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Line 169: from po_headers_all poh,

165: select poh.segment1 || '-' || poh.revision_num, polc.displayed_field, poh.agent_id,
166: poh.acceptance_required_flag, poh.acceptance_due_date, poh.org_id
167: into x_document_num, x_document_type, x_agent_id, x_acceptance_required_flag,
168: x_acceptance_due_date, x_org_id
169: from po_headers_all poh,
170: po_lookup_codes polc
171: where poh.po_header_id = x_document_id
172: and poh.type_lookup_code = polc.lookup_code
173: and polc.lookup_type = 'PO TYPE';

Line 186: po_headers_all poh,

182: por.acceptance_required_flag, por.acceptance_due_date, por.agent_id
183: into x_release_num, x_agent_id, x_document_num, x_document_type, x_acceptance_required_flag,
184: x_acceptance_due_date, x_agent_id
185: from po_releases_all por,
186: po_headers_all poh,
187: po_lookup_codes polc
188: where por.po_release_id = x_document_id
189: and por.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
190: and polc.lookup_type = 'DOCUMENT TYPE'