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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 200

  p_sr_record.last_update_channel        := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR;
Line: 234

  p_sr_record.last_update_program_code   := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR;  -- ER source
Line: 1082

  select maintenance_flag into l_maintenance_flag
   from cs_incident_types_b where incident_type_id = p_request_rec.type_id
                                  and incident_subtype=G_SR_SUBTYPE;
Line: 1306

   *  Dynamic Inserts Possible	: No				*
   *  Unique ID Column		: INVENTORY_ITEM_ID		*
   *  Structure Column		: ORGANIZATION_ID		*
   * The System Items Flexfield supports only one structure	*
   * (default value is 101). AOL stores the set number in the	*
   * structure defining column instead of the structure number,	*
   * that's why the inventory org ID must be passed.		*
  IF ((l_service_request_rec.inventory_item_segment1 <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) OR
      (l_service_request_rec.inventory_item_segment1 IS NULL)) THEN
    i := i + 1;
Line: 1796

  l_request_rec.last_update_channel         := l_service_request_rec.last_update_channel;
Line: 2208

PROCEDURE Update_ServiceRequest
  p_api_version            IN     NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list          IN     VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_commit                 IN     VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_return_status          OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count              OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data               OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  p_request_id             IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  p_request_number         IN     VARCHAR2      := NULL,
  p_audit_comments         IN     VARCHAR2      := NULL,
  p_object_version_number  IN     NUMBER,
  p_resp_appl_id           IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  p_resp_id                IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  p_last_updated_by        IN     NUMBER,
  p_last_update_login      IN     NUMBER         :=NULL,
  p_last_update_date       IN     DATE,
  p_service_request_rec    IN     service_request_rec_type,
  p_notes                  IN     notes_table,
  p_contacts               IN     contacts_table,
  p_called_by_workflow     IN     VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_workflow_process_id    IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  p_default_contract_sla_ind    IN      VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  x_workflow_process_id    OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_interaction_id         OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER

  l_api_version	       CONSTANT	NUMBER		:= 3.0;
Line: 2238

  l_api_name	       CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(30)	:= 'Update_ServiceRequest';
Line: 2244

  l_sr_update_out_rec		sr_update_out_rec_type;
Line: 2249

  SAVEPOINT Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 2273

    ( p_api_version           => 4.0,
      p_init_msg_list	      => FND_API.G_FALSE,
      p_commit		      => p_commit,
      x_return_status	      => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count	      => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data	      => x_msg_data,
      p_request_id	      => p_request_id,
      p_request_number	      => p_request_number,
      p_audit_comments	      => p_audit_comments,
      p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number,
      p_resp_appl_id          => p_resp_appl_id,
      p_resp_id               => p_resp_id,
      p_last_updated_by	      => p_last_updated_by,
      p_last_update_login     => p_last_update_login,
      p_last_update_date      => p_last_update_date,
      p_service_request_rec   => p_service_request_rec,
      p_notes                 => p_notes,
      p_contacts              => p_contacts,
      p_called_by_workflow    => p_called_by_workflow,
      p_workflow_process_id   => p_workflow_process_id,
      p_auto_assign	      => 'N',
      p_validate_sr_closure   => 'N',
      p_auto_close_child_entities => 'N',
      p_default_contract_sla_ind  => p_default_contract_sla_ind,
      x_sr_update_out_rec     => l_sr_update_out_rec
Line: 2302

  x_workflow_process_id		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.workflow_process_id;
Line: 2303

  x_interaction_id		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.interaction_id;
Line: 2324

    ROLLBACK TO Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 2331

    ROLLBACK TO Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 2338

    ROLLBACK TO Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 2348

END Update_ServiceRequest;
Line: 2365

PROCEDURE Update_ServiceRequest
  p_api_version            IN     NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list          IN     VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_commit                 IN     VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_return_status          OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count              OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data               OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  p_request_id             IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  p_request_number         IN     VARCHAR2      := NULL,
  p_audit_comments         IN     VARCHAR2      := NULL,
  p_object_version_number  IN     NUMBER,
  p_resp_appl_id           IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  p_resp_id                IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  p_last_updated_by        IN     NUMBER,
  p_last_update_login      IN     NUMBER         :=NULL,
  p_last_update_date       IN     DATE,
  p_service_request_rec    IN     service_request_rec_type,
  p_notes                  IN     notes_table,
  p_contacts               IN     contacts_table,
  p_called_by_workflow     IN     VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_workflow_process_id    IN     NUMBER        := NULL,
  -- Commented out since these are now part of the out rec type --anmukher--08/08/03
  -- x_workflow_process_id    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
  -- x_interaction_id         	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
  -- Added for 11.5.10 projects
  p_auto_assign		    	IN	VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  p_validate_sr_closure	    	IN	VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  p_auto_close_child_entities	IN	VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  p_default_contract_sla_ind    IN      VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  --Add p_auto_generate_tasks for 12.2-Auto Task creation
  p_auto_generate_tasks		IN	VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  x_sr_update_out_rec		OUT NOCOPY	sr_update_out_rec_type

-- changed the version from 3.0 to 4.0 anmukher aug 08 2003

  l_api_version	       CONSTANT	NUMBER		:= 4.0;
Line: 2406

  l_api_name	       CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(30)	:= 'Update_ServiceRequest';
Line: 2425

  l_user_id			NUMBER		:= p_last_updated_by;
Line: 2426

  l_login_id			NUMBER		:= p_last_update_login;
Line: 2431

  l_update_desc_flex		VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.G_FALSE;
Line: 2440

  l_sr_update_out_rec		CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.sr_update_out_rec_type;
Line: 2448

  SAVEPOINT Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 2509

    , 'P_Last_updated_by:' || P_Last_updated_by
Line: 2513

    , 'P_Last_update_login:' || P_Last_update_login
Line: 2517

    , 'P_Last_update_date:' || P_Last_update_date
Line: 2568

    , 'CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.update_servicerequest'
Line: 2748

Check to see if a value is passed for Caller_Type as it is not updateable - for BUG 2754987 .
IF (l_service_request_rec.caller_type <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) THEN
		p_token_an	=>  l_api_name_full,
		p_token_ip	=>  'p_caller_type' );
Line: 3010

    l_update_desc_flex := FND_API.G_TRUE;
Line: 3039

    l_update_desc_flex := FND_API.G_TRUE;
Line: 3174

  l_request_rec.last_update_channel         := l_service_request_rec.last_update_channel;
Line: 3241

  l_request_rec.last_update_program_code    := l_service_request_rec.last_update_program_code;
Line: 3332

    ( p_api_version           => 4.0,
      p_init_msg_list	      => FND_API.G_FALSE,
      p_commit		      => p_commit,
      p_validation_level      => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
      x_return_status	      => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count	      => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data	      => x_msg_data,
      p_request_id	      => l_request_id,
      p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number,
      p_resp_appl_id          => p_resp_appl_id,
      p_resp_id               => l_resp_id,
      p_last_updated_by	      => l_user_id,
      p_last_update_login     => l_login_id,
      p_last_update_date      => p_last_update_date,
      p_service_request_rec   => l_request_rec,
      p_invocation_mode       => l_invocation_mode,
      p_update_desc_flex      => l_update_desc_flex,
      p_notes                 => l_notes,
      p_contacts              => l_contacts,
      p_audit_comments        => p_audit_comments,
      p_called_by_workflow    => p_called_by_workflow,
      p_workflow_process_id   => p_workflow_process_id,
      -- x_workflow_process_id   => x_sr_update_out_rec.workflow_process_id,
      -- x_interaction_id	 => x_sr_update_out_rec.interaction_id
      -- Added for 11.5.10
      p_auto_assign	      => p_auto_assign,
      p_validate_sr_closure   => p_validate_sr_closure,
      p_auto_close_child_entities => p_auto_close_child_entities,
      p_default_contract_sla_ind  => p_default_contract_sla_ind,
      --Add p_auto_generate_tasks for 12.2-Auto Task creation
      p_auto_generate_tasks	=> p_auto_generate_tasks,
      x_sr_update_out_rec     => l_sr_update_out_rec
Line: 3368

  x_sr_update_out_rec.interaction_id		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.interaction_id;
Line: 3369

  x_sr_update_out_rec.workflow_process_id	:= l_sr_update_out_rec.workflow_process_id;
Line: 3370

  x_sr_update_out_rec.individual_owner		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.individual_owner;
Line: 3371

  x_sr_update_out_rec.group_owner		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.group_owner;
Line: 3372

  x_sr_update_out_rec.individual_type		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.individual_type;
Line: 3373

  x_sr_update_out_rec.resolved_on_date		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.resolved_on_date;
Line: 3374

  x_sr_update_out_rec.responded_on_date		:= l_sr_update_out_rec.responded_on_date;
Line: 3375

  x_sr_update_out_rec.status_id                 := l_sr_update_out_rec.status_id;
Line: 3376

  x_sr_update_out_rec.close_date                := l_sr_update_out_rec.close_date;
Line: 3397

    ROLLBACK TO Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 3404

    ROLLBACK TO Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 3411

    ROLLBACK TO Update_ServiceRequest_PUB;
Line: 3421

END Update_ServiceRequest;
Line: 3427

PROCEDURE Update_Status
( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_return_status	OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  p_resp_appl_id	IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_resp_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_user_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_login_id		IN	NUMBER   := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
  p_request_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_request_number	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_object_version_number IN NUMBER,
  p_status_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_status		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_closed_date		IN	DATE     := FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
  p_audit_comments	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_called_by_workflow	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_workflow_process_id	IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_comments		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_public_comment_flag	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  -- for bug 3326813
  p_validate_sr_closure           IN          VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  p_auto_close_child_entities     IN          VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  --Add p_auto_generate_tasks for 12.2-Auto Task creation
  p_auto_generate_tasks		  IN	      VARCHAR2 Default 'N',
  x_interaction_id	OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER
  l_api_name	       CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(30)	:= 'Update_Status';
Line: 3478

    SAVEPOINT Update_Status_PUB;
Line: 3663

    CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.Update_Status (
          p_api_version                =>  2.0,
          p_init_msg_list              =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
          p_commit                     =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
          p_resp_id                    => p_resp_id,
          p_validation_level           =>  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
          x_return_status              =>  l_return_status,
          x_msg_count                  =>  x_msg_count,
          x_msg_data                   =>  x_msg_data,
          p_request_id                 =>  l_request_id,
          p_object_version_number      => p_object_version_number,
          p_status_id                  =>  l_status_id,
          p_closed_date                =>  p_closed_date,
          p_last_updated_by            =>  l_user_id,
          p_last_update_login          =>  l_login_id,
          p_last_update_date           =>  sysdate,
          p_audit_comments             =>  p_audit_comments,
          p_called_by_workflow         =>  p_called_by_workflow,
          p_comments                   =>  p_comments,
          p_public_comment_flag        =>  l_public_comment_flag,
          x_interaction_id             =>  x_interaction_id,
	  -- for bug 3326813
	  p_validate_sr_closure        =>  p_validate_sr_closure,
	  --Add p_auto_generate_tasks for 12.2-Auto Task creation
	  p_auto_generate_tasks	       =>  p_auto_generate_tasks,
          p_auto_close_child_entities  =>  p_auto_close_child_entities);
Line: 3708

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Status_PUB;
Line: 3714

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Status_PUB;
Line: 3720

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Status_PUB;
Line: 3729

END Update_Status;
Line: 3735

PROCEDURE Update_Severity
( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_return_status	OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  p_resp_appl_id	IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_resp_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_user_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_login_id		IN	NUMBER   := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
  p_request_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_request_number	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_object_version_number IN NUMBER,
  p_severity_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_severity		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_audit_comments	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_comments		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_public_comment_flag	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_interaction_id		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER

Line: 3760

END Update_Severity;
Line: 3767

PROCEDURE Update_Urgency
( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_return_status	OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  p_resp_appl_id	IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_resp_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_user_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_login_id		IN	NUMBER   := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
  p_request_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_request_number	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_object_version_number IN NUMBER,
  p_urgency_id		IN	NUMBER   := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
  p_urgency		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
  p_audit_comments	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_comments		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_public_comment_flag	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_interaction_id  	OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
Line: 3791

  END Update_Urgency;
Line: 3797

PROCEDURE Update_Owner
( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_return_status	OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  p_resp_appl_id	IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_resp_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_user_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_login_id		IN	NUMBER   := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
  p_request_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_request_number	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_object_version_number IN NUMBER,
  p_owner_id		IN	NUMBER,
  p_owner_group_id  	IN   	NUMBER,
  p_resource_type	IN	VARCHAR2,
  p_audit_comments	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_called_by_workflow	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_workflow_process_id	IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_comments		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_public_comment_flag	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_interaction_id	OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER
  l_api_name	       CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(30)	:= 'Update_Owner';
Line: 3842

    SAVEPOINT Update_Owner_PUB;
Line: 3995

    CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.Update_Owner (
		p_api_version		  =>  2.0,
		p_init_msg_list		=>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
		p_commit		=>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
		p_validation_level	=>  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
		x_return_status		=>  l_return_status,
		x_msg_count		=>  x_msg_count,
		x_msg_data		=>  x_msg_data,
		p_request_id  	        =>  l_request_id,
		p_object_version_number  => p_object_version_number,
		p_resp_id		=>  l_resp_id,
		p_resp_appl_id		=>  l_resp_appl_id,
		p_owner_id		=>  p_owner_id,
		p_owner_group_id    =>  p_owner_group_id,
		p_resource_type     =>  p_resource_type,
		p_last_updated_by	=>  l_user_id,
		p_last_update_login	=>  l_login_id,
		p_last_update_date	=>  sysdate,
		p_audit_comments	=>  p_audit_comments,
		p_called_by_workflow	=>  p_called_by_workflow,
		p_comments		=>  p_comments,
		p_public_comment_flag	=>  l_public_comment_flag,
		x_interaction_id		=>  x_interaction_id );
Line: 4037

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Owner_PUB;
Line: 4043

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Owner_PUB;
Line: 4049

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Owner_PUB;
Line: 4058

END Update_Owner;
Line: 4065

PROCEDURE Update_Problem_Code
( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_return_status	OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  p_resp_appl_id	IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_resp_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_user_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_login_id		IN	NUMBER   := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
  p_request_id		IN	NUMBER   := NULL,
  p_request_number	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_object_version_number IN NUMBER,
  p_problem_code	IN	VARCHAR2,
  p_comments		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL,
  p_public_comment_flag	IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
  x_interaction_id	OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER
Line: 4087

  END Update_Problem_Code;
Line: 4190

   This Procedure is called during create and update of the SR.
   		  If the Id = G_MISS_NUM
		  	 Name = Valid value -> Id for the name is saved.
			 Name = Invalid value -> Raise Error.
			 Name = NULL -> Id is set to NULL.
			 Name = G_MISS_CHAR -> Id is set to Default value.
		  If the Id = NULL
		  	 Name is ignored ,Id is set to NULL.
		  If the Id = Value
		  	 Name is ignored ,Id is validated.
   		  If the Id = G_MISS_NUM
		  	 Name = Valid value -> Id for the name is saved.
			 Name = Invalid value -> Raise Error.
			 Name = NULL -> Id is set to NULL.
			 Name = G_MISS_CHAR -> No change is made.
		  If the Id = NULL
		  	 Name is ignored ,Id is set to NULL.
		  If the Id = Value
		  	 Name is ignored ,Id is validated and Updated.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------

PROCEDURE Convert_Request_Val_To_ID
( p_api_name			IN	VARCHAR2,
  p_org_id			IN	NUMBER		:= NULL,
  p_request_conv_rec		IN OUT	NOCOPY Request_Conversion_Rec_Type,
  p_return_status		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  l_return_status	VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 5920

    , 'last_update_channel        	:' || p_service_request_rec.last_update_channel
Line: 6044

    , 'last_update_program_code   	:' || p_service_request_rec.last_update_program_code
Line: 6356

   ,inc.incident_number IncidentNumber
   ,(select type.name
      from cs_incident_types_tl type
      where type.incident_type_id = inc.incident_type_id
      and type.language = userenv('LANG')) IncidentType
   ,inc.incident_status_id  IncidentStatusId
   ,(select status.name
      from cs_incident_statuses_tl status
      where status.incident_status_id = inc.incident_status_id
      and status.language = userenv('LANG') )IncidentStatus
   ,inc.incident_severity_id IncidentSeverityId
   ,(select sev.name
      from cs_incident_severities_tl sev
      where sev.incident_severity_id = inc.incident_severity_id
      and sev.language = userenv('LANG')) IncidentSeverity
   ,(select sev.importance_level
      from cs_incident_severities_b sev
      where sev.incident_severity_id = inc.incident_severity_id
      ) SevImportanceLevel
   ,inc.incident_urgency_id IncidentUrgencyId
   ,(select urgency.name
      from cs_incident_urgencies_tl urgency
      where urgency.incident_urgency_id = inc.incident_urgency_id
      and urgency.language = userenv('LANG')) IncidentUrgency
   ,inc.owner_group_id SrGroupId
   ,( SELECT gr.group_name
      FROM jtf_rs_groups_tl gr
      WHERE gr.group_id = inc.owner_group_id
      AND gr.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') )SrGroup
   ,inc.incident_owner_id SrOwnerId
   ,( SELECT rs.resource_name
      FROM  jtf_rs_resource_extns_tl rs
      WHERE  rs.resource_id = inc.incident_owner_id
      AND language = userenv('LANG') )SrOwner
   ,inc.problem_code ProblemcodeId
   ,(SELECT problem.meaning
     WHERE  problem.lookup_code = inc.problem_code
     AND problem.lookup_type = 'REQUEST_PROBLEM_CODE'
     AND problem.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
     AND problem.View_APPLICATION_ID = 170
     AND problem.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(problem.LOOKUP_TYPE,  problem.VIEW_APPLICATION_ID)
     ) Problemcode
   ,inc.resolution_code ResolutioncodeId
   ,(SELECT resolution.meaning
     FROM   FND_LOOKUP_VALUES resolution
     WHERE  resolution.lookup_code = inc.resolution_code
     AND resolution.lookup_type = 'REQUEST_RESOLUTION_CODE'
     AND resolution.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
     AND resolution.View_APPLICATION_ID = 170
     AND resolution.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(resolution.LOOKUP_TYPE, resolution.VIEW_APPLICATION_ID)
     ) Resolutioncode
   ,inc.publish_flag PublishFlag
   ,(SELECT channel.meaning
     WHERE  channel.lookup_code = inc.sr_creation_channel
     AND channel.lookup_type = 'CS_SR_CREATION_CHANNEL'
     AND channel.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
     AND channel.View_APPLICATION_ID = 170
     AND channel.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(channel.LOOKUP_TYPE,channel.VIEW_APPLICATION_ID)
    )  SrCreationChannel
   ,tl.summary Summary
   ,tl.resolution_summary ResolutionSummary
   ,(select usr.user_name
      from fnd_user usr
      where  usr.user_id  = inc.created_by)CreatedBy
   ,sr_cont.party_id ContactPartyId
   ,(select cont_type_lkup.meaning
      from  FND_LOOKUP_VALUES cont_type_lkup
      where sr_cont.contact_type=cont_type_lkup.lookup_code
      and cont_type_lkup.lookup_type = 'CS_SR_CONTACT_TYPE'
      AND cont_type_lkup.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
      AND cont_type_lkup.View_APPLICATION_ID = 170
      AND cont_type_lkup.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(cont_type_lkup.LOOKUP_TYPE, cont_type_lkup.VIEW_APPLICATION_ID)
                                                 inc.customer_id) ContactName
   ,inc.time_zone_id TimeZoneId
   ,(select hz_time.global_timezone_name
      from hz_timezones hz_time
      where hz_time.timezone_id = inc.time_zone_id)  TimeZoneName
   ,inc.customer_id CustomerId
   ,party.party_number CustomerNumber
   ,party.party_name CustomerName
   ,inc.account_id AccountId
   ,(select account.account_number
      from hz_cust_accounts account
      where account.cust_account_id = inc.account_id) accountnumber
   ,inc.inventory_item_id InventoryItemId
   ,(select product_b.concatenated_segments
     from mtl_system_items_b_kfv product_b
     where product_b.inventory_item_id = inc.inventory_item_id
     and product_b.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id) Product
   ,(select product_tl.description
     from mtl_system_items_tl product_tl
     where product_tl.inventory_item_id = inc.inventory_item_id
     and product_tl.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id
     and product_tl.language = userenv('LANG')) ProductDescription
   ,inc.incident_date   CreationDate
   ,inc.incident_last_modified_date LastUpdateDate
   ,inc.incident_occurred_date IncidentDate
   ,inc.close_date CloseDate
   ,inc.incident_resolved_date DateResolved
   ,inc.obligation_date ExpectedReactionDate
   ,inc.expected_resolution_date ExpectedResolutionDate
   , inc.inc_responded_by_date DateFirstReacted
   ,inc.actual_resolution_date ActualResolutionDate
   ,(select status_b.sort_order
      from cs_incident_statuses_b status_b
      where status_b.incident_status_id = inc.incident_status_id
	) statussortorder
   ,inc.status_flag StatusFlagCode
   ,inc.inc_responded_by_date IncRespondedByDate
   ,inc.created_by CreatedById
   ,inc.customer_product_id CustomerProductId
   ,inc.org_id OrganizationId
   ,inc.inv_organization_id InventoryOrgId
     party.primary_phone_number customerphone
   ,party.email_address CustomerEmail
,(select hdr.contract_number
  from okc_k_headers_all_b hdr,
       okc_k_lines_b svl
  where hdr.id = svl.chr_id
  and hdr.id = svl.dnz_chr_id
  and hdr.scs_code in ('SERVICE','WARRANTY','SUBSCRIPTION')
  and svl.id = inc.contract_service_id) ContractNumber
 ,(select mtl.description
   from okc_k_lines_b svl,
        okc_k_items cim,
        mtl_system_items_b mtl
   where svl.id = cim.cle_id
   and cim.object1_id1 = mtl.inventory_item_id
   and cim.object1_id2 = mtl.organization_id
   and svl.id = inc.contract_service_id) ContractServiceDescription
 ,(select covt.item_description
   from okc_k_lines_b svl,
        okc_k_lines_tl covt,
        okc_k_lines_b covb,
        oks_k_lines_b okssrv
   where okssrv.cle_id = svl.id
   and covb.id = okssrv.coverage_id
   and covb.lse_id in (2,15,20)
   and covt.language = userenv('LANG')
   and covb.id = covt.id
   and covt.language = userenv('LANG')
   and svl.id = inc.contract_service_id) ContractCoverageDescription
   ,( SELECT cust_type_lkup.meaning
      FROM  FND_LOOKUP_VALUES cust_type_lkup
      WHERE party.party_type = cust_type_lkup.lookup_code
      AND cust_type_lkup.lookup_type='CS_SR_CALLER_TYPE'
      and cust_type_lkup.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
      and cust_type_lkup.View_APPLICATION_ID = 170
      and cust_type_lkup.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(cust_type_lkup.LOOKUP_TYPE,cust_type_lkup.VIEW_APPLICATION_ID)
     ) CustomerType
   ,decode(sr_cont.contact_type,'EMPLOYEE', (select phone_number
                                               from per_phones  per
                                               where per.phone_id = sr_cont.contact_point_id)
                                          , (nvl2(hzcp.phone_country_code,
                                              '+'||hzcp.phone_country_code||'  ',null)|| nvl2(hzcp.phone_area_code,'(' ||hzcp.phone_area_code ||')',null)||
                                              hzcp.phone_number ||' ' || nvl2(hzcp.phone_extension, 'x'||hzcp.phone_extension ,null)   )
 ) ContactPhoneNumber
 ,(SELECT CASE when sr_cont.contact_type='EMPLOYEE' then
  (select email_address from per_all_people_f per, PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F   Asmt
   where per.person_id =sr_cont.party_id
   AND  Asmt.PERSON_ID           = Per.PERSON_ID
   AND Asmt.PRIMARY_FLAG        = 'Y'
   AND Asmt.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE  in ( 'E', 'C')
                                   FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F q
                                   WHERE q.person_id = per.person_id)
                                    FROM PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F b
                                    WHERE b.person_id     = Asmt.person_id
                                    AND b.assignment_id = Asmt.assignment_id) and rownum=1)
    ELSE hzcp.email_address END AS ContactEmail from dual) ContactEmail
  ,(SELECT cat.concatenated_segments
     FROM mtl_categories_b_kfv cat
     WHERE cat.category_id = inc.category_id )ItemCategory
    ,( select csi.instance_number
       from csi_item_instances csi
       where csi.instance_id = inc.customer_product_id )  InstanceNumber
    , nvl((select csi.serial_number
           from csi_item_instances csi
           where csi.instance_id = inc.customer_product_id ), inc.current_serial_number ) SerialNumber
    ,nvl( (select csi.external_reference
           from csi_item_instances csi
           where csi.instance_id = inc.customer_product_id ), inc.external_reference ) TagNumber
   ,( SELECT sys.name
      WHERE sys.system_id = inc.system_id
      and sys.LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG') ) SystemNumber
   ,(CASE WHEN inc.cp_component_id is not null THEN
       (select product_a.concatenated_segments
        from mtl_system_items_b_kfv product_a,
              csi_item_instances  instance
        where product_a.inventory_item_id = instance.inventory_item_id
         and product_a.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id
        and inc.cp_component_id=instance.instance_id )
       (select product_a.concatenated_segments
        from mtl_system_items_b_kfv product_a
        where product_a.inventory_item_id = inc.inv_component_id
         and product_a.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id )
     END ) Component
  ,(CASE WHEN inc.cp_subcomponent_id is not null THEN
      (select product_b.concatenated_segments
       from mtl_system_items_b_kfv product_b,
             csi_item_instances  instance
       where product_b.inventory_item_id = instance.inventory_item_id
        and product_b.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id
       and inc.cp_subcomponent_id = instance.instance_id )
      (select product_b.concatenated_segments
       from mtl_system_items_b_kfv product_b
       where product_b.inventory_item_id = inc.inv_subcomponent_id
        and product_b.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id )
    END ) SubComponent
   , nvl2(inc.customer_product_id, instance.inventory_revision,
inc.inv_item_revision  ) ItemRevision
   , nvl2(inc.customer_product_id, (select instance.inventory_revision
                                    from mtl_system_items_b_kfv product_a,
                                          csi_item_instances  instance
                                    where product_a.inventory_item_id = instance.inventory_item_id
                                    and product_a.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id
                                    and inc.cp_component_id=instance.instance_id)
        , inc.inv_component_version ) ComponentRevision
   , nvl2(inc.customer_product_id, (select instance.inventory_revision
                                    from mtl_system_items_b_kfv product_b,
                                          csi_item_instances  instance
                                    where product_b.inventory_item_id = instance.inventory_item_id
                                    and product_b.organization_id = inc.inv_organization_id
                                    and inc.cp_subcomponent_id = instance.instance_id )
        , inc.inv_subcomponent_version ) SubComponentRevision
  ,(CASE WHEN inc.incident_location_id is not null and
inc.incident_location_type ='HZ_LOCATIONS'   THEN
      (select  loc.address1 || nvl2(loc.address2,', '||loc.address2,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.address3,', '||loc.address3,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.address4,', '||loc.address4,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.city, ','||loc.city,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.state, ','||loc.state,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.province, ','||loc.province,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.postal_code, ' '||loc.postal_code,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.country, ' '||loc.country,null)
       from hz_locations loc
       where loc.location_id = inc.incident_location_id )
    WHEN inc.incident_location_id is not null and inc.incident_location_type
      (select  loc.address1 || nvl2(loc.address2,', '||loc.address2,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.address3,', '||loc.address3,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.address4,', '||loc.address4,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.city, ','||loc.city,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.state, ','||loc.state,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.province, ','||loc.province,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.postal_code, ' '||loc.postal_code,null) ||
               nvl2(loc.country, ' '||loc.country,null)
       from hz_locations loc,
            hz_party_sites hzp
       where inc.incident_location_id = hzp.party_site_id
       and hzp.location_id = loc.location_id )
    ELSE inc.incident_address ||
         nvl2(inc.incident_city, ','||inc.incident_city,null) ||
         nvl2(inc.incident_state, ', '||inc.incident_state,null) ||
         nvl2(inc.incident_province, ','||inc.incident_province,null) ||
         nvl2(inc.incident_postal_code, ' '||inc.incident_postal_code,null)
         nvl2(inc.incident_country, ' '||inc.incident_country,null)
    END ) IncidentAddress
   ,(SELECT name
     FROM jtf_objects_tl o,
          jtf_object_usages ou
     WHERE o.object_code = ou.object_code
     AND ou.object_user_code = 'RESOURCES'
     AND o.object_code = inc.resource_type
     AND o.LANGUAGE = userenv ( 'LANG' ) ) ResourceType
   ,inc.incident_attribute_1 Attribute1
   ,inc.incident_attribute_2 Attribute2
   ,inc.incident_attribute_3 Attribute3
   ,inc.incident_attribute_4 Attribute4
   ,inc.incident_attribute_5 Attribute5
   ,inc.incident_attribute_6 Attribute6
   ,inc.incident_attribute_7 Attribute7
   ,inc.incident_attribute_8 Attribute8
   ,inc.incident_attribute_9 Attribute9
   ,inc.incident_attribute_10 Attribute10
   ,inc.incident_attribute_11 Attribute11
   ,inc.incident_attribute_12 Attribute12
   ,inc.incident_attribute_13 Attribute13
   ,inc.incident_attribute_14 Attribute14
   ,inc.incident_attribute_15 Attribute15
   ,inc.incident_context IncidentContext
   ,inc.external_attribute_1 ExtAttribute1
   ,inc.external_attribute_2 ExtAttribute2
   ,inc.external_attribute_3 ExtAttribute3
   ,inc.external_attribute_4 ExtAttribute4
   ,inc.external_attribute_5 ExtAttribute5
   ,inc.external_attribute_6 ExtAttribute6
   ,inc.external_attribute_7 ExtAttribute7
   ,inc.external_attribute_8 ExtAttribute8
   ,inc.external_attribute_9 ExtAttribute9
   ,inc.external_attribute_10 ExtAttribute10
   ,inc.external_attribute_11 ExtAttribute11
   ,inc.external_attribute_12 ExtAttribute12
   ,inc.external_attribute_13 ExtAttribute13
   ,inc.external_attribute_14 ExtAttribute14
   ,inc.external_attribute_15 ExtAttribute15
   ,inc.external_context ExtContext
       cs_incidents_all_b inc
      ,cs_incidents_all_tl tl
      ,hz_parties party
      ,cs_hz_sr_contact_points sr_cont
      ,hz_contact_points hzcp
      ,csi_item_instances instance
      inc.incident_id = tl.incident_id
      and tl.language = userenv('lang')
      and inc.customer_id = party.party_id (+)
      and inc.incident_id = sr_cont.incident_id (+)
      and sr_cont.primary_flag (+)='Y'
      and sr_cont.contact_point_id  = hzcp.contact_point_id (+)
      and inc.inventory_item_id = instance.inventory_item_id (+)
      and inc.customer_product_id = instance.instance_id(+)
      and inc.incident_id = incident_id_in
      and rownum = 1);
Line: 6704

     select incident_id  into l_incident_id
     from cs_incidents_all_b
     where incident_number = p_incident_number
     and rownum = 1;
Line: 6764

    x_getsr_out_rec.last_update_date                 := l_sr_rec.lastupdatedate;
Line: 6840

     select NOTE_TL.NOTES NOTES,
     from  JTF_NOTES_B NOTE,
     AND INC_TL.INCIDENT_ID = l_incident_id;
Line: 6864

     SELECT task_type, task_status, task_priority, restrict_closure_flag,
       owner_type, owner, task_name, description, task_number,
       parent_task_number, escalation_level, task_confirmation_status,
       planned_start_date, planned_end_date, scheduled_start_date,
       scheduled_end_date, actual_start_date, actual_end_date, planned_effort,
       planned_effort_uom, actual_effort, actual_effort_uom, DURATION,
       duration_uom, private_flag, publish_flag, row_id, created_by,
       creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login,
       source_object_id, source_object_type_code, source_object_name,
       task_type_id, task_status_id, task_priority_id, owner_id,
       owner_territory_id, task_id, timezone_id, parent_task_id,
       object_version_number, customer_id, cust_account_id, owner_type_code,
       recurrence_rule_id, multi_booked_flag, milestone_flag, holiday_flag,
       billable_flag, currency_code, costs, attribute1, attribute2,
       attribute3, attribute4, attribute5, attribute6, attribute7, attribute8,
       attribute9, attribute10, attribute11, attribute12, attribute13,
       attribute14, attribute15, attribute_category
     FROM cs_sr_tasks_v
     WHERE (source_object_id = l_incident_id);