = p_security_profile_id

Line 7920: -- rows in per_person_list_changes are not processed and so not visible

7916: ,p_use_static_lists => p_use_static_lists);
7918: --
7919: -- Contacts for the people visible (both related and unrelated) and
7920: -- rows in per_person_list_changes are not processed and so not visible
7921: -- for all types of user-based security.
7923: -- The reason for this is to remain consistent with supervisor security
7924: -- (been around since 11i) where PPLC people were not processed and

Line 7960: -- Add the people in per_person_list_changes to the cache.

7956: add_contacts_to_cache(p_effective_date
7957: ,p_sec_prof_rec.business_group_id);
7958: --
7959: end if;
7960: -- Add the people in per_person_list_changes to the cache.
7961: -- It is expected that this can be obsoleted at a future
7962: -- date, because per_person_list_changes is effectively
7963: -- obsolete and is retained solely for the purpose of not
7964: -- breaking customer custom processes that use this table.

Line 7962: -- date, because per_person_list_changes is effectively

7958: --
7959: end if;
7960: -- Add the people in per_person_list_changes to the cache.
7961: -- It is expected that this can be obsoleted at a future
7962: -- date, because per_person_list_changes is effectively
7963: -- obsolete and is retained solely for the purpose of not
7964: -- breaking customer custom processes that use this table.
7966: -- add_per_list_changes_to_cache(p_sec_prof_rec.security_profile_id

Line 8205: -- rows in per_person_list_changes are not processed and so not visible

8201: ,p_use_static_lists => p_use_static_lists);
8203: --
8204: -- Contacts for the people visible (both related and unrelated) and
8205: -- rows in per_person_list_changes are not processed and so not visible
8206: -- for all types of user-based security.
8208: -- The reason for this is to remain consistent with supervisor security
8209: -- (been around since 11i) where PPLC people were not processed and

Line 8245: -- Add the people in per_person_list_changes to the cache.

8241: add_contacts_to_cache(p_effective_date
8242: ,p_sec_prof_rec.business_group_id);
8243: --
8244: end if;
8245: -- Add the people in per_person_list_changes to the cache.
8246: -- It is expected that this can be obsoleted at a future
8247: -- date, because per_person_list_changes is effectively
8248: -- obsolete and is retained solely for the purpose of not
8249: -- breaking customer custom processes that use this table.

Line 8247: -- date, because per_person_list_changes is effectively

8243: --
8244: end if;
8245: -- Add the people in per_person_list_changes to the cache.
8246: -- It is expected that this can be obsoleted at a future
8247: -- date, because per_person_list_changes is effectively
8248: -- obsolete and is retained solely for the purpose of not
8249: -- breaking customer custom processes that use this table.
8251: -- add_per_list_changes_to_cache(p_sec_prof_rec.security_profile_id