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Line 1445: pay_run_results prr

1441: -- nvl(pet.reporting_name, pet.element_name) element_name,
1442: pet.element_name element_name, /* Bug 14406013: Reverting back changes done as part of Bug 5918981 */
1443: prr.jurisdiction_code jurisdiction_code
1444: from pay_element_types_f pet,
1445: pay_run_results prr
1446: where l_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
1447: and pet.element_name ='FUTA CREDIT'
1448: and prr.status in ('P','PA')
1449: and pet.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id

Line 1658: pay_run_results prr

1654: pet.element_name element_name /* Bug 14406013: Reverting back changes done as part of Bug 5918981 */
1655: from pay_balance_types pbt,
1656: pay_element_types_f pet,
1657: pay_element_classifications pec,
1658: pay_run_results prr
1659: where pec.classification_name ='Employer Liabilities'
1660: and pec.legislation_code ='US'
1661: and pet.classification_id = pec.classification_id
1662: and pet.business_group_id = l_business_group_id

Line 2129: pay_run_results rr

2125: and exists (
2126: select 'Y'
2127: from pay_run_result_values rrv,
2128: pay_input_values_F iv,
2129: pay_run_results rr
2130: where nvl(rrv.result_value,0) <> to_char(0)
2131: and iv.input_value_id = rrv.input_value_id
2132: and iv.name = 'Pay Value'
2133: and rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id

Line 2312: pay_run_results prr

2308: pay_assignment_actions paa,
2309: per_all_assignments_f paf,
2310: pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_F pftr,
2311: pay_us_states pst,
2312: pay_run_results prr
2313: where pec.classification_name ='Employer Taxes'
2314: and pec.legislation_code ='US'
2315: and pet.classification_id = pec.classification_id
2316: and l_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date

Line 2662: l_futa_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';

2658: l_state_liab_view_name := 'PAY_US_STATE_LIABILITIES_V';
2659: l_futa_where := ' prr.status in ('||'''P'''||','||'''PA'''||')
2660: and pet.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id
2661: and prr.assignment_action_id = ';
2662: l_futa_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';
2664: l_er_liab_where := ' prr.element_type_id +0 = pet.element_type_id
2665: and prr.status in (' || '''P''' || ', ' || '''PA''' || ')
2666: and prr.assignment_action_id = ';

Line 2667: l_er_liab_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';

2664: l_er_liab_where := ' prr.element_type_id +0 = pet.element_type_id
2665: and prr.status in (' || '''P''' || ', ' || '''PA''' || ')
2666: and prr.assignment_action_id = ';
2667: l_er_liab_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';
2669: l_wc_er_liab_where := ' prr.element_type_id +0 = pet.element_type_id
2670: and prr.assignment_action_id = ';
2671: l_wc_er_liab_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';

Line 2671: l_wc_er_liab_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';

2667: l_er_liab_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';
2669: l_wc_er_liab_where := ' prr.element_type_id +0 = pet.element_type_id
2670: and prr.assignment_action_id = ';
2671: l_wc_er_liab_from := ' pay_run_results prr ';
2672: l_asg_flag := 'N';
2673: open sel_aaid (to_number(pactid),chnkno);
2674: loop
2675: fetch sel_aaid into l_start_date,