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Line 3044: pon_bid_payments_shipments pbp,

3040: fnd_user fuser,
3041: po_lookup_codes lkp1,
3042: fnd_territories_tl terr,
3043: mtl_units_of_measure_tl uom_tl,
3044: pon_bid_payments_shipments pbp,
3045: pon_bid_item_prices pbip
3046: WHERE
3047: pbp.bid_number = p_bid_number
3048: AND pbp.auction_line_number = line_num

Line 4327: ad.entity_name IN ('PON_BID_PAYMENTS_SHIPMENTS')

4323: where d.document_id = ad.document_id
4324: and pbhs.auction_header_id (+) = p_auction_header_id
4325: and pbhs.bid_number (+) = p_bid_number
4326: and
4327: ad.entity_name IN ('PON_BID_PAYMENTS_SHIPMENTS')
4328: and ad.pk1_value = to_char(pbhs.bid_number)
4329: and categories.name = pon_auction_pkg.g_supplier_attachment
4330: and categories.category_id = d.category_id
4331: and categories.category_id = categories_tl.category_id

Line 4345: (select to_char(bid_payment_id) from PON_BID_PAYMENTS_SHIPMENTS pby where bid_number = p_bid_number and pby.auction_payment_id = to_number(ad.pk3_value)),

4341: ad.pk1_value,
4342: ad.pk2_value,
4343: --for bid pdf, it should be bid_payment_id instead of auction_payment_id,
4344: decode(l_is_bidpdf, 'Y',
4345: (select to_char(bid_payment_id) from PON_BID_PAYMENTS_SHIPMENTS pby where bid_number = p_bid_number and pby.auction_payment_id = to_number(ad.pk3_value)),
4346: ad.pk3_value) pk3_value,
4347: categories_tl.user_name category_name
4348: from fnd_documents_vl d,
4349: fnd_attached_documents ad,