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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 73

      l_mode NUMBER;  -- 0 for Create and 1 for Update
Line: 154

           l_workorder_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 178

       EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.l_eam_wo_list.delete; --Added for bug#4563210
Line: 230

/*End of update wo ***********/

   if(x_return_status<>'S') then
       ROLLBACK TO add_exist_work_order;
Line: 278

	   INTO network_child_job_var
	   FROM dual
			   FROM wip_discrete_jobs
			 WHERE wip_entity_id IN
			  SELECT DISTINCT  child_object_id
				FROM eam_wo_relationships
			  WHERE parent_relationship_type =1
				START WITH parent_object_id =    p_wip_entity_id AND parent_relationship_type = 1
				CONNECT BY  parent_object_id  = prior child_object_id   AND parent_relationship_type = 1
		       AND status_type NOT IN (7)
Line: 306

          SELECT decode(wdj.status_type,3,1,0)
          INTO wo_released
          WHERE wdj.wip_entity_id=p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 311

          SELECT '1'
          INTO dependent_rel
          FROM DUAL
          WHERE EXISTS (SELECT ewr.child_object_id
                        FROM EAM_WO_RELATIONSHIPS ewr,WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS wdj
                        WHERE ewr.parent_object_id=p_wip_entity_id  AND ewr.parent_relationship_type = 2
                        AND wdj.wip_entity_id=ewr.child_object_id AND (wo_released=1 OR wdj.status_type=3)
                        SELECT ewr.parent_object_id
                        FROM EAM_WO_RELATIONSHIPS ewr,WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS wdj
                        WHERE ewr.child_object_id=p_wip_entity_id  AND ewr.parent_relationship_type = 2
                        AND wdj.wip_entity_id=ewr.parent_object_id AND (wo_released=1 OR wdj.status_type=3)
Line: 366

    ,p_stored_last_update_date            IN    DATE  -- old update date, for locking only
    ,p_rebuild_jobs                IN    VARCHAR2     := NULL -- holds 'Y' or 'N'
    ,p_subinventory                IN    VARCHAR2     := NULL
	,p_subinv_ctrl                 IN    NUMBER       := NULL
	,p_org_id                      IN    NUMBER       := NULL
	,p_item_id                     IN    NUMBER       := NULL
    ,p_locator_id                  IN    NUMBER       := NULL
	,p_locator_ctrl                IN    NUMBER       := NULL
	,p_locator                     IN    VARCHAR2     := NULL
    ,p_lot                         IN    VARCHAR2     := NULL
    ,p_serial                      IN    VARCHAR2     := NULL
	,p_manual_flag                 IN    VARCHAR2     := NULL
	,p_serial_status               IN    VARCHAR2     := NULL
    ,p_qa_collection_id            IN   NUMBER
    ,p_attribute_category  IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute1          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute2          IN VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute3          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute4          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute5          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute6          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute7          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute8          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute9          IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute10         IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute11         IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute12         IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute13         IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute14         IN VARCHAR2 := null
    ,p_attribute15         IN VARCHAR2 := null
  ) IS

  l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'Complete_Workorder';
Line: 413

  l_db_last_update_date DATE;
Line: 465

      SELECT last_update_date, status_type, shutdown_type
      INTO   l_db_last_update_date, l_db_status , l_shutdown_type
      FROM wip_discrete_jobs
      WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
Line: 471

      IF  l_db_last_update_date <> p_stored_last_update_date THEN
        eam_execution_jsp.add_message(p_app_short_name => 'EAM', p_msg_name => 'EAM_WO_STALED_DATA');
Line: 491

      select max(transaction_date) into l_max_tran_date
        from eam_job_completion_txns where transaction_type = 1
        and wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 494

      select actual_start_date, actual_end_date into
        l_actual_start_date, l_actual_end_date
        from eam_job_completion_txns where transaction_date = l_max_tran_date
        and wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 501

    select nvl(min(period_start_date), sysdate+2)
    into l_min_open_period
    from org_acct_periods
    where organization_id = p_org_id
    and open_flag = 'Y';
Line: 518

      select nvl(max(actual_end_date), sysdate - 200000)
      into l_max_compl_op_date
      from eam_op_completion_txns eoct
      where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
      --fix for 3543834.added  where clause so that the last completion date will be fetched if the operation is complete
      and transaction_type=1
      and transaction_id = (select max(transaction_id)
                          from eam_op_completion_txns
                          where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                                and operation_seq_num = eoct.operation_seq_num
Line: 530

      select nvl(min(actual_start_date), sysdate + 200000)
      into l_min_compl_op_date
      from eam_op_completion_txns eoct
      where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
      --fix for 3543834.added  where clause so that the last completion date will be fetched if the operation is complete
      and transaction_type=1
      and transaction_id = (select max(transaction_id)
                            from eam_op_completion_txns
                            where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                                  and operation_seq_num = eoct.operation_seq_num
Line: 590

        select mlu.lookup_code
        into l_reconciliation_code
        from mfg_lookups mlu
        where mlu.lookup_type = 'WIP_EAM_RECONCILIATION_CODE'
          and mlu.meaning = p_reconciliation_code;
Line: 622

        select 1 into l_Dummy from mtl_system_items_b msi
        where msi.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        and msi.organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 635

         select 1 into l_Dummy from mtl_serial_numbers msn
         where msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
         and msn.serial_number = p_serial
         and msn.current_status = 4;
Line: 648

		  	lot_control_code into l_lot_ctrl_code
		  	inventory_item_id = p_item_id
		  	and organization_id = p_org_id ;
Line: 659

					 select secondary_inventory_name into l_subinv
					 from mtl_secondary_inventories
					 secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory
					 and organization_id = p_org_id
					 and nvl(disable_date,trunc(sysdate)+1)>trunc(sysdate)
					 and Asset_inventory = 2;
Line: 667

					 select secondary_inventory_name into l_subinv
					 from mtl_secondary_inventories
					 secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory
					 and organization_id = p_org_id
					 and nvl(disable_date,trunc(sysdate)+1)>trunc(sysdate)
					 and Asset_inventory = 2
					 and EXISTS (select secondary_inventory from mtl_item_sub_inventories
										   where secondary_inventory = secondary_inventory_name
										   and  inventory_item_id = p_item_id
										   and organization_id = p_org_id);
Line: 694

				 /*select Inventory_Location_ID into l_locator_id
				 from mtl_item_locations_kfv where
				 concatenated_segments = p_locator
				 and subinventory_code = p_subinventory
				 and organization_id   = p_org_id;*/
Line: 700

				 select milk.Inventory_Location_ID into l_locator_id
				 from mtl_item_locations_kfv milk where
				 inv_project.Get_locator(milk.inventory_location_id, milk.organization_id) = p_locator
				 and milk.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
				 and milk.organization_id   = p_org_id;
Line: 708

				 /*select Inventory_Location_ID into l_locator_id
				 from mtl_item_locations_kfv where
				 concatenated_segments = p_locator
				 and subinventory_code = p_subinventory
				 and organization_id   = p_org_id
				 and EXISTS (select '1' from mtl_secondary_locators
									  where inventory_item_id = p_item_id
									  and organization_id = p_org_id
									  and secondary_locator = inventory_location_id) ;*/
Line: 718

				 select milk.Inventory_Location_ID into l_locator_id
				 from mtl_item_locations_kfv milk where
				 inv_project.Get_locator(milk.inventory_location_id, milk.organization_id) = p_locator
				 and milk.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
				 and milk.organization_id   = p_org_id
				 and EXISTS (select '1' from mtl_secondary_locators
									  where inventory_item_id = p_item_id
									  and organization_id = p_org_id
									  and secondary_locator = inventory_location_id);
Line: 779

			    lot_number into l_lot_number
			    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
				and organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 836

        ,x_user_id => g_last_updated_by
        ,x_actual_start_date => l_actual_start_date
        ,x_actual_end_date => l_actual_end_date
        ,x_actual_duration => l_actual_duration
        ,x_reconcil_code => l_reconciliation_code
        ,x_shutdown_start_date => p_shutdown_start_date
        ,x_shutdown_end_date => p_shutdown_end_date
        ,x_subinventory => p_subinventory
        ,x_locator_id => p_locator_id
        ,x_lot_number => p_lot
        ,x_serial_number => p_serial
        ,errcode => l_err_number
        ,errmsg => l_err_code
        ,x_qa_collection_id =>p_qa_collection_id
        ,x_attribute_category => p_attribute_category
        ,x_attribute1          => p_attribute1
        ,x_attribute2          => p_attribute2
    	,x_attribute3          => p_attribute3
        ,x_attribute4          => p_attribute4
        ,x_attribute5          => p_attribute5
        ,x_attribute6          => p_attribute6
        ,x_attribute7          => p_attribute7
        ,x_attribute8          => p_attribute8
        ,x_attribute9          => p_attribute9
        ,x_attribute10         => p_attribute10
        ,x_attribute11         => p_attribute11
        ,x_attribute12         => p_attribute12
        ,x_attribute13         => p_attribute13
        ,x_attribute14         => p_attribute14
        ,x_attribute15         => p_attribute15
Line: 1147

      l_mode NUMBER;  -- 0 for Create and 1 for Update
Line: 1224

	SELECT system_status
	 WHERE status_id = p_status_type;
Line: 1234

     select serial_number into l_asset_number_wl
     from csi_item_instances
     where instance_number = p_instance_number;
Line: 1281

      select wdj.status_type
      into l_orig_wo_status
      from wip_discrete_jobs wdj,wip_entities we
      where we.wip_entity_id=wdj.wip_entity_id
      and we.organization_id=p_organization_id
      and wdj.organization_id=p_organization_id
      and we.wip_entity_name=p_wip_entity_name;
Line: 1290

        select  nvl(cii.active_start_date, sysdate-1),
				nvl(cii.active_start_date, sysdate-1),msikfv.eam_item_type
        into l_start_date, l_end_date, l_eam_item_type
        from csi_item_instances cii, mtl_system_items_b_kfv msikfv, mtl_parameters mp
        where cii.inventory_item_id =msikfv.inventory_item_id
        and cii.last_vld_organization_id =msikfv.organization_id  --Bug 2157979
        and cii.last_vld_organization_id = mp.organization_id
	and mp.maint_organization_id = p_organization_id
        and cii.serial_number = nvl(p_asset_number,l_asset_number_wl)
        and msikfv.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS = nvl(p_asset_group, msikfv.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS)
        and rownum = 1;
Line: 1326

       		select cii.inventory_item_id , eomd.ACCOUNTING_CLASS_CODE,
		   cii.instance_id, msikfv.eam_item_type , eomd.area_id
	       	into l_asset_group_id, l_asset_class, l_maintenance_object_id, l_eam_item_type , l_eam_location_id
       		from csi_item_instances cii, mtl_system_items_b_kfv msikfv,
       		     mtl_parameters mp, eam_org_maint_defaults eomd
	       	where cii.inventory_item_id =msikfv.inventory_item_id
       		and cii.last_vld_organization_id =msikfv.organization_id  --Bug 2157979
	       	and cii.last_vld_organization_id = mp.organization_id
		and mp.maint_organization_id = p_organization_id
       		and cii.serial_number = nvl(p_asset_number,l_asset_number_wl)
	       	and msikfv.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS = nvl(p_asset_group, msikfv.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS)
			and eomd.object_type (+) = 50
			and eomd.object_id (+) = cii.instance_id
			and eomd.organization_id (+) = p_organization_id
                 and rownum = 1;
Line: 1347

	        select msikfv.inventory_item_id, msikfv.eam_item_type, msikfv.serial_number_control_code
			into l_asset_group_id, l_eam_item_type, l_serial_number_control
        	from mtl_system_items_b_kfv msikfv, mtl_parameters mp
	        where msikfv.organization_id=mp.organization_id
			and mp.maint_organization_id = p_organization_id
			and msikfv.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS = p_asset_group
			and rownum = 1;
Line: 1376

          select department_id
          into l_dept_id
          from bom_departments
          where organization_id = p_organization_id
              and department_code = p_owning_department;
Line: 1398

          select count(*), avg(r.work_request_id)
          into l_count, l_work_request_id
          from wip_eam_work_requests r
          where r.work_request_number = p_work_request_number;
Line: 1415

          select r.work_request_number, r.wip_entity_id, r.work_request_status_id
          into l_work_request_number, l_work_request_wip_entity_id, l_work_request_status
          from wip_eam_work_requests r
          where r.work_request_id = l_work_request_id for update;
Line: 1446

      SELECT wip_entity_id
       INTO  l_parent_wip_entity_id
       WHERE wip_entity_name=p_parent_work_order
       AND organization_id=p_organization_id;
Line: 1464

            select inventory_item_id into l_asset_activity_id
              from mtl_system_items_b_kfv
              where concatenated_segments = p_asset_activity
              and eam_item_type = 2
              and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1485

      	-- if user enters service request direcly without selecting from LOV
      	if (p_service_request_id is null and p_service_request_number is not null) then
      		select incident_id
      		into l_service_request_id
      		from cs_incidents_all_b
      		where incident_number = p_service_request_number;
Line: 1514

          select count(*) into l_count
            from pjm_projects_v ppv,
            pjm_project_parameters ppp
            where ppv.project_id = ppp.project_id
            and ppp.organization_id = p_organization_id
            and ppv.project_number = p_project_number
            and rownum <= 1;
Line: 1525

            select ppv.project_id into l_project_id
              from pjm_projects_v ppv,
              pjm_project_parameters ppp
              where ppv.project_id = ppp.project_id
              and ppp.organization_id = p_organization_id
              and ppv.project_number = p_project_number;
Line: 1600

			l_eam_failure_entry_record.transaction_type := EAM_Process_Failure_Entry_PUB.G_FE_UPDATE;
Line: 1610

			l_eam_failure_codes_tbl(1).transaction_type := EAM_Process_Failure_Entry_PUB.G_FE_UPDATE;
Line: 1633

				l_eam_failure_entry_record.transaction_type := EAM_Process_Failure_Entry_PUB.G_FE_UPDATE;
Line: 1643

				l_eam_failure_codes_tbl(1).transaction_type := EAM_Process_Failure_Entry_PUB.G_FE_UPDATE;
Line: 1667

Line: 1697

Line: 1707

 if (l_mode = 1) then   -- Update of Work Order API

       /*Bug#4425025 - have date_released as null if its null to enable defaulting in EAM_WO_DEFAULT_PVT*/

        /* select we.wip_entity_id, nvl(wdj.date_released,sysdate),wdj.parent_wip_entity_id,wdj.manual_rebuild_flag */
	 select we.wip_entity_id,wdj.date_released,wdj.parent_wip_entity_id,wdj.manual_rebuild_flag
          into l_wip_entity_updt, l_date_released,l_old_rebuild_source,manual_rebuild_flag
          from wip_entities we, wip_discrete_jobs wdj
          where we.wip_entity_name = l_wip_entity_name
          and we.organization_id = p_organization_id
          and we.organization_id = wdj.organization_id
          and we.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id;
Line: 1766

              l_workorder_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 1792

		select primary_item_id,project_id,task_id  into l_prev_activity_id,l_prev_project_id,l_prev_task_id
		from wip_discrete_jobs
		where wip_entity_id = l_workorder_rec.wip_entity_id
		and organization_id = l_workorder_rec.organization_id;
Line: 1861

     select count(*)
     into constraining_rel
     from eam_wo_relationships
     where parent_object_id=l_old_rebuild_source
     and child_object_id=l_wip_entity_updt
     and parent_relationship_type=1;
Line: 1877

     l_eam_wo_relations_rec1.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 1888

     select count(*)
     into followup_rel
     from eam_wo_relationships
     where parent_object_id=l_old_rebuild_source
     and child_object_id=l_wip_entity_updt
     and parent_relationship_type=4;
Line: 1905

     l_eam_wo_relations_rec2.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 1995

  	         , p_debug_filename          => 'updatewoss.log'
  	         , p_output_dir              =>l_output_dir
                 , p_commit                  => 'N'
                 , p_debug_file_mode         => 'w'
Line: 2006

/*End of update wo ***********/
   if(x_return_status<>'S') then
       ROLLBACK TO create_easy_work_order;
Line: 2023

      	-- if service request is specified then insert into eam_wo_service_association
      	if (l_service_request_id is not null) then
      		select eam_wo_service_association_s.nextval
      		into l_service_association_id
      		from dual;
Line: 2031

                select count(*)
                into l_row_count
                from eam_wo_service_association
                where  wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_updt
		and  (enable_flag IS NULL OR enable_flag = 'Y');   -- Fix for 3773450
Line: 2039

      		insert into eam_wo_service_association
			,enable_flag			-- Fix for Bug 3773450

Line: 2069

                 select  service_request_id
                 into l_orig_service_request_id
                 from eam_wo_service_association
                 where maintenance_organization_id=p_organization_id
                 and wip_entity_id=l_wip_entity_updt
		 and (enable_flag IS NULL OR enable_flag='Y');    -- Fix for Bug 3773450
Line: 2089

        update wip_eam_work_requests r
        set r.work_request_status_id = 4
         , r.wip_entity_id = l_workorder_rec1.wip_entity_id
         , r.last_update_date = sysdate
         , r.last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id
        where r.work_request_id = l_work_request_id;
Line: 2111

else  -- End of Update Work Order, Start of Create Work Order

      -- DML here
       --create new work order

          -- Start of Call to Work Order PL/SQL API
/*cboppana-Changed for Work Order Linking project  */
          l_workorder_rec.header_id  := 1;
Line: 2264

Line: 2273

	    EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.l_eam_wo_list.delete; --Added for bug#4563210
Line: 2352

      	-- if service request is specified then insert into eam_wo_service_association
      	if (l_service_request_id is not null) then
      		select eam_wo_service_association_s.nextval
      		into l_service_association_id
      		from dual;
Line: 2358

      		insert into eam_wo_service_association
			,enable_flag		-- Fix for Bug 3773450
				,'Y'		-- Fix for Bug 3773450

Line: 2390

        update wip_eam_work_requests r
        set r.work_request_status_id = 4
         , r.wip_entity_id = l_workorder_rec1.wip_entity_id
         , r.last_update_date = sysdate
         , r.last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id
        where r.work_request_id = l_work_request_id;
Line: 2560

  procedure update_work_order
  (  p_api_version                 IN    NUMBER        := 1.0
    ,p_init_msg_list               IN    VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_commit                      IN    VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_validate_only               IN    VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_TRUE
    ,p_record_version_number       IN    NUMBER        := NULL
    ,x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
    ,x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
    ,x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
    ,p_wip_entity_id               IN    NUMBER
    ,p_description                 IN    VARCHAR2
    ,p_owning_department           IN    VARCHAR2
    ,p_priority                    IN    NUMBER
    ,p_shutdown_type               IN    VARCHAR2
    ,p_activity_type               IN    VARCHAR2
    ,p_activity_cause              IN    VARCHAR2
    ,p_firm_planned_flag           IN    NUMBER
    ,p_notification_required       IN    VARCHAR2
    ,p_tagout_required             IN    VARCHAR2
    ,p_scheduled_start_date        IN    DATE
    ,p_stored_last_update_date     IN    DATE
   ) IS
  l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'update_work_order';
Line: 2597

  l_db_last_update_date DATE;
Line: 2610

Line: 2630

      SELECT last_update_date, status_type, organization_id
        , scheduled_completion_date - scheduled_start_date
        , p_scheduled_start_date - scheduled_start_date
      INTO   l_db_last_update_date, l_db_status , l_org_id , l_duration , l_shift
      FROM wip_discrete_jobs
      WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
Line: 2638

      IF  l_db_last_update_date <> p_stored_last_update_date THEN
        eam_execution_jsp.add_message(p_app_short_name => 'EAM', p_msg_name => 'EAM_WO_STALED_DATA');
Line: 2648

      select department_id
      into l_dept_id
      from bom_departments
      where organization_id = l_org_id
        and department_code = p_owning_department;
Line: 2661

        eam_execution_jsp.add_message(p_app_short_name => 'EAM', p_msg_name => 'EAM_WO_UPDATE_DATE_MISS');
Line: 2689

      update wip_discrete_jobs j
      set j.description = p_description
        , j.activity_type = p_activity_type
        , j.activity_cause = p_activity_cause
        , j.owning_department = l_dept_id
        , j.priority = p_priority
        , j.shutdown_type = p_shutdown_type
        , j.firm_planned_flag = p_firm_planned_flag
        , j.notification_required = p_notification_required
        , j.tagout_required = p_tagout_required
        , j.last_update_date = sysdate
        , j.last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by
        , j.last_update_login = g_last_update_login
      where j.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 2706

        update wip_discrete_jobs j
        set j.scheduled_start_date = p_scheduled_start_date
          , j.scheduled_completion_date = j.scheduled_completion_date + l_shift
        where j.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 2712

        update wip_operations op
          set op.first_unit_start_date = op.first_unit_start_date + l_shift
            , op.last_unit_start_date = op.last_unit_start_date + l_shift
            , op.first_unit_completion_date = op.first_unit_completion_date + l_shift
            , op.last_unit_completion_date = op.last_unit_completion_date + l_shift
            , op.last_update_date = sysdate
            , op.last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by
            , op.last_update_login = g_last_update_login
        where op.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 2723

        update wip_operation_resources wor
          set wor.start_date = wor.start_date + l_shift
            , wor.completion_date = wor.completion_date + l_shift
            , wor.last_update_date = sysdate
            , wor.last_updated_by = g_last_updated_by
            , wor.last_update_login = g_last_update_login
        where wor.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 2769

    FND_MSG_PUB.add_exc_msg( p_pkg_name => 'EAM_WORKORDERS_JSP.update_work_order',
    p_procedure_name => EAM_DEBUG.G_err_stack);
Line: 2777

    FND_MSG_PUB.add_exc_msg( p_pkg_name => 'EAM_WORKORDERS_JSP.update_work_order',
    p_procedure_name => EAM_DEBUG.G_err_stack);
Line: 2785

    FND_MSG_PUB.add_exc_msg( p_pkg_name => 'EAM_WORKORDERS_JSP.update_work_order',
    p_procedure_name => EAM_DEBUG.G_err_stack);
Line: 2788

  END update_work_order;
Line: 2820

        select scheduled_start_date, scheduled_completion_date
        into l_sched_start_date, l_sched_end_date
        from wip_discrete_jobs
        where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 2829

      select max(actual_end_date)
      into l_max_op_end_date
      from eam_op_completion_txns eoct
      where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
      and transaction_type=1
      and transaction_id = (select max(transaction_id)
                          from eam_op_completion_txns
                          where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                                and operation_seq_num = eoct.operation_seq_num
Line: 2840

      select min(actual_start_date)
      into l_min_op_start_date
      from eam_op_completion_txns eoct
      where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
      and transaction_type=1
      and transaction_id = (select max(transaction_id)
                            from eam_op_completion_txns
                            where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                                  and operation_seq_num = eoct.operation_seq_num
Line: 2871

      select actual_start_date, actual_end_date into
        x_start_date, x_end_date
        from eam_job_completion_txns
        where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
        and transaction_date = (
          select max(transaction_date)
          from eam_job_completion_txns where transaction_type = 1
          and wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id);
Line: 3014

       EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.l_eam_wo_list.delete; --Added for bug#4563210
Line: 3081

Line: 3108

  procedure Delete_WorkOrder_Dependency (
      p_api_version                 IN    NUMBER         := 1.0
      ,p_init_msg_list               IN    VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_TRUE
      ,p_commit                      IN    VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE
      ,p_organization_id             IN    NUMBER
      ,p_prior_object_id	     IN	   NUMBER
      ,p_prior_object_type_id	     IN	   NUMBER
      ,p_next_object_id 	     IN	   NUMBER
      ,p_next_object_type_id	     IN	   NUMBER
      ,p_relationship_type           IN NUMBER := 2
      ,x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
      ,x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
      ,x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
     ) is

	l_api_name constant varchar2(30) := 'Delete_WorkOrder_Dependency';
Line: 3175

Line: 3207

	    l_eam_wo_relations_rec.TRANSACTION_TYPE             :=EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 3269

Line: 3276

Line: 3294

Line: 3299

end Delete_WorkOrder_Dependency;
Line: 3334

     SELECT child_object_id,
      WHERE parent_relationship_type = 1
      START WITH parent_object_id = p_wip_entity_id
         AND parent_relationship_type = 1
      CONNECT BY parent_object_id = PRIOR child_object_id
         AND parent_relationship_type = 1;
Line: 3444

       SELECT parent_object_id INTO l_parent_object_id
       WHERE parent_relationship_type = 3
       AND child_object_id = c_hierarchy_row.child_object_id;
Line: 3452

       EAM_WORKORDERS_JSP.Delete_WorkOrder_Dependency (
	     p_commit  => FND_API.G_TRUE
	     ,p_prior_object_type_id => 1
	     ,p_next_object_type_id => 1
	     ,p_organization_id  => p_org_id
	     ,p_prior_object_id  => l_parent_object_id
	     ,p_next_object_id => c_hierarchy_row.child_object_id
	     ,p_relationship_type    => 3
	     ,x_return_status   => x_return_status
	    ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
	    ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
Line: 3525

		 , p_debug_filename          => 'deletecosthier.log'
		 , p_output_dir              => l_output_dir
		 , p_commit                  => p_commit
		 , p_debug_file_mode         => 'A'