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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 132

  Function to display the details of the selected employee

  FUNCTION  formated_detail_string(
              p_output_file_type  in varchar2
             ,p_year                 varchar2
             ,p_gre_name             varchar2
             ,p_pre_name             varchar2
             ,p_employee_name        varchar2
             ,p_employee_sin         varchar2
             ,p_employee_number      varchar2
             ,p_report_type          varchar2
             ) RETURN varchar2

    lv_format1          varchar2(22000);
Line: 212

  Procedure to display message if no employees are selected for
  any of the four sections -
  - Processed Assignments
  - Eligible Assignments
  - Not Eligible Assignments

  PROCEDURE  formated_zero_count(output_file_type varchar2,
                                 p_flag varchar2)
      lvc_message1 varchar2(200);
Line: 366

   select 1 from dual
   where exists
               (select 'X'
                from hr_organization_information mag,
                     hr_organization_information gre,
                     hr_all_organization_units   hou,
                     pay_payroll_actions         ppa
                where hou.business_group_id       = cp_business_group_id
                and   hou.organization_id         = gre.organization_id
                and   gre.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
                and   gre.organization_id         = cp_gre_id
                and   gre.org_information11       = get_parameter('TRANSMITTER_GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters)
                and   ppa.business_group_id+0     = cp_business_group_id
                and   ppa.effective_date + 0      = add_months(cp_effective_date,12) - 1
                and   ppa.action_status           = 'C'
                and   ppa.report_type             = 'PYT4MAG'
                and   mag.org_information_context = 'Fed Magnetic Reporting'
                and   mag.organization_id         = to_number(gre.org_information11) );
Line: 389

   select 1 from dual
   where exists
               (select 'X'
                from hr_organization_information mag,
                     hr_organization_information gre,
                     hr_all_organization_units   hou,
                     pay_payroll_actions         ppa
                where hou.business_group_id       = cp_business_group_id
                and   hou.organization_id         = gre.organization_id
                and   gre.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
                and   gre.organization_id         = cp_gre_id
                and   gre.org_information11       = get_parameter('TRANSMITTER_GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters)
                and   ppa.business_group_id+0     = cp_business_group_id
                and   ppa.effective_date + 0      = add_months(cp_effective_date,12) - 1
                and   ppa.action_status           = 'C'
                and   ppa.report_type             = 'MAG_T4A'
                and   mag.org_information_context = 'Fed Magnetic Reporting'
                and   mag.organization_id         = to_number(gre.org_information11) );
Line: 412

   select 1 from dual
   where exists
               (select 'X'
                from hr_organization_information pre,
                     hr_all_organization_units   hou,
                     pay_payroll_actions         ppa
                where hou.business_group_id       = cp_business_group_id
                and   hou.organization_id         = pre.organization_id
                and   pre.org_information4        = 'P01'
                and   pre.org_information_context = 'Prov Reporting Est'
                and   pre.organization_id         = cp_pre_id
                and   decode(pre.org_information3, 'Y', to_char(pre.organization_id), pre.org_information20) =
                and   ppa.business_group_id+0     = cp_business_group_id
                and   ppa.effective_date + 0      = add_months(cp_effective_date,12) - 1
                and   ppa.action_status           = 'C'
                and   ppa.report_type             = 'RL1_XML_MAG'); --Bug 7392645
Line: 434

   select 1 from dual
   where exists
               (select 'X'
                from hr_organization_information pre,
                     hr_all_organization_units   hou,
                     pay_payroll_actions         ppa
                where hou.business_group_id       = cp_business_group_id
                and   hou.organization_id         = pre.organization_id
                and   pre.org_information4        = 'P02'
                and   pre.org_information_context = 'Prov Reporting Est'
                and   pre.organization_id         = cp_pre_id
                and   decode(pre.org_information3, 'Y', to_char(pre.organization_id), pre.org_information20) =
                and   ppa.business_group_id+0     = cp_business_group_id
                and   ppa.effective_date + 0      = add_months(cp_effective_date,12) - 1
                and   ppa.action_status           = 'C'
                and   ppa.report_type             = 'RL2_XML_MAG'); ----Bug 7392645
Line: 456

   select name
   from hr_all_organization_units_tl
   where organization_id  = cp_org_id
   and   language         = userenv('LANG');
Line: 464

   select person_id
   from per_all_assignments_f
   where assignment_id = cp_assign_id;
Line: 471

   select full_name,national_identifier
   from per_all_people_f
   where  person_id   = cp_person_id;
Line: 476

   select assignment_number
   from per_all_assignments_f
   where  assignment_id   = cp_assign_id;
Line: 487

   l_assignment_inserted   number :=0;
Line: 511

     select distinct paf.person_id
     from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f paf
     where has.assignment_set_id      = cp_assign_set_id
     and   has.include_or_exclude     = 'I'
     and   paf.assignment_id          = has.assignment_id
     and   paf.assignment_type        = 'E'
     and   paf.business_group_id+ 0   = p_bus_grp;
Line: 525

     select paa.assignment_action_id
     from pay_assignment_actions     paa,
          per_all_assignments_f      paf,
          pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
          pay_action_classifications pac
     where paf.person_id         = cp_person_id
     and paa.assignment_id       = paf.assignment_id
     and paa.tax_unit_id         = cp_gre_id
     and paa.payroll_action_id   = ppa.payroll_action_id
     and ppa.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
     and ppa.action_type         = pac.action_type
     and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
     and ppa.effective_date +0 between paf.effective_start_date
                                   and paf.effective_end_date
     and ppa.effective_date +0 between cp_effective_date
                                   and add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and ((nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null
           and  paa.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null
           and paa.source_action_id is not null)
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V'
           and ppa.run_type_id is null
           and paa.run_type_id is not null
           and paa.source_action_id is null))
     and not exists (select 1
                     from pay_payroll_actions    ppa1,
                          pay_assignment_actions paa1
                     where ppa1.report_type = p_report_type
                     and ppa1.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
                     and ppa1.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                     and to_number(get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE',
                                                 ppa1.legislative_parameters)) = cp_gre_id
                     and ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
                     and paa1.serial_number = to_char(paf.person_id))
     order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 565

     select payroll_action_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where action_type = 'X'
     and action_status = 'C'
     and report_type   = p_report_type
     and business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
     and to_number(get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE',legislative_parameters)) = cp_gre_id
     and effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1;
Line: 575

      if the assignment selected in the assignment set is secondary
      Get the primary assignment for the given person_id */

     cursor c_get_asg_id (cp_person_id number) is
     select assignment_id
     from per_all_assignments_f paf
     where person_id       = cp_person_id
     and   primary_flag    = 'Y'
     and   assignment_type = 'E'
     and   paf.effective_start_date  <= add_months(p_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and   paf.effective_end_date    >= p_effective_date
     order by assignment_id desc;
Line: 618

     /* Get the latest assignment action of selected person */

         open c_get_latest_asg(l_person_id,
Line: 696

                     select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                     into  lockingactid
                     from  dual;
Line: 711

                     update pay_assignment_actions aa
                     set    aa.serial_number = to_char(l_person_id)
                     where  aa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
Line: 743

                     select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                     into  lockingactid
                     from  dual;
Line: 758

                     update pay_assignment_actions aa
                     set    aa.serial_number = to_char(l_person_id)
                     where  aa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
Line: 797

     select distinct paf.person_id
     from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f paf
     where has.assignment_set_id      = cp_assign_set_id
     and   has.include_or_exclude     = 'I'
     and   paf.assignment_id          = has.assignment_id
     and   paf.assignment_type        = 'E'
     and   paf.business_group_id+0    = p_bus_grp;
Line: 807

     select hoi.organization_id
     from hr_organization_information hoi,
          hr_all_organization_units   hou
     where hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
     and   hoi.org_information2        = to_char(p_pre_id)
     and   hou.business_group_id       = p_bus_grp
     and   hou.organization_id         = hoi.organization_id;
Line: 820

     select paa.assignment_action_id
     from pay_assignment_actions     paa,
          per_all_assignments_f      paf,
          per_all_people_f           ppf,
          pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
          pay_action_classifications pac
     where ppf.person_id   = cp_person_id
     and paf.person_id     = ppf.person_id
     and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
     and paa.tax_unit_id         = cp_gre_id
     and ppa.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
     and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
     and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                and ppf.effective_end_date
     and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                and paf.effective_end_date
     and ppa.effective_date between cp_effective_date
                                and add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
     and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
     and not exists (select 1
                     from pay_payroll_actions    ppa1,
                          pay_assignment_actions paa1
                     where ppa1.report_type = p_report_type
                     and ppa1.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
                     and ppa1.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                     and to_number(get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',
                                                 ppa1.legislative_parameters)) = p_pre_id
                     and ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
                     and paa1.serial_number = to_char(paf.person_id))
     order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 855

     select payroll_action_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where action_type = 'X'
     and action_status = 'C'
     and report_type   = p_report_type
     and business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
     and to_number(get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',legislative_parameters)) = cp_pre_id
     and effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1;
Line: 865

      if the assignment selected in the assignment set is secondary
      Get the primary assignment for the given person_id */

     cursor c_get_asg_id (cp_person_id number) is
     select assignment_id
     from per_all_assignments_f paf
     where person_id       = cp_person_id
     and   primary_flag    = 'Y'
     and   assignment_type = 'E'
     and   paf.effective_start_date  <= add_months(p_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and   paf.effective_end_date    >= p_effective_date
     order by assignment_id desc;
Line: 930

               /* Get the latest assignment action of selected person */

                open c_get_latest_asg(l_person_id,
Line: 1003

                select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                into  lockingactid
                from  dual;
Line: 1018

                update pay_assignment_actions aa
                set    aa.serial_number = to_char(l_person_id)
                where  aa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
Line: 1058

    select distinct has.assignment_id
    from  hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f        paf
    where has.assignment_set_id   = cp_assignment_set_id
    and   paf.assignment_id       = has.assignment_id
    and   paf.assignment_type     = 'E'
    and   paf.primary_flag        = 'Y'
    and   paf.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
    and   paf.effective_start_date <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
    and   paf.effective_end_date   >= cp_effective_date
    and exists (select 1
                from pay_payroll_actions ppa1,
                     pay_assignment_actions paa1
                where ppa1.report_type = p_report_type
                and ppa1.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
                and ppa1.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                and to_number(get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE', ppa1.legislative_parameters))
                                                          = cp_gre_id
                and ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
                and paa1.serial_number = to_char(paf.person_id));
Line: 1083

    select distinct has.assignment_id
    from  hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f        paf
    where has.assignment_set_id   = cp_assignment_set_id
    and   paf.assignment_id       = has.assignment_id
    and   paf.assignment_type     = 'E'
    and   paf.primary_flag        = 'Y'
    and   paf.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
    and   paf.effective_start_date <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
    and   paf.effective_end_date   >= cp_effective_date
    and exists (select 1
                from pay_payroll_actions ppa1,
                     pay_assignment_actions paa1
                where ppa1.report_type = p_report_type
                and ppa1.business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp
                and ppa1.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                and to_number(get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID', ppa1.legislative_parameters))
                                                          = cp_pre_id
                and ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
                and paa1.serial_number = to_char(paf.person_id));
Line: 1186

     select distinct has.assignment_id
     from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f        paf,
          pay_assignment_actions       paa,
          pay_payroll_actions          ppa
     where has.assignment_set_id         = cp_assignment_set_id
     and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
     and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
     and paf.effective_start_date        <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paf.effective_end_date          >= cp_effective_date
     and paf.business_group_id+0         = p_bus_grp
     and paa.assignment_id               = paf.assignment_id
     and paa.tax_unit_id                 = cp_gre_id
     and ppa.business_group_id+0         = p_bus_grp
     and ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
     and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     and ppa.effective_date   between  cp_effective_date
                                  and  add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paf.assignment_type             = 'E'
     and paf.primary_flag                = 'Y';
Line: 1208

     select hoi.organization_id
     from hr_organization_information hoi,
          hr_all_organization_units   hou
     where hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
     and   hoi.org_information2        = to_char(p_pre_id)
     and   hou.business_group_id       = p_bus_grp
     and   hou.organization_id         = hoi.organization_id;
Line: 1320

     l_assignment_inserted  := l_assignment_inserted  + 1;
Line: 1353

     select distinct has.assignment_id
     from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f        paf,
          pay_assignment_actions       paa,
          pay_payroll_actions          ppa
     where has.assignment_set_id         = cp_assignment_set_id
     and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
     and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
     and paf.effective_start_date      <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paf.effective_end_date        >= cp_effective_date
     and paf.business_group_id+0        = p_bus_grp
     and paa.assignment_id              = paf.assignment_id
     and ppa.business_group_id+0        = p_bus_grp
     and ppa.payroll_action_id          = paa.payroll_action_id
     and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     and ppa.effective_date   between  cp_effective_date
                                  and  add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paa.tax_unit_id                = cp_gre_id
     and paf.assignment_type            = 'E'
     and paf.primary_flag              <> 'Y';
Line: 1377

     select distinct has.assignment_id
     from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f        paf,
          pay_assignment_actions       paa,
          pay_payroll_actions          ppa
     where has.assignment_set_id         = cp_assignment_set_id
     and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
     and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
     and paf.effective_start_date      <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paf.effective_end_date        >= cp_effective_date
     and paf.business_group_id+0        = p_bus_grp
     and paa.assignment_id              = paf.assignment_id
     and ppa.business_group_id+0        = p_bus_grp
     and ppa.payroll_action_id          = paa.payroll_action_id
     and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     and ppa.effective_date   between  cp_effective_date
                                  and  add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paf.assignment_type            = 'E'
     and paf.primary_flag              <> 'Y'
     and paa.tax_unit_id in (select hoi.organization_id
                             from hr_organization_information hoi,
                                  hr_all_organization_units   hou
                             where hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
                             and   hoi.org_information2        = to_char(cp_pre_id)
                             and   hou.business_group_id       = p_bus_grp
                             and   hou.organization_id         = hoi.organization_id);
Line: 1539

     select distinct has.assignment_id,
     from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f        paf,
          pay_assignment_actions       paa,
          pay_payroll_actions          ppa
     where has.assignment_set_id         = cp_assignment_set_id
     and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
     and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
     and paf.effective_start_date    <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paf.effective_end_date      >= cp_effective_date
     and paf.business_group_id+0      = p_bus_grp
     and paf.assignment_type          = 'E'
     and paa.assignment_id            = paf.assignment_id
     and ppa.business_group_id+0      = p_bus_grp
     and ppa.payroll_action_id        = paa.payroll_action_id
     and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     and ppa.effective_date   between  cp_effective_date
                                  and  add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and nvl(paa.tax_unit_id, cp_gre_id) <> cp_gre_id;
Line: 1563

     select distinct has.assignment_id,
     from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
          per_all_assignments_f        paf,
          pay_assignment_actions       paa,
          pay_payroll_actions          ppa,
          hr_organization_information  hoi
     where has.assignment_set_id         = cp_assignment_set_id
     and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
     and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
     and paf.effective_start_date    <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paf.effective_end_date      >= cp_effective_date
     and paf.business_group_id+0      = p_bus_grp
     and paf.assignment_type          = 'E'
     and paa.assignment_id            = paf.assignment_id
     and ppa.business_group_id+0      = p_bus_grp
     and ppa.payroll_action_id        = paa.payroll_action_id
     and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     and ppa.effective_date   between  cp_effective_date
                                  and  add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     and paa.tax_unit_id              = hoi.organization_id
     and hoi.org_information_context  = 'Canada Employer Identification'
     and paa.tax_unit_id   not in (select hoi1.organization_id
                                   from hr_organization_information hoi1,
                                        hr_all_organization_units   hou1
                                   where hoi1.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
                                   and   hoi1.org_information2        = to_char(cp_pre_id)
                                   and   hou1.business_group_id       = p_bus_grp
                                   and   hou1.organization_id         = hoi1.organization_id);
Line: 1594

     select name
     from hr_all_organization_units_tl
     where organization_id = cp_org_id
     and   language        = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1882

      if l_assignment_inserted = 0 then
         hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.add_actions_to_yepp', 110);
Line: 1890

      l_assignment_inserted  := 0;
Line: 1912

      if l_assignment_inserted = 0 then
Line: 1919

      l_assignment_inserted  := 0;
Line: 1940

      if l_assignment_inserted = 0 then
Line: 1964

      update fnd_concurrent_requests
      set output_file_type = 'HTML'
      where request_id = FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID ;