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Line 1171: -- HR_LOCATIONS table.

1167: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1168: --
1169: -- Description
1170: -- This procedure is used to check that the locations exist in the
1171: -- HR_LOCATIONS table.
1172: --
1173: -- Pre Conditions
1174: -- None.
1175: --

Line 1206: from hr_locations hr

1202: l_dummy varchar2(1);
1203: --
1204: cursor c1(p_location_id varchar2) is
1205: select null
1206: from hr_locations hr
1207: where hr.location_id = p_location_id and hr.location_use = 'HR';
1208: --
1209: Begin
1210: --

Line 1226: -- check if any location that has changed exists in HR_LOCATIONS table.

1222: or nvl(p_location3,hr_api.g_varchar2)
1223: <> per_dpf_shd.g_old_rec.location3)
1224: or not l_api_updating) then
1225: --
1226: -- check if any location that has changed exists in HR_LOCATIONS table.
1227: --
1228: if p_location1 is not null then
1229: --
1230: if nvl(p_location1,hr_api.g_varchar2) <>