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1 PACKAGE BODY gme_reopen_batch_pvt AS
2 /*  $Header: GMEVROBB.pls 120.5 2011/01/21 18:23:26 gmurator ship $    */
3    g_debug                VARCHAR2 (5)  := fnd_profile.VALUE ('AFLOG_LEVEL');
4     g_pkg_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'GME_REOPEN_BATCH_PVT';
6 /*
7 REM **********************************************************************
8 REM *                                                                    *
9 REM * FILE:    GMEVROBB.pls                                              *
10 REM * PURPOSE: Package Body for the GME batch reopen api                 *
11 REM * AUTHOR:  Navin Sinha, OPM Development                              *
12 REM * DATE:    May 19 2005                                               *
13 REM *                                                                    *
14 REM * PROCEDURE reopen_batch                                             *
15 REM * FUNCTION  is_batch_posted                                          *
16 REM * FUNCTION  is_period_open                                           *
17 REM * FUNCTION  create_history                                           *
18 REM *                                                                    *
19 REM *                                                                    *
20 REM * HISTORY:                                                           *
21 REM * ========                                                           *
22 REM *  Pawan Kumar Corrected the code.                                   *
23 REM *                                                                    *
24 REM * 21-JAN-11   G. Muratore    Bug 10634518                            *
25 REM *   Frontport 11i bug 6853392. Rework using R12 tables and joins per *
26 REM *   GMF team.  Add conditions on table gmf_period_statuses to see if *
27 REM *   batch_close_date is in open period.  PROCEDURE: is_period_open   *
28 REM **********************************************************************
29 */
30    g_package_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'GME_REOPEN_BATCH_PVT';
32 /*================================================================================
33 Procedure
34   reopen_batch
35 Description
36   This particular procedure call reopen the batch.
37 Parameters
38   p_batch_header_rec    The batch header row to identify the batch
39   p_validation_level    Errors to skip before returning - Default 100
40   x_batch_header_rec    The batch header row to identify the batch
41   x_message_count    The number of messages in the message stack
42   x_message_list     message stack where the api writes its messages
43   x_return_status    outcome of the API call
44             S - Success
45             E - Error
46             U - Unexpected error
47 ================================================================================*/
48    PROCEDURE reopen_batch (
49       p_batch_header_rec   IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
50      ,p_reopen_steps       IN              VARCHAR2 := 'F'
51      ,x_batch_header_rec   OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
52      ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
53    IS
54       /* Cursor to get all the phantom batches except ones
55        which are release type of "Automatic by Step" and attached to steps */
56       CURSOR cur_matl_phant_ids (v_batch_id NUMBER)
57       IS
58          SELECT d.phantom_id
59            FROM gme_material_details d
60           WHERE d.batch_id = v_batch_id
61             AND NVL (d.phantom_id, 0) > 0
62             AND NOT EXISTS (
63                    SELECT 1
64                      FROM gme_batch_step_items
65                     WHERE material_detail_id = d.material_detail_id
66                       AND d.release_type = 3);
68       l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)         := 'REOPEN_BATCH';
69       /* Miscellaneous */
70       l_batch_status                   NUMBER;
71       l_batch_close_date               DATE;
72       l_back_flush                     NUMBER;
73       l_error_count                    NUMBER;
74       l_row_count                      NUMBER;
75       l_ins_history                    gme_batch_history%ROWTYPE;
76       l_material_details               gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;
77       l_material_details_tab           gme_reopen_batch_pvt.material_details_tab;
78       l_phantom_ids                    gme_common_pvt.number_tab;
79       l_batch_header                   gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
80       l_in_batch_header                gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
81       l_dummy                          NUMBER;
82       l_message_count                  NUMBER;
83       l_message_list                   VARCHAR2 (2000);
84       /*  Added local variables */
85       l_mat_cnt                        NUMBER;
86       l_rsrc_cnt                       NUMBER;
87       l_status                         VARCHAR2 (1);
88       l_return_status                  VARCHAR2 (1);
89       l_msg_count                      NUMBER;
90       l_msg_data                       VARCHAR2 (100);
91       l_batch_cost                     BOOLEAN                         := TRUE;
92       batch_cost_err                   EXCEPTION;
93      -- batch_header_locked_err          EXCEPTION;
94       batch_header_fetch_err           EXCEPTION;
95       invalid_batch_type               EXCEPTION;
96       invalid_batch_status             EXCEPTION;
97      -- batch_already_purged             EXCEPTION;
98       batch_already_posted             EXCEPTION;
99       batch_costed_and_period_closed   EXCEPTION;
100      -- marked_for_deletion              EXCEPTION;
101       batch_step_reopen_err            EXCEPTION;
102       batch_header_upd_err             EXCEPTION;
103       batch_hist_insert_err            EXCEPTION;
104       phantom_batch_reopen_err         EXCEPTION;
105       cant_reopen_migrated_batch       EXCEPTION;
107     -- Bug 5903208
108     gmf_cost_failure         EXCEPTION;
110    BEGIN
111       /* Set the return staus to success inititally*/
112       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
114       /*  Initialize output batch header  */
115       x_batch_header_rec := p_batch_header_rec ;
116       /* x_batch_header_rec gets the batch_id */
118       --  Validate batch status, report error if batch status is not Closed (4)
119       -- To reopen a batch, it has to be :
120       --           * not migrated     => migrated_batch_ind <> 'Y'
121       --           * a batch          => batch_type = 0
122       --           * closed           => batch_status = 4
123       --           * not posted to GL => from GME_INVENTORY_TXNS_GTMP via material_detail_id
124       --           * not posted to GL => or directly from IC_TRAN_PND via batch_id
125       --           * not costed       => actual_cost_ind = N
127       -- STEP-1: done at Public level.
128       IF (x_batch_header_rec.migrated_batch_ind = 'Y') THEN
129          RAISE cant_reopen_migrated_batch;
130       END IF;
132       -- STEP-2a: Validate Batch Type
133       IF (x_batch_header_rec.batch_type <> 0) THEN
134          RAISE invalid_batch_type;
135       END IF;
137       -- STEP-2b: Validate Batch Status
138       IF (x_batch_header_rec.batch_status <> 4) THEN
139          RAISE invalid_batch_status;
140       END IF;
142 /* Navin: need to uncomment.
143     Asked Srikanth to clarify the new logic of Is_batch_purged
145   IF x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind = 'Y'
146   THEN
147     -- STEP-3: Check that transaction are not purged
148     IF gme_api_grp_pk2.Is_batch_purged(p_batch_id => x_batch_header_rec.batch_id) = TRUE
149     THEN
151     END IF;
152   END IF;
153 */-- STEP-4: Validate GL Posted Indicator
154   /* Since we moved the gl_posted_ind from history to header
155      We should not call lines below */
157       IF x_batch_header_rec.gl_posted_ind = 1 THEN
158          RAISE batch_already_posted;
159       END IF;
161       -- STEP-5a: Validate the Actual Cost Indicator (1/2)
162       IF (NVL (x_batch_header_rec.actual_cost_ind, 'N') = 'Y') THEN
163          -- Return a WARNING if the period is still open.
164          -- Return an ERROR if the period is already closed
166          -- STEP-5b: Validate the Actual Cost Indicator (2/2)
167          IF (is_period_open (p_batch_id => x_batch_header_rec.batch_id) ) THEN
168             gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_ACTUAL_COST_DONE_ERROR');
169          ELSE
170             RAISE batch_costed_and_period_closed;
171          END IF;
173          l_batch_cost :=
174             gmf_cmcommon.is_batch_cost_frozen
175                                     (p_api_version        => 2
176                                     ,p_init_msg_list      => fnd_api.g_false
177                                     ,p_commit             => fnd_api.g_false
178                                     ,x_return_status      => l_return_status
179                                     ,x_msg_count          => l_msg_count
180                                     ,x_msg_data           => l_msg_data
181                                     ,p_batch_id           => p_batch_header_rec.batch_id);
183          IF l_batch_cost = FALSE THEN
184             RAISE batch_cost_err;
185          END IF;
186       END IF;
188       /* Load transactions in temporary table
189          so that these can be displayed in the E-record */
190       gme_trans_engine_util.load_rsrc_trans
191                                            (p_batch_row          => x_batch_header_rec
192                                            ,x_rsc_row_count      => l_rsrc_cnt
193                                            ,x_return_status      => l_status);
195       IF (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
196          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
197       END IF;
199       /* Now we have to reopen any existing phantoms which are not
200          associated step and release type of "Automatic by step" */
201       OPEN cur_matl_phant_ids (x_batch_header_rec.batch_id);
203       FETCH cur_matl_phant_ids
204       BULK COLLECT INTO l_phantom_ids;
206       CLOSE cur_matl_phant_ids;
208       FOR i IN 1 .. l_phantom_ids.COUNT LOOP
209          l_batch_header.batch_id := l_phantom_ids (i);
211          /*  Initialize batch header*/
212          IF NOT (gme_batch_header_dbl.fetch_row (l_batch_header
213                                                 ,l_in_batch_header) ) THEN
214             RAISE batch_header_fetch_err;
215          END IF;
217          -- B3184949 Only reopen closed batches (can have cancelled batches when parent batch is terminated
218          IF l_in_batch_header.batch_status = 4 THEN
219             gme_reopen_batch_pvt.reopen_batch
220                                     (p_batch_header_rec      => l_in_batch_header
221                                     ,p_reopen_steps          => p_reopen_steps
222                                     ,x_batch_header_rec      => l_batch_header
223                                     ,x_return_status         => x_return_status);
225             IF (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
226                RAISE phantom_batch_reopen_err;
227             END IF;
228          END IF;                                     /* if batch_status = 4 */
229       END LOOP;
231       -- Reopen steps only if passed parameter is TRUE
232       IF p_reopen_steps = 'T' THEN
233          -- Now Examine the batch step(POC data) :
234          IF (x_batch_header_rec.poc_ind = 'Y') THEN
235             /* Call reopen step api to reopen the all steps */
236             gme_reopen_step_pvt.reopen_all_steps
237                                    (p_batch_header_rec      => x_batch_header_rec
238                                    ,x_return_status         => x_return_status);
240             IF (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
241                RAISE batch_step_reopen_err;
242             END IF;
243          END IF;                       --delete only if we have steps in batch
244       END IF;               -- reopen steps only if the parameter indicates so
246       -- STEP-6: Remove the batch close date from the batch header
247       -- STEP-7: Update the batch header status
248       -- STEP-8: Update the actual cost ind to 'N'
249       -- Set up the fields in output structure.
250       l_batch_close_date := x_batch_header_rec.batch_close_date;
251       x_batch_header_rec.batch_status := 3;
252       x_batch_header_rec.batch_close_date := NULL;
253       x_batch_header_rec.actual_cost_ind := 'N';
255       -- STEP-8: Update the batch step to the database
257       IF NOT (gme_batch_header_dbl.update_row (x_batch_header_rec) ) THEN
258          x_batch_header_rec.batch_status := 4;
259          x_batch_header_rec.batch_close_date := l_batch_close_date;
260          RAISE batch_header_upd_err;
261       END IF;
263       -- STEP-9: Insert the event into the batch history table
264       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
265          gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name
266                                 || '.'
267                                 || l_api_name
268                                 || ':'
269                                 || 'Create history'
270                             );
271       END IF;
273       IF x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind = 'Y' THEN
274       	 /* Insert the event into the batch history table */
275          IF NOT gme_common_pvt.create_history
276                                              (x_batch_header_rec
277                                              ,x_batch_header_rec.batch_status) THEN
278             RAISE batch_hist_insert_err;
279          END IF;
280       END IF;
281          /*IF NOT create_history (x_batch_header_rec) THEN
282             x_batch_header_rec.batch_status := 4;
283             x_batch_header_rec.batch_close_date := l_batch_close_date;
284             RAISE batch_hist_insert_err;
285          END IF;
286       END IF; */
288       /* Update the row who columns */
289       x_batch_header_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
290       x_batch_header_rec.last_updated_by := gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident;
291       x_batch_header_rec.last_update_login := gme_common_pvt.g_login_id;
294       --
295       -- Bug 5903208 - Make call to GMF to revert finalization layers for this batch
296       --
297       GMF_VIB.Revert_Finalization
298       ( p_api_version   =>    1.0,
299         p_init_msg_list =>    FND_API.G_FALSE,
300         p_batch_id      =>    x_batch_header_rec.batch_id,
301         x_return_status =>    x_return_status,
302         x_msg_count     =>    l_message_count,
303         x_msg_data      =>    l_message_list);
305       IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
306       THEN
307          RAISE gmf_cost_failure;
308       END IF;
309       -- End Bug 5903208
311       -- STEP-10: End of the process with S(uccess) or W(arning)
312       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
313         gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
314                                 || '.'
315                                 || l_api_name
316                                 || ':'
317                                 || 'NOrmal end to reopen');
318        END IF;
320       WHEN   gmf_cost_failure THEN
321         -- Bug 5043868
322         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
324       WHEN batch_cost_err THEN
325          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
326      /* WHEN batch_header_locked_err THEN
327          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
328          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_BATCH_IN_USE');*/
329       WHEN batch_header_fetch_err OR fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
330          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
331       WHEN cant_reopen_migrated_batch THEN
332          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
333          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_MIG_BATCH_FOR_REOPEN');
334       WHEN invalid_batch_type THEN
335          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
336          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_INV_BATCH_TYPE');
337       WHEN invalid_batch_status THEN
338          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
339          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_BATCH_STATUS'
340                                     ,'PROCESS'
341                                     ,'Reopen');
342      /* WHEN batch_already_purged THEN
343          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
344          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_TRANSACTIONS_PURGED');*/
345       WHEN batch_already_posted THEN
346          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
347          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_GL_POSTED');
348       WHEN batch_costed_and_period_closed THEN
349          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
350          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_COST_PERIOD_CLOSED');
351      /* WHEN marked_for_deletion THEN
352          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
353          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_MARKED_FOR_DELETION');*/
354       WHEN batch_step_reopen_err THEN
355          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
356          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_BATCH_STEP_REOPEN_ERR');
357       WHEN batch_header_upd_err THEN
358          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
359       WHEN batch_hist_insert_err THEN
360          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
361       WHEN phantom_batch_reopen_err THEN
362          NULL;
364          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
365          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_package_name, l_api_name);
366    END reopen_batch;
368 /*===============================================================================
369 Function
370   is_batch_posted
371 Description
372   This function return TRUE is one record is posted
373    for the batch_id or material_detail_id
375 Parameters
376   p_batch_id      Batch header id
377   p_material_detail_id  material_detail_id
378 ==================================================================================*/
379    FUNCTION is_batch_posted (
380       p_batch_id             IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
381      ,p_material_detail_id   IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)
383    IS
384       /* Local variable definitions */
385       l_is_posted            NUMBER;
386       l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'is_batch_posted';
387       batch_already_posted   EXCEPTION;
388       others_error           EXCEPTION;
390       CURSOR c_posted_in_history (l_batch_id IN NUMBER)
391       IS
392          SELECT gl_posted_ind
393            FROM gme_batch_header
394           WHERE gl_posted_ind > 1
395             AND batch_status = 4
396             AND batch_id = l_batch_id;
397    BEGIN
398       IF (p_batch_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
399          OPEN c_posted_in_history (p_batch_id);
401          FETCH c_posted_in_history
402           INTO l_is_posted;
404          IF (c_posted_in_history%FOUND) THEN
405             CLOSE c_posted_in_history;
407             RAISE batch_already_posted;
408          END IF;
410          CLOSE c_posted_in_history;
411       ELSE
412          RAISE others_error;
413       END IF;
415       RETURN FALSE;
417       WHEN batch_already_posted THEN
418          RETURN TRUE;
419       WHEN others_error THEN
420          RETURN TRUE;
422          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
423          RETURN FALSE;
424    END is_batch_posted;
426 /*===============================================================================
427 Function
428   is_period_open
429 Description
430   This function return TRUE if the relevant period is opened
432 Parameters
433   p_batch_id            Batch ID of the batch to be reopened.
434 ==================================================================================*/
435    FUNCTION is_period_open (p_batch_id IN NUMBER)
437    IS
438       l_cnt_frozen_matls    NUMBER        := 0;
439       l_api_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'is_period_open';
440       period_not_found      EXCEPTION;
441       period_not_open       EXCEPTION;
443 /*
444       CURSOR c_get_period_info (l_batch_id IN gme_batch_header.batch_id%TYPE)
445       IS
446          -- See if any of the matl lines has been costed and frozen.
447          SELECT COUNT (1)
448            FROM cm_cmpt_dtl cst
449                ,cm_acst_led aled
450                ,gme_material_details md
451                ,gme_batch_header bh
452           WHERE bh.batch_id = l_batch_id
453             AND bh.batch_id = md.batch_id
454             AND md.material_detail_id = aled.transline_id
455             AND aled.source_ind = 0
456             AND aled.cmpntcost_id = cst.cmpntcost_id
457             AND cst.rollover_ind = 1;
458 */
460       -- Bug 10634518 - Frontport 11i bug 6853392 but also rework using R12 tables and joins per GMF team.
461       CURSOR c_get_period_info (l_batch_id IN gme_batch_header.batch_id%TYPE)
462       IS
463           SELECT COUNT(1)
464           FROM cm_cmpt_dtl cst, cm_acst_led aled, gme_material_details md, gme_batch_header bh, gmf_period_statuses d
465           WHERE bh.batch_id = l_batch_id
466           AND bh.batch_id = md.batch_id
467           AND md.material_detail_id = aled.transline_id
468           AND aled.source_ind = 0
469           AND aled.cmpntcost_id = cst.cmpntcost_id
470           AND aled.period_id = d.period_id
471           AND bh.batch_close_date >= d.start_date
472           AND bh.batch_close_date <= d.end_date
473           AND cst.rollover_ind = 1;
474    BEGIN
475       OPEN c_get_period_info (p_batch_id);
477       FETCH c_get_period_info
478        INTO l_cnt_frozen_matls;
480       IF (c_get_period_info%NOTFOUND) THEN
481          CLOSE c_get_period_info;
483          RAISE period_not_found;
484       END IF;
486       CLOSE c_get_period_info;
488       IF (l_cnt_frozen_matls > 0) THEN
489          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
490          	gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
491                                 || '.'
492                                 || l_api_name
493                                 || ':'
494                                 ||'Period not open');
495          END IF;
497          RAISE period_not_open;
498       END IF;
500       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
501          gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
502                                 || '.'
503                                 || l_api_name
504                                 || ':'
505                    || 'period Open, so Warning if the batch has been costed'  );
506       END IF;
508       gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_COST_PERIOD_OPEN');
509       RETURN TRUE;
511       WHEN period_not_found THEN
512          RETURN FALSE;
513       WHEN period_not_open THEN
514          RETURN FALSE;
516          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
517          RETURN FALSE;
518    END is_period_open;
520 END gme_reopen_batch_pvt;