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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 4

  procedure delete_timecards is

    cursor c_timecards is
      select ts.timecard_id
      from   hxc_timecard_summary ts
      where  not exists (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
              where  tbb.time_building_block_id = ts.timecard_id and
                     tbb.object_version_number = ts.timecard_ovn and
                     tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD' and
                     tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 17

    cursor c_deleted_timecards is
      select ts.timecard_id
      from   hxc_timecard_summary ts
      where  exists (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
              where  tbb.time_building_block_id = ts.timecard_id and
                     tbb.object_version_number = ts.timecard_ovn and
                     tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD' and
                     tbb.date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 35

Line: 39

    for timecard_rec in c_deleted_timecards loop

Line: 45

  End delete_timecards;
Line: 47

  procedure delete_templates is

    cursor c_templates is
      select ts.template_id
      from   hxc_template_summary ts
      where  not exists (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
              where  tbb.time_building_block_id = ts.template_id and
                     tbb.object_version_number = ts.template_ovn and
                     tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD_TEMPLATE' and
                     tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 60

    cursor c_deleted_templates is
      select ts.template_id
      from   hxc_template_summary ts
      where  exists (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
              where  tbb.time_building_block_id = ts.template_id and
                     tbb.object_version_number = ts.template_ovn and
                     tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD_TEMPLATE' and
                     tbb.date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 77

Line: 81

    for template_rec in c_deleted_templates loop

Line: 87

End delete_templates;
Line: 92

      select tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.resource_id = p_rid and
             tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD' and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_timecard_summary
              where  timecard_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     timecard_ovn = tbb.object_version_number);
Line: 127

      select tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.resource_id = p_rid and
             tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD_TEMPLATE'
	     and resource_id <>-1 and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_template_summary
              where  template_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     template_ovn = tbb.object_version_number);
Line: 161

      select distinct tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks  tbb
            ,hxc_time_attribute_usages tau
            ,hxc_time_attributes       ta
      where  tbb.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD' and
             tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tbb.resource_id = p_resource_id and
             tau.time_building_block_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
             tau.time_building_block_ovn = tbb.object_version_number and
             ta.attribute_category = 'APPROVAL' and
             ta.time_attribute_id = tau.time_attribute_id and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_app_period_summary aps
              where  aps.application_period_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     aps.application_period_ovn = tbb.object_version_number)
      order  by 1;
Line: 203

      select distinct resource_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD' and
             tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_timecard_summary ts
              where  tbb.time_building_block_id = ts.timecard_id and
                     tbb.object_version_number = ts.timecard_ovn);
Line: 214

      select 1 from dual
      where exists ( select 'x' from hxc_timecard_summary);
Line: 218

      select 1 from dual
      where exists ( select 'x' from hxc_template_summary);
Line: 222

      select distinct resource_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD_TEMPLATE' and
             tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_template_summary ts
              where  tbb.time_building_block_id = ts.template_id and
                     tbb.object_version_number = ts.template_ovn);
Line: 294

Line: 307

Line: 322

PROCEDURE update_appl_set_id(p_time_building_block_id in hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%type
                                ,p_start_date        in date
                                ,p_end_date          in date
				,p_resource_id       in hxc_time_building_blocks.resource_id%type
				,p_object_version_number in hxc_time_building_blocks.object_version_number%type
                                ,p_upg_count         out nocopy number) IS

CURSOR C_Time_BB_Ids(p_Building_Block_Id number, p_Object_Version_Number number) is
      SELECT tbb1.time_building_block_id
      FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb1
      WHERE  scope IN ('TIMECARD', 'DAY', 'DETAIL') AND
             application_set_id IS NULL
      START  WITH ((tbb1.time_building_block_id = p_building_block_id) AND
                  (tbb1.object_version_number = p_object_version_number))
      CONNECT BY PRIOR tbb1.time_building_block_id =
                  tbb1.parent_building_block_id AND
                 PRIOR tbb1.object_version_number =
Line: 344

      SELECT a
      FROM   (SELECT application_set_id a
                    ,COUNT(*) cnt
              FROM   hxc_application_set_comps_v
              WHERE  time_recipient_id IN
                     (SELECT DISTINCT attribute1
                      FROM   hxc_time_attributes
                      WHERE  time_attribute_id IN
                             (SELECT time_attribute_id
                              FROM   hxc_time_attribute_usages
                              WHERE  time_building_block_id IN
                                     (SELECT htb2.time_building_block_id
                                      FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks htb2
                                      WHERE  htb2.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD' AND
                                             htb2.resource_id = p_rec_id AND
                                             TRUNC(htb2.start_time) =
                                             p_start_time AND
                                             TRUNC(htb2.stop_time) =
                                             TRUNC(p_stop_time) AND
                                             htb2.object_version_number =
                                             (SELECT MAX(hb.object_version_number)
                                              FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks hb
                                              WHERE  hb.time_building_block_id =
                                                     htb2.time_building_block_id AND
                                                     hb.start_time =
                                                     htb2.start_time AND
                                                     hb.stop_time =
                                                     htb2.stop_time AND
                                                     hb.resource_id =
                                                     htb2.resource_id AND
                                                     hb.scope =
                                                     'APPLICATION_PERIOD'))) AND
                             attribute_category = 'APPROVAL')
              GROUP  BY application_set_id)
      WHERE  cnt =
             (SELECT COUNT(distinct attribute1)
              FROM   hxc_time_attributes
              WHERE  time_attribute_id IN
                     (SELECT time_attribute_id
                      FROM   hxc_time_attribute_usages
                      WHERE  time_building_block_id IN
                             (SELECT htb2.time_building_block_id
                              FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks htb2
                              WHERE  htb2.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD' AND
                                     htb2.resource_id = p_rec_id AND
                                     TRUNC(htb2.start_time) = p_start_time AND
                                     TRUNC(htb2.stop_time) =
                                     TRUNC(p_stop_time) AND
                                     htb2.object_version_number =
                                     (SELECT MAX(hb.object_version_number)
                                      FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks hb
                                      WHERE  hb.time_building_block_id =
                                             htb2.time_building_block_id AND
                                             hb.start_time = htb2.start_time AND
                                             hb.stop_time = htb2.stop_time AND
                                             hb.resource_id = htb2.resource_id AND
                                             hb.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD'))) AND
                     attribute_category = 'APPROVAL') AND
             a NOT IN
             (SELECT application_set_id a
              FROM   hxc_application_set_comps_v
              WHERE  time_recipient_id NOT IN
                     (SELECT DISTINCT attribute1
                      FROM   hxc_time_attributes
                      WHERE  time_attribute_id IN
                             (SELECT time_attribute_id
                              FROM   hxc_time_attribute_usages
                              WHERE  time_building_block_id IN
                                     (SELECT htb2.time_building_block_id
                                      FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks htb2
                                      WHERE  htb2.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD' AND
                                             htb2.resource_id = p_rec_id AND
                                             TRUNC(htb2.start_time) =
                                             p_start_time AND
                                             TRUNC(htb2.stop_time) =
                                             TRUNC(p_stop_time) AND
                                             htb2.object_version_number =
                                             (SELECT MAX(hb.object_version_number)
                                              FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks hb
                                              WHERE  hb.time_building_block_id =
                                                     htb2.time_building_block_id AND
                                                     hb.start_time =
                                                     htb2.start_time AND
                                                     hb.stop_time =
                                                     htb2.stop_time AND
                                                     hb.resource_id =
                                                     htb2.resource_id AND
                                                     hb.scope =
                                                     'APPLICATION_PERIOD'))) AND
                             attribute_category = 'APPROVAL'));
Line: 448

            update hxc_time_building_blocks
            set    application_set_id = l_application_set_id
            where  time_building_block_id = C2.time_building_block_id and
                   object_version_number = C2.object_version_number;
Line: 459

                UPDATE hxc_latest_details hld
                SET    hld.application_set_id = l_application_set_id
                WHERE  hld.time_building_block_id =
                       C2.time_building_block_id AND
                       hld.object_version_number = C2.object_version_number;
Line: 499

  End update_appl_set_id;
Line: 509

      SELECT DISTINCT htb.time_building_block_id
      FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks htb
      WHERE  htb.scope = 'TIMECARD' AND
             htb.application_set_id IS NULL AND
             htb.object_version_number =
             (SELECT MAX(hb.object_version_number)
              FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks hb
              WHERE  hb.time_building_block_id = htb.time_building_block_id AND
                     hb.start_time = htb.start_time AND
                     hb.stop_time = htb.stop_time AND
                     hb.resource_id = htb.resource_id AND
                     hb.scope = 'TIMECARD' AND
                     hb.application_set_id IS NULL) and
             htb.start_time >= nvl(p_start_date, htb.start_time) and
             htb.stop_time <= nvl(p_end_date, htb.stop_time) and
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  htb.resource_id = per.person_id);
Line: 534

      SELECT DISTINCT htb.time_building_block_id
      FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks htb
      WHERE  htb.scope = 'TIMECARD' AND
             htb.application_set_id IS NULL AND
             htb.object_version_number =
             (SELECT MAX(hb.object_version_number)
              FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks hb
              WHERE  hb.time_building_block_id = htb.time_building_block_id AND
                     hb.start_time = htb.start_time AND
                     hb.stop_time = htb.stop_time AND
                     hb.resource_id = htb.resource_id AND
                     hb.scope = 'TIMECARD' AND
                     hb.application_set_id IS NULL) and
             htb.start_time >= nvl(p_start_date, htb.start_time) and
             htb.stop_time <= nvl(p_end_date, htb.stop_time) and
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  htb.resource_id = per.person_id and
                     per.business_group_id = p_business_group_id);
Line: 568

           update_appl_set_id(p_time_building_block_id =>c1.time_building_block_id
                         ,p_start_date => c1.start_time
                         ,p_end_date => c1.stop_time
			 ,p_resource_id => c1.resource_id
			 ,p_object_version_number => c1.object_version_number
                         ,p_upg_count =>p_upg_count);
Line: 582

	  update_appl_set_id(p_time_building_block_id =>c1.time_building_block_id
                         ,p_start_date => c1.start_time
                         ,p_end_date => c1.stop_time
			 ,p_resource_id => c1.resource_id
			 ,p_object_version_number => c1.object_version_number
                         ,p_upg_count =>p_upg_count);
Line: 610

      SELECT DISTINCT tbb.resource_id
      FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
            ,hxc_time_building_Blocks tbb_day
      WHERE  tbb.scope = 'DETAIL' AND
             tbb.object_Version_number =
             (SELECT /*+ no_unnest */
              FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks dovn
              WHERE  dovn.time_building_block_id =
                     tbb.time_building_block_id) AND
             tbb_day.time_building_block_id = tbb.parent_building_block_id AND
             NOT EXISTS
       (SELECT 'x'
              FROM   hxc_latest_details hld
              WHERE  hld.time_building_block_id = tbb.time_building_block_id) AND
             tbb_day.object_Version_number =
             (SELECT /*+ no_unnest */
              FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks dovn1
              WHERE  dovn1.time_building_block_id =
                     tbb_day.time_building_block_id) and
             tbb_day.start_time >= nvl(p_start_date, tbb_day.start_time) and
             tbb_day.stop_time <= nvl(p_end_date, tbb_day.stop_time) and
             ( SELECT 'x'
               FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb_timecard
               WHERE  tbb_timecard.time_building_block_id = tbb_day.parent_building_block_id
               AND    scope = 'TIMECARD' );
Line: 656

    TYPE last_update_date_tab IS TABLE OF hxc_time_building_blocks.last_update_date%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
Line: 667

    t_last_update_date   last_update_date_tab;
Line: 692

             t_stop_time LIMIT 100;
Line: 701

          INSERT INTO hxc_latest_details
Line: 726

Line: 727

Line: 728

Line: 729

Line: 730

Line: 731

Line: 732

Line: 733

Line: 734

Line: 735

Line: 762

      select tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD_TEMPLATE'
	     and resource_id <>-1 and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_template_summary
              where  template_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     template_ovn = tbb.object_version_number) and
             TRUNC(tbb.start_time) >= nvl(p_start_date, TRUNC(tbb.start_time)) and  -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             TRUNC(tbb.stop_time) <= nvl(p_end_date, tbb.stop_time) and             -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  tbb.resource_id = per.person_id);
Line: 781

      select tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD_TEMPLATE'
	     and resource_id <>-1 and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_template_summary
              where  template_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     template_ovn = tbb.object_version_number) and
             TRUNC(tbb.start_time) >= nvl(p_start_date, TRUNC(tbb.start_time)) and  -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             TRUNC(tbb.stop_time) <= nvl(p_end_date, tbb.stop_time) and             -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  tbb.resource_id = per.person_id and
                     per.business_group_id = p_business_group_id);
Line: 903

          insert into hxc_temp_timecards
Line: 927

Line: 928

Line: 949

    insert into hxc_temp_timecards
Line: 983

      select tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD' and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_timecard_summary
              where  timecard_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     timecard_ovn = tbb.object_version_number) and
             TRUNC(tbb.start_time) >= nvl(p_start_date, TRUNC(tbb.start_time)) and  -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             TRUNC(tbb.stop_time) <= nvl(p_end_date, tbb.stop_time) and             -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  tbb.resource_id = per.person_id);
Line: 1001

      select tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
      where  tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD' and
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_timecard_summary
              where  timecard_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     timecard_ovn = tbb.object_version_number) and
             TRUNC(tbb.start_time) >= nvl(p_start_date, TRUNC(tbb.start_time)) and  -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             TRUNC(tbb.stop_time) <= nvl(p_end_date, tbb.stop_time) and             -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  tbb.resource_id = per.person_id and
                     per.business_group_id = p_business_group_id);
Line: 1020

      select distinct tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks  tbb
            ,hxc_time_attribute_usages tau
            ,hxc_time_attributes       ta
      where  tbb.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD' and
             tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tau.time_building_block_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
             tau.time_building_block_ovn = tbb.object_version_number and
             ta.attribute_category = 'APPROVAL' and
             ta.time_attribute_id = tau.time_attribute_id and
             TRUNC(tbb.start_time) >= nvl(p_start_date, TRUNC(tbb.start_time)) and  -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             TRUNC(tbb.stop_time) <= nvl(p_end_date, tbb.stop_time) and             -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_app_period_summary aps
              where  aps.application_period_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     aps.application_period_ovn = tbb.object_version_number) and
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  tbb.resource_id = person_id )
      order  by 1;
Line: 1044

      select distinct tbb.time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_time_building_blocks  tbb
            ,hxc_time_attribute_usages tau
            ,hxc_time_attributes       ta
      where  tbb.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD' and
             tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time and
             tau.time_building_block_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
             tau.time_building_block_ovn = tbb.object_version_number and
             ta.attribute_category = 'APPROVAL' and
             ta.time_attribute_id = tau.time_attribute_id and
             TRUNC(tbb.start_time) >= nvl(p_start_date, TRUNC(tbb.start_time)) and  -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             TRUNC(tbb.stop_time) <= nvl(p_end_date, tbb.stop_time) and             -- 5985862 Added TRUNC to truncate time component from date
             not exists
       (select 'Y'
              from   hxc_app_period_summary aps
              where  aps.application_period_id = tbb.time_building_block_id and
                     aps.application_period_ovn = tbb.object_version_number) and
       (select 1
              from   per_all_people_f per
              where  tbb.resource_id = person_id and
                     per.business_group_id =
      order  by 1;
Line: 1172

          insert into hxc_temp_timecards
Line: 1196

Line: 1197

Line: 1265

          insert into hxc_temp_timecards
Line: 1287

Line: 1305

    insert into hxc_temp_timecards
Line: 1335

Line: 1383

	if (hr_update_utility.isUpdateComplete(p_app_shortname => 'HXC',
	                                       p_function_name => NULL,
	                                       p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
	                                       p_update_name => 'HXCTCMIGRATE'
	                                      ) = 'FALSE')
		hr_update_utility.setUpdateProcessing(p_update_name => 'HXCTCMIGRATE' );
Line: 1392

	/* changed from FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST to hr_update_utility.submitRequest in order to reflect the
	   status in DTR report */
	hr_update_utility.submitRequest(p_app_shortname => 'HXC'
				   ,p_update_name       => 'HXCTCMIGRATE'
				   ,p_validate_proc     => 'hxc_tcsummary_migrate.check_hxt_installed'
				   ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
				   --,p_legislation_code   in     varchar2 default null
				   ,p_argument1          =>p_business_group_id
				   ,p_argument2          => p_start_date
				   ,p_argument3          => p_end_date
				   ,p_argument4          => p_stop_time
				   ,p_argument5          => p_batch_size
				   ,p_argument6          => p_num_workers
				   ,p_argument7          =>'TIMECARD'
				   ,p_request_id        => l_timecard_req_id) ;
Line: 1428

	/* changed from FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST to hr_update_utility.submitRequest in order to reflect the
	   status in DTR report */
	hr_update_utility.submitRequest(p_app_shortname => 'HXC'
				   ,p_update_name       => 'HXCTCMIGRATE'
				   ,p_validate_proc     => 'hxc_tcsummary_migrate.check_hxt_installed'
				   ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
				   --,p_legislation_code   in     varchar2 default null
				   ,p_argument1          =>p_business_group_id
				   ,p_argument2          => p_start_date
				   ,p_argument3          => p_end_date
				   ,p_argument4          => p_stop_time
				   ,p_argument5          => p_batch_size
				   ,p_argument6          => p_num_workers
				   ,p_argument7          =>'TEMPLATE'
				   ,p_request_id     => l_template_req_id) ;
Line: 1453

             AND hr_update_utility.isUpdateComplete(p_app_shortname => 'HXC',
	                                       p_function_name => NULL,
	                                       p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
	                                       p_update_name => 'HXCTCMIGRATE'
	                                      ) = 'FALSE'
                	hr_update_utility.setUpdateComplete(p_update_name => 'HXCTCMIGRATE' );
Line: 1473

      select time_building_block_id
      from   hxc_temp_timecards
      where  worker_id = p_worker_id and
             scope = p_scope and
             processed = 'Y';
Line: 1481

      select 'Y'
      from   hxc_temp_timecards
      where  worker_id = p_worker_id and
             scope = 'COMPLETED';
Line: 1525

        delete from hxc_temp_timecards where worker_id = l_worker_id;
Line: 1530

      update hxc_temp_timecards
      set    processed = 'Y'
      where  worker_id = l_worker_id and
             scope in ('TIMECARD', 'APPLICATION_PERIOD');
Line: 1557

        delete from hxc_temp_timecards
        where  worker_id = l_worker_id and
               scope in ('TIMECARD', 'APPLICATION_PERIOD') and
               processed = 'Y';
Line: 1612

		delete from hxc_temp_timecards where worker_id = l_worker_id;
Line: 1617

      update hxc_temp_timecards
      set    processed = 'Y'
      where  worker_id = l_worker_id and
             scope in ('TIMECARD_TEMPLATE');
Line: 1632

        delete from hxc_temp_timecards
        where  worker_id = l_worker_id and
               scope in ('TIMECARD_TEMPLATE') and
               processed = 'Y';
Line: 1695

       select status
       from fnd_product_installations
       where application_id = PSP_APPLICATION_ID;