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Line 818: technical_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE,

814: -- bug 6374353
815: -- create temporary table to store language and meanings of TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL.
816: type two_part_cache_rec is record(
817: language fnd_lookup_values.language%TYPE,
818: technical_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE,
819: commercial_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE
820: );
821: type g_tp_cache_type is table of two_part_cache_rec index by BINARY_INTEGER;
822: g_two_part_cache g_tp_cache_type;

Line 819: commercial_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE

815: -- create temporary table to store language and meanings of TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL.
816: type two_part_cache_rec is record(
817: language fnd_lookup_values.language%TYPE,
818: technical_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE,
819: commercial_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE
820: );
821: type g_tp_cache_type is table of two_part_cache_rec index by BINARY_INTEGER;
822: g_two_part_cache g_tp_cache_type;